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Opinion: DeSantis 2024?
(03-25-2023, 07:48 PM)GMDino Wrote: As you, my friend, avoid the actual words out of her mouth at a speech at the far-right CPAC.

But do go on...

Well,  (Baaaa), excuse me.

It seems you have taken my pointing out that she has some (many?) )extreme right wing views as some kind of personal affront to your contention that "Most of her views/policies are to the left" when they certainly are not.

She is not "mostly left" if she is a "centrist" as you say.  And she has some pretty far-right views, no matter how you wish to avoid talking about them.  The the left has moved further left and the right has moved further right...and Tulsi is going with it based on her speech.

Maybe this kind of discussion isn't for you.  It seems that any sort of discussion about anything other than her "centrist" views upsets you to the point of name calling.  So I'll step away an allow you to have the last word.

Oh, but for the record I voted for Bush Sr., Clinton 2x, Bush 1x, McCain (lost), Obama 2x.  That doesn't matter NOW because the political landscape isn't the same as even 10 years ago.

I clearly wrote why Tulsi has spewed her comments and that is up to you to review my postings. A synopsis for you She has a vendetta against the Biden/Harris administration because of their not inviting Tulsi to the Democratic Convention. Note she was the Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee before resigning and endorsing Bernie Sanders and condemning Hillary Clinton. 

Now if you don't understand what I wrote previously or what I wrote now in simplistic terms then I feel sorry for you.
I have already seen in entirely the clips of Tulsi at both CPAC conventions and I don't see her joining the Republican party with the speeches she made. 
The Democratic party is not the same as when she first ran and won in 2003.  

But how many ways and times do I have to repeat the same verbiage over and over to you to get it into your skull, the party has changed.

Instead of lying and saying most of her views are to the right and that is not true. I actually posted her views and you have not responded to one of them. Yet you sneakily post about or supply videos about her views and I keep telling you this is because of a vendetta against the Biden/Harris administration. You don't see her attack, Bernie Sanders. 

Issue by issue, I dare you to put up or shut up.

Ban Assualt Weapons

$15/ hr minimum wage
Yes to Reparations
No Electoral College
No Fossil Fuels
No Nuclear Energy
Yes to Medicare for all
Citizenship for Dreamers
Good Cuba Relationship again

Go on and find 180-degree issues that Tulsi has committed.  

I have already responded to your lame clips and I have mentioned what Tulsi talks about.

1. Bashing Biden/Harris Administration.
2. Ukraine War. 
3. Transgender men replacing our Sisters in Sports.

I told you that Fox news will only allow her to talk about the above besides a beat down on Republican Santos.  Tongue

[Image: 4540978331_3e8fe35323.jpg]
Weird that Tulsi hates Biden/Harris so much she flipped to being a Republican, speaking at conservative gatherings and now repeats many far-right talking points about "wokeness"...and yet she swallowed all that hate to support Biden in 2020.

Has the part changed THAT MUCH in three years?  Maybe Tulsi changed that much in three years.  Or, maybe, she always felt that way on these issues and is simply an opportunist trying to get in good with the right?

We'll never know...until her book comes out.

She just strikes me as another in a long line of people who will say anything to anyone to get elected.  And she has chose, now, to hook her wagon to the culture war horse of the far-right. Much as DeSantis, the point of this thread, has done.

Also, I looked for a link to her platform or stances (such as the ones listed in this thread) and do not see any.  I did find all those items on the 2020 Democrat Platform, and to Bernie Sanders.  But found zero link with those stances attached to her.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-26-2023, 02:51 PM)GMDino Wrote: Weird that Tulsi hates Biden/Harris so much she flipped to being a Republican, speaking at conservative gatherings and now repeats many far-right talking points about "wokeness"...and yet she swallowed all that hate to support Biden in 2020.

Has the part changed THAT MUCH in three years?  Maybe Tulsi changed that much in three years.  Or, maybe, she always felt that way on these issues and is simply an opportunist trying to get in good with the right?

We'll never know...until her book comes out.

She just strikes me as another in a long line of people who will say anything to anyone to get elected.  And she has chose, now, to hook her wagon to the culture war horse of the far-right. Much as DeSantis, the point of this thread, has done.

Also, I looked for a link to her platform or stances (such as the ones listed in this thread) and do not see any.  I did find all those items on the 2020 Democrat Platform, and to Bernie Sanders.  But found zero link with those stances attached to her.


Weird or lying that you said that she has flipped to the Republican Party. What part of the word Independent don't you understand? Her policies have not changed and I challenged you de hombre a hombre, to retort on Tulsi's liberal policies but you failed terribly being a hombre.

That hateness is directed more so towards Harris. As Tulsi was close to the Bidens long before Biden chose Harris as VP.

[Image: 868_464050093651415_622088748_n.jpg?_nc_...e=6447F5BA][Image: tulsi-12.jpg?quality=75&strip=all]

Maybe you have no idea what you are talking about when you are talking about politicians. She ran one time as a presidential candidate and has not changed her policies since. It's you with your lies trying to label her as a Republican.

It is naive to think that politicians won't say anything to get elected. I can post numerous positions where Biden and other politicians have said one thing one year and another opposite thing another year.

But I again will give you another chance, de hombre a hombre.

Issue by issue, I dare you to put up or shut up.

Ban Assualt Weapons
$15/ hr minimum wage
Yes to Reparations
No Electoral College
No Fossil Fuels
No Nuclear Energy
Yes to Medicare for all
Citizenship for Dreamers
Good Cuba Relationship again

Which policies has she done a 180-degree turn towards the Republicans?

[Image: 4540978331_3e8fe35323.jpg]
(03-26-2023, 03:43 PM)BengalYankee Wrote: Weird or lying that you said that she has flipped to the Republican Party. What part of the word Independent don't you understand? Her policies have not changed and I challenged you de hombre a hombre, to retort on Tulsi's liberal policies but you failed terribly being a hombre.

That hateness is directed more so towards Harris. As Tulsi was close to the Bidens long before Biden chose Harris as VP.

[Image: 868_464050093651415_622088748_n.jpg?_nc_...e=6447F5BA][Image: tulsi-12.jpg?quality=75&strip=all]

Maybe you have no idea what you are talking about when you are talking about politicians. She ran one time as a presidential candidate and has not changed her policies since. It's you with your lies trying to label her as a Republican.

It is naive to think that politicians won't say anything to get elected. I can post numerous positions where Biden and other politicians have said one thing one year and another opposite thing another year.

But I again will give you another chance, de hombre a hombre.

Issue by issue, I dare you to put up or shut up.

Ban Assualt Weapons
$15/ hr minimum wage
Yes to Reparations
No Electoral College
No Fossil Fuels
No Nuclear Energy
Yes to Medicare for all
Citizenship for Dreamers
Good Cuba Relationship again

Which policies has she done a 180-degree turn towards the Republicans?


Again you believe she hates Harris SO much she has flipped on the Democrats...but still maintains most of their platform?  So much that she claims Democrats are "racists" who are dividing the country? And accuses Biden of using Hitler's "mindset"...while campaigning for a Republican?

And I can't "put up or shut up" on anything because her website with her platform hasn't been changed since 2020.  Mellow

All I can do is post her own words for the last few months.  And her actions.  And the policies she has spoken on.

And all I can say is anyone who continuously uses the word "woke" when attacking anyone is a far-right conservative.  So is someone who thinks that the inclusiveness of the left is racist against whites.  Her words.

But it really doesn't matter because the only time anyone will get to vote for her is as VP on the Republican ticket...if she gets that far.

But I promised you the last word...I only responded because you "challenged"
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
So do you think Vivek would stand a snowballs chance in hell with the white Christian nationalists or the evangelical wing of the GOP?   He was raised Hindu but has converted to an evangelical, but I still don’t think he’d get 5% of them to vote in his favor.

As far as Tulsi goes, I really liked her before the interview with Cuomo, and she may have a beef with Hillary, but she said she left the D’S b/c “They are a party of warmongering global elitists“. If she has a beef with Hillary and/or Harris then she should have mentioned them and not the entire Democratic Party or said, “The current administration.” 

FYI, I was hoping Biden would have picked Tulsi over Harris for VP.  He banked on having more of an opportunity to get African American women out to vote for the Harris ticket and it paid off.

So what’s Tulsi’s problem with supporting a democratic Ukraine?  If we leave there, then what’s to stop Putin from trying to recreate the Iron Curtin of the former Soviet bloc?   He has a fascination to do exactly that ya know?  What’s to stop China into moving into Taiwan, and then into the Philippines and so on?
(03-26-2023, 04:03 PM)GMDino Wrote: Again you believe she hates Harris SO much she has flipped on the Democrats...but still maintains most of their platform?  So much that she claims Democrats are "racists" who are dividing the country? And accuses Biden of using Hitler's "mindset"...while campaigning for a Republican?

And I can't "put up or shut up" on anything because her website with her platform hasn't been changed since 2020.  Mellow

All I can do is post her own words for the last few months.  And her actions.  And the policies she has spoken on.

And all I can say is anyone who continuously uses the word "woke" when attacking anyone is a far-right conservative.  So is someone who thinks that the inclusiveness of the left is racist against whites.  Her words.

But it really doesn't matter because the only time anyone will get to vote for her is as VP on the Republican ticket...if she gets that far.

But I promised you the last word...I only responded because you "challenged"
I challenged you a number of times now about Tulsi's policies and of course, you run and hide.  I was man enough to answer your videos/claims.

There are racists in BOTH parties that are dividing our country, it is naive and dumb to think only one party has racists.
Like I said many times, but you don't get it. I am an Independent so is Tulsi now. I don't agree with all of Tulsi's policies, views, and comments. I don't agree with all mentioning Hitler and Biden in the same sentence/paragraph. Neither did the Far-Right host Jessie Watters when he interviewed her and he has never had her on his show again. 

You come up with an insane comment about how Tulsi feels about the word "Woke" is. Umm News Flash you are no smarter than this Far-Left person ...

You are not even close to Bill Maher so stop right there. 
[Image: 4540978331_3e8fe35323.jpg]
(03-26-2023, 05:02 PM)BIGDADDYFROMCINCINNATI Wrote: So do you think Vivek would stand a snowballs chance in hell with the white Christian nationalists or the evangelical wing of the GOP?   He was raised Hindu but has converted to an evangelical, but I still don’t think he’d get 5% of them to vote in his favor.

As far as Tulsi goes, I really liked her before the interview with Cuomo, and she may have a beef with Hillary, but she said she left the D’S b/c “They are a party of warmongering global elitists“. If she has a beef with Hillary and/or Harris then she should have mentioned them and not the entire Democratic Party or said, “The current administration.” 

FYI, I was hoping Biden would have picked Tulsi over Harris for VP.  He banked on having more of an opportunity to get African American women out to vote for the Harris ticket and it paid off.

So what’s Tulsi’s problem with supporting a democratic Ukraine?  If we leave there, then what’s to stop Putin from trying to recreate the Iron Curtin of the former Soviet bloc?   He has a fascination to do exactly that ya know?  What’s to stop China into moving into Taiwan, and then into the Philippines and so on?

News Flash whoever is in charge or on top of the ticket. That is what the media says about the Republicans, it is "Trump's Republicans". Using the same login it is Biden/Harris Democratic party. Whoever is on top it's their party. 

I am glad that you also would have picked Tulsi over Harris and with a normal campaign, he may have picked her as she was the last Woman standing.
But instead of selecting the best person on merit, he settled for identity politics. 

I don't agree with Tulsi's view on Syria or Ukraine, does that make me a Democrat, no because I am not a sheep which is why I am not in today's Democratic party and the same goes for Tulsi. 

Mark my words normally a Pres and a VP are in lockstep in almost everything. So there are issues where Harris and Biden disagree but they can't show that in public. I feel that Biden and Tulsi had more in common than Biden and Harris. Not one time did Tulsi attack Biden during the debates, her fangs were for Harris and Buttigieg.

Yet we know what Harris said about Biden during the debates. What you may not know was reportedly Jill Biden was not pleased with Joe selecting Harris. 

[Image: 4540978331_3e8fe35323.jpg]
(03-26-2023, 04:03 PM)GMDino Wrote: Again you believe she hates Harris SO much she has flipped on the Democrats...but still maintains most of their platform?  So much that she claims Democrats are "racists" who are dividing the country? And accuses Biden of using Hitler's "mindset"...while campaigning for a Republican?

And I can't "put up or shut up" on anything because her website with her platform hasn't been changed since 2020.  Mellow

All I can do is post her own words for the last few months.  And her actions.  And the policies she has spoken on.

And all I can say is anyone who continuously uses the word "woke" when attacking anyone is a far-right conservative.  So is someone who thinks that the inclusiveness of the left is racist against whites.  Her words.

But it really doesn't matter because the only time anyone will get to vote for her is as VP on the Republican ticket...if she gets that far.

But I promised you the last word...I only responded because you "challenged"

Times up you lost your chance again in the de hombre a hombre challenge.

But I am not going to be biased like you. 

So pardon me, I need someone with real Intelligence, so I will be asking two Intelligent entities.

1. ChatGPT AI and 
2. Caktus AI

1. ChatGPT

What are Tulsi Gabbard's policies on the following Ban on...

Assualt Weapons

$15/ hr minimum wage
Yes to Reparations
No Electoral College
No Fossil Fuels
No Nuclear Energy
Yes to Medicare for all
Citizenship for Dreamers
Good Cuba Relationship again

Tulsi Gabbard is a former U.S. Representative from Hawaii who ran for President of the United States in 2020. During her campaign, she expressed support for some of the policies you mentioned, but did not take a clear stance on others. Here are some of her positions:

- Ban Assault Weapons: Tulsi Gabbard has expressed support for banning assault weapons, stating that they have no place in our communities and that we need to take common-sense measures to prevent gun violence.
- $15/hr minimum wage: Tulsi Gabbard supports raising the federal minimum wage to $15/hour, which she has called a living wage.
- Reparations: Tulsi Gabbard has not taken a clear stance on reparations for slavery. However, she has stated that she supports addressing systemic racism and inequality in our society.
- Electoral College: Tulsi Gabbard has expressed support for abolishing the Electoral College and implementing a national popular vote for presidential elections.
- Fossil Fuels: Tulsi Gabbard has stated that we need to transition away from fossil fuels to address climate change, but has not taken a clear stance on banning them.
- Nuclear Energy: Tulsi Gabbard has expressed support for investing in renewable energy sources and reducing our reliance on nuclear power, but has not taken a clear stance on banning it.
- Medicare for All: Tulsi Gabbard has expressed support for Medicare for All, stating that healthcare should be a right for all Americans and that a single-payer system is the most efficient way to achieve that goal.
- Dreamers: Tulsi Gabbard supports providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, who were brought to the United States as children and have grown up here.
- Cuba: Tulsi Gabbard has expressed support for normalizing relations with Cuba and lifting the embargo, stating that engagement is a more effective way to promote change than isolation.

What are the liberal policies of Tulsi Gabbard?

What are the liberal policies of Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard has been associated with progressive and liberal policies during her political career. Some of her notable liberal policies include:

1. Medicare for All: Tulsi Gabbard has been a vocal supporter of a single-payer healthcare system that would provide comprehensive medical coverage to all Americans.

2. Climate Change: Gabbard has supported measures to address climate change, including transitioning to renewable energy sources and reducing the carbon footprint of the United States.

3. Criminal Justice Reform: Tulsi Gabbard has advocated for criminal justice reform, including ending the war on drugs, reducing mandatory minimum sentences, and investing in rehabilitation and reentry programs.

4. LGBTQ Rights: Gabbard has been a strong advocate for LGBTQ rights and has supported policies such as the Equality Act, which would extend civil rights protections to LGBTQ individuals.

5. Education: Tulsi Gabbard has supported efforts to make college education more affordable and accessible to all, including expanding Pell grants and offering free community college.

6. Immigration Reform: Gabbard has supported immigration reform measures that would provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, protect Dreamers, and create a more humane and fair immigration system.

7. Women's Rights: Tulsi Gabbard has been a strong advocate for women's rights and has supported policies such as equal pay for equal work, access to reproductive healthcare, and paid family leave.

8. Campaign Finance Reform: Gabbard has advocated for campaign finance reform measures such as overturning Citizens United, increasing transparency in campaign donations, and public financing of elections.

9. Gun Control: Tulsi Gabbard has supported measures to reduce gun violence, including expanding background checks, banning assault weapons, and limiting the sale of high-capacity magazines.

10. Foreign Policy: Gabbard has been critical of U.S. interventionism in foreign countries and has advocated for a more restrained foreign policy, including ending the war in Afghanistan and avoiding military intervention in Syria.

11. Infrastructure: Tulsi Gabbard has supported investing in infrastructure projects to create jobs and improve the country's transportation, energy, and communications systems.

12. Racial Justice: Gabbard has supported efforts to address racial inequality and police brutality, including reforming the criminal justice system and investing in communities of color.

These are just a few examples of the liberal policies that Tulsi Gabbard has supported. It's important to note that her policy positions may evolve over time and that she has also expressed some centrist or conservative-leaning views on certain issues.

Ahh, here the last line which I am not hiding clearly states Tulsi has some Centrist or Conservative-leaning views on certain issues.

This was the mic drop move, where my first response was that She was a Centrist Democrat Hindu. 

Don't hide from this, don't ignore it. 

Now let's go to another AI program Caktus AI ...

What are Tulsi Gabbard's policies on the following Ban 

Assualt Weapons  
$15/ hr minimum wage 
Yes to Reparations 
No Electoral College 
No Fossil Fuels 
No Nuclear Energy 
Yes to Medicare for all Citizenship for Dreamers 
Good Cuba Relationship again

1. Ban Assault Weapons: Tulsi Gabbard supports a ban on assault weapons. She has co-sponsored legislation to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and has called for common-sense gun safety measures to prevent gun violence.

2. $15/hr Minimum Wage: Tulsi Gabbard supports raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. She has co-sponsored legislation to raise the minimum wage and has spoken out in support of workers' rights.

3. Yes to Reparations: Tulsi Gabbard supports reparations for slavery. She has co-sponsored legislation to study reparations and has spoken out in support of reparations as a way to address the legacy of slavery and systemic racism.

4. No Electoral College: Tulsi Gabbard has called for the abolition of the Electoral College. She believes that the president should be elected by a popular vote, and has co-sponsored legislation to establish a national popular vote for president.

5. No Fossil Fuels: Tulsi Gabbard supports transitioning to a clean energy economy and has called for a phase-out of fossil fuels. She has co-sponsored legislation to invest in renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

6. No Nuclear Energy: Tulsi Gabbard has expressed concerns about the safety and environmental risks of nuclear energy. She has called for a transition to renewable energy sources and has co-sponsored legislation to promote clean energy.

7. Yes to Medicare for All: Tulsi Gabbard supports a Medicare for All healthcare system. She has co-sponsored legislation to establish a single-payer healthcare system and has spoken out in support of universal healthcare.

8. Citizenship for Dreamers: Tulsi Gabbard supports a path to citizenship for Dreamers, undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. She has co-sponsored legislation to protect Dreamers and has spoken out in support of comprehensive immigration reform.

9. Good Cuba Relationship again: Tulsi Gabbard supports normalizing relations with Cuba. She has co-sponsored legislation to lift the embargo on Cuba and has spoken out in support of diplomatic engagement with the country.

Now I a real hombre have answered you with two distinct AI programs. 
Instead of thanking me and bending the knee to me, you will no doubt come up with some foolish excuse and not answer the challenge at all. 
[Image: 4540978331_3e8fe35323.jpg]
(03-26-2023, 06:24 PM)BengalYankee Wrote: Times up you lost your chance again in the de hombre a hombre challenge.

But I am not going to be biased like you. 

So pardon me, I need someone with real Intelligence, so I will be asking two Intelligent entities.

1. ChatGPT AI and 
2. Caktus AI

1. ChatGPT

What are Tulsi Gabbard's policies on the following Ban on...

Assualt Weapons

$15/ hr minimum wage
Yes to Reparations
No Electoral College
No Fossil Fuels
No Nuclear Energy
Yes to Medicare for all
Citizenship for Dreamers
Good Cuba Relationship again

Tulsi Gabbard is a former U.S. Representative from Hawaii who ran for President of the United States in 2020
. During her campaign, she expressed support for some of the policies you mentioned, but did not take a clear stance on others. Here are some of her positions:

- Ban Assault Weapons: Tulsi Gabbard has expressed support for banning assault weapons, stating that they have no place in our communities and that we need to take common-sense measures to prevent gun violence.
- $15/hr minimum wage: Tulsi Gabbard supports raising the federal minimum wage to $15/hour, which she has called a living wage.
- Reparations: Tulsi Gabbard has not taken a clear stance on reparations for slavery. However, she has stated that she supports addressing systemic racism and inequality in our society.
- Electoral College: Tulsi Gabbard has expressed support for abolishing the Electoral College and implementing a national popular vote for presidential elections.
- Fossil Fuels: Tulsi Gabbard has stated that we need to transition away from fossil fuels to address climate change, but has not taken a clear stance on banning them.
- Nuclear Energy: Tulsi Gabbard has expressed support for investing in renewable energy sources and reducing our reliance on nuclear power, but has not taken a clear stance on banning it.
- Medicare for All: Tulsi Gabbard has expressed support for Medicare for All, stating that healthcare should be a right for all Americans and that a single-payer system is the most efficient way to achieve that goal.
- Dreamers: Tulsi Gabbard supports providing a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, who were brought to the United States as children and have grown up here.
- Cuba: Tulsi Gabbard has expressed support for normalizing relations with Cuba and lifting the embargo, stating that engagement is a more effective way to promote change than isolation.

What are the liberal policies of Tulsi Gabbard?

What are the liberal policies of Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard has been associated with progressive and liberal policies during her political career. Some of her notable liberal policies include:

1. Medicare for All: Tulsi Gabbard has been a vocal supporter of a single-payer healthcare system that would provide comprehensive medical coverage to all Americans.

2. Climate Change: Gabbard has supported measures to address climate change, including transitioning to renewable energy sources and reducing the carbon footprint of the United States.

3. Criminal Justice Reform: Tulsi Gabbard has advocated for criminal justice reform, including ending the war on drugs, reducing mandatory minimum sentences, and investing in rehabilitation and reentry programs.

4. LGBTQ Rights: Gabbard has been a strong advocate for LGBTQ rights and has supported policies such as the Equality Act, which would extend civil rights protections to LGBTQ individuals.

5. Education: Tulsi Gabbard has supported efforts to make college education more affordable and accessible to all, including expanding Pell grants and offering free community college.

6. Immigration Reform: Gabbard has supported immigration reform measures that would provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, protect Dreamers, and create a more humane and fair immigration system.

7. Women's Rights: Tulsi Gabbard has been a strong advocate for women's rights and has supported policies such as equal pay for equal work, access to reproductive healthcare, and paid family leave.

8. Campaign Finance Reform: Gabbard has advocated for campaign finance reform measures such as overturning Citizens United, increasing transparency in campaign donations, and public financing of elections.

9. Gun Control: Tulsi Gabbard has supported measures to reduce gun violence, including expanding background checks, banning assault weapons, and limiting the sale of high-capacity magazines.

10. Foreign Policy: Gabbard has been critical of U.S. interventionism in foreign countries and has advocated for a more restrained foreign policy, including ending the war in Afghanistan and avoiding military intervention in Syria.

11. Infrastructure: Tulsi Gabbard has supported investing in infrastructure projects to create jobs and improve the country's transportation, energy, and communications systems.

12. Racial Justice: Gabbard has supported efforts to address racial inequality and police brutality, including reforming the criminal justice system and investing in communities of color.

These are just a few examples of the liberal policies that Tulsi Gabbard has supported. It's important to note that her policy positions may evolve over time and that she has also expressed some centrist or conservative-leaning views on certain issues.

Ahh, here the last line which I am not hiding clearly states Tulsi has some Centrist or Conservative-leaning views on certain issues.

This was the mic drop move, where my first response was that She was a Centrist Democrat Hindu. 

Don't hide from this, don't ignore it. 

Now let's go to another AI program Caktus AI ...

What are Tulsi Gabbard's policies on the following Ban 

Assualt Weapons  
$15/ hr minimum wage 
Yes to Reparations 
No Electoral College 
No Fossil Fuels 
No Nuclear Energy 
Yes to Medicare for all Citizenship for Dreamers 
Good Cuba Relationship again

1. Ban Assault Weapons: Tulsi Gabbard supports a ban on assault weapons. She has co-sponsored legislation to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and has called for common-sense gun safety measures to prevent gun violence.

2. $15/hr Minimum Wage: Tulsi Gabbard supports raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. She has co-sponsored legislation to raise the minimum wage and has spoken out in support of workers' rights.

3. Yes to Reparations: Tulsi Gabbard supports reparations for slavery. She has co-sponsored legislation to study reparations and has spoken out in support of reparations as a way to address the legacy of slavery and systemic racism.

4. No Electoral College: Tulsi Gabbard has called for the abolition of the Electoral College. She believes that the president should be elected by a popular vote, and has co-sponsored legislation to establish a national popular vote for president.

5. No Fossil Fuels: Tulsi Gabbard supports transitioning to a clean energy economy and has called for a phase-out of fossil fuels. She has co-sponsored legislation to invest in renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

6. No Nuclear Energy: Tulsi Gabbard has expressed concerns about the safety and environmental risks of nuclear energy. She has called for a transition to renewable energy sources and has co-sponsored legislation to promote clean energy.

7. Yes to Medicare for All: Tulsi Gabbard supports a Medicare for All healthcare system. She has co-sponsored legislation to establish a single-payer healthcare system and has spoken out in support of universal healthcare.

8. Citizenship for Dreamers: Tulsi Gabbard supports a path to citizenship for Dreamers, undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. She has co-sponsored legislation to protect Dreamers and has spoken out in support of comprehensive immigration reform.

9. Good Cuba Relationship again: Tulsi Gabbard supports normalizing relations with Cuba. She has co-sponsored legislation to lift the embargo on Cuba and has spoken out in support of diplomatic engagement with the country.

Now I a real hombre have answered you with two distinct AI programs. 

Instead of thanking me and bending the knee to me, you will no doubt come up with some foolish excuse and not answer the challenge at all. 

All you did was show that in 2020 she said those things.  It's 2023 and her views have changed enough for her to leave the Democrat party.

Sorry I'm not an "hombre" enough for you.   "Mellow"
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
For example I *doubt* Gabbard would want to get rid of the Department of Education...however she has aligned herself with those on the far right who are waging a culture war like Boebert who actually do want such things.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-26-2023, 07:18 PM)GMDino Wrote: All you did was show that in 2020 she said those things.  It's 2023 and her views have changed enough for her to leave the Democrat party.

Sorry I'm not an "hombre" enough for you.   "Mellow"

I have asked you again and again to no end, to show me in 2023 that she has done a 180 degree from her policies. 

You are not more Intelligent than ChatGPT AI or Caktus AI.  Cool

I am "hombre" enough for Ms. GMDino.  Wink
[Image: 4540978331_3e8fe35323.jpg]
(03-26-2023, 07:48 PM)GMDino Wrote: For example I *doubt* Gabbard would want to get rid of the Department of Education...however she has aligned herself with those on the far right who are waging a culture war like Boebert who actually do want such things.


For example, I see how Biden aligned himself with two segregationists who were waging a culture war.

1. Biden praised then-Mississippi Sen. John Stennis, a staunch segregationist as a "hero" and "the rockbound integrity of the United States Congress" in the 1980s. Biden called Stennis "a hell of a guy" in 2008.

2. Biden also has praised South Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond, who ran for president as a segregationist in 1948 as a Dixiecrat. In 1993, Biden spoke at Thurmond's 90th birthday and praised him by comparing him to Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

Two can play this silly game of yours. I guess Kamala was lying.  Whatever

[Image: 4540978331_3e8fe35323.jpg]
(03-26-2023, 08:28 PM)BengalYankee Wrote: For example, I see how Biden aligned himself with two segregationists who were waging a culture war.

1. Biden praised then-Mississippi Sen. John Stennis, a staunch segregationist as a "hero" and "the rockbound integrity of the United States Congress" in the 1980s. Biden called Stennis "a hell of a guy" in 2008.

2. Biden also has praised South Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond, who ran for president as a segregationist in 1948 as a Dixiecrat. In 1993, Biden spoke at Thurmond's 90th birthday and praised him by comparing him to Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

Two can play this silly game of yours. I guess Kamala was lying.  Whatever

No doubt many politicians have said kind words about someone that did/stood for awful things.

Gabbard is literally aligned with the likes of Boebert in the current.  Gabbard repeats the same, tired "Woke" speak that Boebert does.  So not the same, but this point I really don't expect you to admit that.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-26-2023, 08:47 PM)GMDino Wrote: No doubt many politicians have said kind words about someone that did/stood for awful things.

Gabbard is literally aligned with the likes of Boebert in the current.  Gabbard repeats the same, tired "Woke" speak that Boebert does.  So not the same, but this point I really don't expect you to admit that.

[Image: 4540978331_3e8fe35323.jpg]
(03-26-2023, 07:48 PM)GMDino Wrote: For example I *doubt* Gabbard would want to get rid of the Department of Education...however she has aligned herself with those on the far right who are waging a culture war like Boebert who actually do want such things.


Lauren Boebert is a high school dropout, and she went back to get her GED just months before she took office——so consider the source.  Her biggest life achievement was working as a shift manager at McDonalds before running for office.  
So Disney found a way to tie the hands of Desantis and his handpicked control board and this is his reaction.

THIS is politicization of a justice department


 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(03-26-2023, 06:24 PM)BengalYankee Wrote: Times up you lost your chance again in the de hombre a hombre challenge.

But I am not going to be biased like you. 

Now I a real hombre have answered you with two distinct AI programs. 
Instead of thanking me and bending the knee to me, you will no doubt come up with some foolish excuse and not answer the challenge at all. 

No one disputes that Gabbard was once a Democrat and supported Dem policies. 

Anyone who likes those policies should be voting for the party that continues to push those policies, 
not someone who left that party.

Because she left, the question is how does Gabbard stand on all these "liberal" issues now.

Can you produce some of her more recent policy statements, at least since August 2022? 

Can you explain why she has endorsed 12 Republicans who are NOT for assault rifle bans, lgbqt rights, etc., if she is for all that? 
How serious can she be about those "liberal policies" if she supports people who would undo them? E.g. she supports Joe Gibbs in
Michigan, who thinks women should not have the right to vote.

Listing where she was three years ago doesn't answer these questions. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-05-2023, 12:22 PM)Dill Wrote: No one disputes that Gabbard was once a Democrat and supported Dem policies. 

Anyone who likes those policies should be voting for the party that continues to push those policies, 
not someone who left that party.

Because she left, the question is how does Gabbard stand on all these "liberal" issues now.

Can you produce some of her more recent policy statements, at least since August 2022? 

Can you explain why she has endorsed 12 Republicans who are NOT for assault rifle bans, lgbqt rights, etc., if she is for all that? 
How serious can she be about those "liberal policies" if she supports people who would undo them? E.g. she supports Joe Gibbs in
Michigan, who thinks women should not have the right to vote.

Listing where she was three years ago doesn't answer these questions. 

The onus is upon you to find 180 degree policy changes. 

She is no longer a Democrat and her pushing for Republicans does not mean she endorses Republicans. She could use a clothes pin on her nose and do what all Independentds like me do and pick the lesser of two evils.  

Did you ever think that she may think the Republican opponent is too far left for her???? 
[Image: 4540978331_3e8fe35323.jpg]
(04-05-2023, 01:42 PM)BengalYankee Wrote: The onus is upon you to find 180 degree policy changes. 

She is no longer a Democrat and her pushing for Republicans does not mean she endorses Republicans. She could use a clothes pin on her nose and do what all Independentds like me do and pick the lesser of two evils.  

Did you ever think that she may think the Republican opponent is too far left for her???? 


Endorsing far right Republicans, DOES mean she endorses far right Republicans.

It's your job to prove she still supports Dem policies, or to explain why it makes sense 
to endorse those policies AND the people who oppose them.

If she goes around different states giving speeches on behalf of the far right Republicans she endorses,
That is hardly using a "close pin" on her nose, is it? She now reserves the clothes pin for those who advance liberal policies.

And sure, a Romney or a Kasich or even Chris Christie is probably too "far left" for her now. Yes. 

In any case, if she claims that Dems are "weaponizing government" without mention of Trump's DOJ, Green Bay Sweep, 
and the 1/6 insurrection, then how is her judgment to be trusted on anything? 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(04-05-2023, 02:36 PM)Dill Wrote: ??????????

Endorsing far right Republicans, DOES mean she endorses far right Republicans.

It's your job to prove she still supports Dem policies, or to explain why it makes sense 
to endorse those policies AND the people who oppose them.

If she goes around different states giving speeches on behalf of the far right Republicans she endorses,
That is hardly using a "close pin" on her nose, is it? She now reserves the clothes pin for those who advance liberal policies.

And sure, a Romney or a Kasich or even Chris Christie is probably too "far left" for her now. Yes. 

In any case, if she claims that Dems are "weaponizing government" without mention of Trump's DOJ, Green Bay Sweep, 
and the 1/6 insurrection, then how is her judgment to be trusted on anything? 

As AG William Barr, stated which one of Trumps enemies did he go after??? Crickets!!!! In fact none of the Trumps AG's went after his enemies. So why you lie about  "weaponizing government" 

So are you also saying an Independent must give equal amount of speeches to Democrats???? You sound like a Fascist Nazi, "its my way or the highway". 
[Image: 4540978331_3e8fe35323.jpg]

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