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Who should be Trump's VP choice and why?
(05-23-2024, 08:23 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: Fair enough.

His fault for not being on the democrat plantation.

Jeez, are you done already? For a guy that is so sensitive about others prejudging him, you're really quite big on using the hugest of stereotype hammers.

Also, no, liberals will not flock to a Trump crony in millions just because he's gay.
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(05-23-2024, 08:39 PM)hollodero Wrote: Jeez, are you done already? For a guy that is so sensitive about others prejudging him, you're really quite big on using the hugest of stereotype hammers.

Also, no, liberals will not flock to a Trump crony in millions just because he's gay.

I use the hammers they use.

Democrats. have said much worse when someone they perceive as being in their voter base, acts against their political interests.

Heck, they even said much worse when putting policies into place in hopes of capturing the black vote.
(05-23-2024, 08:54 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: I use the hammers they use.

Democrats. have said much worse when someone they perceive as being in their voter base, acts against their political interests.

Heck, they even said much worse when putting policies into place in hopes of capturing the black vote.

Someone said much worse, of course, is a perfect excuse. But really, you're exactly the kind of American I do not get. You're all reasonable and nuanced and sophisticated in any discussion as long as liberals are left out. But as soon as you get triggered by anything democrat, you turn into this big bag of toxin not shying away from the ungainliest of statements. As if a switch was turned. What is that? And please don't just tell me it's what "they" do as well, as much as I'd agreee with that in quite many instances. These grievances just sound so hollow coming from someone doing the same thing.
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(05-23-2024, 07:43 PM)hollodero Wrote: Speaking of insignificant Johnsons, what exactly is it with you and Gary Johnson? You don't even strike me as a libertarian, rather a leftist-hating leftist just like myself. But maybe I'm just projecting.

I voted for Johnson in 2012 and 2016 and was hopeful that socially liberal or at least realistically tolerant republicans would reshape the failing party after their jingoism and catering to hypocritical "what's in it for me?" pseudo Christianity.  Unfortunately I was wrong and Trump ushered in a new era of even more hypocritical pseudo Christianity and shifting the endless warhawking to target other Americans in a response to people becoming rather desensitized to being sufficiently motivated by fear and loathing of people "over there."

Now I'm back to my 2000-2009 stance of being rather "meh" about democrats, but voting for them because they're the party that is interested in protecting or promoting social liberties that are important to me.  Johnson represented a bit of a hope that both political parties would give up on the social regressivism and get with the times, because " country you dopes" and the question between the parties would be how to handle economic matters.

But even I can snap out of idiocy eventually.  I get it, libertarians are hopeless, my bad.  That's what really soured me on the GOP.  In 2016 I voted for two republican governors for president and VP, but I'm just another disaffected loony libturd because Trump had been christened the most republican guy ever.  Reminds me of 2008 when I was dating a republican chick and I figured me saying that Ron Paul and Rudi Guilliani were my top picks for president would win me some points with her, but no, at that point those guys were fake republicans (resumes be damned) and the only republican who mattered was Sarah Palin.  

So my interest in republicans has gone like this:

PEOPLE - If you had a brain you'd vote republican.
ME - Ok, how about this republican?
PEOPLE - Not like that, you idiot. 
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(05-23-2024, 07:31 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: It's the sleeper ticket that cement's republicans controlling the government for the next 50+ years.

DJT win, Scot starts campaigning, then comes out as a gay man.

Boom! Liberal heads explode across the USA costing their voter base 10's of millions of votes for future elections.

The perfect campaign.

Scot needs to leak some audio about his love of grabbing men by the penis in order to seal that deal, I think.

(05-23-2024, 08:21 PM)StoneTheCrow Wrote: Heads wouldn’t explode. He’d just then be the w®ong kind of gay to go along with already being the w®ong kind of black guy.

Meh, I wouldn't base liberal acceptance of gay black men based upon a gay black man who is Trump's VP pick any more than I'd expect my mother in law thinking Melania Trump brining class to the White House means she's suddenly had a change of heart in regards to girl on girl porn.

Political labels are the most important's why we currently have an old straight white Christian man in the white house and conservative heads are exploding from all the woke progressivism of it all. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-23-2024, 09:36 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I voted for Johnson in 2012 and 2016 and was hopeful that socially liberal or at least realistically tolerant republicans would reshape the failing party after their jingoism and catering to hypocritical "what's in it for me?" pseudo Christianity.  Unfortunately I was wrong and Trump ushered in a new era of even more hypocritical pseudo Christianity and shifting the endless warhawking to target other Americans in a response to people becoming rather desensitized to being sufficiently motivated by fear and loathing of people "over there."

Now I'm back to my 2000-2009 stance of being rather "meh" about democrats, but voting for them because they're the party that is interested in protecting or promoting social liberties that are important to me.  Johnson represented a bit of a hope that both political parties would give up on the social regressivism and get with the times, because " country you dopes" and the question between the parties would be how to handle economic matters.

But even I can snap out of idiocy eventually.  I get it, libertarians are hopeless, my bad.

Well, there's that, and also I have a hard time figuring you're the guy who believes in consumer pressure effectively replacing oversight and regulations or that a free reigning capitalist market is the best way for a society to go. All while social liberties probably is among the few things the democratic party actually fares quite well on.

Which of course is not to say that I don't understand finding Dems rather meh. They are just as responsible for the overall crappy system than the other system party is. Again maybe a notion I'm just projecting.

(05-23-2024, 09:36 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Reminds me of 2008 when I was dating a republican chick

You have no boundaries.
And after that you probably just dated a libertarian chick, trying to lure her with all that sexy Gary Johnson talk. I have a hunch what forms your politics now.

Ps how absurd it now looks that this guy was scolded for not knowing what Aleppo is. Just to witness two Trump vs. Biden duels after the fact, for whom Aleppo probably is the guy that ate Biden's uncle or the place that harbors Hugo Chavez overthrowing the election.
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(05-22-2024, 02:04 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Kristi Noem, because cats rule and dogs drool.  Seriously though, I don't like dogs and find them overstimulating and a lot of their owners negligent and blind to how intrusive their dogs are.  I was well into my 20s before I realized if you didn't want to be considered a psycho that you had to keep a distaste of dogs a secret.  She's cooked unless Trump shoots a dog and says it's totally cool.

As for Trump's VP?  He should pick Gary Johnson, to hell with the rest of those ass kissers.  Impossible as it may be, it'd be nice to see Trump pick someone who doesn't have his/her lips firmly planted on his ass.  Might win some moderate votes to balance the ticket with someone who admits who won the 2020 election.

Squidward, perfect zero charisma VP who wont steal the limelight that Orange covets.
(05-23-2024, 04:44 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: I believe Tim Scott would be the best pick of DJT on that list.

Scott connects well with the people.

Scott certified Biden's 2020 election win, so it would be a sign of moving on.

Scott would help with the minority vote, where DJT has been gaining a lot of ground.

It sets the table for Scott to step into the role of President in 2028, which I believe DJT would love as it would block out Desantis.

Just a hunch.

I don't think DJT hates DeSantis as much as you might think.  He absolutely does not view him as any kind of threat to his current campaign or legacy.

In fact, I think he's going to be his VP selection.  

DeSantis' problems have a lot less to do with being disliked by DJT than they do with Meatball Ron himself.  Outside of his Florida kingdom, he seems to come out flat most of the time.  He's not a good campaigner at all.  He had everything going for him right up until he actually had to compete in the primary.  DJT was just the first bona-fide non-liberal to come along and exploit the weakness.  
(05-23-2024, 07:31 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: It's the sleeper ticket that cement's republicans controlling the government for the next 50+ years.

DJT win, Scot starts campaigning, then comes out as a gay man.

Boom! Liberal heads explode across the USA costing their voter base 10's of millions of votes for future elections.

The perfect campaign.

It would be historic.  In that moment, a deep red state, ie South Carolina, would have two gay men as their representatives in the US Senate.  

I'd say it would work as long as Graham maintained his career position as an interchangeable bottom.
(05-25-2024, 10:35 AM)samhain Wrote: It would be historic.  In that moment, a deep red state, ie South Carolina, would have two gay men as their representatives in the US Senate.  

I'd say it would work as long as Graham maintained his career position as an interchangeable bottom.

Considering both men are currently representing South Carolina, they HAVE 2 gay men as Senators.  That, of course, is assuming they are both gay.

If they are, isn't it sad that in 2024 in the USA,  neither feel their careers would be safe if they say so publicly?

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

(05-22-2024, 02:04 PM)Nately120 Wrote:  She's cooked unless Trump shoots a dog and says it's totally cool.

Would need to be on 5th Avenue, where everyone can see. 
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I'm surprised that anyone could suppose Trump will not pick a yes man doormat for VP.

That's just serious misunderstanding who the man is and what he is about. 

I'd be most worried if Trump picked Tom "send-in-the-troops" Cotton, given his strong
authoritarian bent and far right politics, including a xenophobic foreign policy.

But he signed off on the electoral certification on 1/6. Trump should call him in for a
private interview, let him suck up for 1/2 hour, then get a humiliating traitor's dismissal.

It's not a certainty Trump would reject him, but I'd rest easier if it happened. 

He won't get a hearing, though, unless he agrees the election was stolen
or at least refuses to say one way or another, or to agree he will accept the results of this election.

Another danger sign which too many voters miss, or just ignore . . . or welcome. 
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(05-23-2024, 09:41 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Meh, I wouldn't base liberal acceptance of gay black men based upon a gay black man who is Trump's VP pick any more than I'd expect my mother in law thinking Melania Trump brining class to the White House means she's suddenly had a change of heart in regards to girl on girl porn.

Political labels are the most important's why we currently have an old straight white Christian man in the white house and conservative heads are exploding from all the woke progressivism of it all. 

Yeah. Scott would be received like Clarence Thomas, whose name has become a verb to describe black politicians who generally support the roll back of civil rights. 

That's not going to pull in many black or gay votes. 

I don't think "labels" are more important than principles. People who think civil rights important won't be fooled by a Black ***** Trump appointee.
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Not anyone super conservative, because the abortion vote is still a factor.
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(05-25-2024, 12:10 PM)Dill Wrote: Would need to be on 5th Avenue, where everyone can see. 

All jokes aside, when Trump said that I pointed out that there was a reason he said he could shoot a man and not shoot a person/woman/kid/dog etc.  Ironically, the folks who hate the perceived shift that life is getting unfair for men didn't get on Trump for being rather calculated in pointing out that men are still seen as fodder while shooting even a dog would be far more upsetting and unjustified than simply executing a man.

Chin up dudes, when it comes to no one caring if you get offed, you shall not be replaced.

(05-25-2024, 01:10 PM)Goalpost Wrote: Not anyone super conservative, because the abortion vote is still a factor.

Ehh....maybe.  I'm not convinced this is going to swing things as much as some people hope it will.  Liberals policies outperform liberal politicians while conservative politicians out perform conservative policies.  If you let a red state for for abortion access, it'll win by 15 points but as soon as they face an election between a democrat who will protect that abortion access they just passed by 15 points versus a republican, the republican will win by 5+ points.

Issue 1 won with +13 points in Ohio, but even though Trump appointed 3 SC justice who overturned Roe Ohio will vote for him by 10 points.  I know swing states are what we are discussing since it really comes down to a handful of EC votes, but my point remains.  Voters are far more supportive of conservatives who have policies they don't like than vice versa.
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(05-25-2024, 01:35 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Ehh....maybe.  I'm not convinced this is going to swing things as much as some people hope it will.  Liberals policies outperform liberal politicians while conservative politicians out perform conservative policies.  If you let a red state for for abortion access, it'll win by 15 points but as soon as they face an election between a democrat who will protect that abortion access they just passed by 15 points versus a republican, the republican will win by 5+ points.

Issue 1 won with +13 points in Ohio, but even though Trump appointed 3 SC justice who overturned Roe Ohio will vote for him by 10 points.  I know swing states are what we are discussing since it really comes down to a handful of EC votes, but my point remains.  Voters are far more supportive of conservatives who have policies they don't like than vice versa.

Agreed. When people start setting priorities, many remaining pro-choice Republicans will rank that below 

immigration and the Biden crime family corruption which has destroyed our nation's economy, or whatever else
Trump indicates is a threat to our way of life.  

But on the dog vs man debate, that also might not be as concerning for Trump voters, especially rural ones.
I don't think shooting a dog that kills the neighbors' chickens is such a big deal. That would have been the
first option for most of the people I grew up around. I love dogs, but it wouldn't sway my vote an inch if 
Biden shot Commander. 

I grant that shooting a dog on 5th Ave. might create more NY outrage than shooting a white male, though. 
Residue of traditional gender norms. 
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(05-26-2024, 01:16 PM)Dill Wrote: But on the dog vs man debate, that also might not be as concerning for Trump voters, especially rural ones.
I don't think shooting a dog that kills the neighbors' chickens is such a big deal. That would have been the
first option for most of the people I grew up around. I love dogs, but it wouldn't sway my vote an inch if 
Biden shot Commander. 

I grant that shooting a dog on 5th Ave. might create more NY outrage than shooting a white male, though. 
Residue of traditional gender norms. 

There are about a zillion movies for all ages where buttloads of male henchmen get killed as a course of unexceptional routine.  I can think of two movies where dogs get killed, and both of them involve characters and audiences having absolute mental breakdowns.

Honorable mention for the book Where the Red Fern Grows because I remember our teacher reading it to us in 4th grade and crying so hard that she had to stop.  I was wondering what the hell was wrong with her, but noticed damn near all the kids in the class were as upset as she was.  This was a miserable old crone of a teacher who taught at a Catholic school too, so pretty much every other thing she said was pure god-approved venom.
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I'll go out on a limb and say DJT will pick Elise Stefanik. He may go wild and pick Nikki Haley, but I don't think people like her. It's going to be a woman I think. Could it be Tulsi Gabbard? Maybe. I doubt he picks a white male because of how the left has tried to convince America that white men are the root of all evil. But, if he does pick a male I will say Tim Scott, or, my favorite pick of all would be Dr. Ben Carson. 

Ben Carson is one of the best people for the job. He knows his stuff and he's a great speaker. He would be my preferred choice of V.P. and possibly Pres the next 8. I love listening to this guy talk.
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(05-26-2024, 10:52 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: I'll go out on a limb and say DJT will pick Elise Stefanik. He may go wild and pick Nikki Haley, but I don't think people like her. It's going to be a woman I think. Could it be Tulsi Gabbard? Maybe. I doubt he picks a white male because of how the left has tried to convince America that white men are the root of all evil. But, if he does pick a male I will say Tim Scott, or, my favorite pick of all would be Dr. Ben Carson. 

Ben Carson is one of the best people for the job. He knows his stuff and he's a great speaker. He would be my preferred choice of V.P. and possibly Pres the next 8. I love listening to this guy talk.

Forgot about Carson. I actually like him as well.
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I think Trump should choose Condoleezza Rice as his running mate. A smart black woman.
Who Dey!  Tiger

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