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Does Biden Have Positive Approval Rating Anywhere?
(07-20-2022, 02:44 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Also, a woman has a "right" to kill a baby that she played a 50% role in producing? 

Lordy, that is quite the wonder you idolize a man who is on his 3rd wife and sleeps alone.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 02:44 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: I'm hoping people see it but, like I keep saying, the country is filled with a bunch of snowflakes that vote based on emotion.
He doesn't have to do anything because Biden is screwing us so bad that people that have even two brain cells to rub together are realizing how screwed we are under Biden and the Democrats.

I'm pretty sure the red wave that's coming in November will further prove that.

And you play right into it with bashing Trump on things that are untrue.

How is he racist? Because he wants to protect our southern border?

Another fail.

Or is he racist because, under his presidency, black unemployment and black poverty reached record lows, black household median incomes rose 4,000, black household ownership rose 47%, passed sweeping criminal-justice reform, or helped to strengthen historically black colleges and universities?

Another fail.

Also, a woman has a "right" to kill a baby that she played a 50% role in producing? 

Anyways, if you had the slightest idea of what you were talking about, you'd know that the judges did their jobs and followed the constitution, which is their job to do, and found that the constitution doesn't have the power to rule on abortion and made it a state matter. So the judges he appointed are following the law of the land, and you have a problem with that and that's Trump's fault?

You're proving my point of the thread and what everyone above you bashed me for saying: that people just wrongfully blame everything on Trump and voted based off of emotion.

I would answer each of these points, but you've been told the answer to them over and over and over again and you just respond with "You don't know what you're talking about." I have two children now and simply do not have time to do all the research required to answer your questions only for you to respond with "nah." I'm sorry that you haven't yet learned, maybe someone here has the time and inclination to teach you, but I just don't anymore.

I don't typically respond to you at all because your responses are so bathed in insanity that it's practically impossible to even glean a single coherent point to which I can respond. 

I do respond to others though, assuming they can make a coherent point or two and appear to be coming at it from a point of understanding others rather than your case of just trying to rage bait others into....whatever it is you expect from people on the left. At this point, I don't even know why you post here because you clearly have no intention of ever learning anything, expanding your understanding of anything or even trying to teach anyone else. You are just a Fox News parrot at this point and I don't know, nor do I care to know, how to respond to someone whose world view is so stilted and conspiratorial.
In case anyone was wondering why Biden's approval is so low, the items covered in this article are a great starting point.

Quote:Every modern president has stretched the truth now and then, and the media loved to torch Trump nearly every other day for lying. But Biden’s routine misstatements about money and the economy seem to go unchallenged.

Biden’s six favorite lies about inflation and the economy
Provided by The Hill
Biden’s six favorite lies about inflation and the economy
In recent months, as the economy has slipped into a soft recession and with inflation at 9.1 percent the Biden whoppers keep coming fast and furious.

Here are six of the most economically consequential deceptions of the Biden administration.

Nobody making under four hundred thousand bucks will have their taxes raised. Period.
This one was reminiscent of the infamous George H.W. Bush claim in 1988 “read my lips: no new taxes.” Biden didn’t say he wouldn’t raise taxes on the middle class once or twice, but routinely throughout the campaign — and he even STILL says it.

Except that inflation is a tax that hits the middle class and the poor hardest and over the past year, prices have outpaced wages and salaries by roughly four percentage points. With the average worker wage and salary at roughly $60,000 per year (that’s a lot less than $400,000) this means a $2,400 per worker Biden inflation tax and as much as double that for families with husband and wife both working.

Inflation is worse everywhere but here.
Biden claimed this most recently in a speech in Philadelphia as an excuse for high inflation here at home. It is hogwash. Inflation is lower in Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and many other countries.

The economy had stalled when I entered office.
The reality is that Biden was bequeathed an economy with robust growth coming out of the pandemic. In the second half of 2020, the economy grew more than $1.5 trillion at an annualized rate. The growth rate for the second half of 2020 even with COVID was almost 15 percent.

Biden's economic advisor defends saying inflation would be 'transitory'

Moreover, when Biden entered office, the economy was prepped for an enormous tail winds gust because of the Trump “operation warp speed” vaccine that was just hitting the market and allowing businesses to reopen and workers to return to the job.

I am responsible for the strongest job creation economy in modern times.
This is more an exaggeration than a bold-faced lie.

On jobs, we will give the president his due. This has been an impressive hiring spree over the past 14 months and the jobs are out there for those who want them. But this is NOT the strongest period for job creation. That hiring record was set in 2020 under Trump who presided over the initial recovery following the government-imposed lockdowns.

Job growth under Trump from May 2020 to Jan 2021 averaged 1.4 million jobs per month, for a total of 12.5 million people returning to work. But under Biden, average job growth per month has been cut by more than half, down to 542,000 with 8.7 million people returning to work. That means Biden has added 31 percent fewer jobs in 16 months than Trump did in nine.

Since I took office, families are carrying less debt, their average savings are up.
This is a strange and oft-repeated White House claim.

The amount families are able to save each month has utterly collapsed, falling 74 percent since Biden took office, while the personal savings rate has plummeted from 19.9 percent to just 5.4 percent. Likewise, the claim about declining debt is equally untrue. Household debt has risen by $1.29 trillion in just the first 15 months of Biden’s presidency. Credit card debt, which decreased over $100 billion during the pandemic, is now exploding at the fastest rates on record as families run out of savings and fall into debt.

Put simply, they cannot afford to live in Biden’s America. Biden also ignores a stock market selloff that has evaporated some $10 trillion of Americans’ wealth and savings. This is one of the greatest periods of savings disappearing.

I’m doing everything I can to lower gas prices.
We wonder if ANYONE actually believes this claim.

The folks at Institute for Energy Research have identified 100 separate Biden executive orders, regulations, and laws that have impeded oil and gas production and raised prices at the pump. These range from killing pipelines, to expanding EPA regulations on oil and gas drilling and refining, to taking hundreds of thousands of acres of prime oil and gas lands on public lands and in areas like the Gulf of Mexico off-limits for drilling. Economist Casey Mulligan of the University of Chicago estimates that these policies have reduced oil and gas drilling by 2 to 3 million barrels a day. That increased production would bring gas prices down at the pump.

Perhaps none of these half-truths and outright fibs should be too surprising. What should we expect from the administration that first denied inflation, then said inflation was transitory, then claimed it was only a high-class problem? Biden has done another about-face, decrying inflation as bad but now it is Russia’s fault or greedy businesses, like meatpackers or oil companies and even mom-and-pop gas station owners.

C’mon Joe. We’re not that dumb. Give us a little more truth.
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Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(07-20-2022, 02:54 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: I would answer each of these points, but you've been told the answer to them over and over and over again and you just respond with "You don't know what you're talking about." I have two children now and simply do not have time to do all the research required to answer your questions only for you to respond with "nah." I'm sorry that you haven't yet learned, maybe someone here has the time and inclination to teach you, but I just don't anymore.

I counter everything you've ever posted but, like always, you keep falling back on the sane narratives.

There is no answer for all he has done for the black community.

If you had answered all of those, you'd provide a link, which would literally take 30 seconds, tops, but you can't.

How could you possibly counter that the constitution says nothing about abortion and has no right to make any ruling on it?
(07-20-2022, 03:01 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: In case anyone was wondering why Biden's approval is so low, the items covered in this article are a great starting point.

I don't think anyone is wondering why Biden's approval rating is so low.
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(07-20-2022, 03:01 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: In case anyone was wondering why Biden's approval is so low, the items covered in this article are a great starting point.


I'm betting no one will attempt to respond to those points.
(07-20-2022, 03:01 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: In case anyone was wondering why Biden's approval is so low, the items covered in this article are a great starting point.

He has struck that unique middle ground in which he is giving no one anything that they actually want (left or right), is incompetent at best at many other things and seems intent on not solving any problems because doing so would require initiative and know how.

I don't know if he's one of the worst presidents in the history of our country, but he's definitely one of the least inspiring and ineffectual. At least in modern times.

The people who elected him don't even like him haha.
(07-20-2022, 03:05 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: BEAUFTIUL.

I'm betting no one will attempt to respond to those points.

No one really likes Joe Biden, even the people who voted for him and his own party didn't want him on the ticket in 2020 and they don't want him on the ticket in 2024.
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(07-20-2022, 03:01 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: In case anyone was wondering why Biden's approval is so low, the items covered in this article are a great starting point.

This is from Fox News; not exactly a pro-Biden source:

(07-20-2022, 03:15 PM)Lucidus Wrote: This is from Fox News; not exactly a pro-Biden source:

That article immediately puts me in a bad mood by making me picture Biden running in 2024.
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(07-20-2022, 03:19 PM)Nately120 Wrote: That article immediately puts me in a bad mood by making me picture Biden running in 2024.

I would also prefer a different candidate, but I also won't pretend Mr. Biden hasn't accomplished anything. 

(07-20-2022, 03:23 PM)Lucidus Wrote: I would also prefer a different candidate, but I also won't pretend Mr. Biden hasn't accomplished anything. 

True, I just recognize and hope that assertions that he will run in 2024 are simply expected words and not actually going to come to fruition. Biden was elected to not be Trump, in that sense he immediately succeeded and then instantly became a lame duck.

I foresee both sides moving on in 2024...then again, what I want politically I don't tend to get.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 03:27 PM)Nately120 Wrote: True, I just recognize and hope that assertions that he will run in 2024 are simply expected words and not actually going to come to fruition. Biden was elected to not be Trump, in that sense he immediately succeeded and then instantly became a lame duck.

I foresee both sides moving on in 2024...then again, what I want politically I don't tend to get.

My big problem is the Democrats have very few likable politicians. There is no Obama waiting in the wings, at least not as far as we know. The most likable people who could run for the Presidency are also some of the more controversial ones, like AOC and Bernie. I would love to see it, but I don't think they have the national appeal to win the primary.

Honestly, I kind of envy the Republicans. They can run the most far right person in the entire country and still retain their "moderates" because those "moderates" still come out even when the candidate is someone who, based on what they claim they believe in, they should have never had any interest in voting for. If the Democrats tried nominating a "far left" person (to the extent that those even exist in American politics, which is not very far left at all), I fear the moderates would just stay home.

My biggest fear is that Biden steps down and endorses Kamala for the presidency. If she won the primary, we'd be essentially guaranteed a 2nd Trump term.
(07-20-2022, 03:36 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: My big problem is the Democrats have very few likable politicians. There is no Obama waiting in the wings, at least not as far as we know. The most likable people who could run for the Presidency are also some of the more controversial ones, like AOC and Bernie. I would love to see it, but I don't think they have the national appeal to win the primary.

I think Newsome is making a push to take up the progressive mantle.  He certainly seems like someone who can provide that liberal-ish, experienced, popular-ish, young-ish vibe they want.  Of course, the fact that he's a sack of shit who holds peasants to a different standard than himself just adds to his electability. 

As I've said before, I think Biden and Trump get primaried or have their arms twisted to "retire" by Newsome and DeSantis (who are both making strides towards such things while Trump and Biden flounder about) and the real 2024 election wildcard is if Trump goes completely apeshit and burns down the DeSantis campaign out of spite.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 03:41 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I think Newsome is making a push to take up the progressive mantle.  He certainly seems like someone who can provide that liberal-ish, experienced, popular-ish, young-ish vibe they want.  Of course, the fact that he's a sack of shit who holds peasants to a different standard than himself just adds to his electability. 

As I've said before, I think Biden and Trump get primaried or have their arms twisted to "retire" by Newsome and DeSantis (who are both making strides towards such things while Trump and Biden flounder about) and the real 2024 election wildcard is if Trump goes completely apeshit and burns down the DeSantis campaign out of spite.

If the Democrats nominate Newsome, every single ad in existence will be about how he was almost ousted by his own state and how California is losing millions of residents because the state is unsustainable and unaffordable. 

It'd be a death sentence, in my opinion. 

I do hope that DeSantis tries to unseat Trump though. The scorched Earth campaign that Trump would run against him would be objectively entertaining to watch. Trump has no loyalty to the Republicans so he would not be concerned about throwing every single person who defies him under the bus the moment they go against him. It'd make for good TV. As much as I hate Donald Trump as a person, he knows how to put on a show. I think that's what makes his voters keep coming back for more, after all.
(07-20-2022, 01:21 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Yea but that is talking right now, the idea of this thread is that people voted for Biden because Trump was mean and hurt their feelings.  What is Trump doing to fix this to ensure he doesn't lose for the same reason in 2024?

Probably someone's Mom at the moment, but that's a thread that belongs in "Porn stars of the century" forum.

All kidding aside, I really haven't heard much about what El Trumpo has been up to lately. Maybe that's a good sign?

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 03:57 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: If the Democrats nominate Newsome, every single ad in existence will be about how he was almost ousted by his own state and how California is losing millions of residents because the state is unsustainable and unaffordable. 

It'd be a death sentence, in my opinion. 

I do hope that DeSantis tries to unseat Trump though. The scorched Earth campaign that Trump would run against him would be objectively entertaining to watch. Trump has no loyalty to the Republicans so he would not be concerned about throwing every single person who defies him under the bus the moment they go against him. It'd make for good TV. As much as I hate Donald Trump as a person, he knows how to put on a show. I think that's what makes his voters keep coming back for more, after all.

I'm not saying Newsome would beat DeSantis, but ads about the things you mentioned probably wouldn't do as much damage as the usual ads about democrats raising taxes, taking our guns, letting rapists surge across the border, defunding the police, dismantling and disrespecting our military, and giving all our money to people who are too lazy to work.  I feel like the GOP had done so well in pushing those static narratives, that the real stuff democrats blow at just doesn't have the same impact.

As for Trump, he's been slamming a lot of republicans lately, so I think liberals are starting to realize why he appealed to people in the first place.  When he aims his insane ire at someone you want to see get destroyed, it can be pretty satisfying, if in a shameful and guilty way.

I think DeSantis wins in 2024 if Trump doesn't ruin it for him, but I can see Newsome beating a 3rd bid from Trump who would be 78-82 years old during his presidency, and even more insane and unhinged than before...I don't see him slowing down on that.

And yes, I wonder which libertarian candidate I could throw my vote away on will emerge in 2024.
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(07-20-2022, 04:04 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: Probably someone's Mom at the moment, but that's a thread that belongs in "Porn stars of the century" forum.

All kidding aside, I really haven't heard much about what El Trumpo has been up to lately. Maybe that's a good sign?

A lot of shitposting on the internet.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 02:54 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Lordy, that is quite the wonder you idolize a man who is on his 3rd wife and sleeps alone.

Hey! I'm on my 4th and I turned out alright (eventually).

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-20-2022, 04:06 PM)Nately120 Wrote: A lot of shitposting on the internet.

Great post. I can't tell if your talking about Trump, me, or both? LOL 

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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