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Transexual Catfishing

This is pretty funny.   Just goes to show the lengths some will go to manipulate another.    guess you should always consider a transmission check   Ninja

Quote:The young mother described feeling hurt "emotionally and physically" after falling in love with woman she believed was a man

A young woman tricked into having sex with a transsexual has told how she has been left traumatised.

The 24-year-old fell in love with what she believed to be a tanned, muscular, attractive young man using the identity of Joey G Star Crislow after they met on Facebook.

Crislow went on to confess to using a false identity but claimed to be a young man called Kyran Scott and the relationship continued.

"I was lied to and manipulated into falling in love with someone who deceived me. That has hurt me emotionally and physically."
Kyran Lee's victim

"Kyran Scott" wooed her with presents including flowers and jewellery and they ended up having sex together when he stayed overnight at her home.

But a chance meeting at a McDonald's led to the victim discovering she had been completely duped and the person she was involved was at the time a woman called Fiona Manson.

Lincoln Crown Court was told that Manson was actually a transsexual who now lives as a man and has changed her name to Kyran Lee.

Lee, 25, of Gainsborough, Lincs, admitted a charge of assault by penetration as a result of what happened between them in the autumn of 2012.

He was given a two-year jail sentence suspended for two years with an indefinite restraining order banning contact with the victim.

The victim told the court how she has been left devastated by what happened.

She said: "What happened is still very much affecting my life.

"I was lied to and manipulated into falling in love with someone who deceived me. That has hurt me emotionally and physically.

"Finding out that Kyran Lee/Kyran Scott was a female shocked me to the core. I truly believed Kyran was a man.

"Everything I know about Kyran Scott is a lie. What happened to me was wrong. Kyran manipulated me, deceived me, and lied to me and had sex with me.

"I don't think he fully understands the pain he has caused me. I don't feel that he feels any remorse. I don't think I will ever be able to forgive him for what he has done."

Sarah Knight, prosecuting, said: "Had she known the defendant was female and known her true identity she would certainly never have consented at all."

Kyran Lee arriving at Lincoln Crown Court
Kyran Lee arriving at Lincoln Crown Court  Stephen Daniels

Miss Knight said the pair met on Facebook and Lee, then using the persona of Joey Crislow, sent photographs to the victim.

She said: "They showed a tall, somewhat tanned, somewhat muscular and somewhat good looking young man in his boxer shorts.

"He sent pictures purporting to be of his daughter. He sent presents including jewellery and what appears to have been an engagement ring."

Miss Knight said that the couple eventually spent the night together in the victim's bed.

"The victim was wearing a bra and knickers. The defendant was wearing all of his clothes, The defendant engaged in foreplay touching and kissing her body.

"It progressed to him giving her oral sex and digitally penetrating her. She tried to remove his clothing but he backed off.

"With what she thought to be his penis he penetrated her. They had sex in the missionary position. It felt normal to her. The only odd thing was that he kept his hand at the base of his penis."

Miss Knight said that the victim subsequently discovered the true identity of the man she had slept with she complained to police. Lee confessed to using a sex toy.

"Lee said she bought the smallest one she could find so it would look real and so it didn't hurt. She said she cut a hole in a pair of boxer shorts and put the penis in place."

David Stanton, defending, said: Lee was transsexual having realised from a young age that he was a man trapped in a woman's body.

He said Lee has been receiving treatment on the NHS for the last two years at the Nottingham Centre for Gender Disporia.

"Kyran Lee has been receiving treatment for over two years. There will be an operation to provide Kyran Lee with a male genitalia. That is the proposed course of action."

Mr Stanton said the victim had made it clear to Lee that the relationship would be over unless he agreed to sex.

"The option was no relationship or to obtain a prosthetic. That is what Kyran Lee did. It is all accepted.

"This was not someone who cynically created a false identity to have perverted sex. This is a person who acted as a man.

"From the defendant's perspective the act of sexual intimacy was not motivated by an attempt to gain sexual pleasure but to avoid rejection, humiliation and a relationship breakdown.

Judge Michael Heath, passing sentence, said: "This is an unusual and very difficult case. She [the victim] only had any intimacy with him because she believed he was a man.

"Understandably she says she has been hurt, devastated and traumatised. It is clear that she has suffered and continues to suffer from immeasurable emotional harm from this sustained deceit practised upon her.

"This was not someone who cynically created a false identity to have perverted sex. This is a person who acted as a man."
David Stanton, defending

"That is one side of it. The defendant has a diagnosis of transsexualism. In the psychologist's report she says she had felt different from other children before puberty eventually coming to the conclusion that she was a male trapped in a female body.

"That must have been enormously difficult for the defendant growing up in that way.

"She states the act of penetration only occurred on one occasion and states the relationship would have been over had she not performed sexually.

"I accept this is not a case where this defendant entered into subterfuge so that she could gain sexual satisfaction and gratification from sexual activity with a woman.

• Woman who claims she did not know her boyfriend was female 'told her to buy fake penis'

"I'm satisfied that the whole motivation, highly selfish as it was, dreadfully deceitful though it was, was to have a relationship, not a physical one, with a woman as a man.

"That is quite clear. It was not a ruse to practise lesbian behaviour. This is a very different case. I fully understand how devastated the complainant feels. I also understand how difficult life has been for Kyran Lee.

"If I had thought for one moment that this was a case where his motivation was to get into bed with a woman to sexually satisfy himself I would have no hesitation in imposing an immediate custodial sentence but it is not that situation."

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