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FBI executes search warrant at Mar-A-Lago
(08-13-2022, 04:09 PM)Nately120 Wrote: They're just going to riot over something else. 

Possibly. To be clear, I am not advocating appeasement. I just feel many are bending in that direction.
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(08-13-2022, 04:14 PM)hollodero Wrote: Possibly. To be clear, I am not advocating appeasement. I just feel many are bending in that direction.

That's understandable but opens the door to him hinting at a riot if he loses the primary or the election or he could win and go on a revenge tour as president. 

The guy and his followers are going to go apeshit regardless.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-13-2022, 03:42 PM)BengalHawk62 Wrote: I’d bet my last dollar that Trump walks free from this. Maybe even walks back into the White House. I just don’t see him getting what the majority of us here want him to get.

I just don’t understand this one simple fact. IF he’s guilty of all this, why is he still walking free and not locked up already? If this was you or me, we’d already be taken away in cuffs and never see the light of day again.

(08-13-2022, 04:07 PM)hollodero Wrote: Yeah sure, I'm just saying. A careful/hesitant person, like Garland seems to be, might shy away from indictments. Trump, in that sense, is above the law. Not as much as his supporters want him to be, but still.

So, the thing to keep in mind is that this is still in the investigative process. That was the reason the warrant was originally sealed. The DoJ isn't to the point of filing charges at this time. Garland is a very careful and cautious person and he is legitimately trying to run the DoJ as it should be run from what I can see, but he also knows that if Trump broke the law it needs to be dealt with. They will be going over everything with a fine toothed comb.

Federal prosecutors are normally risk averse, not brining charges unless that are almost certain they will result in a conviction. This is going to go beyond that. They will be looking for beyond-a-reasonable-doubt before they ask the grand jury for the indictments. On top of that, the charges will have to be worth it. If it is something that the federal sentencing guidelines wouldn't recommend jailtime for, I wouldn't be surprised to see them not charge him. I also think that if he is convicted, whoever is elected in 2024 will grant him clemency.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-13-2022, 12:31 PM)hollodero Wrote: I have to say though, that's where I share some of the media critizism. That there are nuclear secrets within the documents Trump took is very much unconfirmed, and yet it's reported and speculated about everywhere. I don't really understand that impulse.

Let's start with this: 

The records seized did not belong to Trump; they belonged to the government. The BIG question is why he took and kept them at all; though such action is not inconsistent with his previous lax treatment of intel, in terms of volume 27 boxes is just off the charts unprecedented.

That unprecedented action, like many others of Trump, forced unprecedented reaction from the DOJ--the issuance of a search warrant to regain the records after Trump lied to the NARA: "I have turned over everything requested."

Once Trump announced the "raid," and his party and news organization began denouncing the action as "unnecessary" and yet another "weaponization of government against the people," it was inevitable that the warrant and some list of seized materials would fall into public discussion, with the MSM explaining the legal implications and possible consequences, and Fox following Trump denouncing the search, claiming he could "de-classify" classified intel, and giving airtime to people speculating about planted evidence and FBI agents touring Melania's panty drawer.

Drawing out the implications of the Espionage Act violation made unprecedented mention of "nuclear" documents inevitable, though in the MSM news shows, people have been generally careful to note that 1) "nuclear" doesn't necessarily mean bomb secrets, 2) it can include assessments of other countries' policies and capabilities, and 3) no president can unilaterally declassify nuclear top secrets; that would route through the Department of Energy. Trump would not have the last say.  Trump's possession of such dangerous documents likely triggered the search, taking control of their recovery away from the unreliable and recalcitrant Trump. 

I share your unease regarding public discussion of all these topics. I should add that, again, our allies have to be concerned about sharing intel with us if we cannot secure it. (Israelis especially.) And the TOP SECURITY THREAT in this respect could become the next president of the U.S.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-13-2022, 06:19 PM)Dill Wrote: Let's start with this: 

The records seized did not belong to Trump; they belonged to the government. The BIG question is why he took and kept them at all; though such action is not inconsistent with his previous lax treatment of intel, in terms of volume 27 boxes is just off the charts unprecedented.

That unprecedented action, like many others of Trump, forced unprecedented reaction from the DOJ--the issuance of a search warrant to regain the records after Trump lied to the NARA: "I have turned over everything requested."

Once Trump announced the "raid," and his party and news organization began denouncing the action as "unnecessary" and yet another "weaponization of government against the people," it was inevitable that the warrant and some list of seized materials would fall into public discussion, with the MSM explaining the legal implications and possible consequences, and Fox following Trump denouncing the search, claiming he could "de-classify" classified intel, and giving airtime to people speculating about planted evidence and FBI agents touring Melania's panty drawer.

Drawing out the implications of the Espionage Act violation made unprecedented mention of "nuclear" documents inevitable, though in the MSM news shows, people have been generally careful to note that 1) "nuclear" doesn't necessarily mean bomb secrets, 2) it can include assessments of other countries' policies and capabilities, and 3) no president can unilaterally declassify nuclear top secrets; that would route through the Department of Energy. Trump would not have the last say.  Trump's possession of such dangerous documents likely triggered the search, taking control of their recovery away from the unreliable and recalcitrant Trump. 

I share your unease regarding public discussion of all these topics. I should add that, again, our allies have to be concerned about sharing intel with us if we cannot secure it. (Israelis especially.) And the TOP SECURITY THREAT in this respect could become the next president of the U.S.

Well of course the allies are concerned. I don't think that started just now.

As far as the 'nuclear documents' go, yeah I feel there should be a rule that if you report on things like that possibly being stolen, you have to have clear proof of that, or you'd better just keep to 'highly classified documents', which is bad enough on its own. The media is speculating about it. And now everyone talks about nuclear secrets, because that's what sticks. And then if it turns out there were no nuclear secrets stolen, just some other secrets? Then the Trump side will again say look they treat us so unfairly. And even got a good argument with these unverified accusations of nuclear secret theft. So why would MSM even go there? Yeah they've been 'careful' when debating it, great, but they should not have so broadly debated it in the first place. I see no sense in that.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-13-2022, 06:19 PM)Dill Wrote: Let's start with this: 

The records seized did not belong to Trump; they belonged to the government. The BIG question is why he took and kept them at all; though such action is not inconsistent with his previous lax treatment of intel, in terms of volume 27 boxes is just off the charts unprecedented.

That unprecedented action, like many others of Trump, forced unprecedented reaction from the DOJ--the issuance of a search warrant to regain the records after Trump lied to the NARA: "I have turned over everything requested."

Once Trump announced the "raid," and his party and news organization began denouncing the action as "unnecessary" and yet another "weaponization of government against the people," it was inevitable that the warrant and some list of seized materials would fall into public discussion, with the MSM explaining the legal implications and possible consequences, and Fox following Trump denouncing the search, claiming he could "de-classify" classified intel, and giving airtime to people speculating about planted evidence and FBI agents touring Melania's panty drawer.

Drawing out the implications of the Espionage Act violation made unprecedented mention of "nuclear" documents inevitable, though in the MSM news shows, people have been generally careful to note that 1) "nuclear" doesn't necessarily mean bomb secrets, 2) it can include assessments of other countries' policies and capabilities, and 3) no president can unilaterally declassify nuclear top secrets; that would route through the Department of Energy. Trump would not have the last say.  Trump's possession of such dangerous documents likely triggered the search, taking control of their recovery away from the unreliable and recalcitrant Trump. 

I share your unease regarding public discussion of all these topics. I should add that, again, our allies have to be concerned about sharing intel with us if we cannot secure it. (Israelis especially.) And the TOP SECURITY THREAT in this respect could become the next president of the U.S.

Let's also not forget that while Presidents do have the power to change classifications, there are prescribed procedures in place.  These include marking each document with its new classification.  A President cannot unilaterally say that any document he takes from the Oval Office is declassified and make it happen with a snap of his fingers.  Besides, the charges listed on the warrants have nothing to do with classification. There are other laws not cited that deal with those issues.  So his argument that all the documents were declassified, is as shaky as every other excuse he has floated around

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

How certain is it that the FBI had an insider at Mar a Lago or someone who was on team Trump snitched? MTG and other conservatives leaders are already pointing out that someone, probably an aide, is a traitor. Now, we can get into the logic of saying someone is a traitor to the country for pointing out a crime of this magnitude, but even still...I'd be sweating if I were any sort of Trump aide or insider. Conservatives are out for ya.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
My point is the main stream media keeps changing what is reported. And people believe it. There are numerous false reports and I see no retractions. The press just says something without being held accountable. BTW Hillary Clinton had a server at her home with classified information and was never charged.
Who Dey!  Tiger
(08-14-2022, 02:36 AM)guyofthetiger Wrote: My point is the main stream media keeps changing what is reported. And people believe it. There are numerous false reports and I see no retractions. The press just says something without being held accountable. BTW Hillary Clinton had a server at her home with classified information and was never charged.

The media has been reporting based on what sources have told them. Do they verify the information as much as we would like? Probably not. But if they have sources saying something then why retract it? By saying that "sources have said..." they are still reporting accurate information even if those sources turn out to be wrong.

As for Clinton, an investigation found that charges were not warranted. As this point in time we do not know if charges will be warranted for Trump. We don't know the extent of his wrongdoing. Do they have evidence of just having this material? Then they probably won't levy charges for just that. Do they have evidence he was or was planning to use them in other ways that would be criminal? Well, that may be more of an issue. You're making judgements based on incomplete information.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-14-2022, 12:03 AM)Nately120 Wrote: How certain is it that the FBI had an insider at Mar a Lago or someone who was on team Trump snitched?  MTG and other conservatives leaders are already pointing out that someone, probably an aide, is a traitor.  Now, we can get into the logic of saying someone is a traitor to the country for pointing out a crime of this magnitude, but even still...I'd be sweating if I were any sort of Trump aide or insider.  Conservatives are out for ya.

LOL "traitor" in Trumpspeak is someone who won't cheat the AMerican people for Trump.

Vindeman and Pence are traitors. Manafort is not.
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(08-13-2022, 02:50 PM)Dill Wrote: Yes, at least one folder/set of documents does reach the highest level of secrecy.

I believe you are right on this.  One reaches the highest level.  Yesterday I posted something different per an interview I watched.  But one reaches the TS/SCI level per how Bels listed the categories in a post yesterday.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-14-2022, 11:28 AM)Goalpost Wrote: I believe you are right on this.  One reaches the highest level.  Yesterday I posted something different per an interview I watched.  But one reaches the TS/SCI level per how Bels listed the categories in a post yesterday.

Yes and that means we are talking about documents held in "vaults" accessed only by those with a specific need to know. E.g., the Deputy FBI director simply can't walk in a vault whenever he wants, and no one can take anything out.

The are held in vaults, as opposed to the basement of a hotel frequented by spies, because they contain info that could harm national security should they fall into the wrong hands. They are a PRIME TARGET of our adversaries intel operations in the U.S. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Trump has a new story about the documents seized. They were actually legal documents covered by the attorney-client privilege. He wants them back.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(08-14-2022, 12:01 PM)pally Wrote: Trump has a new story about the documents seized.  They were actually legal documents covered by the attorney-client privilege.  He wants them back.

Yeah, I'm sure the feds just overlooked that and made a mistake, lol.  Like they're some Mayberry law office lacking time, manpower and investigative resources.  Good luck with that one.
And apparently some patriot set his car on fire, drove it onto a barricade at the capitol, exited the vehicle and started firing a gun. Just like Paul Revere.
(08-14-2022, 01:17 PM)samhain Wrote: And apparently some patriot set his car on fire, drove it onto a barricade at the capitol, exited the vehicle and started firing a gun.  Just like Paul Revere.

Early reports are that he shot himself.  Bizarre stuff.  Maybe we find out more about him, maybe he was a false flag.  Maybe the FBI shot him. May be he never existed at all. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-14-2022, 01:33 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Early reports are that he shot himself.  Bizarre stuff.  Maybe we find out more about him, maybe he was a false flag.  Maybe the FBI shot him. May be he never existed at all. 

These crisis actors are really into their craft.  
(08-14-2022, 01:33 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Early reports are that he shot himself.  Bizarre stuff.  Maybe we find out more about him, maybe he was a false flag.  Maybe the FBI shot him. May be he never existed at all. 
The coming "Civil War" will be a bunch of little things like this to help Mother Nature weed out the stupid people. Sure there will be some collateral damage but after it's all over, the USA will be stronger by removing these single digit IQ morons that think they're the ones that will kick off the Civil War.
(08-14-2022, 01:37 PM)samhain Wrote: These crisis actors are really into their craft.  

You have to admire their dedication.
Only users lose drugs.
Whenever I hear about this oncoming 'civil war' I think about some of these fat ***** cos playing as marines coming up here to north philadelphia. They aren't accurate, but they'll strafe they **** out of ya and are shifty on the out. No chance in hell.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Saw this on another board and it cracked me up so I thought that I would share it here and this thread seems as good as any.

Quote:Trump’s fiercest defenders here seem to be people who don’t like him, didn’t vote for him, and in fact, don’t actually care at all.

The Nickelback of Presidents. 50 million albums sold and nobody bought one.
Only users lose drugs.

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