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Confronting Racism
(02-12-2016, 10:26 AM)fredtoast Wrote: We should not give up our power or influence,  But we should not use it in a way that benefits our race over others.

What do you think we should do?  Should we use our power and influence to treat black people worse than white people?

I have already told you this.  White people have been helping black people all throughout history.  White people have died to end slavery and to outlaw it. 

We aren't oppressing them.  Terms like white privilege and institutionalized racism are used not to create equality, but instead shame whites and used to marginalize white issues.

You and others call non-whites a marginalized group.  However the word marginalize means to sort out and place in level of importance.  Any complaint of racism made by blacks is heavily investigated and even when no racism actually occurred blacks still get to claim victim status.  What you are doing in this very thread is marginalizing white issues.  "Oh, You're not a victim, you're white."  As if being white can't make me a victim. 

Ask yourself this...

When was the last time someone was able to show white pride during the SB halftime performance?

Then come tell me that blacks don't get a voice in this country.
(02-12-2016, 08:39 AM)GMDino Wrote: You mean they wouldn't NEED reparations.

But please continue...because we know how oppressed the whites have been by this minority for decades now.  And we can NOT wait to hear your next point!

[Image: Glenn-Beck-bigot-asshole.jpg]

Rock On

Oh look... a meme... so witty.

So in order for blacks to be receive reparations, then whites just need to give up all power and influence in the US?  Sure...  You go right ahead. I will even  Clapping  for you.   ThumbsUp
(02-12-2016, 10:49 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: White privilege is a made up term, to continue shaming whites for our accomplishments.  If I am successful at work, it isn't because I worked hard, no the reason I am successful is because of the color of my skin.

No it is not.

As I said before it is hard to have a serious discussion with a person who refuses to even address the issue.

What does racial profiling of blacks by police have to do with "shaming whites for their accomplishments?"  There have been multiple studies that show discrimination against people applying for jobs or trying to rent apartments just based on the fact their name "sounds" black.  There have been proven cases of racial discrimination against African Americans and other minorities by police countries all across the country.  And anyone who claims that a white person who is a member of an All-white country would treat black people the same when hiring, firing, or doing business with them is either e rube or a liar.

You can stick your head in the sand and deny reality all you want, but that won't change reality.

I am white.  I recognize white privilege, but I am not "shamed" and I don't feel guilty at all.  All I do is acknowledge reality.
(02-12-2016, 11:07 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Oh look... a meme... so witty.

So in order for blacks to be receive reparations, then whites just need to give up all power and influence in the US?  Sure...  You go right ahead. I will even  Clapping  for you.   ThumbsUp

Hyperbole much?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-12-2016, 11:24 AM)GMDino Wrote: Hyperbole much?

Just asking a question.

You answering with a question is a common tactic for you though. 

Couldn't find a meme?
(02-12-2016, 11:35 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Just asking a question.

You answering with a question is a common tactic for you though. 

Couldn't find a meme?

Your question did not deserve a serious answer.  

Or did you really mean that was a serious question?
(02-12-2016, 11:35 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Just asking a question.

You answering with a question is a common tactic for you though.

Couldn't find a meme?

(02-12-2016, 11:07 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Oh look... a meme... so witty.

So in order for blacks to be receive reparations, then whites just need to give up all power and influence in the US?  Sure...  You go right ahead. I will even  Clapping  for you.   ThumbsUp

Well, enough about me.

I can't answer a question that dumb and full of crap.

But then you didn't answer my question either.

Solid post though.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Sovereign Nation
Typical response, I am the one that is only narrowly comprehending the bigger issue... Not you.  Me.  Seems legit.

It is me that you can't have a serious conversation with... again, not you who has addressed the actual issue, but me.  Sure, go with that angle.  I don't think it works in the courtroom, but hey, you're the lawyer.

The last bit is even more funny when you have mentioned strawman several times, which I was able to show that my points weren't strawmen at all.  Only for you to do another strawman, and say that I am in favor of reparations.  No, I am clearly not in favor of reparations, however, blacks think they are owed reparations.

White privilege is a made up term, to continue shaming whites for our accomplishments.  If I am successful at work, it isn't because I worked hard, no the reason I am successful is because of the color of my skin.  If I don't look at the monuments erected to honor great white men and see them as what they were, slave owners, then I am full of white privilege.  If a white woman who doesn't know me smiles at me and returns my hello, then that is white privilege.  (funny thing, last night, I had to go tell a black couple that a part of the building was closed for the night, and when I opened the door and said "hello", the response from the black guy was "AWW, Damn!"). 

Maybe I just need some of these:

Cause nothing screams privilege more than being able to tell someone of another race all about their privilege.

Sovereign Nation end quote-

So I post the above, yet Fred, you only focuses on the bold.

(02-12-2016, 11:11 AM)fredtoast Wrote: No it is not.

As I said before it is hard to have a serious discussion with a person who refuses to even address the issue.

What does racial profiling of blacks by police have to do with "shaming whites for their accomplishments?"  There have been multiple studies that show discrimination against people applying for jobs or trying to rent apartments just based on the fact their name "sounds" black.  There have been proven cases of racial discrimination against African Americans and other minorities by police countries all across the country.  And anyone who claims that a white person who is a member of an All-white country would treat black people the same when hiring, firing, or doing business with them is either e rube or a liar.

You can stick your head in the sand and deny reality all you want, but that won't change reality.

I am white.  I recognize white privilege, but I am not "shamed" and I don't feel guilty at all.  All I do is acknowledge reality.

You completely ignore the rest of the comment and you especially ignore the video, yet it is I who is refusing to address the issue.  Interesting tactic, and a bold move, but I it isn't really gonna pay off.

I have already mentioned that white people are profiled by police.  Again, what is the profile for a serial killer?

I have told you why it isn't made a big deal, which is that white people know that it isn't the polices fault that the majority of serial killers are white.  Just because a group doesn't complain about profiling doesn't mean profiling doesn't happen to them. 

Please provide your studies, because there have also been studies and I even provided the links (must be ever so forgetful, since you already tried and failed at this tactic a few pages back), that shows businesses get special tax breaks (ahem, incentives) for hiring minorities.

Anyone who thinks that a black person living in a black dominated society would treat whites the same when hiring, firing, or doing business is either naive, dumb or disingenuous.  More than likely all three.

You are white, good for you.  No you aren't privileged, if you are truly privilege, then while at work today, I want you to go up to a black person and have a general conversation with them and casually mention how great it is to be white and that you are proud to be white and you wish more whites could be proud.  Better yet, get a tie that says white pride on it and head to work.  Be sure to film and then share!

Then we will see who is acknowledging reality.
(02-12-2016, 08:36 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: You are reaching here.

Blacks don't want reparations from the US, they want it from the White US.  If blacks were the majority leaders in the US, they wouldn't want reparations.

So are you denying that the slaves were not bought and paid for?  You really think that white men were hanging around with nets, ready to grab unsuspecting blacks?  Europeans had slaves, the slaves they had were white, I don't think anyone denies that slavery has been a part of European history.  

However, slavery wasn't invented by whites.  The pyramids in Egypt weren't created by volunteers, nor where they paid workers either.  Slavery is a part of every races history.  Your analogy doesn't fit, since it implies that the African tribes and kingdoms were forced into providing slaves, and that they weren't just looking for a way to sell their own people to make a quick fortune.

You may want to reread my post. You seem to have gotten lost early on in it.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-12-2016, 11:38 AM)GMDino Wrote: Well, enough about me.

I can't answer a question that dumb and full of crap.

But then you didn't answer my question either.

Solid post though.


I did answer your question.

You asked "hyperbole much?"

I responded that I was just asking a question.

Then I asked a follow up.  You see you didn't answer my first question, you just asked if I was exaggerating.

So you don't like the question?
(02-12-2016, 11:53 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: You may want to reread my post. You seem to have gotten lost early on in it.

You and Fred must have had the same teachers. 

Instead of it being you, it is me.  Right?

It isn't the best debating tactic.  It is one that is lazy and shows that the person doesn't have a strong position.

So you resort to, "you just don't understand!"

When it is clear that I do understand, I just refuted you.

Soon someone will start bringing up birds and games.
(02-12-2016, 11:57 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: I did answer your question.

You asked "hyperbole much?"

I responded that I was just asking a question.

Then I asked a follow up.  You see you didn't answer my first question, you just asked if I was exaggerating.

So you don't like the question?

I'm old enough to understand when someone is exaggerating because they feel threatened by the ideas being discussed.

No need to answer such a question.  You provided more than enough information on your position, "thoughts" on the subject with your "question".
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-12-2016, 11:24 AM)GMDino Wrote: Hyperbole much?

(02-12-2016, 11:35 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: You answering with a question is a common tactic for you though. 

Couldn't find a meme?


[Image: feel-the-irony-20.jpg]
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-12-2016, 11:52 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: I have already mentioned that white people are profiled by police.  Again, what is the profile for a serial killer?

But there is no intrusion into the lives of white people because of this profile.  White people are not pulled over more often because they might be serial killers.

There is really no comparison between the two.
(02-12-2016, 11:52 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: You completely ignore the rest of the comment and you especially ignore the video, yet it is I who is refusing to address the issue.  Interesting tactic, and a bold move, but I it isn't really gonna pay off.

I did not ignore the video.  The video supported my position.  

What did you expect me to say about it?
(02-12-2016, 11:11 AM)fredtoast Wrote: What does racial profiling of blacks by police have to do with "shaming whites for their accomplishments?" 

Here's an example of such a case. This poor lady was pulled over and arrested simply for being black. The facts that she was going 67 in a 45, driving on a suspended liscense, and had 2 outstanding warrants are her saying she did nothing wrong other than be black.

The link below shows the black profiling officers pulling her over for no reason, discriminating against her, humiliating her, sexually assaulting her, and stuffing her in the cruiser
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-12-2016, 12:01 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: So you resort to, "you just don't understand!"

When it is clear that I do understand, I just refuted you.

You have not refuted anything.  I have given multiple specific examples of white privilege and all you say is "It doesn't exist because I say so.".

You claimed it happened in other countries, and I agree, but that does not give you the right to play your victim card here.

You went into a big discussion about "shame" and who invented slavery, but white privilege has nothing to do with those.

But by far the most comical comment was when you were boo-hooing about how white people are oppressed because they can not go into crime-filled areas without police paying extra attention to them.  "Waaa!  Waaaa!  I am suffering such extreme oppression because I can not go to the one place no one wants to go without police watching me!  Waaa!"

You brought up reparations when no one here is in favor of reparations.
(02-12-2016, 12:31 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Here's an example of such a case. This poor lady was pulled over and arrested simply for being black. The facts that she was going 67 in a 45, driving on a suspended liscense, and had 2 outstanding warrants are her saying she did nothing wrong other than be black.

The link below shows the black profiling officers pulling her over for no reason, discriminating against her, humiliating her, sexually assaulting her, and stuffing her in the cruiser

Why would you post this?  What is your point?

Are you really this completly ignorant of racial profiling?

If you really think what you posted had anything to do with racial profiling then I will gladly educate you on the truth.  But it seems that you are not really concerned with reality.  It seems you would rather just stick your head in the sand like SN.

So if you really want to deny that racial profiling happens just say so.  But if you are just trying to impress SN i suggest you trade notes by PM, because posting something like this in a public thread really makes you look ignorant.
(02-12-2016, 12:31 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Here's an example of such a case. This poor lady was pulled over and arrested simply for being black. The facts that she was going 67 in a 45, driving on a suspended liscense, and had 2 outstanding warrants are her saying she did nothing wrong other than be black.

The link below shows the black profiling officers pulling her over for no reason, discriminating against her, humiliating her, sexually assaulting her, and stuffing her in the cruiser

You mean there are individuals that commit crimes and then blame the police?


And bap cops?

Shocked Shocked

And links don't work?

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
[Image: 206ewev.jpg]

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