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Biden SOTU
The only word that comes to mind is senile. Dude cannot pronounce simple words, forget what he's saying, and just talks very nonsensical. I'm not sure how anyone buys into what this guy says.
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
LOL....Biden says people working at burger joints sign non compete clauses. Can he be any more disconnected from reality? Jesus ****.
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
JOE (Dark Brandon) will fix it all in his next 40+ years in D.C. unlike tDRUMPF!

Edit: The batty post that this post was referring to has been deleted for some reason.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a ROUGH response. Might as well lean into it and have Boebert do a slam poetry sermon parody of AOC’s shenanigans.
(02-07-2023, 11:47 PM)basballguy Wrote: The only word that comes to mind is senile.  Dude cannot pronounce simple words, forget what he's saying, and just talks very nonsensical.  I'm not sure how anyone buys into what this guy says.

2020 was Biden or Trump and people picked Biden.  Sadly, 2024 is shaping up to be Biden or Trump again.  Most people don't buy into Biden all that much, but they'll take your standard crap status quo politician over Trump (well, unless that standard crap politician is Hilary).

I think the 2022 midterms have elevated Mark Kelly and Josh Shapiro to national players for the presidency, but it seems like it's the Biden and Trump show until further notice.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-08-2023, 01:01 AM)Nately120 Wrote: 2020 was Biden or Trump and people picked Biden.  Sadly, 2024 is shaping up to be Biden or Trump again.  Most people don't buy into Biden all that much, but they'll take your standard crap status quo politician over Trump (well, unless that standard crap politician is Hilary).

I think the 2022 midterms have elevated Mark Kelly and Josh Shapiro to national players for the presidency, but it seems like it's the Biden and Trump show until further notice.

I am, in no way, endorsing Biden or Trump with my posts.  However, Trump (GOP) did align with certain POVs of mine.

That said, i'd support anyone (D or R) that actually did something about market manipulation.  Neither party ever will though.   
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
(02-08-2023, 01:09 AM)basballguy Wrote: I am, in no way, endorsing Biden or Trump with my posts.  However, Trump (GOP) did align with certain POVs of mine.

That said, i'd support anyone (D or R) that actually did something about market manipulation.  Neither party ever will though.   

That's fine, I just don't get why people are still asking how anyone can support or buy into or not be sorry he/she voted for Biden when it's clear as day that it's just a Biden vs Trump choice.

This question has been answered a million times since 2020, that's all.
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I almost never watch these things.  Just for show and really not much to get out them unless someone makes a major gaffe.  But I am reading some of the follow up stories. 

But I also didn't think, honestly I thought they could control themselves, that the gop would make such fools of themselves...again.

Quote:According to MSNBC's Garrett Haake, Rep. George Santos (R-NY) got to the House chamber earlier than anyone else, even reporters and set himself up on the aisle so he could shake hands with those who came in. Santos appeared to be trying to talk to Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) but it appeared that Romney had no interest in speaking to him, turning his back.

[Image: e0dd2acd3574679864cd76965aa5dce2.png]ADVERTISEMENT
There were concerns about whether Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) or Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) would "make a scene" as they had in the past, yelling back at President Joe Biden during the speech.

But it was Greene who was seated in the back row screaming and interrupting at every opportunity.

At one point she screamed "LIAR" when Biden said that some Republicans want to sunset Social Security and Medicare. It was part of a proposal presented by Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) during the last election cycle. It was roundly denounced by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

Biden managed to get everyone in the room to agree they would never cut the programs and "show seniors by standing up."

"So we all agree, Social Security and Medicare are off the books," said Biden. The room stood.

See the moment below or at the video here:
Greene screams during SOTU again

What sad group of "leaders" in the house.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Listening to bits and pieces this morning on the radio.

The gop actually booed when Biden said the Trump administration raised the debt a record amount and THEY raised the debt ceiling three times for him.

Then he got them to commit to not going after social security while still calling out Rick Scott (not by name).

Pretty brilliant for being "senile".  Cool
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Biden saying that he didn't want to ruin McCarthy's reputation but he is looking forward to working with him was a clever shot at the state of the two party system.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-07-2023, 11:47 PM)basballguy Wrote: The only word that comes to mind is senile.  Dude cannot pronounce simple words, forget what he's saying, and just talks very nonsensical.  I'm not sure how anyone buys into what this guy says.

At least Biden gets things done and follows through with what he says.  Take a drive down I-75 and check out the Brent Spence Bridge that will be rebuilt b/c of Biden following through with his promise of rebuilding America with the infrastructure package.  You know the one that Draftdodger Benedict Donald "The Conman" Trump promised but that was just a big lie, just like everything else that comes out of his con-artist mouth.  

President Joesph Biden has unemployment at a 50-year low and there are over 10-million jobs out there largely due to this infrastructure package that will require American companies to buy American steel and other materials made by Americans.  Biden has paid down our debt by $trillions, and not increased it like tRump did.  President Biden's policies are much more like Reagan's than the spoiled brat bankrupt failure from Park ave ever could have dreamed of doing. 

Who cares if Biden has a stutter, he's doing what's best for America and actually following through with his promises.   
I will say that Biden does seem to have the right style and approach to dealing with the maga-style politicians. If DeSantis wants to beat Trump he might want to take a break from copying Trump and pay attention to Biden's playbook a bit. Odd thing to say, I know.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-08-2023, 01:33 PM)BIGDADDYFROMCINCINNATI Wrote: At least Biden gets things done and follows through with what he says.  Take a drive down I-75 and check out the Brent Spence Bridge that will be rebuilt b/c of Biden following through with his promise of rebuilding America with the infrastructure package.  You know the one that Draftdodger Benedict Donald "The Conman" Trump promised but that was just a big lie, just like everything else that comes out of his con-artist mouth.  

President Joesph Biden has unemployment at a 50-year low and there are over 10-million jobs out there largely due to this infrastructure package that will require American companies to buy American steel and other materials made by Americans.  Biden has paid down our debt by $trillions, and not increased it like tRump did.  President Biden's policies are much more like Reagan's than the spoiled brat bankrupt failure from Park ave ever could have dreamed of doing. 

Who cares if Biden has a stutter, he's doing what's best for America and actually following through with his promises.   

I don't actually know where I75 is without looking at a map :)  I'm guessing somewhere around Ohio?  

I wasn't even talking about his stutter though...and that has  nothing to do with mispronouncing words or forgetting what you're supposed to say.  The "stutter" argument is just a tool used by the left to cover for man that is clearly in early stages of dementia.  

I also think you and I disagree on "what's best for america" so I'm not gonna even touch that one.  
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
(02-08-2023, 10:43 AM)GMDino Wrote: Listening to bits and pieces this morning on the radio.

The gop actually booed when Biden said the Trump administration raised the debt a record amount and THEY raised the debt ceiling three times for him.

Then he got them to commit to not going after social security while still calling out Rick Scott (not by name).

Pretty brilliant for being "senile".  Cool

I think the booing was pretty stupid....i think when either party decides to make the SOTU about them it's incredibly stupid.  Biden isn't talking to congress, he's talking to us...they're just there to listen.  
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
(02-08-2023, 02:43 PM)basballguy Wrote: I think the booing was pretty stupid....i think when either party decides to make the SOTU about them it's incredibly stupid.  Biden isn't talking to congress, he's talking to us...they're just there to listen.  

The far right in the Congress are a disgrace to this country and similar to when Trump was in office make us look like a worldwide joke.

Me me me.  Anything for power.  To hell with the country and the people they serve!  Anything for a little more power....a little more press.....a little more celebrity.....and the morons who vote for them just eat it up.  It disgusts me.  And the rest of the party is just as culpable for allowing it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-08-2023, 03:43 PM)Stewy Wrote: The far right in the Congress are a disgrace to this country and similar to when Trump was in office make us look like a worldwide joke.

Me me me.  Anything for power.  To hell with the country and the people they serve!  Anything for a little more power....a little more press.....a little more celebrity.....and the morons who vote for them just eat it up.  It disgusts me.  And the rest of the party is just as culpable for allowing it.

It’s not just the far right though. Anyone remember Pelosi ripping up a speech on tv so she could make that SOTU about her? The theatrics they all pull is idiotic and childish
-The only bengals fan that has never set foot in Cincinnati 1-15-22
(02-08-2023, 02:43 PM)basballguy Wrote: I think the booing was pretty stupid....i think when either party decides to make the SOTU about them it's incredibly stupid.  Biden isn't talking to congress, he's talking to us...they're just there to listen.  

That's one of the things Biden does right.  He acknowledges the hecklers, but doesn't tend to get overly involved in playing their games.  In that sense, going back to the 2020 election debate with Trump, I think he resonates with voters by speaking to them while semi-ignoring the noise that bombards him and the voters.  Hillary dismissed Trump and the MAGA movement as being something that had no chance of taking hold, and Biden learned from that error.

MTG is in a safe district where she can just appeal to her voter base who elected her to scream and break the rules and do stuff you label as "stupid."  That's not his opponent on the national stage (though she could be Trump's VP for all we know), but he knows enough to let her show people what the GOP tolerates and celebrates.

Biden also used the "I don't want to hurt your reputation" line for Mitch McConnel, and that is a bit of a clever way to show the general populace that compromise and reaching across the aisle has become taboo, especially for the GOP side of things.  Was this a SOTU?  Technically, but this is mostly campaigning for 2024, isn't it?  What isn't?  Politics is a team sport and they're always campaigning now because winning elections is what the public deems most important.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-08-2023, 02:40 PM)basballguy Wrote: I don't actually know where I75 is without looking at a map :)  I'm guessing somewhere around Ohio?  

I wasn't even talking about his stutter though...and that has  nothing to do with mispronouncing words or forgetting what you're supposed to say.  The "stutter" argument is just a tool used by the left to cover for man that is clearly in early stages of dementia.  

I also think you and I disagree on "what's best for america" so I'm not gonna even touch that one.  

President Biden doesn't have early stages of dementia, he's displayed this pattern of speech his whole career.  Let a life, nice try LMAO!  Hilarious Hilarious   

If anyone does it's Trump.  Trump can't even complete a sentence without going off on some tangent and completely forgetting what he was originally talking about... His whole life, it's just he's always the victim of being cheated outta something.  Also, Trump wears adult diapers b/c he craps his pants 3-times a day. 
(02-08-2023, 04:18 PM)BIGDADDYFROMCINCINNATI Wrote: President Biden doesn't have early stages of dementia, he's displayed this pattern of speech his whole career.  Let a life, nice try LMAO!  Hilarious Hilarious   

If anyone does it's Trump.  Trump can't even complete a sentence without going off on some tangent and completely forgetting what he was originally talking about... His whole life, it's just he's always the victim of being cheated outta something.  Also, Trump wears adult diapers b/c he craps his pants 3-times a day. 

Got any clips from early in his long and storied career that demonstrate that claim?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(02-08-2023, 02:43 PM)basballguy Wrote: I think the booing was pretty stupid....i think when either party decides to make the SOTU about them it's incredibly stupid.  Biden isn't talking to congress, he's talking to us...they're just there to listen.  

Well the GOP does in fact want to do away with SSI and Medicare/ Medicaid and they sure didn't like being called out on it.

Sen. Ron Johnson and Sen. Mike Lee both have called for the entitlement programs of Social Security and Medicare to be uprooted. At 2:51 into the video GOP Senator Mike Lee says exactly that.

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