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Steelers @ Bengals Predictions
(12-10-2015, 10:32 AM)SCole025 Wrote: A lot of low scoring predictions.  I hope I'm wrong (well 50% wrong) but I see a shootout Sunday.  If our secondary is as banged up as it seems it will be, the Steelers are going to score points.  The question will be if Andy and Company can score enough to keep pace.  If they can, I could see a 38-34 victory.  If they can't, 34-17 bad guys.

It's really going to come down to which qb performs the best imo.
Putting an early Who Dey on here because I'm about to hit the road for a vacation in New Orleans. I won't be able to watch the game Sunday. I hope to follow the score on my phone. I'm sticking by my Bengals 28, Steelers 21 prediction. WHO DEY! Who Dey
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I've been positive all season about our chances (thought we would handle AZ even in their house) but in a tight game you have to look at any advantages and their WRs versus our CBs is going to be tough to deal with.

Just the thought of Hall on the outside with Bryant at any point in the game is a TD waiting to happen.

35-31 steelers...if we win it would be as big a regular season win in the lewis era
Bengals 21

Stoolers 17
The only thing I hate worse than Pittsburgh football... Pittsburgh fans!!

SLIM--gone, but never forgotten...

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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I predict that Darrin Simmons better be smart enought to have Huber NOT kick the ball to Brown on punts. Every single punt must be out of bounds.
I predict that 90 percent of steeler fans will spill the mayonnaise that they are putting on top of their french fries on their lap. There will be atleast 5 instances of "steeler football" you will over hear at the bar. You will hear a fan wearing a troy 43 jersey "brag" about being country like it's a badge of honor to be poor. There will be an excuse for every bad play (usually the refs fault) And win or lose they will talk and brag about things that happened 20 years before they were born.
[Image: BernLocksig.jpg]
(12-11-2015, 12:58 AM)BernLock Wrote: I predict that 90 percent of steeler fans will spill the mayonnaise that they are putting on top of their french fries on their lap. There will be atleast 5 instances of "steeler football" you will over hear at the bar. You will hear a fan wearing a troy 43 jersey "brag" about being country like it's a badge of honor to be poor. There will be an excuse for every bad play (usually the refs fault) And win or lose they will talk and brag about things that happened 20 years before they were born.

Nailed it.  LOL
Thanks ExtraRadiohead for the great sig

[Image: SE-KY-Bengal-Sig.png]
Haven't read the whole thread so I'm sure this has been mentioned but I believe it comes down to our secondary. We should be able to pressure Ben but if he can get his throws off we may be in trouble. Still picking our Bengals though. Good Guys 34, Dirty guys 31.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
It's going to come down to the Oline. They did handle St. Louis Dline, but the Steeler DLine exposed them something awful.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
I keep going back and forth.   I could see this game going either way.

I think the Steelers take this game.  Our defensive backfield is too beat up to deal with Pittsburgh's receivers.  With Jones down no one can cover Brown and the emergence of Wheaton gives them too many studs to cover.   Our linebackers are not good enough to cover the middle, and our O line looked very weak against their front 7 last time.

Our DBs were the deciding factor last time for us.  Now it will be the deciding factor for them.

But if the youngsters man up and the rest of the team plays tough and smart we have the talent to win.  If they do I will personally consider it a playoff win.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I've skimmed some Steeler boards, and the most logical prediction for a Steeler victory essentially boils down to this:

Dalton led Bengals have never scored more than 21 points against the Steelers, and there's no way the Bengals hold Pittsburgh to fewer than 21 points again...

I honestly don't think their fans are crazy for believing that. I believe we can score a lot of points this time. I also believe we can hold them to fewer than 21 points again. Until we actually do it, though, I can't fault anyone for having a different belief.
(12-11-2015, 03:25 PM)jj22 Wrote: It's going to come down to the Oline. They did handle St. Louis Dline, but the Steeler DLine exposed them something awful.

I think this game will be a testament to whether Marvin Lewis has changed or not.

I've noticed Marvin seems different this year, (I have watched all of his pressers for maybe 10 years now) he seems a little more relaxed, but also a little more feisty (weird I know).

I think this game will be one decided by the coaches and the X's and O's. Both teams have great players, but its the coaching that will determine this one. I like to think Marvin Lewis has gone through a Coughlin-esqe change this season, becoming a much better head coach by tweaking his philosophy, but it will be determined Sunday if I'm correct or not. I think the team will be more prepared for this game than they have for any other big game in Marvin's career.... It could just be wishful thinking though.
If the o-line can give Andy time and Hue opens up the offense we will definitely out score the stealers. If that happens the defense will just have to slow their offense down and the Bengals win. I think Nelson will break the Bengals int. record for a safety Sunday, Ben likes to throw to him.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-07-2015, 08:58 AM)reuben.ahmed Wrote: Who predicted we lose at home? Please...have we all been watching the same team? Steelers are good, Bengals are better. Especially without Bell. We need the win as badly as they do. Too bad the game sold out so soon, there will be plenty of yellow towels.

Hope you're right. I can't help having an inferiority complex when it comes to the Steelers. I've been conditioned to expect the worst.
This post brought to you by the Cincinnati Bengals. Proud leaders in squandering opportunity, since 1969.
(12-12-2015, 03:36 AM)Utts Wrote: Hope you're right. I can't help having an inferiority complex when it comes to the Steelers. I've been conditioned to expect the worst.

I thought the latest "by the numbers" piece said the Bengals are 3-13 lifetime against the Steelers at PBS... Man, we desperately need to fix that!
I've held off my official prediction until today.
Cincinnati 20 - Pittsburgh 10

11-2 Who-Deys!

And all eyes turn to Houston to deliver another New England loss later in the day.
[Image: d1id.png]
(12-12-2015, 01:59 PM)West Union KennyG Wrote: I've held off my official prediction until today.
Cincinnati 20 - Pittsburgh 10

11-2 Who-Deys!

And all eyes turn to Houston to deliver another New England loss later in the day.

Don't forget Oakland too! Derek Carr having a career day against the Denver defense would really help us out!
The game is not going to be on TV here and it's expensive to go to the sports bar so I'll probably just do some work and follow along on whatever game south florida TV puts up instead of this one.

I have a funny feeling this could be a breakout game that ends up 35-7 Bengals or something because they get a pick or two and then run Gio and Jeremy crazy and get a couple of deep TD passes because they're scrambling to control the run. And isn't it time for a Sanu pass? Just don't throw it to Andy, please -- not in the Pittsburgh game!

Update: according to 506 sports the game IS on in this area and I can watch it from my bedroom the way I like.
(12-07-2015, 12:46 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Yes they do.  AB is maybe tops in the league.  Bryant is Chris Henry and Wheadon is showing signs of relevance lately.

Wednesday will be 6 years since Slim died, win this one for Chris. 

Rest in peace Slim
Thanks ExtraRadiohead for the great sig

[Image: SE-KY-Bengal-Sig.png]

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