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Elon Musk Twitter
(11-15-2023, 07:34 PM)pally Wrote: some dude goes full anti-semitic...and Elon Musk agreed with him

Elon Musk may legitimately be mentally ill. Not an insult to him or mentally ill people. I think he's suffering right now. There's no other reason to nuke your social media website like this. He's a capitalist first and anyone with even the faintest of a healthy mind would know this is a bad move.
(11-20-2023, 12:21 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Elon Musk may legitimately be mentally ill. Not an insult to him or mentally ill people. I think he's suffering right now. There's no other reason to nuke your social media website like this. He's a capitalist first and anyone with even the faintest of a healthy mind would know this is a bad move.


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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-22-2023, 11:27 AM)GMDino Wrote: Maybe...

Diagnosing people from afar?  Smirk

(11-22-2023, 12:33 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Diagnosing people from afar?  Smirk

Nope.  Read it again. But when I posted I knew you'd being waiting...
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-22-2023, 01:08 PM)GMDino Wrote: Nope.  Read it again.  But when I posted I knew you'd being waiting...

Ahh yes, the plausible deniability of saying "maybe", like you're not actually agreeing.  Very clever and no one will ever see through it.

As for Musk, he is autistic, not mentally ill.  If you've ever had to deal with autistic people (I've had a lot of training as you have to approach them differently in a lot of ways) they will say or do things that make no sense to you, but make complete sense to them.  I had thought the left was above mocking a person for their disabilities, but I guess not when they don't toe the far left dogmatic line, or worse, actively fight against it.

(11-22-2023, 01:36 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Ahh yes, the plausible deniability of saying "maybe", like you're not actually agreeing.  Very clever and no one will ever see through it.

As for Musk, he is autistic, not mentally ill.  If you've ever had to deal with autistic people (I've had a lot of training as you have to approach them differently in a lot of ways) they will say or do things that make no sense to you, but make complete sense to them.  I had thought the left was above mocking a person for their disabilities, but I guess not when they don't toe the far left dogmatic line, or worse, actively fight against it.

You are so sensitive to any criticism it's funny.

Since you're already crossing threads I'll point out you said what you said about Biden was obvious to anyone who dealt with it.  

(11-20-2023, 06:22 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Because his mental faculties are clearly in very poor shape.  It's ok to admit it.  I honestly can't believe anyone who has watched this man the past few months has not realized it.

(11-20-2023, 07:11 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Did you see some of the "lowlights" of the meeting with Xi?  Did you see Blinken literally die inside several times?  Did you see Blinken literally shout at reporters to leave the room during the talks with Xi?  The dude is largely gone now.  I have sadly had to go through this with both parents and Biden is not in good shape.  I give you credit for at least admitting there's an issue, but consider this.  Do you want the most powerful person in the world to be someone who has "his good moments?"

I will be very surprised if the Dems don't pull a Texas switch with Biden sometime next year.  He'll have a "health crisis" or something similar.

(11-20-2023, 08:12 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Noticing the dude is not all there, or even close to it, is hardly partisan.  I could argue that denying it certainly is, because it's rather obvious.  Are you really telling me you don't see it?  Not at all?

(11-21-2023, 12:09 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Hold up, you can't accuse me of "prejudice" when you won't even admit if you see it too.  It's not about diagnosing anyone from afar, it's about what your eyes see.  This isn't a complicated bit of psychoanalysis, it's recognizing the signs of an extremely common ailment suffered by the elderly.  I'd be willing to bet every single poster here has dealt with this with at least a grandparent.  So, be honest with yourself and us, do you see signs of significantly decreased mental capacity in Joe Biden?  

I never said *I* believed anything about Musk, nor did I "mock" a person for their disability.  That's all what you made up in your head from me posting an actual Musk Tweet and the word "Maybe".

Now grab a tissue and get back on track with the thread.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-22-2023, 01:36 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Ahh yes, the plausible deniability of saying "maybe", like you're not actually agreeing.  Very clever and no one will ever see through it.

As for Musk, he is autistic, not mentally ill.  If you've ever had to deal with autistic people (I've had a lot of training as you have to approach them differently in a lot of ways) they will say or do things that make no sense to you, but make complete sense to them.  I had thought the left was above mocking a person for their disabilities, but I guess not when they don't toe the far left dogmatic line, or worse, actively fight against it.

Being neurospicy doesn't just give you a pass on being a shitty person and saying things like that. I agree with you that the commentary on Musk and mental illness is wrong, but your post here is some heavy handed virtue signaling. I say this as someone also on the spectrum.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(11-22-2023, 12:33 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Diagnosing people from afar?  Smirk

He's sincerely posing with a katana like he's an edgy badass.  I diagnose him as a total dorkus malorkus and i cite the DSM-IV I still have in my closet from my undergrad days. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-22-2023, 01:49 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Being neurospicy doesn't just give you a pass on being a shitty person and saying things like that. I agree with you that the commentary on Musk and mental illness is wrong, but your post here is some heavy handed virtue signaling. I say this as someone also on the spectrum.

Simply holding people to their own standards.  Rather the opposite of virtue signaling in my opinion.  Musk says, and does some cringe worthy things.  I just enjoy how quickly people abandon their stated moral compass the minute it's inconvenient to trashing someone they don't like.  If he hadn't bought Twitter he'd still be the darling of the far left and the same people trashing him in this thread would be lathering his ass.

(11-22-2023, 02:13 PM)Nately120 Wrote: He's sincerely posing with a katana like he's an edgy badass.  I diagnose him as a total dorkus malorkus and i cite the DSM-IV I still have in my closet from my undergrad days. 

Yup, he's cringe there's no denying that.  I'll simply reiterate what I sad above.  It's interesting to see how quickly people who used to sing his praises turned on him the minute he espoused opinions they didn't like.

(11-22-2023, 01:48 PM)GMDino Wrote: You are so sensitive to any criticism it's funny.

I believe this is called projection.

Quote:Since you're already crossing threads I'll point out you said what you said about Biden was obvious to anyone who dealt with it.  

Yup, and unlike yourself I don't pussyfoot around my opinion.

Quote:I never said *I* believed anything about Musk, nor did I "mock" a person for their disability.  That's all what you made up in your head from me posting an actual Musk Tweet and the word "Maybe".

Suuuuuurrrrre you didn't.  You just said "maybe".  Like I said plausible deniability.  Rather cowardly, but you do you. 

Quote:Now grab a tissue and get back on track with the thread.

Hey, I never have a tissue near me when I'm on the PC!  Ninja

(11-22-2023, 02:13 PM)Nately120 Wrote: He's sincerely posing with a katana like he's an edgy badass.  I diagnose him as a total dorkus malorkus and i cite the DSM-IV I still have in my closet from my undergrad days. 

They have this obession of being shown strong because he's not the only one in this matter.

Talk about insecurity ... 

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

(11-22-2023, 11:27 AM)GMDino Wrote: Maybe...

[Image: F_f2MDTXcAA6CWR?format=jpg&name=large]

This post is just cringe. I don't think JQ posting is cringe. It's antisemitic and conspiratorial and will cause him problems financially. 

People's excuse for Kanye JQ posting was that he was off his meds etc. Now people are attributing Musk's JQ posting to his autism.

Or maybe he's just hateful.
(11-22-2023, 02:24 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Simply holding people to their own standards.  Rather the opposite of virtue signaling in my opinion.  Musk says, and does some cringe worthy things.  I just enjoy how quickly people abandon their stated moral compass the minute it's inconvenient to trashing someone they don't like.  If he hadn't bought Twitter he'd still be the darling of the far left and the same people trashing him in this thread would be lathering his ass.

Yup, he's cringe there's no denying that.  I'll simply reiterate what I sad above.  It's interesting to see how quickly people who used to sing his praises turned on him the minute he espoused opinions they didn't like.
People change and then get new friends or in this case fanbases. I live in rural PA and the number of people around here who thought Donald Trump was the reincarnation of Jesus himself was pretty low prior to 2016.

Musk amuses me because he is in his 50s and has a zillion bucks but he acts like me and the weirdo loser friends I had back in my teen days. Maybe I've sold out or gotten brainwashed but the 17 year old version of me would have loved Musk. Now? Meh, not much. Maybe I'll change back when I'm older.

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Quote:[color=var(--headline-colour)]Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter[/color]
[color=var(--standfirst-text)]Mutual fund Fidelity, which owns stake in social media platform, marks down value of its shares in disclosure obtained by Axios[/color]

[color=var(--byline)]Adam Gabbatt
[color=var(--dateline)]Tue 2 Jan 2024 09.24 EST[/color]
The social media platform X has lost 71% of its value since it was bought by Elon Musk, according to the mutual fund Fidelity.

Fidelity, which owns a stake in X Holdings, said in a disclosure obtained by Axios that it had marked down the value of its shares by 71.5% since Musk’s purchase.

Musk acquired Twitter for $44bn in October 2022 and renamed the platform X in July 2023. Fidelity’s estimate would place the value of X at about $12.5bn.

The number of monthly users of X dropped by 15% in the first year since Musk’s takeover amid concerns over a rise in hate speech on the platform.

Since Musk’s takeover, X has cut at least 50% of staff and reduced moderation. And in September, the European Union issued a warning to Musk after it found that X had the highest ratio of disinformation posts of all large social media platforms.

Fidelity’s revised valuation of X came from a disclosure which ran to the end of November 2023, Axios reported. X did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

That disclosure would cover the fallout from a number of major companies pulling advertising on X after Musk endorsed an antisemitic conspiracy theory, the New York Times reported. Musk responded to the boycott by telling companies to “go **** yourself” during an interview at an event in New York.

Musk is the world’s richest man, according to Forbes, with a net worth of $251bn. When he acquired Twitter, Musk said he was buying the company “to try to help humanity”.

Since the takeover Musk has reinstated a number of people previously banned from the platform, including former president Donald Trump and the rightwing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Trump is facing more than 90 criminal charges stemming from subversion of the 2020 election that he lost to Joe Biden, retention of government secrets after his presidency and hush-money payments to porn actor Stormy Daniels. He is also attempting to fend off civil lawsuits over business affairs and a rape allegation deemed substantially true by a judge.

Meanwhile, Jones recently proposed to pay $55m over 10 years to the Sandy Hook families who sued him for spreading lies that the 2012 schoolhouse killings in Newtown, Connecticut, were part of a hoax meant to force the US to accept gun control.

Jones’s offer came after a Texas judge ruled that Jones, the host of Infowars, could not invoke bankruptcy protection to avoid paying the nearly $1.5bn he was ordered to pay to families of the victims of one of the deadliest school shootings in US history. Believers of Jones’s lies aimed abuse and threats at the families.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
A Delaware judge has voided Elon Musk’s 2018 $56 billion Tesla compensation package. The bottom line being that the package’s origins were with Musk himself and rubber stamped by a board filled with family members and cronies. The judge ruled that shareholders were essentially defrauded and the compensation package, which vaulted Musk to the world’s richest person list, was designed to allow Musk to take total control of the company.

It was the stock options from this package that Musk leveraged to buy Twitter, a company now worth the $44 million he paid for it.
Tesla is also struggling with production delays and problems coupled with increased competition.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

A rich person is a crook!? What!?
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(04-21-2024, 12:47 PM)GMDino Wrote: [Image: Screenshot-2024-04-21-105637.png]

Apparently it is a shoo-in that it gets passed.

I am not very educated on how the company is structured as far as share class and how voting rights are dispersed.

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