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Confronting Racism
(02-12-2016, 09:52 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Alright, buddy, I gave you two chances to actually address my post but you want to double down on this, so here we go.

This first part was fine. You actually addressed what I said. I am going to suggest that my logic that you can't ask nations for reparations if they were established hundreds of years after the action you want reparations for occurred makes more sense than you saying "they only want reparations from white people".

Here's where it get's interesting

  I didn't even suggest something remotely close to that

 Where the hell did you read that?

Ok, that has nothing to do with a discussion of the involvement of Africans in the Atlantic Slave Trade.

Again, what does this have to do with my post?

Again, huh?

So is war. But that doesn't mean you should bring that up when discussing one specific war.


In many cases, they were forced into supplying slaves. Even in the cases that they were not, that doesn't take away from my analogy that the African tribes that participated held far less power in this whole industry that was created. Your attempts to suggest they are equal partners is rejected.

Please go back and look at all the garbage I quoted from your post. This is why I suggested you go back and reread my post. A whole lot of strawman in there. Some of it is just asinine. 

(02-12-2016, 09:58 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Please don't bother responding if you're going to pull that bullshit again.

This is cute.

I have already answered you.  Even broke down for you.

The sad part is, you actually think you have refuted my points.

I am just gonna refer you back to my last response to you.  There is no strawman, just factual rebuttals to your very naive (can't blame you, you are like what 22 maybe 23, if not that is how old you seem, very sheltered) view. 

You keep doubling down on the belief and notion that black countries were forced into providing slaves.  Hey, did you learn this nugget of history from an African Studies professor or were they liberal?  Cause a white liberal is the most apologetic person on the planet, unless of course you ask them to apologize to white people, then they don't feel the need to apologize for anything.

African Studies professors are notoriously Anti-white and they go out of their way to paint a negative picture of whites in history while insisting that the Africans were a good and virtuous race.  They are on par with Women Studies professors as being very unreliable.

So which one did you get your "knowledge" and insight from?  The white liberal or the African Studies?
(02-12-2016, 10:16 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Then please provide the cases where a black person was randomly stopped when looking for criminal activity, where the officer admitted to stopping the suspect for being black

Not the ones that the blacks suspect claims.

Why should I?

I just showed you that you don't read you just impulsively respond.

But, just for shits and giggles:

Quote:EXCLUSIVE: James Blake, former tennis star, slammed to ground and handcuffed outside midtown hotel by white NYPD cops who mistook him for ID theft suspect

Quote:Reuters interviewed 25 African American male officers on the NYPD, 15 of whom are retired and 10 of whom are still serving. All but one said that, when off duty and out of uniform, they had been victims of racial profiling, which refers to using race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed a crime.

The officers said this included being pulled over for no reason, having their heads slammed against their cars, getting guns brandished in their faces, being thrown into prison vans and experiencing stop and frisks while shopping. The majority of the officers said they had been pulled over multiple times while driving. Five had had guns pulled on them.

Desmond Blaize, who retired two years ago as a sergeant in the 41st Precinct in the Bronx, said he once got stopped while taking a jog through Brooklyn’s upmarket Prospect Park. "I had my ID on me so it didn’t escalate," said Blaize, who has sued the department alleging he was racially harassed on the job. "But what’s suspicious about a jogger? In jogging clothes?"

The NYPD and the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, the police officers’ union, declined requests for comment. However, defenders of the NYPD credit its policing methods with transforming New York from the former murder capital of the world into the safest big city in the United States.

"It makes good headlines to say this is occurring, but I don’t think you can validate it until you look into the circumstances they were stopped in," said Bernard Parks, the former chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, who is African American.

"Now if you want to get into the essence of why certain groups are stopped more than others, then you only need to go to the crime reports and see which ethnic groups are listed more as suspects. That’s the crime data the officers are living with."

Blacks made up 73 percent of the shooting perpetrators in New York in 2011 and were 23 percent of the population.

A number of academics believe those statistics are potentially skewed because police over-focus on black communities, while ignoring crime in other areas. They also note that being stopped as a suspect does not automatically equate to criminality. Nearly 90 percent of blacks stopped by the NYPD, for example, are found not to be engaged in any crime.

Much more to those stories at the link if you have time to read rather than just respond randomly.... Rock On
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-12-2016, 10:01 PM)GMDino Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: tumblr_n6pu3mpAd81qzx3jto8_500.gif]
(02-12-2016, 10:32 PM)GMDino Wrote: Why should I?

I just showed you that you don't read you just impulsively respond.

But, just for shits and giggles:

Much more to those stories at the link if you have time to read rather than just respond randomly.... Rock On

Did you just post an article that says a crime was committed and that police made a mistake in the identity and claim that it was a case of racial profiling?

Let see if we can follow this...

Theft takes place, a suspect is identified, the description of the suspect matches the person the police arrested, but the police got the wrong guy (it does happen and I have never said it didn't), and they apologized for the mistake.  However they were looking for a criminal and the Blake did fit the description, so not a case of profiling.

You should check out that video with Triumph.  Those kids were so scare to give a description of the black heavy set gay man.

Case of mistaken Identity = proof of racial profiling

Your second article is from the perspective of, gasp, black officers that are claiming that they have been racially profiled?  Well since they are black and police they can't be biased.  They KNOW for a fact that blacks are profiled because they themselves have been profiled.

Again this is all from the perspective of the person making the claim.  Where is the perspective from the other side, saying "yep, I stopped them because they were black, and blacks are more likely criminals"

Think about this:

You and I have a discussion about our children.  You ask if my wife is still breastfeeding.  Afterward I claim you asked inappropriate questions about my wife and child.  Is my claim true? 

If you only hear the story from my side of things then the yes the story is true.  However your side will probably be a bit different.
(02-12-2016, 10:32 PM)GMDino Wrote: Why should I?

I just showed you that you don't read you just impulsively respond.

But, just for shits and giggles:

Much more to those stories at the link if you have time to read rather than just respond randomly.... Rock On

I knew you couldn't do it.

(02-12-2016, 10:59 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Did you just post an article that says a crime was committed and that police made a mistake in the identity and claim that it was a case of racial profiling?

Let see if we can follow this...

Think about this:

Two things you are not very good at sadly.   Sad
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-12-2016, 08:49 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: I am not a fan of asking a question in response to a question.  However, there is a time to do so.  This was one of those times.  Your question can best be answered by repeating your question and replacing the words "serial killer" with "drug dealers and criminals".

Then you see that there are plenty of factors involved when a cop stops a person and race is only one of those factors and not even the main factor.

If you don't follow along that is your problem.  However I will try to help you understand.  Do you think a police officer knows any information on a serial killer?  No, they have to build a case, look at the evidence, build a profile, find people that fit the profile and then gather more information on those people.  They won't know what a person's job is, family history, hobbies and all the rest until they run a check on them.  First though, is to look at the factors in the profile that fits their suspect.  If he is white and 18-36, then they start a background on him.  This usually involves questioning him and his family.

Much like a cop who is looking for a drug dealer or other criminal would do.  If you are looking for a drug dealer, is he more likely at a country club or in a run down part of town?  (answer is: depends on the dealer) 

As to it getting dumb, that is probably because you don't understand it.  Please show a case where a cop admitted to stopping someone for just being black.  Every case where the claim was made the claim was made by the black person.  To me that is what I would call unreliable information.  It is biased.

I am not one who is complaining about profiling, departments do it, whites are also profiled, but blacks are the ones that think there is anything wrong with profiling.  We both have established that there are many factors involved that makes a person a target for the police and race is only a small factor at play.

I always find it laughable when I hear "he pulled me over for being black".  Even in broad daylight, you can't tell the race of a driver in front of you, yet blacks seem to think that by making the claim it is true.  For some reason, guys like you and Fred seem to believe them.

You can't even tell the age or the sex of the driver either, that comes after the stop.

btw, there are a lot of white drug dealers and criminals, I bet they were just victims of profiling as well.

I'm going to chalk this up as sarcasm. Or some kind of brain damage. It's hard to tell the difference sometimes.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-12-2016, 11:39 PM)GMDino Wrote: I knew you couldn't do it.

Two things you are not very good at sadly.   Sad

So ya got nothing?  This is what you call "making it about me"?

It happens sometimes.  I am sure you will find a meme that will reaffirm your position and you will be back to your usual self.
(02-13-2016, 01:23 AM)Benton Wrote: I'm going to chalk this up as sarcasm. Or some kind of brain damage. It's hard to tell the difference sometimes.

Yep, when your brain is damaged like yours must be, it can be hard to pick up on even the simplest of concepts.

I hear the NFL has some good brain doctors, maybe you should see if they can recommend one for you.   ThumbsUp
(02-13-2016, 01:23 AM)Benton Wrote: I'm going to chalk this up as sarcasm. Or some kind of brain damage. It's hard to tell the difference sometimes.

(02-13-2016, 01:57 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: So ya got nothing?  This is what you call "making it about me"?

It happens sometimes.  I am sure you will find a meme that will reaffirm your position and you will be back to your usual self.

(02-13-2016, 01:59 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Yep, when your brain is damaged like yours must be, it can be hard to pick up on even the simplest of concepts.

I hear the NFL has some good brain doctors, maybe you should see if they can recommend one for you.   ThumbsUp

SN's argument:
[Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-13-2016, 01:57 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: So ya got nothing?  This is what you call "making it about me"?

It happens sometimes.  I am sure you will find a meme that will reaffirm your position and you will be back to your usual self.

(02-13-2016, 11:03 AM)GMDino Wrote: SN's argument:
[Image: giphy.gif]

(02-13-2016, 11:09 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Next?

You get what you pay for.  Smirk

If you were willing (or able) to have a discussion you'd get that.  In your case pictures seem to be the best way to communicate. Sorry about the words though...I know reading and comprehension can be hard for some.  Sad

Quote:‘Love a happy ending’: Cop after Black Lives Matter activist’s suicide

FAIRBORN, Ohio — Officials say an Ohio police officer is being put on paid leave over a Facebook comment about a Black Lives Matter activist who killed himself on the Statehouse steps.

The comment posted under Fairborn officer Lee Cyr’s account reads “Love a happy ending.” It was posted on the Ohio Politics Facebook page Wednesday, two days after MarShawn McCarrel II killed himself.

Police say Cyr was off duty when the comment was posted.

City Police Chief Terry Barlow says internal affairs investigators will try to determine if Cyr violated the department’s social-media policy.

Cyr didn’t return calls seeking comment.
McCarrel shot himself near the front door of the Statehouse on Monday. He had helped with protests after high-profile police shootings led to the Black Lives Matter movement.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-12-2016, 10:16 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Then please provide the cases where a black person was randomly stopped when looking for criminal activity, where the officer admitted to stopping the suspect for being black

Not the ones that the blacks suspect claims.

For federal law enforcement, this type of activity is forbidden. So if a federal law enforcement officer admitted to stopping a suspect solely due to race he would be admitting to breaking the law. Thirty states have similar laws. 
(02-13-2016, 11:18 AM)GMDino Wrote: You get what you pay for.  Smirk

If you were willing (or able) to have a discussion you'd get that.  In your case pictures seem to be the best way to communicate. Sorry about the words though...I know reading and comprehension can be hard for some.  Sad

Is it to late to ask for a refund?  Your comic routine is a little bit on the rotten side and not very good and needs a lot of work.

I agree with the cop.  BLM is a group that prides itself on shaming whites and perpetuating white guilt and the myth that is white privilege.  So I won't be losing sleep over someone who obviously didn't have the strength of conviction to back his words or activism.

I do think it is a shame though, that this person found suicide as an option, if I had actually met him I would have encouraged him to persevere, but not by doing something as destructive and futile as BLM. 

I would encourage him to be a proud black man and to learn as much about African history and culture as he could.  I would encourage him to try and learn a language from a country in Africa.

However, I don't feel any guilt or shame or responsibility in this man's death, I just see it as a tragic end.  Him being a supporter of BLM does make me side with the cop though.  There is one less BLM activist being obnoxious.
(02-13-2016, 11:32 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: For federal law enforcement, this type of activity is forbidden. So if a federal law enforcement officer admitted to stopping a suspect solely due to race he would be admitting to breaking the law. Thirty states have similar laws. 

So the only side we have is the side of the black person?  Again, that is biased and not reliable.

I know one way that we could stop the claim of profiling, real or imagined.

However, black officers don't like it, because they don't seem to want to only have to police neighborhoods that only have blacks.

Not so, Oddly enough, black civilians don't like it either, because then they can't claim racism or profiling as easy.  They could be it doesn't carry the same weight as when they get to deal with the white cops.
(02-13-2016, 11:34 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Is it to late to ask for a refund?  Your comic routine is a little bit on the rotten side and not very good and needs a lot of work.

I agree with the cop.  BLM is a group that prides itself on shaming whites and perpetuating white guilt and the myth that is white privilege.  So I won't be losing sleep over someone who obviously didn't have the strength of conviction to back his words or activism.

I do think it is a shame though, that this person found suicide as an option, if I had actually met him I would have encouraged him to persevere, but not by doing something as destructive and futile as BLM. 

I would encourage him to be a proud black man and to learn as much about African history and culture as he could.  I would encourage him to try and learn a language from a country in Africa.

However, I don't feel any guilt or shame or responsibility in this man's death, I just see it as a tragic end.  Him being a supporter of BLM does make me side with the cop though.  There is one less BLM activist being obnoxious.

And that's the end of the "conversation" with SN.

Maybe his next alt will be more subtle?

Rock On
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-13-2016, 11:39 AM)GMDino Wrote: And that's the end of the "conversation" with SN.

Maybe his next alt will be more subtle?

Rock On

Oh, so now I am an alt?

This isn't new, usually when folks are terrible at debating they reach for whatever they can grasp to deflect attention from their gasp of futility.

So out of curiosity, who else do you think I am?

Also, why would I use an alt?  What would be the point of having more than 1 account?  I don't plan on being banned, unless criticizing the BLM is an offense for which I can be banned. I don't see the need for an alt account, even then, I wouldn't create an account if I am to be censored so easily.

Unless it means you will no longer debate with me.  Which I would reply with "Oh well".
(02-13-2016, 12:00 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Oh, so now I am an alt?

This isn't new, usually when folks are terrible at debating they reach for whatever they can grasp to deflect attention from their gasp of futility.

So out of curiosity, who else do you think I am?

Also, why would I use an alt?  What would be the point of having more than 1 account?  I don't plan on being banned, unless criticizing the BLM is an offense for which I can be banned. I don't see the need for an alt account, even then, I wouldn't create an account if I am to be censored so easily.

Unless it means you will no longer debate with me.  Which I would reply with "Oh well".


[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-12-2016, 08:04 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Just because white privilege exists, doesn't mean that you have to feel ashamed or guilty about it.  It's helpful to accept its existence in order to move society forward and shorted the gaps. 

You keep mentioning white people 'giving up power'...  What types of 'power' is being relinquished by merely acknowledging ones own privilege and moving on from there?  

I was able to claw my way from the lower middle class to the middle class through hard work without accepting any handouts or freebies. I'm a force of nature who did everything through sheer force of will all on my own. If I can do it, there is no excuse for any of these other lazy bums to accept handouts or freebies.

If I admit I had an advantage that would undermine my fantasy.

Read Part V of that report. 
(02-13-2016, 12:02 PM)GMDino Wrote: Yes.


Care to share who you think I my previous incarnation was?

Ever since the beginning of this board I have been Sovereign Nation (except the small amount of time when I misspelled Sovereign, I spelled it Soveriegn, the whole I before E thing).  I have been no one else.

However it will be fun to know who you thought I was.
(02-13-2016, 12:14 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Care to share who you think I my previous incarnation was?

Ever since the beginning of this board I have been Sovereign Nation (except the small amount of time when I misspelled Sovereign, I spelled it Soveriegn, the whole I before E thing).  I have been no one else.

However it will be fun to know who you thought I was.

No.  Mellow
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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