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FBI executes search warrant at Mar-A-Lago
Alright, which one of you... Ninja

Quote:Potential threat at Cincinnati FBI building leads to pursuit, police situation in Clinton County
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[Image: wlwt.png]Updated: 11:44 AM EDT Aug 11, 2022

A police pursuit and ongoing police situation in Clinton County has shut down two highways and prompted an area lockdown. It all started after a potential threat was made at a FBI building in Cincinnati.

Officials said one person showed up to the office and appeared to be armed while making potential threats. The person drove off, leading Ohio State Patrol on a chase into Clinton County where there's still an ongoing police situation.

There is no longer a threat at the FBI building, officials confirm.
[Image: fbi-office-1660228909.jpg?resize=660:*]
I-71 is closed between State Routes 73 and 68 in both directions until further notice. State Route 73 is also shut down in both directions between Mitchell Road and State Route 380.

A lockdown is also in effect for all buildings within a one mile radius of Smith Road and Center Road, according to Clinton County EMA. Residents are asked to stay inside.
[Image: fbi-office-1660228909.jpg?resize=660:*]

This is a breaking news story, WLWT is working to learn more and will continue to update with the latest information as it comes in.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-11-2022, 12:49 PM)GMDino Wrote: Alright, which one of you... Ninja

About a mile from where I work.  Good news is he will be dead or get to go to terrorist prison.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-11-2022, 09:58 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Yeah, Garland doesn't have a history of talking about what he's up to and that history was pointed out when the left was whining that he "obviously" wasn't going to do anything about Trump.

The 1/6 investigation has shown that Trump has contact with conservative pundits, and seeing how they were secretly trying to convince Trump to call off the 1/6 thing before going on their shows and saying "Antifa is doing this!" and seeing them now hammering home the possibility that the FBI planted evidence in Trump's home makes it look like they are already doing damage control for something being found.

If there is nothing, Trump was in the right.
If there is something, Trump is in the right because it was planted.

Bases preemptively covered again.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to say the FBI is above reproach and would never plant evidence? Only thing is, instead they have a reputation that says they'll do just that.
(08-11-2022, 01:01 PM)Sled21 Wrote: Wouldn't it be nice to be able to say the FBI is above reproach and would never plant evidence? Only thing is, instead they have a reputation that says they'll do just that.

Yeah, interesting how the shoe is on the other foot now that the FBI isn't attempting to subvert the civil rights movement.  Are you late to the party, or are you far more progressive than I assume?
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(08-11-2022, 12:55 PM)michaelsean Wrote: About a mile from where I work.  Good news is he will be dead or get to go to terrorist prison.

Be safe.  Article said they were closing roads and buildings as he moved.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-11-2022, 01:07 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Yeah, interesting how the shoe is on the other foot now that the FBI isn't attempting to subvert the civil rights movement.  Are you late to the party, or are you far more progressive than I assume?

I mean we've see the "the left hates police" for so long now I don't think "the right" understands that no one hates the police they want them held accountable.

The whole "defund the FBI" meme started right after the warrant was served because irony is dead and the gop has dug up the corpse to defile it.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-11-2022, 01:12 PM)GMDino Wrote: I mean we've see the "the left hates police" for so long now I don't think "the right" understands that no one hates the police they want them held accountable.

The whole "defund the FBI" meme started right after the warrant was served because irony is dead and the gop has dug up the corpse to defile it.

This is why establishment GOPers never wanted the Trump movement to begin.  The FBI has been their publicly funded bully that has successfully crushed and oppressed and monitored progressive movements and kept the citizens in check for generations and all it takes is for Trump to declare them a leftist force and suddenly the very people who live and die by preserving the status quo or going backwards want to dismantle and attack them.  

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-11-2022, 01:10 PM)GMDino Wrote: Be safe.  Article said they were closing roads and buildings as he moved.

I think he's pretty far north of us now.  I did have to double check that it was  a man and that my sister wasn't anywhere near the place Ninja
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
If he lives he needs to go to that Colorado Supermax. That'll make you reconsider your life's choices, and maybe deter some others.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-11-2022, 01:26 PM)michaelsean Wrote: If he lives he needs to go to that Colorado Supermax.  That'll make you reconsider your life's choices, and maybe deter some others.

He'll probably end up speaking at the 2023 CPAC convention.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Turns out the FBI was there in June serving a grand jury subpoena for documents. I wonder if this is actually an obstruction of justice case where they potentially lied they gave the FBI everything in June? Apparently this search was tipped off by a witness there that said they still had documents and detailed what they were and where they were.

If that's the case it would be funny that like most criminals it's the coverup more so than the crime they go down for.
(08-11-2022, 01:28 PM)Au165 Wrote: Turns out the FBI was there in June serving a grand jury subpoena for documents. I wonder if this is actually an obstruction of justice case where they potentially lied they gave the FBI everything in June? Apparently this search was tipped off by a witness there that said they still had them. If that's the case it would be funny that like most criminals it's the coverup more so than the crime they go down for.

The action of letting Trump know they have an inside source is just strategic gold. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-11-2022, 01:16 PM)Nately120 Wrote: This is why establishment GOPers never wanted the Trump movement to begin.  The FBI has been their publicly funded bully that has successfully crushed and oppressed and monitored progressive movements and kept the citizens in check for generations and all it takes is for Trump to declare them a leftist force and suddenly the very people who live and die by preserving the status quo or going backwards want to dismantle and attack them.  


(08-11-2022, 01:28 PM)Au165 Wrote: Turns out the FBI was there in June serving a grand jury subpoena for documents. I wonder if this is actually an obstruction of justice case where they potentially lied they gave the FBI everything in June? Apparently this search was tipped off by a witness there that said they still had documents and detailed what they were and where they were.

If that's the case it would be funny that like most criminals it's the coverup more so than the crime they go down for.

I said it before and I'll say it again: Trump brought it all on himself.  He was always a crook but he brought the bright lights on himself when his ego made him run for office.  And that he broke the law he signed and it is being enforced by an FBI guy he nominated is just the icing on the cake.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-11-2022, 01:46 PM)GMDino Wrote: I said it before and I'll say it again: Trump brought it all on himself.  He was always a crook but he brought the bright lights on himself when his ego made him run for office.  And that he broke the law he signed and it is being enforced by an FBI guy he nominated is just the icing on the cake.

Whats interesting here is that no one would have even known about this latest search if Trump didn't tell everyone. They didn't announce it or even wear FBI jackets, they tried to keep it discreet. One could argue that Trump got out in front of it trying to control the narrative because he knows he is in some trouble and wants to push the witch hunt narrative before the findings are revealed. 
(08-11-2022, 01:52 PM)Au165 Wrote: Whats interesting here is that no one would have even known about this latest search if Trump didn't tell everyone. They didn't announce it or even wear FBI jackets, they tried to keep it discreet. One could argue that Trump got out in front of it trying to control the narrative because he knows he is in some trouble and wants to push the witch hunt narrative before the findings are revealed. 

They also announced it so they can fundraise off it.  Why every working class and retired conservative feels the need to give money time and time again to someone they think is worth billions is beyond me.

Everything he does and says is an opportunity for people to give him's uncanny.  He's 150% innocent and worth 10 gazillion bucks in their eyes, but hey...they can spare that $40 to save this country, right?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
The extreme right now wants the FBI disbanded because they have become the Gestapo. The extreme left agrees because the FBI is the police armed to protect the "elites" Finally we have bipartisanship

Some idiot, like here in Cincinnati, will try to kill FBI agents (or succeed in doing so) and the right wing will then turn around and blame ANTIFA or BLM

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(08-10-2022, 02:01 PM)Sled21 Wrote: Then why is Hunter not in prison for falsifying documentation to buy a firearm. Dems want more gun laws right? How about we prosecute him??? Oh, wait, he's one of the untouchables. How about we go after Pelosi for insider trading? Oh wait, untouchable. How about we go after Swallwell (or however you spell his name) for sleeping with the Chinese Spy Fang Fang and spilling secrets over pillow talk. Nope, don't want to look at that, he has a D after his name. The list goes on and on....

Two days in a row, your posts are following Hannity talking points.

Hunter did not "falsify" a document.  And you need to prove "insider trading" before you can go after it.

I have to keep repeating myself--Fox allegations are not in themselves proof of wrong doing. Hannity et al., like Trump use these false equivocations, coupled with talk of "liberal elites" and "globalists," to feed grievance they can monetize in various ways, from campaign fundraising to attracting advertisers. "One law for the Clintons, another for the rest of us" emerged as a grievance point back in the '90s as the Clinton's "got away" with murders and other crimes no one could link to them. That was also one root of current conspiracy claims that somehow law enforcement and the FBI "work for" Dem politicians and that's why none of these BS allegations result in indictments, much less jail time.

Common RW tactic--treat allegations as the equivalent of evidence concrete enough to ground a court case. E.g. Hannity: "We have stacks of fraud 'testimony' on my desk!!Shocked"--which somehow never make it to court, but drive suspicion that Dems must be controlling all those Trump-appointed judges who snort at these mounds of "evidence."

Common RW tactic #2--saturate the airwaves with bogus Dem allegations and then undermine the authority and credibility of law enforcement and courts when they don't act on gossip. Benghazi!! Two track system of justice.

Common RW tactic #3--When your guy is investigated, and the testimony and documentary evidence are piling up, call it a "witch hunt!" regardless of evidence.

NOTHING Hilary or Biden did compares to illegally taking 25 boxes of records from the WH and then be still arguing with the National Archives about what and where and whether you are keeping them.  Nor does it compare to discussing classified documents open on a table with Japanese diplomats as restaurant patrons all around snap photos, or giving your unqualified child "advisers" top secret clearance, or inviting the Russian ambassador and Russian press into the Oval Office to share top secret classified info entrusted to us by our allies--while keeping out the US press and much concerned presidential handlers.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-11-2022, 12:49 PM)GMDino Wrote: Alright, which one of you... Ninja

Not gonna lie, I don't get it. Ruining your whole life for that crook is just something I'll never understand.

Give that to him, he somehow succeeds in getting the worse self out of every individual he inspires.

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(08-10-2022, 02:55 PM)GMDino Wrote: This was put a good light on the events at Trump's home.

What I demand to know is, why did the FBI force family members and workers, who might be asking questions and touching/removing evidence and objecting to this or that, from the search site?

Er, wait. Nevermind. I think I figured that one out myself.
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(08-11-2022, 01:52 PM)Au165 Wrote: Whats interesting here is that no one would have even known about this latest search if Trump didn't tell everyone. They didn't announce it or even wear FBI jackets, they tried to keep it discreet. One could argue that Trump got out in front of it trying to control the narrative because he knows he is in some trouble and wants to push the witch hunt narrative before the findings are revealed. 

Could be. After all, Trump could publish the warrant itself, along with the list of items sought, and that would end a great deal of speculation.

No one disputes that Trump did illegally grab 25 BOXES of records, property which belonged to the government, not him, and it included some stuff so top secret it cannot be described or even mentioned.

But rather than demand that Trump explain why he broke the law to take and hold that property, I think it much more productive to demand that the FBI explain what it was doing in a house full of illegally taken records with top secret documents.  The trump-appointed judge who signed off on the warrant, and trump appointed FBI director, need to explain to the American people why they were going after those top secret and illegally held records.  And how do we know that the Trump-appointed director didn't have his men plant documents they "found"?

McCarthy says the DOJ has been "weaponized" now, so who knows? Like most of us, I long for the stability and evenhandedness of the DOJ under Sessions and Barr. 

If the DOJ can do this to Trump for illegally taking and holding highly classified documents--they could do it to any of us!! Wink
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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