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President Donald Trump
(07-25-2022, 03:13 PM)Tiger Blood Wrote: i've made that exact point in other threads already. God only has imperfect people to work with. you may think trump or anyone else is not worthy, but in Gods eyes everyone is. remember what Jesus said about casting the first stone to an imperfect person. God can use them to very good ends. we all fall short of God, but it doesn't mean we cant be valuable in helping or serving his goals, even if we might not know it.

That was a way more sophisticated answer. One could probably respond that the flaw of this perspective is that it can literally be used to defend every single person for everything. We shall throw no stone no matter what, after all, so how can anyone ever critizise anyone. For example how can you critizise Biden. He's imperfect, right, you can point that out, but God has to work with imperfect people, God put him in his place, so he should be beyond being questioned by anyone. Every Christian should rally behind him as the one God apparently chose to be president.
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(07-25-2022, 03:13 PM)Tiger Blood Wrote: God only has imperfect people to work with. 

Dude has to do better. It's his work and noone else's.

There's a high chance his words are as imperfect as his creation is. 

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(07-25-2022, 10:36 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: And? Insult liberals all you like, I trash them all the time. Your response also doesn't counter anything I said.

Yeah, if there is anything we have learned about the whole "snowflake" thing over the last few years it is that Trump supporters have no right to call anyone that term. Well, unless you live by the "takes one to know one" mantra. I'm also not someone that indulges in corporate media, so these attempts to turn things around on me also fall flat, especially since you admit that Trump supporters lack an understanding of these concepts by saying "neither does MSM."

I'm glad we seem to see eye to eye on these points.

Yours didn't really counter mine either. so we even there.
out of all of the people that voted for Trump in 2016/2020, a very small percentage are actually loud. 
If you are referring to people at rallies, then that's kinda the point of them isn't it?

Being louder than the other side has been a Political staple for the last 30+ years. It's very annoying isn't it? 

Now, some of our allies he pissed off??
You'll find that alot of USC's don't really care to much about that, most are interested in getting food on the table, and that means jobs in the US not outside of it. Several of our "allies" tend to bad-mouth us, but get quiet when it's hand out time.
Ask Bill where he thinks Hillary failed in her campaign?
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(07-25-2022, 03:31 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: LOL
Yours didn't really counter mine either. so we even there.

I mean, I wasn't trying to counter your points. I didn't think it was worth an attempt since you didn't refute anything I said.

(07-25-2022, 03:31 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: out of all of the people that voted for Trump in 2016/2020, a very small percentage are actually loud. 
If you are referring to people at rallies, then that's kinda the point of them isn't it?

Being louder than the other side has been a Political staple for the last 30+ years. It's very annoying isn't it? 

You'll find that my statement was that "they are some of the loudest people." Didn't say they all are. Didn't say they are the only loud ones. Just said that they are some of the loudest people. It's a small percentage in any group that are loud and it is annoying, but my point still stands.

(07-25-2022, 03:31 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Now, some of our allies he pissed off??
You'll find that alot of USC's don't really care to much about that, most are interested in getting food on the table, and that means jobs in the US not outside of it. Several of our "allies" tend to bad-mouth us, but get quiet when it's hand out time.
Ask Bill where he thinks Hillary failed in her campaign?

And? What the average American voter wants and what is good for the country are not always, or even usually, consistent with each other. People don't want higher taxes, but during times of economic growth that is exactly what should be done. Damaging out international relationships has ripple effects throughout our society in a number of ways. The whole reason our system is a representative democracy and not a direct one is because the average person doesn't have the knowledge or understanding to make the decisions that need to be made.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(07-24-2022, 12:55 AM)Forever Spinning Vinyl Wrote: A lifetime Democrat that renounced his membership when a black man became President, then played to the lowest realms of the Republican base while pretending to be a Republican. That doesn't make him a racist but every racist that I know is a staunch Trump supporter for some reason. Go figure.

He's a lying, science denying, illiterate dunce with an extremely fragile ego that's constantly embroiled in grifting and corruption while massively in debt with loans coming due. Basically, he's everything you shouldn't want in a President but the current White House occupant has a son with a laptop so almost half of the country thinks that none of Trump's faults matter. He spent every waking day trying to rile up or piss off over half of the country and wants to act shocked when those people voted him out of office, so he tried to overthrow the will of the American people. Seriously . . . **** that guy.

preach! for me its beyond political parties when discussing the orange one. We can do better either way...but please no more of him. 
(07-25-2022, 03:13 PM)Tiger Blood Wrote: also you keep wanting to put us all in the same box. not every religious person or republican or trump supporter thimks exactly the same or has the exact same ideas.

Great poimt! Why is that? Are there other reliougms?
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(07-25-2022, 03:44 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I mean, I wasn't trying to counter your points. I didn't think it was worth an attempt since you didn't refute anything I said.

You'll find that my statement was that "they are some of the loudest people." Didn't say they all are. Didn't say they are the only loud ones. Just said that they are some of the loudest people. It's a small percentage in any group that are loud and it is annoying, but my point still stands.

And? What the average American voter wants and what is good for the country are not always, or even usually, consistent with each other. People don't want higher taxes, but during times of economic growth that is exactly what should be done. Damaging out international relationships has ripple effects throughout our society in a number of ways. The whole reason our system is a representative democracy and not a direct one is because the average person doesn't have the knowledge or understanding to make the decisions that need to be made.

In the instance you used "they", it's a plural term. If you meant some one other than Trump Supporters (which was what was being discussed), then be more specific next time. Several people on here love to play the semantics game, so stick to saying exactly what you mean and it will help with the confusion.

Never said the tax paying people of the US understand why we send aid to foreign countries, what i said was they care more about Jobs and putting food on the table. That's all they are primarily worried about or do you want to disagree with that?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
In 2016, in Canada:

- people were friendly with everyone.
- politics was well-down the conversation list
- nobody cared about American politics
- NOBODY believed in a single conspiracy and people listened to accredited authorities on everything.

In 2017, I was living in Calgary, Alberta (basically the capital of Texas/insert Red State, for those not in the know) and some pickup trucks started to show up around the city with Trump stickers on them. I thought it bizarre.

We moved back to Ontario (basically New York, for those not in the know) in July 2017 and the Premier (our version of Governor) was a Liberal Party (NOT the same as Liberals in the US: this is just a party name and they are left of centre) incumbent who was embroiled in a power scandal (electricity, to be exact) and surely would not be re-elected. Those of us in the know, knew that scandal aside, the province was much better off with her. When the Conservative (absolutely our version of the Republican Party), fat oaf Doug Ford (think a more soft-spoken Ted Cruz) got elected, not only did he completely **** up the province, but people started to question every single bit of authority out there. People I know stopped going to their family doctors, students I was still friends with in university were trying to weasel their way out of citing their sources, because they didn't trust them, etc., etc.

This went on until COVID happened and then NOBODY left of right wing, was accepted by the loud minority of this country. Trudeau was re-elected TWICE, all the while people hated him, but once Trump started doing his rallies, people started doing their own anti-rallies, OUTSIDE of election time, with, "**** Trudeau," flags, adorning their pickup trucks. Also, upside down Canadian Flags, Blue Lives Matter flags, Canadian versions of Blue Lives Matter flags and the worst of all, Confederate flags and Nazi flags. This all came to the forefront, this past year, during the bullshit freedom convoy, where those assholes wouldn't let me pass them on the highway, trying to run me off the road, almost making me late for my grandmother's funeral, where I had to read a proverb at Mass.

This is Canada. Not the US. Not the Southern US. Not Nazi Germany. Why are these perverse symbols and ideals making their way into our wonderful, friendly and beautiful country?

1 reason and 1 reason only: Donald Trump, the human piece of excrement, has enabled these assholes, to behave and act out in these ways. Where I used to go out to eat with my BEST MAN, he now doesn't wish to associate with me, because I, "don't hate Trudeau," (to be fair, I'm 100% indifferent towards him: don't care for him, don't not care for him) and, "I can't see what he and the media and the doctors and Bill Gates and what all the other people are doing to destroy us and turn us into communist China."

My best man, who clearly isn't the brightest bulb, has been conned by a way of thinking that is so backwards, ignorant and dangerous.

All of this, ALL of it, is due to Trump. Why? He's not forcing people to act or think this way. He doesn't give two shits about Canada. Why then?

Because he sees that a shit-ton of people are ignorant sheep and by gaslighting, just sowing the smallest bit of doubt and discord amongst the masses, it plunges everyone into chaos and those who support him/think like him, are the ones perpetuating the discord further and it does nothing but divide us and break people apart.

There used to be STATESMEN that were world leaders. We looked to certain politicians and those in power with trust and faith (not all of them, of course, but you get my drift). Now? We want people who, "tell it like it is!" People who, "don't give a shit!" to run our countries/provinces/etc. And who does it all go back to?


As Matt has said, he attempted to stage a coup d'etat AGAINST HIS OWN GOVERNMENT... *****WHEN HE WAS STILL THE SITTING PRESIDENT.*****

If that doesn't inspire some nut jobs to do the same in ANY other country, I don't know what will. Democracy would have been crushed all over the world, had the 6th gone as bad as it could have.

Donald Trump? **** that POS, 1000x over.
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(07-25-2022, 09:37 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Never said the tax paying people of the US understand why we send aid to foreign countries, what i said was they care more about Jobs and putting food on the table. That's all they are primarily worried about or do you want to disagree with that?

I was just wondering why that was relevant to our conversation.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
Trump is already truthing that any poll that shows DeSantis anywhere near him is false and being spread by RINOs. Hope no one has gotten tired of him claiming everything is rigged against him.
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(07-26-2022, 01:16 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Trump is already truthing that any poll that shows DeSantis anywhere near him is false and being spread by RINOs.  Hope no one has gotten tired of him claiming everything is rigged against him.

In his defense, he is the most persecuted person in US history.
(07-26-2022, 07:03 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I was just wondering why that was relevant to our conversation.

You made the post he was hurting our Allies.

But nice of you to keep on ignoring my question with out answering it.
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(07-26-2022, 12:24 AM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: Trump.

As Matt has said, he attempted to stage a coup d'etat AGAINST HIS OWN GOVERNMENT... *****WHEN HE WAS STILL THE SITTING PRESIDENT.*****

If that doesn't inspire some nut jobs to do the same in ANY other country, I don't know what will. Democracy would have been crushed all over the world, had the 6th gone as bad as it could have.

Donald Trump? **** that POS, 1000x over.

Well i guess Matt was FINALLY right. Viva la revolution!!!!

Blaming it all on Trump is silly. Pendulum swings in politics is quite normal when one side has been in power for a while. 
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(07-26-2022, 08:58 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Well i guess Matt was FINALLY right. Viva la revolution!!!!

Blaming it all on Trump is silly. Pendulum swings in politics is quite normal when one side has been in power for a while. 

The point of my post was that the orange Asshole has done irreparable damage to not only the US, but elsewhere in the world as well (mainly, up here, as we're attached to you).

Think you missed that.
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[Image: Truck_1_0_1_.png]
(07-26-2022, 09:35 PM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: The point of my post was that the orange Asshole has done irreparable damage to not only the US, but elsewhere in the world as well (mainly, up here, as we're attached to you).

Think you missed that.

I didn't miss anything.
Maybe your politics weren't as stable as you initially thought? 
I mean if One guy can brainwash half of your country, we better elect him again so he can finish the job....  Sarcasm
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-26-2022, 10:14 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: I didn't miss anything.
Maybe your politics weren't as stable as you initially thought? 
I mean if One guy can brainwash half of your country, we better elect him again so he can finish the job....  Sarcasm

The problem is that people are inherently stupid; ignorant, uneducated, basic: They can be bought into this nonsense, as they'll believe anything.

That has nothing to do with politics, it speaks to people's intelligence and attitude... of which the majority are shit.
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[Image: Truck_1_0_1_.png]
(07-26-2022, 08:51 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: You made the post he was hurting our Allies.

But nice of you to keep on ignoring my question with out answering it.

I don't understand it's relevance to our back and forth. You brought it up out of nowhere. And I did respond to it, I said "And?" Just because most people don't care in this country doesn't make it any more or less objectively bad.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
This thread topic is mis-named. It should be 'Twice Impeached Coup Leading Former President Donald Trump'.
(07-24-2022, 12:55 AM)Forever Spinning Vinyl Wrote: That doesn't make him a racist but every racist that I know is a staunch Trump supporter for some reason.

Not saying I don't disagree with the premise of most of your post, but this bolded part here seems improbable bordering on implausible. Unless you only know white people? (And even then it's still hard to believe.)

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(07-27-2022, 10:28 AM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Not saying I don't disagree with the premise of most of your post, but this bolded part here seems improbable bordering on implausible. Unless you only know white people? (And even then it's still hard to believe.)

I don't care for Germany or German-Americans who are into their heritage and I admit it and I've found my interactions with Jewish people to be among the most "see 'em coming from a mile" stereotypical thing ever.

And I know it isn't a specific race per se, but I admit the worship and idolization of Trump has really upped my disdain for white-bread rural folk...they're usually some sort of Anglian mutt.

And I mean literal white bread...people who think american cheese on white bread with ketchup is a treat can just go straight to hell.  Sometimes I think all the white people on earth met secretly behind my back to pretend that white bread and american cheese are awesome just to mess with's like how black women all just agreed that it's easier to declare being fat to be sexy than it is to stress out over it like white women (who eat white bread and american cheese sandwiches with ketchup).
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