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Did Trump post Obama's address?
(07-05-2023, 08:24 PM)KillerGoose Wrote: I hope we can all agree that the act of political opponents posting each others addresses online is a dangerous and reprehensible act to let go unpunished. Anyone participating - regardless of political affiliation - should be punished.

Note I’m saying “should be”. I understand there is no law (California excluded) that prohibits this, but I do believe it would be a beneficial one to put in place.

Especially Trump of all people. Remember that time he blabbered on for a couple of months that the election was stolen and rigged. Then he told his peaceful patriots to go 'Fight like hell'. Of course the first deflections blamed the FBI, black lives matter, and other imposters for causing the patriotic protest inside the Capital building. But then the right eventually blamed it on a few maga knuckleheads but not Trump.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

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(07-06-2023, 07:54 PM)Millhouse Wrote: Especially Trump of all people. Remember that time he blabbered on for a couple of months that the election was stolen and rigged. Then he told his peaceful patriots to go 'Fight like hell'. Of course the first deflections blamed the FBI, black lives matter, and other imposters for causing the patriotic protest inside the Capital building. But then the right eventually blamed it on a few maga knuckleheads but not Trump.

Trump made a speech the day of the riots. So to be clear, he said to go PEACEFULLY PROTEST.

But hey spin it all you want. Trump is used to being attacked by the left, FBI, DOJ and left Antifa group used by left to incite riots all over the country.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(07-05-2023, 06:45 PM)Millhouse Wrote: Here is a new story making the rounds. Apparently according to Federal prosecuters today, Trump posted on his social media site President Obama's address. On the same day that he did this, a nutjob was was arrested nearby in a van full of guns and ammo, who the Feds have been tracking since January 6th as he was a rioter (err I'm sorry Magaland, I mean a Trump Patriot). 

So assuming this is true as it was stated in a court of law, why would Trump have posted Obama's address? 

ABC reposted the AP story below

You mean he's an insurrectionist traitor and an individual who attacked our constitution in an attempt to overthrow an election.  He should be tried for treason and hanged on the Capitol steps as the traitor he so rightfully has become.  Complete POS.
(07-06-2023, 08:08 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Trump made a speech the day of the riots. So to be clear, he said to go PEACEFULLY PROTEST.

But hey spin it all you want. Trump is used to being attacked by the left, FBI, DOJ and left Antifa group used by left to incite riots all over the country.

Didn't he promise to pardon them if he gets re-elected?  Or was the DeSantis?  

Either way...real stand up guys!
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-06-2023, 08:08 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Trump made a speech the day of the riots. So to be clear, he said to go PEACEFULLY PROTEST.

But hey spin it all you want. Trump is used to being attacked by the left, FBI, DOJ and left Antifa group used by left to incite riots all over the country.

He said quite a bit more than that. The real spin was deflecting all blame from him for causing Jan. 6th. 

I don't know, I think I lost all respect for him and any form of support when he made those comments about John McCain. Even Colin Powell, a far greater American than Trump could ever be,  at the time turned on him sharply. You see I have a soft spot for American POWs (prisoners of war). I've read books on the Andersonville camp in Georgia during the Civil War, and the Bataan Death march in the Philippines in WW2. Then read quite a few accounts of POWs during Vietnam as well. But Trump said 'he doesn't like those that are captured.' Yeah, from that point on, he can go **** himself for all I could care for making a comment like that in regards to American POWs just to take a swipe at McCain. That is the person you are defending tooth and nail. A person with a soulless heart.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

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(07-06-2023, 08:08 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Trump made a speech the day of the riots. So to be clear, he said to go PEACEFULLY PROTEST.

But hey spin it all you want. Trump is used to being attacked by the left, FBI, DOJ and left Antifa group used by left to incite riots all over the country.

And here I thought you were Mr. Accountablity,  Hilarious   

Your Orange messiah conman Benedict Donald the traitor Trump did something on Jan 6th that no other president has done in our nation's history and that is he attacked our Constitution, our Republic's Democratic process when he knew he lost, but did it anyway.   Donald Trump will go down in the history books right next to Benedict Arnold.   

Trump is nothing more than a spoiled brat POS that has never been held accountable for anything in his privileged life, and anyone who supports him is a traitor by proxy. 
(07-06-2023, 09:28 PM)BIGDADDYFROMCINCINNATI Wrote: Your Orange messiah conman Benedict Donald the traitor Trump

All your different iterations of this crack me up. I think this is the best one yet.
(07-06-2023, 09:28 PM)BIGDADDYFROMCINCINNATI Wrote: And here I thought you were Mr. Accountablity,  Hilarious   

Your Orange messiah conman Benedict Donald the traitor Trump did something on Jan 6th that no other president has done in our nation's history and that is he attacked our Constitution, our Republic's Democratic process when he knew he lost, but did it anyway.   Donald Trump will go down in the history books right next to Benedict Arnold.   

Trump is nothing more than a spoiled brat POS that has never been held accountable for anything in his privileged life, and anyone who supports him is a traitor by proxy. 

He refused to accept the results of the election, held a "rally" the day the election results were to be certified so his cult followers could give congress "the strength" to make "the right decision".  He didn't even attend the inauguration.

Spoiled brat who did get enough love from mommy and daddy.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-06-2023, 08:08 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Trump made a speech the day of the riots. So to be clear, he said to go PEACEFULLY PROTEST.

But hey spin it all you want. Trump is used to being attacked by the left, FBI, DOJ and left Antifa group used by left to incite riots all over the country.

Again, this is a defense of Trump that makes his supporters look like violent idiots.  He told them to be peaceful on 1/6 and they rioted.  Now he's posted Obama's address and one of his supporters seems to have responded by going there with a gun.  What's the deal with Trump supporters?  Do they just think everything is a call to violence?
(07-05-2023, 08:05 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Didn't liberals post the address of Supreme Court Justices?

As for Trump, he does not hide, everyone knows he as multiple residences and exactly where they are so what is the big deal if he did. i did not see it on Truth Media either. Or maybe it was a sting operation with Trump helping the FBI and DOJ................... Hilarious

To my knowledge, no laws against posting someone's address. In Obama's case he is guarded by secret service at all times unlike us who have no security.

Did Biden or Obama post any political leader's address on Social media?

If not, then some "liberals" vs the front runner of the GOP 

is apples to oranges.
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(07-06-2023, 08:08 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Trump made a speech the day of the riots. So to be clear, he said to go PEACEFULLY PROTEST.

But hey spin it all you want. Trump is used to being attacked by the left, FBI, DOJ and left Antifa group used by left to incite riots all over the country.

LOL, go "peacefully" protest, at the moment my team is handing Pence lists of fake electors from 7 states.

Sounds like "the left" is steered from some "left central" where ALL the strings are pulled.

Is ANTIFA coordinating with the White House?  Biden tell them to "stand by" until they've got a target? 

I imagine a smoky meeting room where the head of the FBI, the DOJ and some random black figure from non-hierarchical ANTIFA,

mull over maps, minutes from their last meeting, and communiques from BLM.  

Where to strike next? Maybe send in a SEAL team to Cincinnati, dressed as cops to shoot unarmed minorities? 

Where are our crisis actors? School shooting planned for August and we're going to pin it on a White nationalist.

Now that we've taken out Alex Jones, NO ONE can stop us--but that Trump guy. 

He is so STRONG and patriotic, we just HAVE to stop him or America will remain free! Pray
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
There was a dude here who told us that Trump has suffered almost more than Jesus Christ ...

Talk about sane basis for a discussion ...

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(07-06-2023, 08:08 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Trump made a speech the day of the riots. So to be clear, he said to go PEACEFULLY PROTEST.

To a bunch of armed extremists whom he edged on with stolen election lies. Whom he then told to go tho the Capitol anyway, never mind they're armed extremists which he knew full well, go, go, I'll follow. And after shit went as was predictable and we all saw the violence on TV... well sure, then as a responsible, peace-loving man he of course tweeted are you insane, I told you to be peaceful, disperse at once or I will call the nat... - ah, no, he told them how badly Pence choked for fulfilling his duty and certifying the election. And then watched for hours doing nothing, actually being quite pleased apparently with how this unfolds.
He said to go peacefully protest. Mentioning this as a defense is just the height of self-deception, which it has to be, no one can be so naive.
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(07-07-2023, 11:43 AM)hollodero Wrote: To a bunch of armed extremists whom he edged on with stolen election lies. Whom he then told to go tho the Capitol anyway, never mind they're armed extremists which he knew full well, go, go, I'll follow. And after shit went as was predictable and we all saw the violence on TV... well sure, then as a responsible, peace-loving man he of course tweeted are you insane, I told you to be peaceful, disperse at once or I will call the nat... - ah, no, he told them how badly Pence choked for fulfilling his duty and certifying the election. And then watched for hours doing nothing, actually being quite pleased apparently with how this unfolds.
He said to go peacefully protest. Mentioning this as a defense is just the height of self-deception, which it has to be, no one can be so naive.

Let's not forget all of Don's besties in the House like Gaetz, Jordan, and Margie Greene going to visit the traitors in jail to supply them with blowjobs and care packages.  I wish I had an emotional support congresswhore like Margie.  Oh wait, can I order one that doesn't look like she's wearing a Leatherface human skin mask?
(07-07-2023, 05:11 PM)samhain Wrote: Margie Greene going to visit the traitors in jail to supply them with blowjobs and care packages.  

LOL Now that was funny.
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(07-07-2023, 05:14 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: LOL Now that was funny.

If AOC starts passing those out you can call me Karl Marx.
(07-05-2023, 08:14 PM)pally Wrote: yeah, some people did do that...and they shouldn't have.  Judges and politiicans do deserve some level of security in their own homes.

Do they? I don't think it's too much to ask to know where the person lives who takes money out of my check and makes laws I have to abide by. Maybe they would be less evil and do more good. Especially Pelosi.

(07-05-2023, 08:52 PM)BengalYankee Wrote: It wasn't some yahoo on Reddit.

But the yahoo group Ruth Sent Us on Tik Tok. 

These are the same yahoos that called on extremists to burn down Catholic Churches Services. 

Luckily the good folks at Tik Tok banned their account, eventually. 

[Image: pro-abortion-activist-ban-01.jpg?w=574]

Sounds like a ruse. 
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(07-06-2023, 08:08 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Trump made a speech the day of the riots. So to be clear, he said to go PEACEFULLY PROTEST.

But hey spin it all you want. Trump is used to being attacked by the left, FBI, DOJ and left Antifa group used by left to incite riots all over the country.

My friend (and I do truly consider you a friend, after the many, MANY fine discussions we've had over the past 14+ years), I will never tell you or anyone for the matter, how to live your life(ves), but reading this, I see you have gone just way too far down a rabbit hole and it appears you are almost at the point of no return.

I would suggest laying off the internet/right wing conspiracy news outlets and just enjoy time with your family, fishing (it's Florida! Go Nuts!) and other things that one can do in Florida.
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(07-07-2023, 05:21 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: Do they? I don't think it's too much to ask to know where the person lives who takes money out of my check and makes laws I have to abide by. Maybe they would be less evil and do more good. Especially Pelosi.

Sounds like a ruse. 

Really?  What do you do for a living?  Should everyone that pays you for a service or interacts with you professionally know where you live?  

Should I know where Joe Burrow and Mike Brown live because I pay for season tickets?  

You display an extreme sense of entitlement in stating that you have a right to know where someone lives that you fantasize carrying out violent acts against.

The term for the transaction you describe is mob rule.  Regardless of profession, there's a line between work and personal life.  The reason for this is the not so subtle and oddly casual potential for the threat of violence you just made.  It's the removal of the vote as the deciding factor for electing officials and the installment of violence.  

I thought you were a member of the "law and order" party.  
(07-08-2023, 05:27 PM)samhain Wrote: Really?  What do you do for a living?  Should everyone that pays you for a service or interacts with you professionally know where you live?  

Should I know where Joe Burrow and Mike Brown live because I pay for season tickets?  

You display an extreme sense of entitlement in stating that you have a right to know where someone lives that you fantasize carrying out violent acts against.

The term for the transaction you describe is mob rule.  Regardless of profession, there's a line between work and personal life.  The reason for this is the not so subtle and oddly casual potential for the threat of violence you just made.  It's the removal of the vote as the deciding factor for electing officials and the installment of violence.  

I thought you were a member of the "law and order" party.  

I didn’t say or imply that I fantasize about carrying out violent acts against anyone and you should be ashamed for trying to label me.
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