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Maher agrees with Fake News Narrative
(01-31-2024, 04:25 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: To be clear, 20 years ago i was considered a moderate conservative, also voted for Strickland (Democrat) for Ohio governor, voted for Clinton twice and voted For Obama's first term.

I have not changed a bit, but the characterization of my political views have changed dramatically. I am all in for freedom of religion, right to life, our military, police, strong economic policies, strong foreign policy, peace through strength of Reagan and Trump policies to deter endless wars. I am for free speech, even speech I don't agree with the content. I am for a strong border and feel Trump's policies deterred illegal immigrants from seeking asylum at the border, they used the legal channels put into law by Congress.

I also do not agree with everything any politician says, regardless of party. I am not a fan of Trump the person, but love his policies which align with my beliefs. I love my country knowing she is not perfect.

If this makes me far leaning right in today's political environment, then so be it. I am very comfortable in my beliefs and in my own skin.

I will continue to call out things I feel are wrong like attempting to remove your main competition from the ballot (3rd world country type crap) because you think it will weaken his base, get him kicked off the ballot all in attempt to not let voters decide in November who should be the next POTUS.

I also think Biden has weaponized the DOJ, actually started with Obama with IRS and then going after the 2016 Presidential candidate Donald Trump long before the 2016 election. I am not alone, polls show the majority now feels the DOJ has been compromised. They see it for themselves, a 2 tiered system of justice, heavy handed towards Trump and Conservatives and handled with kit gloves for Joe Biden and Democrats.

I don't care which side of the aisle weaponizes the DOJ, it is 100% wrong and more 3rd world type crap I never thought I would see in my lifetime.

I am all for law enforcement being applied fairly, I used to have great respect for the FBI, but no longer trust the FBI leadership to be unbiased. The AG is supposed to be unbiased, but again during the Obama presidency, his AG Eric Holder bragged his was Obama's wing man, a pure violation of separation of powers and. the beginning of major weaponization by Democratic Presidents. This should scare the hell out of every citizen, but sadly because Democrats are te beneficiary, they bury their heads in the sand versus looking at it though an unbiased lens.

So you characterize yourself as looking at US politics through an "unbiased lens" while fingering the Dems for some "weaponization" of government?

Are Trump's beliefs, which align with yours, also "moderate conservative"?   Trump believes the election was stolen and that he was only doing his job when he asked the Georgia SoS to find him votes, and pressured Pence to reject valid lists of electoral votes from 7 states.

You "feel" nothing there to "call out" as wrong though? I didn't see RULE OF LAW in that long list of things you stand for.

Some of us think trying to overturn a valid election makes the US "3rd world." We never thought we see an attempted coup in our lifetime.
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(01-31-2024, 04:25 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: To be clear, 20 years ago i was considered a moderate conservative, also voted for Strickland (Democrat) for Ohio governor, voted for Clinton twice and voted For Obama's first term.

I have not changed a bit, but the characterization of my political views have changed dramatically. I am all in for freedom of religion, right to life, our military, police, strong economic policies, strong foreign policy, peace through strength of Reagan and Trump policies to deter endless wars. I am for free speech, even speech I don't agree with the content. I am for a strong border and feel Trump's policies deterred illegal immigrants from seeking asylum at the border, they used the legal channels put into law by Congress.

Makes sense.

The bolded is why you voted for Clinton twice and Obama once.

The Republicans just weren't offering those goods when you voted in '92, '96 and 2008.

As a "moderate conservative," you haven't changed in 20 years. 

Dems must have changed or you'd be voting Biden and starting threads about Trump's dementia.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
To be clear conservatives don't own the patent on strong military strength, secure borders, strong economic policies, good police policies and so on. It's the stuff conservatives love to complain about, but use it to toss to the base without actually doing anything about. I've yet to meet a conservative who is willing to pay for any of it unless it's the people who can least afford it as if the people with shitloads of money should have zero responsibility for paying for any of it.
I'm a poor schmuck and can't afford million dollar missiles every time some yahoo sends a $100 drone up in the air,  but I suspect that the Bezo's and Musk's of the world can.  Poor schmucks like me ain't getting multi billion dollar tax breaks. Conservatives are railing on about war with Iran and not one has even hinted about a way to pay for it. News flash!  War is f**king expensive..  
In the immortal words of my old man, "Wait'll you get to be my age!"

Chicago sounds rough to the maker of verse, but the one comfort we have is Cincinnati sounds worse. ~Oliver Wendal Holmes Sr.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-29-2024, 04:16 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Trump exposed "Fake News" and why all of the fake news sources hate him. People can see what is reported on both sides. CNN and MSNBC refused to cover Trump campaign speeches. How far left and 3rd world country can you get that Biden media attempting to control the narrative by not allowing their own viewers to watch the Trump speeches and let them decide for themselves. They literally are saying their viewers are not smart enough to decipher a speech so they refuse to show it.

Trump has also exposed our Justice department as being biased by showing the world their work attempting to work with Democrats to literally put the top GOP candidate in jail versus attempting to beat him at the ballot box in November. Trump and Republicans have exposed the current 2 tier system of justice. Again, why everyone hates and fears him.

Any logical person can look at Biden and Trump and realize one candidate Trump's policies helped deter illegal immigration, did well with the economy with great and low inflation numbers (5%) over 4 years or less than 1.3% inflation on average per years. He provided a tax cut (Biden will not do a tax cut when Trump's tac expires, if so he would have already done it0 and Trump's policies improved wages higher. than inflation. In contrast, Biden' economic policies have cost an average net loss of income of $11,000 per family (with Trump's tax cuts) while Trump over his 4 years put more money in. the pockets of low and middle income workers.

Trump kept us out of wars and followed up by killing Soleimani who was Iran's leader of terror around the world. Biden is a disaster on the border as he allows our country to be overwhelmed by unvetted illegal immigrants, to date anywhere between 8 to 10 million in 3 years. How many do not share our beliefs? How many want to push their agenda and harm our country. How many are a part of terror cells with plans to kill Americans on our own soil?

The fake news agenda to destroy Trump and look the other way at our border crisis will someday have blood on their hands. Some will have family and friends killed on US soil by terrorists or illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are not vaccinated, have no money, no job so why we see all of the illegal immigrants robbing and stealing. Our country is a mess and Joe Biden and liberal policies need to take responsibility and then help the Republicans fix it.

That's their definition of saving "Democracy".   lol.
(01-31-2024, 03:54 PM)GMDino Wrote: There is a difference between printing "lies" and needing to issue a retraction.  Most legitimate news sources don't print lies even if they are wrong some times.

Retractions can be about minor details.  If the entire story is wrong a new story will be written usually.

I see two problems at work here:

1) People do not trust the media...especially when it conflicts with their pre-conceived notions.

2) Like you most people don't read whole articles unless they are interested in them.

We have entire swaths of "media" pretending to be "news".  We need a more educated viewer/reader to tell the difference between them and actual news sources.

There are plenty of issues with "be first" and 24/7 news needing to fill time, but that doesn't mean everyone is lying.  Or that only the OTHER side is lying.  Hell, I don't know if MOST are lying or just presenting the facts in a way to fit their narrative.

Nick Sandman.  100% made up lie.  Russia! Russia! Russia! 3+ years of made up lies. I guess if you can't beat your opponent fair and square.............................
(02-01-2024, 04:13 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Nick Sandman.  100% made up lie.  Russia! Russia! Russia!  3+ years of  made up lies.  I guess if you can't beat your opponent fair and square.............................

Regarding that whole Russia thing....what was Mueller's final conclusion? I mean.....what did you hear or read that he said? Did he say everything was made up? 
I used to be jmccracky. Or Cracky for short.
(02-01-2024, 04:13 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Nick Sandman.  100% made up lie.  Russia! Russia! Russia!  3+ years of  made up lies.  I guess if you can't beat your opponent fair and square.............................

The Nick Sandman story was wrong...not a lie.

Once the story came out in more detail no one continued to maintain the first story was 100% true.

It was corrected.  Everyone knows it.

I mean you could have gone back to NBC getting sued for faking car explosion for a story.

Or just back to FOX lying about the 2020 election results.

Those two were actual false reporting.  Both were punished for it.

That you said "Russia! Russia Russia" lets me know there's zero sense in explaining that one to you.  
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-01-2024, 05:30 PM)GMDino Wrote: That you said "Russia! Russia Russia" lets me know there's zero sense in explaining that one to you.  

(02-01-2024, 04:59 PM)jmccracky Wrote: Regarding that whole Russia thing....what was Mueller's final conclusion? I mean.....what did you hear or read that he said? Did he say everything was made up? 

It's funny how "Russia Russia Russia" has become the wished-for counterweight to the Fox/Newsmax endorsement of Trump's BIG LIE,
the legitimating false equivalence, which also keeps the "fake news" narrative going.

Like--"Ok Fox was wrong to platform kooky liars, but MSNBC got the Russia investigation just as wrong"--though of course that was NOT the case.

As far as Mueller's final conclusion, remember that Barr stepped in between that conclusion and the Fox/Newsmax/OANN audience.
MAGAs did not not waste time assessing the actual report or Mueller's referral of prosecution to Congress. For them Trump was "exonerated"
and the investigation was "a lie based on lies."  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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