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Eventually, the truth always comes out
(07-21-2023, 08:41 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote: The FBI has been lying to the American public and attempting to cover up serious wrongs by a member of the POTUS' family, and potentially serious wrongs by the POTUS himself.  They have went so far as to manipulate what you see, hear and read about the details of these actions.  Some will claim this to just be a politically motivated partisan attack by one party against the other, but is it?  Does anyone else feel like the FBI claiming that the Biden laptop was part of a "dump and drop" disinformation campaign by foreign actors, while they knew the laptop and the data within were true and factual had any bearing on the 2020 election?  I, for one, am beginning to think so.

Fox News Digital has previously reported that the FBI first learned the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was legitimate in November 2019 and obtained it in December 2019. Investigators knew the laptop "likely contained evidence of tax crimes" that could be useful in the ongoing federal investigation into Hunter Biden, whistleblowers have said.

IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler told Congress last month that federal investigators knew in December 2019 that Hunter Biden’s laptop was "not manipulated in any way" and contained "reliable evidence," but were "obstructed" from seeing all available information on it.

I'm curious as to how the FBI determined the laptop was "legitimate" a month before they actually obtained it. 

Also, seems to me that the FBI SHOULD "obstruct" IRS agents from anything on the laptop NOT related to the tax charges against him. 
I'd hope they do that for any citizen.

(07-21-2023, 08:41 AM)SunsetBengal Wrote: "The Committee recently conducted a transcribed interview of current FITF Section Chief Laura Dehmlow who testified that, by October 14, 2020—the day the Post published its story on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop—the individual then-serving as FITF Section Chief, Bradley Benavides, as well as individuals assigned to FITF’s Russia Unit knew that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real," Jordan wrote. "Dehmlow also testified that the FBI could—and did—share information with companies regarding foreign malign influence operations, like hack-and-leak operations, including those conducted by Russia-aligned actors."

The same day the New York Post story published--Oct. 14, 2020--Dehmlow said FBI representatives "attended a previously scheduled meeting with Twitter, during which a Twitter employee asked the FITF about the authenticity of laptop."

"According to Section Chief Dehmlow’s testimony, an analyst in the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division embedded in FITF began to respond that the laptop was real, when an FBI lawyer interrupted to say that the FBI had 'no further comment, regarding the laptop’s provenance," Jordan wrote.

After that meeting with Twitter, FBI personnel "immediately deliberated internally about what information about the laptop the FBI would reveal to social media companies when asked in upcoming meetings."

Not clear to me what is inappropriate here. Confirming that the laptop was "real" is one thing, but that still doesn't exclude questions about what was on the laptop, which had changed hands so many times.  I can see why the FBI might want to keep mum about the laptop before an election, after the Comey fiasco.

I don't see an FBI claim that the laptop was a dump and drop operation. There was a USG meeting in which one agenda item was "hack and leak." Was that about the laptop? Was there an actual FBI claim that the laptop was a hack and leak operation? I don't see confirmation of that.

If I remember correctly, the Post got the laptop from Giuliani, who was at the time working with known Russian disinformants and himself disinforming the U.S public about JB's actions in Ukraine. And the Post's implication was that the laptop linked JOE Biden to corruption--a link still to be made, as far as I can see.  So all the information we have at present that could damage Joe was indeed made public by Giuliani and the Post before the election. And the laptop did have many important "red flags" usually present in foreign disinformation campaigns--timing, questionable provenance, proximity to known foreign agents, etc. 

But the GOP/Jordan claim is that the FBI, what, deliberately withheld information that could have handed the election to Trump? Information we STILL don't have?

Apparently "America" can trust some FBI agents, or Jordan would not be relying on Dehmlow's testimony. 

Hanging over all this is the question of why an organization stocked full of and directed by Republicans would be biased against Republicans.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
And I’m sure a lot of information and evidence about current investigations is supposed to be compartmentalized in the FBI.

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