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Worst Thing Biden has Done?
Just wondering. What do you consider to be the worst thing Biden has done so far in this term?
Has to be our retreat from Afghanistan. The whole Middle East situation was among the worst things the United States as a country has done, so it's only fitting that the ending was as FUBAR as the previous 20 years of neoimperialism.

Not sure if there was a "good" way to hightail it out of there, but I'm fairly certain there was a "less bad" way.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I think it's a tie between shutting down energy production and causing the border crisis. All the lefties here will poo poo that statement, but if you look at the number of single men coming across the southern border, who are coming from countries that are not our friends, these chickens will some day come home to roost. Some see poor migrant workers. I see men and women in Nike gear who don't look like they've missed many meals. It's a 5th column, and one day we will suffer the consequences. I'm not convinced the explosion at Hoover Dam yesterday was not a terrorist attack. It's not like they'd tell us if it was.
(07-20-2022, 08:59 AM)Sled21 Wrote: I think it's a tie between shutting down energy production and causing the border crisis. All the lefties here will poo poo that statement, but if you look at the number of single men coming across the southern border, who are coming from countries that are not our friends, these chickens will some day come home to roost. Some see poor migrant workers. I see men and women in Nike gear who don't look like they've missed many meals. It's a 5th column, and one day we will suffer the consequences. I'm not convinced the explosion at Hoover Dam yesterday was not a terrorist attack. It's not like they'd tell us if it was.

Energy production dropped in 2020...under the Trump administration as part of an agreement to increase oil prices which had seriously dropped when demand shut down during COVID.  It began to slowly ramp back up in 4th QTR 2021 and has increased each month since.  Energy production has NOT been shut down by anyone other than the oil companies themselves.  No leases have been taken away, no well has been shut down by the Biden administration. Thousands of issued leases have not been put into production by the oil companies.  Why,  BECAUSE THEY WANT TO KEEP SUPPLY DOWN IN ORDER TO RAISE THE PRICE OF OIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are facts that you can independently check but you won't because it doesn't fit your narrative.

The border "crisis" is essentially unchanged other than right-wing coverage is hyping it.  Just like they did the week before every election for the last 8 years (always the biggest convoy ever coming to the border)  The so-called impenetrable wall is breeched daily as experts predicted it would be. Trump had 4 years 2 with a Republican congress and they did nothing to permanently change the situation which starts and ends with a do-nothing Congress.  Republicans don't want to fix the border and immigration system because they want the issue to run on. so they stonewall every idea put out by anyone.  

Hoover Dam? It is always a conspiracy theory with you folks, isn't it? Isn't it exhausting to always be so paranoid about everything.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

Continuing to try and reach across the aisle.

Now I'm not saying that bipartisanship is bad - far from it. The country needs it to be successful. Unfortunately both sides of the aisle have shown their unwillingness to work together (one more than the other, and their party speaker has openly said that it's their intent to make sure no policies get passed by their opponents), so you have to wonder why the insipid moron keeps putting his hand in the damn fire.
(07-20-2022, 08:59 AM)Sled21 Wrote: I think it's a tie between shutting down energy production and causing the border crisis. All the lefties here will poo poo that statement, but if you look at the number of single men coming across the southern border, who are coming from countries that are not our friends, these chickens will some day come home to roost. Some see poor migrant workers. I see men and women in Nike gear who don't look like they've missed many meals. It's a 5th column, and one day we will suffer the consequences. I'm not convinced the explosion at Hoover Dam yesterday was not a terrorist attack. It's not like they'd tell us if it was.

And they call the left sheep.

Holy shit balls.
Fist bumping a murderous Saudi leader is the cringe of the week, that's for sure.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 09:22 AM)pally Wrote: Energy production dropped in 2020...under the Trump administration as part of an agreement to increase oil prices which had seriously dropped when demand shut down during COVID.  It began to slowly ramp back up in 4th QTR 2021 and has increased each month since.  Energy production has NOT been shut down by anyone other than the oil companies themselves.  No leases have been taken away, no well has been shut down by the Biden administration. Thousands of issued leases have not been put into production by the oil companies.  Why,  BECAUSE THEY WANT TO KEEP SUPPLY DOWN IN ORDER TO RAISE THE PRICE OF OIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are facts that you can independently check but you won't because it doesn't fit your narrative.

The border "crisis" is essentially unchanged other than right-wing coverage is hyping it.  Just like they did the week before every election for the last 8 years (always the biggest convoy ever coming to the border)  The so-called impenetrable wall is breeched daily as experts predicted it would be. Trump had 4 years 2 with a Republican congress and they did nothing to permanently change the situation which starts and ends with a do-nothing Congress.  Republicans don't want to fix the border and immigration system because they want the issue to run on. so they stonewall every idea put out by anyone.  

Hoover Dam? It is always a conspiracy theory with you folks, isn't it?  Isn't it exhausting to always be so paranoid about everything.
Wow - these statements on the US Energy industry are so full of propaganda, ignorance and bias, it is amazing you can even write them without Sarcasm emoji's.  Read the entire thread entitled "Oil" if you want to know the truth.  It sounds like you've been getting your information from "The Onion".

That the US Oil companies can control global prices is one of the largest piece of bull you can spread.  You realize, that of the worldwide majors, only two of them are US companies, right?  And if the oil companies could control prices then the crash of 2014 would never have happened and the recovery wouldn't have taken 7 friggin years.

There was a lack of investment, because prices CRASHED.  Energy is a worldwide for profit business.  When oil crashed, investment was slashed. Especially exploration to find new O&G.  With a worldwide historical success rate of only 32% one has to drill three wells to find a success, and that doesn't means economic success, the 32% is the historical number just to find oil.  A majority of oil finds are not economic.  You could imagine since drilling wells offshore can cost 50-200 mUSD, having to drill three to find one can be very capital intensive.  Also as time goes on, oil is more and more difficult to find with the industry having to look in more complex areas (geologically or surface conditions)  So oil is not cheap nor easy to find.  It can cost billions of dollars and a decade of time to bring a project online.  Also, sometimes oil is found in a play, where  the technology doesn't exist to produce it.  That technology has to be created, innovated, engineered, which makes producing it economically even more of a question.  Best example:  I am an expert on the geology of an emerging play in the USGOM, called the Wilcox.  It has been produced in structures in the Southern USGOM since the early 2000's.  However, in the 2008-2012 timeframe oil was discovered in the Wilcox further "inboard" toward the coast line, in much deeper, much higher pressure reservoirs.  The pressures are so high and so deep, that wellheads that can handle the 20,000 psi seafloor pressures did not exist at the time, thus bringing into question whether they could be produced at all.  It took an industry consortia, hand in hand with the US DOI, over a decade to engineer, test and get approval for a safe wellhead to produce these fields.  The wellheads got approval to be used in the just the last year or two.  The first field, Anchor in Green Canyon 807, is just now coming online (operated by Chevron).  While this is a single example, it is the situation that the industry is in today and shows what it takes to find new O&G in new places.

On leasing - propaganda.  It is an absolute lie that "leases have not been taken away".  The Nov. 2020 USGOM lease sale results have been canceled by a lawsuit associated with a flawed 5 year plan.  The DOI allowed the sale, but who do you think encouraged the lawsuit that canceled the sale afterward?  Why the Biden Admin. of course.  And don't think Biden isn't against the US oil industry.  He campaigned on the fact that he would "tear down" the US energy industry.  Feel free to do a little research of your own.  He said those very words, multiple times in pre-election campaign speeches and as he promised he has done nothing but hinder the US energy industry.  Several of his initial executive actions were directly related to stopping leasing and drilling.  Of course he didn't have the authority to do that and got sued, and lost.  But his DOI, on his orders, is doing everything they can to delay future leasing.  It will come back of course.  It is Federal Law that the Govt is responsible for the responsible management and exploitation of the countries resources for the benefit of the people, which even a President's executive actions cannot get around legally.

Quote: Thousands of issued leases have not been put into production by the oil companies.
Ahhhhh....propaganda born of ignorance of how oil companies operate.  While the fact is true that there are thousands of permits unused, it has nothing to do with oil price AND it is not a recent occurrence as it is standard operating procedure.  In other words, it is how the system works.  There are ALWAYS thousands of permits unused.  It is not a recent occurrence and has been that way for decades.   Let me explain, if you care to listen to truth.  Permitting wells takes time even with a Republican DOI.  Companies do them in batches even on single leases.  Why you might ask?  Onshore or seafloor environmental conditions demand optionality.  Even though companies are required to study the seafloor or land surface and place theoretical wells to avoid environmental concerns.  Looking under the earth is not like taking an MRI of a human.  We have resolution problems and surprises happen.  So we go to spud (start) a well, and we get a surprise and have to move the well head (happens all the time)......regulations limit how far you can move the well before you have to use a different permitted drilling location.  If the company has to move more than 500 feet (offshore), then they can't use the permit/exploration plan (EP) of the original well, so they have to file a new one or use a different one already filed.  And at 1.0-1.5 mUSD per day (offshore), letting rigs sit waiting on a permit that take 3-6 months to get approved, just isn't an option.  Thus it is standard practice to permit 4-8 wellbores in a batch at the same time on a lease for safety, environmental and optionality concerns, with the knowledge from the company and the DOI that most of them will never be used for the reasons I stated above.  Thus to point at the number of unused permits as a sign that the O&G companies are manipulating things, shows a complete lack of knowledge of how the system works OR is political posturing.  In this case it is political posturing, because while I fully believe that Biden doesn't have a clue how oil prices actually and the energy actually industry works, his DOI certainly does or at least the lifelong employees of the BLM and BOEM understand it.  Only the leaders of the DOI change with each administration, the people who the day to day work are lifelong federal employees.

No wells have been shut in by Biden - truth.  Wells get shut in when it is no longer economic to continue to let them flow.  Thousands of wells got shut in during the pandemic due to economics and demand destruction during the pandemic.  Do you expect Energy companies to operate at a loss?  If so, then you're in the wrong country.  This was not a US issue, it was a global issue.  HC's are a global commodity, which has pricing based upon supply and demand like any other commodity.  No one entity controls it and if anyone tells you it does, they're either lying, ignorant, both or politically motivated.  Again how oil prices work is in the thread entitled "oil".

I basically proved everything you said in your first paragraph was absolutely wrong in the thread entitled "oil", which you obviously didn't read.  I provide links, data and discussions on how oil prices work.  You claiming people won't look it up because it won't fit their narrative is the epitome of irony considering everything you posted is 100% wrong or manipulated political narrative.  lol
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 10:15 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Fist bumping a murderous Saudi leader is the cringe of the week, that's for sure.

As you know I am not fan of Biden, though I did vote for him because Trump is insane and i have no regrets.  

Anyway, my point in responding is that it has become standard practice in my industry to "fist bump" instead of pre-pandemic shaking hands or cheek kissing.  While I get that people think the fist bump is a "bro" thing, in my industry it's just a normal greeting now.  it is a health/safety mechanic and a bro approval designation.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 10:34 AM)Stewy Wrote: As you know I am not fan of Biden, though I did vote for him because Trump is insane and i have no regrets.  

Anyway, my point in responding is that it has become standard practice in my industry to "fist bump" instead of pre-pandemic shaking hands or cheek kissing.  While I get that people think the fist bump is a "bro" thing, in my industry it's just a normal greeting now.  it is a health/safety mechanic and a bro approval designation.

Could be, but I've slagged Trump's behavior around murderous leadership, so I'm trying to be fair here. 

It does make you think how odd shaking hands is anyways.  One of those things you just never think about. 

It's like holding hands but you're expected to do it and it's not super gay. Weird. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 10:33 AM)Stewy Wrote: Wow - these statements on the US Energy industry are so full of propaganda, ignorance and bias, it is amazing you can even write them without Sarcasm emoji's.  Read the entire thread entitled "Oil" if you want to know the truth.  It sounds like you've been getting your information from "The Onion".

That the US Oil companies can control global prices is one of the largest piece of bull you can spread.  You realize, that of the worldwide majors, only two of them are US companies, right?  And if the oil companies could control prices then the crash of 2014 would never have happened and the recovery wouldn't have taken 7 friggin years.

There was a lack of investment, because prices CRASHED.  Energy is a worldwide for profit business.  When oil crashed, investment was slashed. Especially exploration to find new O&G.  With a worldwide historical success rate of only 32% one has to drill three wells to find a success, and that doesn't means economic success, the 32% is the historical number just to find oil.  A majority of oil finds are not economic.  You could imagine since drilling wells offshore can cost 50-200 mUSD, having to drill three to find one can be very capital intensive.  Also as time goes on, oil is more and more difficult to find with the industry having to look in more complex areas (geologically or surface conditions)  So oil is not cheap nor easy to find.  It can cost billions of dollars and a decade of time to bring a project online.  Also, sometimes oil is found in a play, where  the technology doesn't exist to produce it.  That technology has to be created, innovated, engineered, which makes producing it economically even more of a question.  Best example:  I am an expert on the geology of an emerging play in the USGOM, called the Wilcox.  It has been produced in structures in the Southern USGOM since the early 2000's.  However, in the 2008-2012 timeframe oil was discovered in the Wilcox further "inboard" toward the coast line, in much deeper, much higher pressure reservoirs.  The pressures are so high and so deep, that wellheads that can handle the 20,000 psi seafloor pressures did not exist at the time, thus bringing into question whether they could be produced at all.  It took an industry consortia, hand in hand with the US DOI, over a decade to engineer, test and get approval for a safe wellhead to produce these fields.  The wellheads got approval to be used in the just the last year or two.  The first field, Anchor in Green Canyon 807, is just now coming online (operated by Chevron).  While this is a single example, it is the situation that the industry is in today and shows what it takes to find new O&G in new places.

On leasing - propaganda.  It is an absolute lie that "leases have not been taken away".  The Nov. 2020 USGOM lease sale results have been canceled by a lawsuit associated with a flawed 5 year plan.  The DOI allowed the sale, but who do you think encouraged the lawsuit that canceled the sale afterward?  Why the Biden Admin. of course.  And don't think Biden isn't against the US oil industry.  He campaigned on the fact that he would "tear down" the US energy industry.  Feel free to do a little research of your own.  He said those very words, multiple times in pre-election campaign speeches and as he promised he has done nothing but hinder the US energy industry.  Several of his initial executive actions were directly related to stopping leasing and drilling.  Of course he didn't have the authority to do that and got sued, and lost.  But his DOI, on his orders, is doing everything they can to delay future leasing.  It will come back of course.  It is Federal Law that the Govt is responsible for the responsible management and exploitation of the countries resources for the benefit of the people, which even a President's executive actions cannot get around legally.

Ahhhhh....propaganda born of ignorance of how oil companies operate.  While the fact is true that there are thousands of permits unused, it has nothing to do with oil price AND it is not a recent occurrence as it is standard operating procedure.  In other words, it is how the system works.  There are ALWAYS thousands of permits unused.  It is not a recent occurrence and has been that way for decades.   Let me explain, if you care to listen to truth.  Permitting wells takes time even with a Republican DOI.  Companies do them in batches even on single leases.  Why you might ask?  Onshore or seafloor environmental conditions demand optionality.  Even though companies are required to study the seafloor or land surface and place theoretical wells to avoid environmental concerns.  Looking under the earth is not like taking an MRI of a human.  We have resolution problems and surprises happen.  So we go to spud (start) a well, and we get a surprise and have to move the well head (happens all the time)......regulations limit how far you can move the well before you have to use a different permitted drilling location.  If the company has to move more than 500 feet (offshore), then they can't use the permit/exploration plan (EP) of the original well, so they have to file a new one or use a different one already filed.  And at 1.0-1.5 mUSD per day (offshore), letting rigs sit waiting on a permit that take 3-6 months to get approved, just isn't an option.  Thus it is standard practice to permit 4-8 wellbores in a batch at the same time on a lease for safety, environmental and optionality concerns, with the knowledge from the company and the DOI that most of them will never be used for the reasons I stated above.  Thus to point at the number of unused permits as a sign that the O&G companies are manipulating things, shows a complete lack of knowledge of how the system works OR is political posturing.  In this case it is political posturing, because while I fully believe that Biden doesn't have a clue how oil prices actually and the energy actually industry works, his DOI certainly does or at least the lifelong employees of the BLM and BOEM understand it.  Only the leaders of the DOI change with each administration, the people who the day to day work are lifelong federal employees.

No wells have been shut in by Biden - truth.  Wells get shut in when it is no longer economic to continue to let them flow.  Thousands of wells got shut in during the pandemic due to economics and demand destruction during the pandemic.  Do you expect Energy companies to operate at a loss?  If so, then you're in the wrong country.  This was not a US issue, it was a global issue.  HC's are a global commodity, which has pricing based upon supply and demand like any other commodity.  No one entity controls it and if anyone tells you it does, they're either lying, ignorant, both or politically motivated.  Again how oil prices work is in the thread entitled "oil".

I basically proved everything you said in your first paragraph was absolutely wrong in the thread entitled "oil", which you obviously didn't read.  I provide links, data and discussions on how oil prices work.  You claiming people won't look it up because it won't fit their narrative is the epitome of irony considering everything you posted is 100% wrong or manipulated political narrative.  lol

Always appreciate your insight.

Also though, DJT made a deal with OPEC to cut production to help with prices for us and Russia.  I believe that deal just ended around the same time oil prices/gas prices started their month long downward slide.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-20-2022, 10:33 AM)Stewy Wrote: Wow - these statements on the US Energy industry are so full of propaganda, ignorance and bias, it is amazing you can even write them without Sarcasm emoji's.  Read the entire thread entitled "Oil" if you want to know the truth.  It sounds like you've been getting your information from "The Onion".

That the US Oil companies can control global prices is one of the largest piece of bull you can spread.  You realize, that of the worldwide majors, only two of them are US companies, right?  And if the oil companies could control prices then the crash of 2014 would never have happened and the recovery wouldn't have taken 7 friggin years.

There was a lack of investment, because prices CRASHED.  Energy is a worldwide for profit business.  When oil crashed, investment was slashed. Especially exploration to find new O&G.  With a worldwide historical success rate of only 32% one has to drill three wells to find a success, and that doesn't means economic success, the 32% is the historical number just to find oil.  A majority of oil finds are not economic.  You could imagine since drilling wells offshore can cost 50-200 mUSD, having to drill three to find one can be very capital intensive.  Also as time goes on, oil is more and more difficult to find with the industry having to look in more complex areas (geologically or surface conditions)  So oil is not cheap nor easy to find.  It can cost billions of dollars and a decade of time to bring a project online.  Also, sometimes oil is found in a play, where  the technology doesn't exist to produce it.  That technology has to be created, innovated, engineered, which makes producing it economically even more of a question.  Best example:  I am an expert on the geology of an emerging play in the USGOM, called the Wilcox.  It has been produced in structures in the Southern USGOM since the early 2000's.  However, in the 2008-2012 timeframe oil was discovered in the Wilcox further "inboard" toward the coast line, in much deeper, much higher pressure reservoirs.  The pressures are so high and so deep, that wellheads that can handle the 20,000 psi seafloor pressures did not exist at the time, thus bringing into question whether they could be produced at all.  It took an industry consortia, hand in hand with the US DOI, over a decade to engineer, test and get approval for a safe wellhead to produce these fields.  The wellheads got approval to be used in the just the last year or two.  The first field, Anchor in Green Canyon 807, is just now coming online (operated by Chevron).  While this is a single example, it is the situation that the industry is in today and shows what it takes to find new O&G in new places.

On leasing - propaganda.  It is an absolute lie that "leases have not been taken away".  The Nov. 2020 USGOM lease sale results have been canceled by a lawsuit associated with a flawed 5 year plan.  The DOI allowed the sale, but who do you think encouraged the lawsuit that canceled the sale afterward?  Why the Biden Admin. of course.  And don't think Biden isn't against the US oil industry.  He campaigned on the fact that he would "tear down" the US energy industry.  Feel free to do a little research of your own.  He said those very words, multiple times in pre-election campaign speeches and as he promised he has done nothing but hinder the US energy industry.  Several of his initial executive actions were directly related to stopping leasing and drilling.  Of course he didn't have the authority to do that and got sued, and lost.  But his DOI, on his orders, is doing everything they can to delay future leasing.  It will come back of course.  It is Federal Law that the Govt is responsible for the responsible management and exploitation of the countries resources for the benefit of the people, which even a President's executive actions cannot get around legally.

Ahhhhh....propaganda born of ignorance of how oil companies operate.  While the fact is true that there are thousands of permits unused, it has nothing to do with oil price AND it is not a recent occurrence as it is standard operating procedure.  In other words, it is how the system works.  There are ALWAYS thousands of permits unused.  It is not a recent occurrence and has been that way for decades.   Let me explain, if you care to listen to truth.  Permitting wells takes time even with a Republican DOI.  Companies do them in batches even on single leases.  Why you might ask?  Onshore or seafloor environmental conditions demand optionality.  Even though companies are required to study the seafloor or land surface and place theoretical wells to avoid environmental concerns.  Looking under the earth is not like taking an MRI of a human.  We have resolution problems and surprises happen.  So we go to spud (start) a well, and we get a surprise and have to move the well head (happens all the time)......regulations limit how far you can move the well before you have to use a different permitted drilling location.  If the company has to move more than 500 feet (offshore), then they can't use the permit/exploration plan (EP) of the original well, so they have to file a new one or use a different one already filed.  And at 1.0-1.5 mUSD per day (offshore), letting rigs sit waiting on a permit that take 3-6 months to get approved, just isn't an option.  Thus it is standard practice to permit 4-8 wellbores in a batch at the same time on a lease for safety, environmental and optionality concerns, with the knowledge from the company and the DOI that most of them will never be used for the reasons I stated above.  Thus to point at the number of unused permits as a sign that the O&G companies are manipulating things, shows a complete lack of knowledge of how the system works OR is political posturing.  In this case it is political posturing, because while I fully believe that Biden doesn't have a clue how oil prices actually and the energy actually industry works, his DOI certainly does or at least the lifelong employees of the BLM and BOEM understand it.  Only the leaders of the DOI change with each administration, the people who the day to day work are lifelong federal employees.

No wells have been shut in by Biden - truth.  Wells get shut in when it is no longer economic to continue to let them flow.  Thousands of wells got shut in during the pandemic due to economics and demand destruction during the pandemic.  Do you expect Energy companies to operate at a loss?  If so, then you're in the wrong country.  This was not a US issue, it was a global issue.  HC's are a global commodity, which has pricing based upon supply and demand like any other commodity.  No one entity controls it and if anyone tells you it does, they're either lying, ignorant, both or politically motivated.  Again how oil prices work is in the thread entitled "oil".

I basically proved everything you said in your first paragraph was absolutely wrong in the thread entitled "oil", which you obviously didn't read.  I provide links, data and discussions on how oil prices work.  You claiming people won't look it up because it won't fit their narrative is the epitome of irony considering everything you posted is 100% wrong or manipulated political narrative.  lol

Thanks for trying but you'll never get them to not believe the propaganda. "They" keep spewing out these half truths and lies about nearly everything the Biden administration and Co. do and "they" keep eating it up hook line and sinker.

You know how you can tell when Biden is lying ? Anytime his lips are moving. That's the worst thing he's done and he does it everyday.

I'm no Trump fan at all ! He's he egotistical teenage boy with a big mouth and no clue and I don't want him back. But the current turds running this country have no, zero interest in helping the common american, at all.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
What's happened to people savings, being 401K or whatever, the last 6 months has been awful.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 11:47 AM)GMDino Wrote: Always appreciate your insight.

Also though, DJT made a deal with OPEC to cut production to help with prices for us and Russia.  I believe that deal just ended around the same time oil prices/gas prices started their month long downward slide.

OPEC tried and failed to raise oil prices.  OPEC countries saw their incomes fall billions of dollars and GDP's drop through the floor at 30-40 dollar oil.  OPEC tried and failed to raise oil prices.  Regardless of the handshake (early 2017?), price remained highly volatile until teh current climb starting in early 2021.  If OPEC really had any control over prices, they would have fixed it sooner and not allowed their economies to be devastated.  Minus a brief period between 65-70$ in 2018, the oil price hovered between 45-59$ for over 5 years until it started rocketing in Feb 2021.  Think what you will about Trump and OPEC trying to manipulate prices, but if they tried then it was an abysmal failure.


Also keep in mind, that Saudi Arabia didn't really care about raising prices to help the US or Russia, they had/have and have since executed on a plan to take a small portion of Saudi Aramco public, which they did in Jan 2020 after failing to raise prices.  Instead of the 5% they were planning to offer they only offered 1.5% and raised 29+ billion dollars.  They are currently considering offering the remaining 3.5% due to the oil current oil price.  If they had been effectively manipulating the price, they would have waited and not cost themselves 20 billion dollars (difference between Jan 2020 and current prices).
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 12:01 PM)bengalfan74 Wrote: Thanks for trying but you'll never get them to not believe the propaganda. "They" keep spewing out these half truths and lies about nearly everything the Biden administration and Co. do and "they" keep eating it up hook line and sinker.

You know how you can tell when Biden is lying ? Anytime his lips are moving. That's the worst thing he's done and he does it everyday.

I'm no Trump fan at all ! He's he egotistical teenage boy with a big mouth and no clue and I don't want him back. But the current turds running this country have no, zero interest in helping the common american, at all.

Well in a previous conversation, if you recall, i argued vehemently that Biden is NOT responsible for the current oil price problem.  That no one individual or group can control prices.  I showed in the previous threads what controls oil prices and it is essentially a global supply and demand dance, that no one country or individual controls.

What people have problems rationalizing (on both sides of the political spectrum) is that I will argue vehemently that the POTUS (doesn't matter who) has no control over energy prices, but also argue vehemently that Biden's policies have damaged the US O&G industry leading to serious energy security concerns, not the least of which is draining 2/3 of our NPR (national Petroleum Reserve) is a political stunt to reduce prices, that has failed miserably.  Our NPR is over half empty, the last release of which came yesterday and oil prices essentially haven't budged, which is what expert analysts predicted from the beginning.  Using a band-aid doesn't stop an artery from bleeding.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 12:01 PM)bengalfan74 Wrote: Thanks for trying but you'll never get them to not believe the propaganda. "They" keep spewing out these half truths and lies about nearly everything the Biden administration and Co. do and "they" keep eating it up hook line and sinker.

You know how you can tell when Biden is lying ? Anytime his lips are moving. That's the worst thing he's done and he does it everyday.

I'm no Trump fan at all ! He's he egotistical teenage boy with a big mouth and no clue and I don't want him back. But the current turds running this country have no, zero interest in helping the common american, at all.

Yes Stewy often knocks down propaganda from the right.  Probably more than he does from the left. If you don't accept his opinions, then I don't know what you are basing your own opinions on.  
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 12:01 PM)bengalfan74 Wrote: Thanks for trying but you'll never get them to not believe the propaganda. "They" keep spewing out these half truths and lies about nearly everything the Biden administration and Co. do and "they" keep eating it up hook line and sinker.

You know how you can tell when Biden is lying ? Anytime his lips are moving. That's the worst thing he's done and he does it everyday.

I'm no Trump fan at all ! He's he egotistical teenage boy with a big mouth and no clue and I don't want him back. But the current turds running this country have no, zero interest in helping the common american, at all.

If they don't understand that the "unused" permits the left claim to be laying around are exploration and feasibility studies, they have no understanding of the oil industry and no idea what they are talking about. Just because a company gets offered a lease doesn't mean it will find oil in enough capacity with enough infrastructure in place to move it to make it worth drilling. Unused permits are unused for a reason. If they do find oil enough to proceed, that is a whole new process of permitting and leasing. 
Getting 13 Marines and Corpsmen killed unnecessarily then droning 10 innocent people including 7 children into a dust as a response without any accountability wasn’t ideal!

But listen fat, that was 4 days ago, 5 days ago, Jack.
(07-20-2022, 06:03 PM)StoneTheCrow Wrote: Getting 13 Marines and Corpsmen killed unnecessarily then droning 10 innocent people including 7 children into a dust as a response without any accountability wasn’t ideal!

But listen fat, that was 4 days ago, 5 days ago, Jack.

Yeah, but they knew what they signed up for.  As for the innocent people, well...Biden can just shine up his Nobel Peace Prize soon, I guess.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 06:26 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Yeah, but they knew what they signed up for. 

-Joe Biden as he checks his watch on the tarmac

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