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Jamaal Bowman, primaried...
Good riddance!

Quote:The easiest explanation for why Representative Jamaal Bowman lost his Democratic primary in New York today is that he alienated the Jewish voters in his district with his denunciations of Israel. That explanation is reasonable, as far as it goes. Indeed, the race was the most expensive House primary in history largely because a pro-Israel group inundated the district with TV ads attacking Bowman. But that’s not the whole story.

Bowman’s defeat to George Latimer, the executive of Westchester County, made him the first member of the House’s progressive “Squad” to lose a reelection bid. He might have hung on had he not criticized Israel so harshly in the weeks after October 7. Yet Bowman had made himself politically vulnerable well before Hamas’s attacks, both by veering too far left of his constituents and by drawing unwelcome attention that had nothing to do with the Middle East.
A former middle-school principal, Bowman won the seat in 2020 by ousting Eliot Engel, a senior House Democrat who was then the chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee. In doing so, Bowman followed the path set two years earlier by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who’d rallied New York City progressives to defeat a moderate member of the party leadership.

Once in Congress, Bowman aligned himself with AOC and her allies in the left-wing Squad. Both she and Bowman pressured the Biden administration from the left and became foils for Republicans and centrist Democrats.

But their trajectories diverged in other ways. Ocasio-Cortez has been able to establish herself as a progressive star nationally while consolidating support in her district, avoiding a serious electoral challenge. Bowman has struggled to do either. “He did not make the kind of connections and build out the coalition like he needed to in the district,” a former Bowman adviser told me, speaking on the condition of anonymity to avoid publicly criticizing their former boss.

When Bowman first ran, in 2020, his majority-minority district was more progressive than it is now—and more progressive than AOC’s. Shortly after he won, the decennial reapportionment process extended the northern boundary to include more of New York City’s wealthier suburbs. Bowman’s district now features just a sliver of the Bronx. “His district is not woke. It is Democratic,” another former Bowman adviser told me on the condition of anonymity. Ignoring the advice of some aides, Bowman joined other members of the Squad to vote against President Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill in 2021—a decision that has become a liability in the primary.

Bowman soon became known for his eagerness to confront right-wing Republicans in the halls of Congress, getting into shouting matches with the likes of Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Thomas Massie of Kentucky. During one such exchange last year, Ocasio-Cortez pulled him away from Taylor Greene, telling him, “She ain’t worth it, bro.”

Bowman’s most embarrassing stumble came on September 30, when he was caught pulling a fire alarm in a Capitol office building after Republicans, on short notice, called a vote to avert a government shutdown. Bowman said he was rushing to make the vote and did not realize that pulling the alarm would trigger an evacuation; Republicans accused him of trying to delay the proceeding, and the House voted in December mostly along party lines to censure him. (He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor in the District of Columbia for pulling the fire alarm.)

A week after the incident, Hamas invaded Israel. Bowman immediately condemned the terrorist group but quickly shifted to urging de-escalation in the region. He became one of the first House Democrats to call for Israel to halt its bombing campaign in Gaza and eventually accused it of waging “genocide” against Palestinians. In December, days after returning from a trip to Israel, Latimer launched his campaign.

Much of the Democratic Party machine in Westchester and the Bronx rallied around Latimer, who since 2019 has held Westchester’s most powerful post. He received endorsements from Engel and two other former members of Congress, Nita Lowey and Mondaire Jones, the latter of whom is running to win back a neighboring House seat. Another retiree who lives in Bowman’s district, Hillary Clinton, also backed Latimer. Although House Democratic leaders supported Bowman—endorsing incumbents is their de facto policy—they did not go out of their way to help him win. Representative Hakeem Jeffries, the minority leader, recorded a robocall for Bowman but did not campaign for him.

By far the biggest spenders in the race have been the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and its allied groups, which have financed more than $14.5 million in ads. Bowman tried to link AIPAC’s support of Latimer to the MAGA movement and even accused his opponent of being an anti-Black and anti-Muslim “racist.” Latimer, who levied his own criticism that Bowman had ignored constituents “who are not Black or brown,” dismissed the charges as the flailing of a desperate candidate.

Despite AIPAC’s involvement, however, the campaign has not hinged entirely on the Israel-Hamas war. The group’s ads have mentioned the conflict only glancingly, criticizing Bowman instead for opposing Biden’s infrastructure package.

Bowman’s progressive allies tried to rescue him in the closing days of the race. Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont headlined a rally for him in the South Bronx on Saturday. But despite being billed as a “get out the vote” event, the rally took place outside Bowman’s district, about seven miles away from any of his constituents. Three days later, they voted him out.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
Too bad Republicans still put Lauren Boebert through

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

“Rep. Bowman Displays Alarming Behavior, Gets Fired By Constituents”

That’ll be $13, New York Post.
Hopefully Cori Bush is next. I'll give the Dems this, at least they undercut the more idiotic members of their caucus. At least, they do so eventually.

Get a load of his concession speach.

Quote:Rep. Jamaal Bowman may have lost big in his Democratic primary in New York -- but he's looking to take the party with him, if his concession speech was any indication.

Bowman, a member of the "squad" who had run a controversial campaign on top of a series of legislative controversies, was handily beaten by Westchester County Executive Steve Latimer in the primary for New York's 16th Congressional District on Tuesday.

With 88 percent of the vote in as of early Wednesday morning, according to The Washington Post, Latimer led Bowman by 58.4 to 41.6 percent -- the kind of drubbing one usually expects from a representative under indictment, say, or who got caught on camera with a prostitute.

However, Bowman's failings spelled even larger problems himself -- and for the Democratic Party in November.
While his behavior prior to the race was certainly a factor -- he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and was censured by the House after pulling a fire alarm in the Capitol, allegedly to delay a crucial vote, and his past 9/11 "truther" claims were also brought back to light -- the key reason for his loss was his pro-Hamas rhetoric and vociferous calls for an immediate, unconditional ceasefire from Israel and its war against the terrorist organization.

Perhaps most notably, he refused to condemn the chant "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" as anti-Semitic hate speech during a debate last month:

#NY16 Rep. Jamaal Bowman debated his primary challenger Weschester CE George Latimer on News12.

Below is part #1 on the two-state solution and whether “from the river to the sea” chanted at campus protests is hate speech ️

In his concession speech, Bowman continued to make the race about a larger narrative in which pro-Israel forces had brought down his campaign, calling the race about "justice."

“This was never just about me. It was never just about New York 16," Bowman said in front of what the New York Post described as a "sparse" crowd of supporters.

"It was never just about this race. This movement has always been about justice," he continued.

“We will not stand for the bombing and killing of babies in Gaza," he added. “We will never stand for the killing of children in the Bronx on Tuesday night.

"This race was never about me and me alone. It was never about this district and this district alone. It was always about all of us. Now, our opponents may have won this round at this time in this place. But this will be a battle for our humanity and justice for the rest of our lives."

The speech was notable for other moments which, um, will probably go down in more viral infamy than his remarks on Gaza and anti-Israeli dog-whistles:

Jamaal Bowman randomly yells during his concession speech. He seems totally normal and stable. Can’t imagine why he lost

Furthermore, certain portions of the concessions weren't just dog-whistles and more like plain old whistles, like when he accused the American Israel Public Affairs Committee of trying to "brainwash people" into not voting for him:

“We should be outraged when a super PAC of dark money can spend 20 million dollars can brainwash people into believing something that isn’t true.”

This was the kind of language even Ilhan Omar was once forced to apologize for using before she became a congresswoman. Now, this is how Jamaal Bowman is exiting. Nice. Way to make yourself look worse on your way out the door.

However, keep in mind this is always who Jamaal Bowman was ... and he still got elected to public office, as well as got over 40 percent of the vote.

In a year where a small, disaffected minority of far-left activists have voted "uncommitted" against Joe Biden in the presidential primaries to protest even his tepid support of Israel in this time of crisis, Bowman's speech -- and the fact so many on the left still cling to anti-Semitism and pro-Hamas sentiments that will lose them the election in November -- should be the biggest canary in the electoral coal mine yet.

This isn't going away. If Biden and the Democrats don't capitulate to a small coterie of young, hateful, very online anti-Israel bigots, they could blow the election. If they do capitulate, they will blow the election. And that's assuming the election is even theirs to blow, which the polls seem to indicate it very much isn't.

Jamaal Bowman, mercifully, may be going away from Congress. What he represents, though, isn't going away, and it's either going to tear the Democrats apart or tear the Middle East apart.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(06-26-2024, 01:06 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Get a load of his concession speach.

“This was never just about me. It was never just about New York 16," Bowman said in front of what the New York Post described as a "sparse" crowd of supporters.
"It was never just about this race. This movement has always been about justice," he continued.
“We will not stand for the bombing and killing of babies in Gaza," he added. “We will never stand for the killing of children in the Bronx on Tuesday night.
"This race was never about me and me alone. It was never about this district and this district alone. It was always about all of us. Now, our opponents may have won this round at this time in this place. But this will be a battle for our humanity and justice for the rest of our lives."

I don't see anything here I could disagree with. 

I do see how his opponent drew all that AIPAC money, though.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Bowman said dark money lost him the election. I loved the way AOC changed her schedule and refused to meet Bowman at the voting station Tuesday morning and then said she may have a scheduling conflict at Bowan's watch party.

AOC was all-in, until she wasn't. She is next phony that needs to go. One minute she supports Hamas, then she supports Joe Biden and Israel.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Free Agency ain't over until it is over. 

First 6 years BB - 41 wins and 54 losses with 1-1 playoff record with 2 teams Browns and Pats
(06-26-2024, 03:20 PM)Dill Wrote: I don't see anything here I could disagree with. 

Yeah, we know.

(06-26-2024, 07:50 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Yeah, we know.

Everyone posted, as expected, sans more on then left weighing in...

Maybe a sense of shame is occurring? 
It's my understanding that a ton of money was put into this primary effort and that redistricting likely played a role as well.

Oh well.
(06-27-2024, 11:41 AM)CJD Wrote: It's my understanding that a ton of money was put into this primary effort and that redistricting likely played a role as well.

Oh well.

The redistricting, done by an overwhelmingly Democratic state government, certainly didn't help his cause.  I think his rambling diatribes, pulling a fire alarm to delay a vote and stating that women being gang raped on 10/07 was "propaganda" were probably bigger factors.

As an aside, the next "man" up, Cori Bush, is now stating that AIPAC is a "threat to democracy."  Seriously, the Dems have really worn that taking point paper thin.

[Image: starship-troopers-paul-verhoeven.gif]

He didn't just lose, btw. he was annihilated.

As of the time of this posting he is losing by 17% points, which is an absolute alley whipping in an election.

(06-27-2024, 12:03 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: The redistricting, done by an overwhelmingly Democratic state government, certainly didn't help his cause.  I think his rambling diatribes, pulling a fire alarm to delay a vote and stating that women being gang raped on 10/07 was "propaganda" were probably bigger factors.

As an aside, the next "man" up, Cori Bush, is now stating that AIPAC is a "threat to democracy."  Seriously, the Dems have really worn that taking point paper thin.

[Image: starship-troopers-paul-verhoeven.gif]

I have no idea what AIPAC is, I assume some kind of super PAC, but it's a shame that elections are so often determined by who has more funding. That and lobbying just mean the more wealth you have, the more important your opinion is, which is the complete opposite of egalitarianism.

But I've long since accepted that America is far from an egalitarian state, so it's fine.
(06-27-2024, 12:25 PM)CJD Wrote: I have no idea what AIPAC is, I assume some kind of super PAC, but it's a shame that elections are so often determined by who has more funding. That and lobbying just mean the more wealth you have, the more important your opinion is, which is the complete opposite of egalitarianism.

But I've long since accepted that America is far from an egalitarian state, so it's fine.

It's a pro-Israel PAC, and is bipartisan in who it supports.  Interestingly enough, they didn't drop money into this race until May, when Bowman was already under water.  It's the PAC that Omar claimed made US lawmakers have dual loyalty.  Seems to be a pattern to blaming AIPAC here, I just can't quite put my finger on it.

(06-27-2024, 12:35 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: It's a pro-Israel PAC, and is bipartisan in who it supports.  Interestingly enough, they didn't drop money into this race until May, when Bowman was already under water.  It's the PAC that Omar claimed made US lawmakers have dual loyalty.  Seems to be a pattern to blaming AIPAC here, I just can't quite put my finger on it.

Well, glad as I am about this outcome, I find it a tad weird that a group promoting the interests of a foreign country pours money into US elections. Sure pro-Israel is way better than pro-Russia or pro-China PACs would be, but still weird.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-27-2024, 12:46 PM)hollodero Wrote: Well, glad as I am about this outcome, I find it a tad weird that a group promoting the interests of a foreign country pours money into US elections. Sure pro-Israel is way better than pro-Russia or pro-China PACs would be, but still weird.

Eh, no more odd than the Senate majority leader actively campaigning against the democratically elected leader of an allied nation.  Israel's existence is predicated on US support.  So having a lobbying group promoting candidates well disposed towards Israel seems to be a natural move.  

Is it election interference for a major NATO leader to say Trump is a risk to the alliance?

My point being the US dips its beak into other nation's elections all the time.  Other countries do the same with the US.  I don't think it's as odd as you may believe.

(06-27-2024, 12:55 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Eh, no more odd than the Senate majority leader actively campaigning against the democratically elected leader of an allied nation.  Israel's existence is predicated on US support.  So having a lobbying group promoting candidates well disposed towards Israel seems to be a natural move.  

Is it election interference for a major NATO leader to say Trump is a risk to the alliance?

Well, maybe, arguably, but these are just stated opinions. It would be different if NATO members (or a "friends of NATO country x" group within the US) formed a PAC to help fund Biden's campaign.

I mean, sure I get it, Israel is a special case for reasons stated. And admittedly part of my bewilderment probably stems from the custom to give vast amounts of money to political campaigns in the first place. I do not really blame AIPAC or the friends of Israel for playing the game as it needs to be played. But to me it's still weird :)
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-27-2024, 01:05 PM)hollodero Wrote: Well, maybe, arguably, but these are just stated opinions. It would be different if NATO members (or a "friends of NATO country x" group within the US) formed a PAC to help fund Biden's campaign.

I mean, sure I get it, Israel is a special case for reasons stated. And admittedly part of my bewilderment probably stems from the custom to give vast amounts of money to political campaigns in the first place. I do not really blame AIPAC or the friends of Israel for playing the game as it needs to be played. But to me it's still weird :)

For understandable reasons they don't appear to donate to presidential campaigns.

You and I share the same concerns when it comes to money in politics, but as you say they're playing the game as it's currently structured.

(06-27-2024, 01:21 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: For understandable reasons they don't appear to donate to presidential campaigns.

You and I share the same concerns when it comes to money in politics, but as you say they're playing the game as it's currently structured.

Yeah I imagined, I just went along with your example regarding NATO concerns over Trump and whether expressing them consitutes election interference.

Giving money to candidates sure is interference, and that presidential campaigns are exempt from AIPAC donations doesn't really ease my uneasiness about that. But sure, that does not start and end with AIPAC and there certainly are more dubious PACs around, it's just still extra weird to me when it happens on behalf of a foreign country. Or say I can at least not blame or disparage folks that are not thrilled about it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-27-2024, 01:28 PM)hollodero Wrote: Yeah I imagined, I just went along with your example regarding NATO concerns over Trump and whether expressing them consitutes election interference.

Giving money to candidates sure is interference, and that presidential campaigns are exempt from AIPAC donations doesn't really ease my uneasiness about that. But sure, that does not start and end with AIPAC and there certainly are more dubious PACs around, it's just still extra weird to me when it happens on behalf of a foreign country. Or say I can at least not blame or disparage folks that are not thrilled about it.

You've hit the issue I most have a problem with here.  AIPAC is hardly unique, nor as you point out even close to the most shady PAC.  Yet it seems to be singled out quite a lot, especially by members of "the squad".  Bowman did so here, Bush just singled them out today.  Omar and Tlaib have singled them out in the past.  It makes one wonder if there's more at play here than simple objection to PAC's and money in politics.  


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