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Black History Month: An Alternative
(02-14-2016, 09:56 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: You just think I am a racist because I am white.

Again, with the misrepresentation.  Please point out any moment I have been demeaning toward other races?  That's what makes a racist, not someone who points out the hypocrisy of white shaming and white guilt. 

No, I think you are racist because of the things you post on a public message board.

More assumptions on your part...and more being wrong.   Sad

Providing examples will lead to you responding with long, rambling posts that all start out "I'm not a racist, but..." (Symbolically...not a direct quote).

Rock On
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-14-2016, 09:14 PM)GMDino Wrote: Flag?  Hilarious

If we were in public would you go to the cops and complain?  Or maybe they don't have any kind of power?   Mellow

Anyway, if you want to continue to say you're not racist and then continue to say racist things that meme is very appropriate.

So stop before another thread gets locked over stupid shit and stay on topic.   Rock On

Pretty sure the latest thread got locked because of personal attack. Sorta like what's happening here.

Option A is OK: My view is that your thought here represent those of a racist

Option B is not: You are a racist, accept it. 

It really is not that hard regardless how many times the mods try to point it out. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-14-2016, 10:23 PM)GMDino Wrote: No, I think you are racist because of the things you post on a public message board.

More assumptions on your part...and more being wrong.   Sad

Providing examples will lead to you responding with long, rambling posts that all start out "I'm not a racist, but..." (Symbolically...not a direct quote).

Rock On

No, you just think I am a racist because I am white.

Again, show examples of me actually oppressing black people or calling for the oppression of black people.
(02-14-2016, 10:25 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Pretty sure the latest thread got locked because of personal attack. Sorta like what's happening here.

Option A is OK: My view is that your thought here represent those of a racist

Option B is not: You are a racist, accept it.

It really is not that hard regardless how many times the mods try to point it out.

Exactly what I did.

(02-14-2016, 10:23 PM)GMDino Wrote: No, I think you are racist because of the things you post on a public message board.

More assumptions on your part...and more being wrong.   Sad

Providing examples will lead to you responding with long, rambling posts that all start out "I'm not a racist, but..." (Symbolically...not a direct quote).

Rock On

Sadly he continues to make assumptions.

(02-14-2016, 10:26 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: No, you just think I am a racist because I am white.

Again, show examples of me actually oppressing black people or calling for the oppression of black people.

I don't know if he is white. I don't know if he is a he. I don't know if he really likes stroking guns. I don't know if that is SN in their profile pick.

I just know that over the course of just a few days someone who used to be someone else has posted nothing but post about how he is only defending the white race while slamming everyone and anyone who has any kind of fact to disagree with him. All while playing the "i'm smarter than everyone because I taught myself these things" card and using the work "*****". Over and over. Smirk
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-14-2016, 10:32 PM)GMDino Wrote: Exactly what I did.

Sadly he continues to make assumptions.

I don't know if he is white.  I don't know if he is a he.  I don't know if he really likes stroking guns.  I don't know if that is SN in their profile pick.

I just know that over the course of just a few days someone who used to be someone else has posted nothing but post about how he is only defending the white race while slamming everyone and anyone who has any kind of fact to disagree with him.  All while playing the "i'm smarter than everyone because I taught myself these things" card and using the work "*****".  Over and over.   Smirk

Then you will have no problem actually providing the proof of your claim.

Show the post where I have oppressed nonwhites or said that we should oppress nonwhites.  It shouldn't be hard to do so.
(02-14-2016, 10:19 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: I have posted evidence, no such evidence from you.  You just say it and think that it is so.  Please provide the evidence that whites are privilege.  Don't just say they are in control of politics and money.  Also make sure they are white and not Jewish.  Contrary to what you might believe but Diane Fienstein and Michael Bloomberg are Jewish and they don't associate with European Identity as much as they associate with Israel Identity.

So controlling wealth and power is not a privilege?

And how exactly do I know how many Jewish people do not consider themselves white?  Post your source for this and I will do the best I can

Got a link to Michael Bloomberg saying he is not white?  I'd really like to see that.
(02-14-2016, 10:35 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Then you will have no problem actually providing the proof of your claim.

Show the post where I have oppressed nonwhites or said that we should oppress nonwhites.  It shouldn't be hard to do so.


Others have shown you the errors of your refuse to accept anything and spin your way around to prove they are wrong.

I'll just post memes.   Mellow

[Image: MimiEunice_29.png]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-14-2016, 10:38 PM)GMDino Wrote: No.

Others have shown you the errors of your refuse to accept anything and spin your way around to prove they are wrong.

I'll just post memes.   Mellow

[Image: MimiEunice_29.png]

So you have nothing.  You can't find 1 post in which I was oppressing non whites or calling for their oppression.

Speaks volumes.
(02-14-2016, 10:53 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: So you have nothing.  You can't find 1 post in which I was oppressing non whites or calling for their oppression.

Speaks volumes.

No.  You are wrong (again).

I have said, repeatedly, that I will not post because you will do what you did every time someone else did.  You are looking for a fight/argument that you will only say you won no matter what.

I stopped participating in that around 10th grade..

However I still like funny pictures. Smirk

[Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-14-2016, 10:37 PM)fredtoast Wrote: So controlling wealth and power is not a privilege?

And how exactly do I know how many Jewish people do not consider themselves white?  Post your source for this and I will do the best I can

Got a link to Michael Bloomberg saying he is not white?  I'd really like to see that.

Here is a start for you.  I hope you don't expect me to do all of the leg work for your argument.

Though you might have to do a little more digging, wikipedia isn't very reliable and sometimes they don't have the information you are looking for.

To your question:

If whites actually held the wealth and power in the world, then you claim would be correct.  Your questions answer is Yes it is a privilege, however the majority of wealth (which translates to power) is not controlled by whites.  Again, someone who identifies as Jewish doesn't identify themselves as white.  They are white when it is convenient, Jewish all other times.
(02-14-2016, 10:59 PM)GMDino Wrote: No.  You are wrong (again).

I have said, repeatedly, that I will not post because you will do what you did every time someone else did.  You are looking for a fight/argument that you will only say you won no matter what.

I stopped participating in that around 10th grade..

However I still like funny pictures. Smirk

[Image: giphy.gif]

Or... it could be that there are none. Now you are "not playing". Cute.
(02-13-2016, 09:08 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Then as black man, you know how often a white man is harassed and you know it is way less than what a black man is. 

Where did you get this info?

Exactly how often are white men harassed by blacks compared to black people harassed by white people?  You are not just making this up are you?

All you have to do isn google "KKK vandalism" or "racist vandalism" and you will see hundreds of photos of examples of black people being intimidated by white people.

So give me the exact numbers that you are citing.  Not random examples but exact numbers to back up your claim.
(02-13-2016, 11:09 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote:  If you say Gates, I will know you have an agenda, since Gates was the one that started by being disrespectful to a cop that was called to check on suspicious activity.  The cop was just trying to find out who he was and what he was doing there.  He was the one that escalated the situation, and got what he wanted, a video of his arrest to claim more victimhood status. 

Aren't you the one who claimed you would shoot a cop who tried to arrest or pull you over if you thought he was wrong?

That was you, right?
(02-14-2016, 11:19 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Where did you get this info?

Exactly how often are white men harassed by blacks compared to black people harassed by white people?  You are not just making this up are you?

All you have to do isn google "KKK vandalism" or "racist vandalism" and you will see hundreds of photos of examples of black people being intimidated by white people.

So give me the exact numbers that you are citing.  Not random examples but exact numbers to back up your claim.

I have provided enough proof.  It is your turn.

Why don't you look up how many black women are raped by white men?

You can also look up how many white women are raped by black men?

"The Holder Justice Department stopped reporting statistics on interracial violence, but the data is available prior to 2008. An analysis of ‘single offender victimization figures’ from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the DoJ database. Page on"

That isn't a white supremacist website... I googled and found a link to Quora.

Funny how this person claims that the Justice Department stopped reporting statistics.  I wonder if that is true and I wonder why they would do that?
(02-14-2016, 11:21 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Aren't you the one who claimed you would shoot a cop who tried to arrest or pull you over if you thought he was wrong?

That was you, right?

Nope.  Don't know who said that.

What I said, is that if I am driving at 0300 in the morning, that I may or may not stop if a cop tries to pull me over.

If the cop forces me off the road or approaches me with his gun drawn and pointed at me, then I will return in kind, IF I am able to.  I was trained that you don't point your weapon at anything you don't intend to destroy.

However, I can see where you would misrepresent.
(02-13-2016, 09:08 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: So simply put, you have not stated 1 thing that a white person in this country can also experience.

Discrimination based on race by lenders, realtors, police, all-white country clubs, etc, etc.

Home buyers in predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhoods in New York City were more likely to get their mortgages last year from a subprime lender than home buyers in white neighborhoods with similar income levels, according to a new analysis of home loan data by researchers at New York University.

The analysis, by N.Y.U.’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy, illustrates stark racial differences between the New York City neighborhoods where subprime mortgages — which can come with higher interest rates, fees and penalties — were common and those where they were rare. The 10 neighborhoods with the highest rates of mortgages from subprime lenders had black and Hispanic majorities, and the 10 areas with the lowest rates were mainly non-Hispanic white.

The analysis showed that even when median income levels were comparable, home buyers in minority neighborhoods were more likely to get a loan from a subprime lender.

[url=][/url]. Department of Housing and Urban Development shows that real estate and leasing agents do not show minority homebuyers and renters as many available properties as they do to white customers.

"Although we've come a long way from blatant, in-your-face housing injustice, racial discrimination still exists," said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. "Just because it's become less obvious doesn't mean that it's less harmful."

In the study, black, Hispanic, Asian and white home seekers called up housing agents and asked to set up an appointment to see advertised properties. These testers were all the same gender, the same age and all equally well-qualified to rent or own the properties. At this step, nearly every tester managed to get an appointment.

But after that, not everyone was treated the same. The testers met with their agents, who told them about and then showed them properties. As it turns out, the number of properties some agents have available depends on who you are.

In nearly all cases, whether renting or buying, minorities were told about and shown fewer properties than white people. Blacks were told about and shown about 17 percent fewer homes than whites, while Asians were told about 15.5 percent fewer homes and shown nearly 19 percent fewer properties.

When real estate and rental agents don't allow minorities to hear about or see all properties available to them, they may wind up assigning their kids to worse schools, reducing their overall safety and limiting their job opportunities, Donovan said.

At the heart of the Floyd case are statistics showing that the city conducted an astounding 4.4 million stops between January 2004 and June 2012. Of these, only 6 percent resulted in arrests and 6 percent resulted in summonses. In other words, 88 percent of the 4.4 million stops resulted in no further action — meaning a vast majority of those stopped were doing nothing wrong. More than half of all people stopped were frisked, yet only 1.5 percent of frisks found weapons. In about 83 percent of cases, the person stopped was black or Hispanic, even though the two groups accounted for just over half the population.

O'Neil's anonymousmous letters, which began arriving in the chief's office in December, alleged that Hayes ordered officers to arrest blacks in and around the South County Shopping Center as well as a nearby Walmart. Both Hayes and O'Neil are white.

O'Neil said he waited months before coming forward through anonymous letters because Hayes often boasted of his connections to top commanders.

"I had no intention to take the police department down," O'Neil said. "But these things had to be stopped. When a black person can't go shopping at a mall, it's wrong. ... This isn't 50 years ago."

Other officers corroborated O'Neil's claims during the internal investigation, which determined Hayes violated department policies when using “inappropriate racial references” while issuing the orders. He was fired May 13.
(02-14-2016, 11:04 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Or... it could be that there are none. Now you are "not playing".  Cute.

Oh I'm playing...indeed.

[Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-14-2016, 10:19 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote:  Contrary to what you might believe but Diane Fienstein and Michael Bloomberg are Jewish and they don't associate with European Identity as much as they associate with Israel Identity.

(02-14-2016, 11:03 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Here is a start for you.  I hope you don't expect me to do all of the leg work for your argument.

Oh, man, this is pure gold.

First of all it was not my argument, it was yours.  then you provide a link that says this

On October 6, 2014, Queen Elizabeth II named Bloomberg an honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire for his "prodigious entrepreneurial and philanthropic endeavors, and the many ways in which they have benefited the United Kingdom and the U.K.-U.S. special relationship." Since Bloomberg is not a citizen of the United Kingdom, he cannot use the title "Sir", but Bloomberg may, at his own discretion, still use the post-nominal letters "KBE"

The way you make up stuff I am starting to think that you just made up the term "*****"
(02-15-2016, 12:55 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Oh, man, this is pure gold.

First of all it was not my argument, it was yours.  then you provide a link that says this

On October 6, 2014, Queen Elizabeth II named Bloomberg an honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire for his "prodigious entrepreneurial and philanthropic endeavors, and the many ways in which they have benefited the United Kingdom and the U.K.-U.S. special relationship." Since Bloomberg is not a citizen of the United Kingdom, he cannot use the title "Sir", but Bloomberg may, at his own discretion, still use the post-nominal letters "KBE"

The way you make up stuff I am starting to think that you just made up the term "*****"

And here I am still trying to figure out what difference European or Israel makes when the guy is as white as friggin Wonderbread. Confused
(02-14-2016, 11:27 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: "The Holder Justice Department stopped reporting statistics on interracial violence, but the data is available prior to 2008. An analysis of ‘single offender victimization figures’ from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks.

Because whites make up such a larger portion of the population the difference is much smaller when you look at the percentages.  13.3% percent of violent crime against whites is committed by blacks while 9.9% of violent crime against blacks is committed by whites.

(02-14-2016, 11:27 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote:  Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the DoJ database. Page on"

You are missing a vital piece of information here.  If you actually look at the tables you will see an asterisk (*) next to numbers for BOTH black-on-white rape/sexual assault (7.6%) and white-on-black (0.0).  This asterisk means that the "estimate was based on ten or fewer sample cases."  The DOJ only ask a sample of about 77,000 people or about i in 4,000 citizens.  And among the sample they found 10 or fewer cases of both white-on-black sexual assault AND 10 or fewer cases of black-on-white sexual assault.  No where does it say that there was not a single white-on-black sexual assault.

You are just not smart enough to understand the tables and what they really say.

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