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Did Trump post Obama's address?
(07-09-2023, 02:21 AM)HarleyDog Wrote: I didn’t say or imply that I fantasize about carrying out violent acts against anyone and you should be ashamed for trying to label me.

That wasn't exactly what was said though. It was about a threat of violence, not by you saying you want to do something, but by anyone standing up to democrats' evilness. And that you did say, that if people knew liberal politicians' addresses they maybe would be less evil. Why? For fear of retaliation, obviously.

Rubbed me the wrong way too.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-09-2023, 10:53 AM)hollodero Wrote: That wasn't exactly what was said though. It was about a threat of violence, not by you saying you want to do something, but by anyone standing up to democrats' evilness. And that you did say, that if people knew liberal politicians' addresses they maybe would be less evil. Why? For fear of retaliation, obviously.

Rubbed me the wrong way too.

Quote:You display an extreme sense of entitlement in stating that you have a right to know where someone lives that you fantasize carrying out violent acts against.

Whatever. Reread my post. I didn’t say any of that bs. My point was simply if they didn’t feel untouchable, they would do better.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-08-2023, 04:28 PM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: My friend (and I do truly consider you a friend, after the many, MANY fine discussions we've had over the past 14+ years), I will never tell you or anyone for the matter, how to live your life(ves), but reading this, I see you have gone just way too far down a rabbit hole and it appears you are almost at the point of no return.

I would suggest laying off the internet/right wing conspiracy news outlets and just enjoy time with your family, fishing (it's Florida! Go Nuts!) and other things that one can do in Florida.

I am good. I am recovering from triple bypass surgery so limited on activity. The great thing about free speech is we all get to use it. I can disagree with you and others, but would love to have in person conversations from Bengals to politics to religion. My guess is either of us would change our views, but I would listen.

I get a kick out of the attacks on Fox media from liberals. These same liberals listened to the biggest conspiracy theory in history as the liberal media colluded with Adam Schiff and others for over 3 years. The conspiracy was then GOP front runner and the POTUS Donald J. Trump colluded with the Russians.

Censured media darling Adam Schiff used liberal TV platforms to peddle 'collusion' claims for years
The top Dem repeatedly claimed he saw 'evidence' of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia

You and liberals state Fox news is not reliable. Did Schiff have evidence Trump colluded with Russia or did he go on liberal media hundreds of times and lie he had the goods on Trump. Did the liberal media challenge his relentless attacks on Trump or did they simply allow the narrative Schiff is a trusted Democratic politician and Trump is guilty of high crimes as fact versus any speculation Trump was innocent. For over 3 years CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NYT snd WAPO acted in conjunction with Democratic politicians on only one outcome, Trump is guilty of Collusion. So, I challenge you and anyone to explain to me how the news sources you use like the ones I mentioned and others that were 100% wrong, Trump did not collude with Russia. We know now Schiff lied almost daily for 2.5 years as he had never seen any evidence because the evidence did not exist. I realize Schiff is a liberal hero. That tells a lot about Democrats interest in the truth. It tells a lot Democrats could care less about the US as they peddled a very serious charge against an existing POTUS causing the government to waste a lot of money and hindering his Presidency. Fox news had facts and investigative reporting contradicting the liberal news account. Who was right for 3 years and who was 100% wrong? 

I understand the goal of the left is to silence anyone that does not agree with them. In the past 6 weeks I have posted a ton of facts including a fake dossier used to peddle Trump collusion that the FBI (Durham report) never collaborated. In fact, nothing was collaborated according to Durham prior to launching the "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation. This investigation was not about finding evidence Russia interfered with the 2016 election, it was a Trump colluded investigation that started prior to the 2016 election based on a fake dossier HRC campaign created to discredit Trump and deflect from her email scandal. We still have liberals who refuse to accept the fact it was a bogus attempt to discredit the POTUS with deceit and lies by the FBI and DOJ. Those things were discovered by Fox long before Durham's report, again Fox was right and all liberal media used a serial liar to peddle the narrative Trump was guilty of Russian collusion.

Can we agree all news agencies get things wrong? But Fox is the #1 news agency by far for a reason, they are right more than they are wrong. CNN has lost all credibility because of their biased and poor coverage of Trump colluding with Russia. There is a reason they are no longer trusted.

Fox News had 94 of the 100 most-watched telecasts in February, which marked two consecutive years as the highest-rated network in cable news, among both total viewers and viewers in the key demo.

These are facts, Fox is far more trusted based on viewership. This is n spite of less conservatives by far than liberals in the US. 

I hope all is well, maybe I should suggest to you and your liberal friends to watch Fox news in addition to your liberal news choices.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(07-09-2023, 02:26 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: I am good. I am recovering from triple bypass surgery so limited on activity. The great thing about free speech is we all get to use it. I can disagree with you and others, but would love to have in person conversations from Bengals to politics to religion. My guess is either of us would change our views, but I would listen.

I get a kick out of the attacks on Fox media from liberals. These same liberals listened to the biggest conspiracy theory in history as the liberal media colluded with Adam Schiff and others for over 3 years. The conspiracy was then GOP front runner and the POTUS Donald J. Trump colluded with the Russians.

Censured media darling Adam Schiff used liberal TV platforms to peddle 'collusion' claims for years
The top Dem repeatedly claimed he saw 'evidence' of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia

You and liberals state Fox news is not reliable. Did Schiff have evidence Trump colluded with Russia or did he go on liberal media hundreds of times and lie he had the goods on Trump. Did the liberal media challenge his relentless attacks on Trump or did they simply allow the narrative Schiff is a trusted Democratic politician and Trump is guilty of high crimes as fact versus any speculation Trump was innocent. For over 3 years CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NYT snd WAPO acted in conjunction with Democratic politicians on only one outcome, Trump is guilty of Collusion. So, I challenge you and anyone to explain to me how the news sources you use like the ones I mentioned and others that were 100% wrong, Trump did not collude with Russia. We know now Schiff lied almost daily for 2.5 years as he had never seen any evidence because the evidence did not exist. I realize Schiff is a liberal hero. That tells a lot about Democrats interest in the truth. It tells a lot Democrats could care less about the US as they peddled a very serious charge against an existing POTUS causing the government to waste a lot of money and hindering his Presidency. Fox news had facts and investigative reporting contradicting the liberal news account. Who was right for 3 years and who was 100% wrong? 

I understand the goal of the left is to silence anyone that does not agree with them. In the past 6 weeks I have posted a ton of facts including a fake dossier used to peddle Trump collusion that the FBI (Durham report) never collaborated. In fact, nothing was collaborated according to Durham prior to launching the "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation. This investigation was not about finding evidence Russia interfered with the 2016 election, it was a Trump colluded investigation that started prior to the 2016 election based on a fake dossier HRC campaign created to discredit Trump and deflect from her email scandal. We still have liberals who refuse to accept the fact it was a bogus attempt to discredit the POTUS with deceit and lies by the FBI and DOJ. Those things were discovered by Fox long before Durham's report, again Fox was right and all liberal media used a serial liar to peddle the narrative Trump was guilty of Russian collusion.

Can we agree all news agencies get things wrong? But Fox is the #1 news agency by far for a reason, they are right more than they are wrong. CNN has lost all credibility because of their biased and poor coverage of Trump colluding with Russia. There is a reason they are no longer trusted.

Fox News had 94 of the 100 most-watched telecasts in February, which marked two consecutive years as the highest-rated network in cable news, among both total viewers and viewers in the key demo.

These are facts, Fox is far more trusted based on viewership. This is n spite of less conservatives by far than liberals in the US. 

I hope all is well, maybe I should suggest to you and your liberal friends to watch Fox news in addition to your liberal news choices.

Fox being trusted and Fox being trustworthy are 2 separate things.  They paid nearly a billion dollars because they LIED over and over again to their viewers about the election being rigged and Dominion voting machines being fraudulent.  They lied because they didn't want to lose viewers who only wanted to hear their fantasies reinforced instead of hearing the truth.  In texts, the Fox people regularly insulted their viewers and their gullibility but as long as they kept watching they would give the viewers what they wanted

You want confirmation not information just like most Fox viewers

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(07-09-2023, 03:27 PM)pally Wrote: Fox being trusted and Fox being trustworthy are 2 separate things.  They paid nearly a billion dollars because they LIED over and over again to their viewers about the election being rigged and Dominion voting machines being fraudulent.  They lied because they didn't want to lose viewers who only wanted to hear their fantasies reinforced instead of hearing the truth.  In texts, the Fox people regularly insulted their viewers and their gullibility but as long as they kept watching they would give the viewers what they wanted

You want confirmation not information just like most Fox viewers

I love how you ignore CNN's lies for 3 years using Schiff to peddle lies. 3 long years and not once CNN investigate Russian Collusion just pushed the narrative it 100% true. 

As I said all network news channels have had issues, yet you ignore CNN's lies and their lawsuit of libel with Nick Sandman.

And Washinton Post

Can you address Schiff's lies on CNN over and over again? Nah, you will ignore it as it tells the world what a hack liberal network CNN has become.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
If CNN and the Washington Post had waited Sandman out, their cases likely would have been thrown out of court with the rest of his lawsuits. However, the difference between CNN and Fox, is that they reported on their settlement with Sandman, and they pulled the story immediately when more details came out. Fox doubles down.

Schiff is a Congressman of the United States not the media, there was plenty of evidence, at the time, to say there was something going on between the Russians and the Trump campaign. In fact, the prosecutions via the Mueller investigation proved that there was something not quite above board going on. Mueller even concluded that Trump himself could possibly be guilty of obstruction but he couldn't be charged under DOJ guidelines concerning sitting Presidents. The House held hearings just like Jim Jordan is doing right now. And heck, if lies coming from Congresspeople is your measuring stick there are plenty of members on your side of the aisle to hold accountable.

But you know what I really love, it is how the minute you can't really respond to something, you immediately throw in a "what about" that generally has nothing to do with the original subject. And apparently unlike you, I'm not reliant solely on the #1 viewed news station on cable to tell me what to think

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(07-09-2023, 05:11 PM)pally Wrote: But you know what I really love, it is how the minute you can't really respond to something, you immediately throw in a "what about" that generally has nothing to do with the original subject.  And apparently unlike you, I'm not reliant solely on the #1 viewed news station on cable to tell me what to think


It's the equivalent of "I don't believe Dr. Fauci or the CDC, therefore Joe Rogan must be credible."

I mean if anyone is cool with Trump sharing Obama's address, feel free to post your address here.

The difference of course being that nobody here is a sociopath (probably) with a deep seated desire to murder someone because they're a liberal/conservative/independent/whatever (again, probably).
Our father, who art in Hell
Unhallowed, be thy name
Cursed be thy sons and daughters
Of our nemesis who are to blame
Thy kingdom come, Nema
(07-09-2023, 01:40 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: Tiger

Whatever. Reread my post. I didn’t say any of that bs. My point was simply if they didn’t feel untouchable, they would do better.

Hey, I try to treat you with velvet gloves already, but you said what you said. If private addresses were known, liberal politicians might be less evil. Now why would that be. It doesn't take bad-intentioned interpretation for getting why that would be. It would be because they midht be more afraid to not be safe at home any longer. It's especially clear when you single out Pelosi, the one politician who actualy faced violence - sure, it was the husband instead of her, but still-  at her own home.

& I said it rubbed me the wrong way to give you every opportunity to clarify. Which you chose not to do.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-09-2023, 07:57 PM)hollodero Wrote: Hey, I try to treat you with velvet gloves already, but you said what you said. If private addresses were known, liberal politicians might be less evil. Now why would that be. It doesn't take bad-intentioned interpretation for getting why that would be. It would be because they midht be more afraid to not be safe at home any longer. It's especially clear when you single out Pelosi, the one politician who actualy faced violence - sure, it was the husband instead of her, but still-  at her own home.

& I said it rubbed me the wrong way to give you every opportunity to clarify. Which you chose not to do.

I thought I was clarifying? Doesn’t matter, moving on. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-10-2023, 12:07 AM)HarleyDog Wrote: I thought I was clarifying? Doesn’t matter, moving on. 

What exactly, in your opinion, would be accomplished by knowing the addresses of politicians?

(07-10-2023, 12:07 AM)HarleyDog Wrote: I thought I was clarifying? Doesn’t matter, moving on. 

Well, sure, you clarified that politicians would do better if they didn't feel untouchable. Now what "touchable" means, that one is not quite clarified yet. It seems it means if they were open to intimidation by folks knowing their home address, and that doesn't look too good.
Pair it with the word evil and single out Pelosi, the one liberal that actually got a violent visit at home recently, and your statement appears pretty grim.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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