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Drag March "Coming for your children"
(07-30-2023, 01:57 PM)GMDino Wrote: Could be I just think Nazi's shouting "there will be blood" at families and children is worse that them seeing a naked person and all I said, in response to you, was be careful of the company you keep.  Does it mean if you hate gay people or trans people or cross-dressers you are a Nazi? Of course not.  Anyone with any sense and no agenda knows that.  It means your views are shared with Nazis and maybe you should look at why.

I know you are done with this topic and rightly so.

But just for the record: I assumed your Nazi post was a comment on societal priorities. 

The thread is about the claim LGBTQ are "coming for your children." 

Your post was about people (Neo Nazis) coming for LGBTQ with the same pedophile slander. i.e., very much on topic.

I assumed you think that slander is a greater actual threat than LGBTQ grooming or sex ed in schools. 

Hence the ironic remark "at least they didn't see any naked people"--as if that were the worse problem. 

So I didn't see a link there between Nazis and ordinary parents with disagreements over when children should
learn what about biology in schools but who might have very positive views of LGBTQ people. 

But I did see a link between Nazis who repeat the grooming slander and anyone else who repeats/supports it.  

But even that link doesn't imply that non-Nazis are knowingly or "willingly allied" to Nazis--an anti-grooming Evangelical would likely be just as anti-Nazi--though it does imply a common, very anti-liberal* ground. Can't unlink that link by attacking the messenger and suppressing free discussion.

It would be a real shame in open political forum like this if we cannot discuss that common ground, where it comes from, in what it consists, who maintains it, how it is used for propaganda purposes for fear of where that discussion might lead.

*i.e., anti- politics grounded in a program of civil rights grounded in human rights, and the tolerance required to make that work. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-30-2023, 04:26 PM)Dill Wrote: As a racist supporter of ISIS I have to agree. 

Interesting.  Let's say, purely for the sake of argument, that you're correct and I'm being a massive hypocrite here.  I assume that means you will castigate GM to the same degree you did me.

(07-30-2023, 05:32 PM)Dill Wrote: I know you are done with this topic and rightly so.

But just for the record: I assumed your Nazi post was a comment on societal priorities. 

The thread is about the claim LGBTQ are "coming for your children." 

Your post was about people (Neo Nazis) coming for LGBTQ with the same pedophile slander. i.e., very much on topic.

I assumed you think that slander is a greater actual threat than LGBTQ grooming or sex ed in schools. 

Hence the ironic remark "at least they didn't see any naked people"--as if that were the worse problem. 

So I didn't see a link there between Nazis and ordinary parents with disagreements over when children should
learn what about biology in schools but who might have very positive views of LGBTQ people. 

But I did see a link between Nazis who repeat the grooming slander and anyone else who repeats/supports it.  

But even that link doesn't imply that non-Nazis are knowingly or "willingly allied" to Nazis--an anti-grooming Evangelical would likely be just as anti-Nazi--though it does imply a common, very anti-liberal* ground. Can't unlink that link by attacking the messenger and suppressing free discussion.

It would be a real shame in open political forum like this if we cannot discuss that common ground, where it comes from, in what it consists, who maintains it, how it is used for propaganda purposes for fear of where that discussion might lead.

*i.e., anti- politics grounded in a program of civil rights grounded in human rights, and the tolerance required to make that work. 

Oh, I guess not.  More rules for thee but not for me (or anyone you agree with ideologically).   Smirk
(07-04-2023, 11:53 AM)GMDino Wrote: When it comes to sex education the right is dead set against it for fear it will lead to promiscuity vs all the studies that show educating children leads to safer sex and actually reduces teenage sexual activity.

In general there is a trope that the left hates guns and violence and the right hates sex and nudity...especially in pop culture buy also in the way the two sides approach their public platforms.

Many on the left want stricter gun laws and agree with public nudity being allowed.

Many on the right want to ban all pornography (as they define it) but encourage permit less  or open carry.

Personally I'd rather have my kids see a naked person in public than have to worry about them getting in the middle of shootout.

But I also feel citizens have a right to both.

Speaking of the benefits of sex ed:

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-30-2023, 09:21 PM)GMDino Wrote: Speaking of the benefits of sex ed:


Proper sex ed protects children. Ignorance puts them in harms way

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(07-30-2023, 09:21 PM)GMDino Wrote: Speaking of the benefits of sex ed:


Proper sex ed protects children. Ignorance puts them in harms way

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(07-30-2023, 05:32 PM)Dill Wrote: I know you are done with this topic and rightly so.

But just for the record: I assumed your Nazi post was a comment on societal priorities. 

The thread is about the claim LGBTQ are "coming for your children." 

Your post was about people (Neo Nazis) coming for LGBTQ with the same pedophile slander. i.e., very much on topic.

I assumed you think that slander is a greater actual threat than LGBTQ grooming or sex ed in schools. 

Hence the ironic remark "at least they didn't see any naked people"--as if that were the worse problem. 

So I didn't see a link there between Nazis and ordinary parents with disagreements over when children should
learn what about biology in schools but who might have very positive views of LGBTQ people. 

But I did see a link between Nazis who repeat the grooming slander and anyone else who repeats/supports it.  

But even that link doesn't imply that non-Nazis are knowingly or "willingly allied" to Nazis--an anti-grooming Evangelical would likely be just as anti-Nazi--though it does imply a common, very anti-liberal* ground. Can't unlink that link by attacking the messenger and suppressing free discussion.

It would be a real shame in open political forum like this if we cannot discuss that common ground, where it comes from, in what it consists, who maintains it, how it is used for propaganda purposes for fear of where that discussion might lead.

*i.e., anti- politics grounded in a program of civil rights grounded in human rights, and the tolerance required to make that work. 

I thought it was pretty clear that there is a lot worse than seeing a naked person while with your parent.  Not that Nazis were the same as parents who made the fuss about the naked people.  In response to someone else "knowing" what I meant...not feeling or believing, not based on past posts or any kind of evidence, but knowing...I added that if Nazis agree with you you against a group you might want to step back and think about that.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(07-30-2023, 07:29 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Interesting.  Let's say, purely for the sake of argument, that you're correct and I'm being a massive hypocrite here.  I assume that means you will castigate GM to the same degree you did me.
Oh, I guess not.  More rules for thee but not for me (or anyone you agree with ideologically).   Smirk

Uninteresting. I don't really use the term "hypocrite"; I prefer analyzing to moralizing. 

Just pointing out the CONSTANT inconsistency between the standards by which you claim to judge others and your own behavior.
And I'm just showing it, not describing what mental state or motive or felt inadequacy or anxiety would drive a person to follow someone else from thread to thread making personal attacks and empty, repetitive "calling out."

If I quote you saying "Tying your opponents to awful people is a smear tactic," and the quote you doing exactly that, multiple
times, then I've demonstrated the inconsistency. I go no further.  That's quite different from citing a Nazi video, claiming there JUST IS a link to ordinary parents that you can see because you just know Dino is "disingenuous," and then calling what you've constructed "massive hypocrisy." 

So I'll not be "castigating" Dino for what he didn't do to the same degree I castigate you for what you did do.

Plus I could add that you except yourself from the CoC as well, since you are smearing fellow forum members.  Not necessarily hypocrisy,
since you have never really defended the principle of respect for other forum members, but it is another example of one standard for you, another for everyone else--in this case, rules everyone else willingly follows. And all that while imputing a double standard to me, which again, you can never demonstrate. 
(07-30-2023, 07:29 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Oh, I guess not.  More rules for thee but not for me (or anyone you agree with ideologically).   Smirk

You had a perfectly good moment there to EXPLAIN why Dino's videos could refer to more than just others who spread the "grooming"
claim, why your interpretation is more reasonable and accurate than mine.  But all you could offer is another accusation: I am supposedly applying a double standard, just because "Dino."

And so once again another thread degenerates into you personally attacking another forum member and straying from discussion of issues, and me carping on your incivility in and disrespect for the forum. Dino wasn't the first on this thread, either. No one else behaves this way. 

Nothing more I need say about this, if your response is simply to continue accusing without demonstrating. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-31-2023, 09:04 AM)GMDino Wrote: I thought it was pretty clear that there is a lot worse than seeing a naked person while with your parent.  Not that Nazis were the same as parents who made the fuss about the naked people.  In response to someone else "knowing" what I meant...not feeling or believing, not based on past posts or any kind of evidence, but knowing...I added that if Nazis agree with you you against a group you might want to step back and think about that.

Aha! So the juxtaposition IS between Nazis and others who spread the grooming lie. 
And about priorities--the grooming lie is worse, a bigger concern.

If you were against a national highway system, you probably wouldn't attack 
supporters by saying Hitler was for national highways too! That would just invite puzzlement,
because there is nothing intrinsically evil or Nazi about highways.

Rather different if we are talking about vilifying entire social groups with lies, though.
That is fundamentally illiberal.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
The republican "what about the children" thing?  Malarkey.

Quote:Republicans place a giant penis billboard with President Biden’s face and Biden Sucks on it at Little League field in VA

The image would probably violate rules but here's the link if you choose:
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-18-2023, 09:13 PM)GMDino Wrote: The republican "what about the children" thing?  Malarkey.

The image would probably violate rules but here's the link if you choose:

Is this emblematic of the GOP or just the few individuals that did this?  I'm just asking so we can blame the entire Democratic party for the actions of any of them.
(08-18-2023, 09:44 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Is this emblematic of the GOP or just the few individuals that did this?  I'm just asking so we can blame the entire Democratic party for the actions of any of them.

Specifically placing that by that little league field can be attributed to a few bad apples, but the amount of crass stuff like this that is mass-produced is enough to cast some aspersions to a larger group.  My MIL who is one of those "Trump is the only person who cares" types was specifically complaining about how all this F Biden stuff looks displayed around town.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-18-2023, 10:19 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Specifically placing that by that little league field can be attributed to a few bad apples, but the amount of crass stuff like this that is mass-produced is enough to cast some aspersions to a larger group.  My MIL who is one of those "Trump is the only person who cares" types was specifically complaining about how all this F Biden stuff looks displayed around town.  

I'd be fine with this as long as it was consistently applied.  I've heard about how much law enforcement is a tool of a racist system, and is itself inherently racist, from Democrats the past three plus years.  But yet I am told that Dems "back the blue" because they like a few of the Capital Police officers.  Miss me with that bullshit, I have to deal with how much far left politicians loathe law enforcement on a daily basis.  So, and again, if we apply this standard equally I can live with it.
(08-18-2023, 11:09 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I'd be fine with this as long as it was consistently applied.  I've heard about how much law enforcement is a tool of a racist system, and is itself inherently racist, from Democrats the past three plus years.  But yet I am told that Dems "back the blue" because they like a few of the Capital Police officers.  Miss me with that bullshit, I have to deal with how much far left politicians loathe law enforcement on a daily basis.  So, and again, if we apply this standard equally I can live with it.

That's a pretty big and long term issue.  I'm just talking about dbag merch being pumped out by the truckload during the Trump era.  

I will admit my favorite part of this country's troubled relationship with the police is when some white woman is being arrested and she sincerely says something like "Why are you treating me like a black guy?"
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-18-2023, 11:14 PM)Nately120 Wrote: That's a pretty big and long term issue.  I'm just talking about dbag merch being pumped out by the truckload during the Trump era.  

I will admit my favorite part of this country's troubled relationship with the police is when some white woman is being arrested and she sincerely says something like "Why are you treating me like a black guy?"

Ahh, you've seen the Florida video with the recently divorced Karen who gets pepper sprayed after driving her car through the Thanksgiving Day run.  

I don't care how big or long term an issue is.  If you're going to attribute the most extreme members of a party with the party as a whole, fine.  But be consistent.  I believe Bel when he says a VA Dem would be shocked by what a CA Dem says and does in general, possibly regarding law enforcement.  But if we're going to operate under the standard advanced by GM, then I will happily condemn the Dems as a whole.  What's good for the goose and all.
(08-18-2023, 11:45 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Ahh, you've seen the Florida video with the recently divorced Karen who gets pepper sprayed after driving her car through the Thanksgiving Day run.  

I don't care how big or long term an issue is.  If you're going to attribute the most extreme members of a party with the party as a whole, fine.  But be consistent.  I believe Bel when he says a VA Dem would be shocked by what a CA Dem says and does in general, possibly regarding law enforcement.  But if we're going to operate under the standard advanced by GM, then I will happily condemn the Dems as a whole.  What's good for the goose and all.

I just don't wqnt to bootstrap the issues with the police to a picture of Biden and a giant cartoon dick is all. I don't see how that helps anyone. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Apparently it wasn't just some random people that put up the sign.

Quote:Virginia GOP Official Displays 16 Foot Penis Sign at Youth Baseball Game to Protest Woke
[color=var(--dek_size_c_color,#333)]Ron Hedlund is a Virginia GOP Central Committee Representative

Ron Hedlund displayed a massive penis sign with the words, "Biden *****" written across it at a youth baseball game at RF&P Park in Henrico County, Virginia. In a video captured at the event, Hedlund, who is listed as a Virginia GOP Central Committee Representative defended his sign after a community member said it was inappropriate because there were children present.

In the video, you can see a pan of the field. The man also had a "***** Biden" inflatable "air dancer" sign in the back of his pick up truck parked near the field. Hedlund celebrated and posted videos of teenage boys taking selfies with his massive penis sign at the park.

Virginia GOP Committee Rep. Displays **** Biden Air Dancer at Youth Ballpark

On social media, one user wrote that police came and made Hedlund put away his massive penis sign displayed directly across from children playing baseball at the park. However, Hedlund then reportedly displayed "**** Biden" signs and the police refused to come back out.

Ron Hedlund posted video to YouTube describing the sign as 16 feet long and a caricature and linked it to his personal protests against school boards offering sex education and affirming transgender students. Hedlund said he only had "**** Biden" signs on Thursday at the park, but because people complained he would be deploying his penis sign on Friday during another youth baseball game. 

On Friday, Hedlund celebrated as teenage boys held his penis sign for selfies.

Ron Hedlund is a self described supporter of Donald Trump after initially supporting Ted Cruz in the 2016 primary. 

Trump and Ron Hedlund

I removed the videos and photos because they contained offensive images.  You can view them at your own risk at the link.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-28-2023, 02:48 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You do realize you're doing the exact same thing you're accusing others of doing, right?  That being you're judging an entire group of people by the words and actions of their most extreme members.  The vast majority of people concerned about this issue are not bigots, but concerned parents or people who want women to be treated fairly.

Shhhh stop trying, he's already made up HIS mind.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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