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Why would anyone would stand up?
(02-17-2016, 03:58 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: What he doesn't get freedom of speech? 

Of course he does. Do you know what freedom of speech means? The government didn't fire him, a private employer did. 

Quote: know that was Fred who said this, but again, he is fired, Grundy is not.  His was a joke and at no time was he calling for the death of black people.  Grundy has called white males the problem, another professor has called for the utter destruction of the white race.  Both of them are still employed.

I guess this guy's company cares more than Boston University does about maintaining a positive public image. 

Quote:Yet so far the media has yet to call the Marine who was attacked a hate crime.  

That's very responsible of them with so little details surrounding an ongoing investigation. It's like not calling a shooting terrorism as soon as it happens because the guy was Muslim or the victims were at Planned Parenthood.

Quote:You are wrong, when discussing racial politics, I find it very important to see how whites are treated worldwide and not be so narrow minded.  This is why I laugh at the people on here, they really like to control the arguments and when you factor how whites are treated worldwide it greatly hurts their stance that whites have all of this supposed power.

What is happening in UK is beyond irrelevant to what is happening here. Different countries with different population and different governments and different protections with different histories and different cultures. 

Quote:Look, it is manipulation.  49% is higher than 30%.  That means police have killed more whites than they do blacks.  Do you agree that blacks commit more crimes than whites?  I can show statistics that would support that they do.

You're clearly bad with numbers and that's ok. I am not, so here I am explaining how statistics works to you. Whites are underrepresented in police killings while blacks are overrepresented. Whites should account for 62% while Blacks should account for only 13%. 

Quote:The reference to "Making the Black Kids Angry" is a book "Don't Make The Black Kids Angry" and there is another "White Girl Bleed A Lot".  Both books are recommended by Thomas Sowell and Allen West and have been written by Colin Flaherty.  I am sure you have heard of him.

Never heard of him.

Quote:Again with the statistics.  You even state that the people MORE likely to be possessing contraband are minorities.  So who do you stop?  An old white lady?  Or the young black man?  If looking for contraband you would stop the one who is more likely carrying.  If they aren't then no problem.  If they are then that is what led to the arrest, not the color of skin.  It is almost as if you would rather them stop the old lady who isn't carrying anything illegal over the black man who is.

I did not. I stated that with regards to those stopped, we have statistics on 1) percent of population that they make up (demographics), 2) likelihood to be possessing contraband (as in we know the likelihood of any group to be using and possessing these things and 3) the minority status of those who are stopped. For example, FBI statistics show us that in 2010, 14% of black people used pot and 12% of white people used pot. Black people were 350% more likely to be arrested for possession than white people are. 

Black people account for 25% of NYC's population and 50% of the random stops from the stop and frisk program. 

Half of all homicide victims are black, but the majority of people on death row are there for killing white victims. 

White people account for 70% of arrests but 40% of those sentenced to Prison. Black people account for 28% of arrests and 40% of those sentenced to prison. 

The average sentence for a violent crime is a year longer for black people than white people.

All statistics that exists. One explanation that rejects a racial bias is a poverty bias. If you're poor, you're less likely to have a good lawyer. If you're black, you're more likely to be poor. Is that your belief?
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-17-2016, 05:20 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Of course he does. Do you know what freedom of speech means? The government didn't fire him, a private employer did. 

Right, freedom of consequence is what he didn't have due to the public backlash.  Yet there was no public backlash for the calling of the killing of white people.   That is the point.  You asked who was fired for saying or doing something perceived as racist.  Here you go.  He was.  Now you sit and try to justify why he is fired and why Grundy is not.

I guess this guy's company cares more than Boston University does about maintaining a positive public image. 

It could also be that apathetic white people allow this to continue.  You see in Mizzou, when there was a perceived slight against blacks and the University didn't appear to move fast enough, it received national attention, with celebs, the football team, multiple protest and rallies, BLM, Concerned Student 1950, a hunger strike by a rich affluent black man all weighing in.  The result was 2 innocent white men where removed.  Sure they resigned, however they were more than likely going to be terminated anyway.  

When Grundy's statements were made public, it was "Meh, she has free speech".  The calls to action where by so little people that there was no pressure on Boston College to do anything about it.  No pressure on the College means no pressure on the person, resulting in her not being removed, even though she was the offending person.

That's very responsible of them with so little details surrounding an ongoing investigation. It's like not calling a shooting terrorism as soon as it happens because the guy was Muslim or the victims were at Planned Parenthood.

Oh sure, like they were responsible when they made George Zimmerman white and not Hispanic mixed?  Reported Martin as a little 13 year old boy?  C'mon, you can't tell me that the media is responsible.  Just look at the Charleston shooting, within hours of the attack the headlines read "Possible Hate crime" - there was just a bit of a dispute as to what type of hate crime it was.  Many saw it a hate crime against Christians, but then they decided it was a hate crime for against blacks.  No, you don't get to call them responsible for not calling this crime a hate crime and expect me not to be laughing at the absurdity of the claim.

What is happening in UK is beyond irrelevant to what is happening here. Different countries with different population and different governments and different protections with different histories and different cultures. 

Well we have different states and different cities here, so if you want to go that route, I could easily change course.  Different states and different cities all have different governments and different protections and different histories and different cultures.  By your logic what happens in California has no bearing on what happens in Tennessee.  

You're clearly bad with numbers and that's ok. I am not, so here I am explaining how statistics works to you. Whites are underrepresented in police killings while blacks are overrepresented. Whites should account for 62% while Blacks should account for only 13%. 

You're clearly not any good with them either.  You can manipulate them all you want, it is still manipulation.  You continuing to cling to this even after I have told you that it is inaccurate is sad.  The police kill more whites than they do blacks.

Never heard of him.

Well, you could check out his books or his YT videos.  He has some commentary, I don't like his voice, about different cases of attacks that are largely absent from the media.  However he is extremely one sided in his commentary. 

I did not. I stated that with regards to those stopped, we have statistics on 1) percent of population that they make up (demographics), 2) likelihood to be possessing contraband (as in we know the likelihood of any group to be using and possessing these things and 3) the minority status of those who are stopped. For example, FBI statistics show us that in 2010, 14% of black people used pot and 12% of white people used pot. Black people were 350% more likely to be arrested for possession than white people are. 

Black people account for 25% of NYC's population and 50% of the random stops from the stop and frisk program. 

Half of all homicide victims are black, but the majority of people on death row are there for killing white victims. 

White people account for 70% of arrests but 40% of those sentenced to Prison. Black people account for 28% of arrests and 40% of those sentenced to prison. 

The average sentence for a violent crime is a year longer for black people than white people.

All statistics that exists. One explanation that rejects a racial bias is a poverty bias. If you're poor, you're less likely to have a good lawyer. If you're black, you're more likely to be poor. Is that your belief?

No, I don't believe that being black automatically makes you poor.  There are plenty of rich black people in our country. 

I am not getting into a stat war with you. 

Quote:Kevin Lockett left the courtroom in disgust after two of the five men who threw him onto the tracks at the Wood Street T Station and beat him last spring walked away with plea deals for six months of probation and no apology.

“I hate what happened, and I hate the system for the way it's happening,” Lockett said after four of the five attackers entered pleas Tuesday before Common Pleas President Judge Jeffrey A. Manning. Only one, Ryan Kyle, faces jail time.

“If five black guys jumped one white guy, nobody would be going home,” Lockett said.

Police and prosecutors said Kyle, Ken Gault, David Depretis and Matthew and Christopher LaPlace, who all are white, were riding the T home after the Kenny Chesney concert May 30 and began harassing Lockett, who is black, for beer from a cooler he was carrying. Lockett tried to exit at the Gateway Station but couldn't because of them. When he got off at Wood Street, the group followed.

Kyle, Gault and Depretis are from Baldwin Borough; Matthew and Christopher LaPlace are from Whitehall.

Assistant District Attorney Julie Capone said Kyle, 22, grabbed Lockett and heaved him off the station platform and onto the tracks. When Lockett got up, Matthew LaPlace took the cooler and the group started walking away, but Kyle came back and beat Lockett until he was unconscious.

Capone said Kyle used racial slurs. She said all five suspects and Lockett were drunk.

Prosecutors dropped a charge of attempted murder against Kyle in exchange for his guilty plea on charges of aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation and conspiracy to commit robbery. Manning revoked his bond and sent him to the Allegheny County Jail pending his sentencing May 16, when he could get three to six years in prison, defense attorney Al Burke said. Kyle was the only one to leave the courtroom in handcuffs.


Prosecutors agreed to drop charges including aggravated assault, conspiracy to commit robbery, ethnic intimidation and disorderly conduct against Depretis, 21, and Gault, 22, in exchange for their plea of no contest to one count of conspiracy to recklessly endanger a person. Lockett shook his head and left court for several minutes when Depretis' plea was announced.

Manning disagreed with the pleas but accepted them anyway. He chided both men for not expressing remorse for the attack, which was captured on surveillance video.

“You and Mr. Gault have nothing to say? No ‘I'm sorry it happened,' no ‘This shouldn't have happened,' nothing?” Manning said before accepting Depretis' plea.

Aside from yes-or-no answers to his questions, both remained silent.

Kyle did not comment but will have the chance to do so and present his own witnesses at his sentencing, Burke said. Capone said she will play the video of the attack for Manning at sentencing.

Manning sentenced Depretis and Gault to six months of probation and 100 hours of community service, though he later said he would subpoena them to reappear so he could add restitution to repay Lockett for his medical bills. He will add the condition that their community service be performed in a minority community or in a way that benefits minorities.

Lockett couldn't estimate how much the five would jointly owe but said he is undergoing therapy for his vision.

Manning sentenced Matthew LaPlace, 22, to one year of probation, restitution to Lockett and 100 hours of community service in a minority neighborhood, after prosecutors changed the ethnic intimidation charge to conspiracy to recklessly endanger a person, reduced the aggravated assault to simple assault, reduced robbery to theft, kept a charge of reckless endangerment and dropped the rest.

Matthew LaPlace and his parents apologized to Lockett during the hearing and again in the courthouse hallway.

“I know Matthew's very remorseful. He went into rehab. ... He's not had a drink for five months,” said his attorney, Patrick Thommassey.

Christopher LaPlace did not appear because his attorney was unavailable. He was rescheduled for Thursday.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:Top Texas A&M officials on Tuesday delivered thousands of support letters and their own apologies to Dallas high schoolers targeted by racial slurs during a college visit.

The healing gesture came on the same day that A&M President Michael K. Young said the university has now identified some of the students who verbally harrased high schoolers from Dallas last Tuesday. He declined to elaborate, saying the process was ongoing.

Young, system Chancellor John Sharp and student body President Joseph Benigno made the personal trip to Uplift Hampton Preparatory to show the charter school students that last week’s incident does not reflect the school’s values.

“We wanted to tell them we were tremendously impressed with them and proud of them in terms of how they reacted and they’re precisely the kind of students we’d love to see enrolling,” Young said. “At the end of the day, racism is systemic and endemic all over American society.”

Last week, a group of about 60 juniors from the Uplift school were touring the university when racist slurs were aimed at them by a group of mostly white A&M students. Staffers from the charter school, whose student population is predominantly black and Latino, and an A&M tour guide witnessed that exchange.

Minutes earlier, a young white woman also pointedly motioned to her earrings, asking two girls from Uplift if it would be acceptable to wear them to the Dallas school. The earrings were miniature Confederate flags.

The high school juniors were visiting A&M as part of Uplift’s “Road to College” program, which takes students on tours of universities across the nation.

Young quickly condemned the acts as police and university officials launched an investigation into the matter. Over the weekend, Benigno helped organize a letter-writing campaign in which thousands of university students wrote personal notes to Uplift saying such bigotry did not represent the school.
[Image: uplift-studetns-300x220.jpg]
LaChelle Cunningham (center), dean of college prep at Uplift Hampton Preparatory, discussed the racially charged incident with students Daisy Rangel (left) and Devestiny Jones at a news conference last week in Dallas. (Rose Baca/Staff Photographer)

Benigno presented the handwritten letters to the Uplift students.

“This is what we really stand for,” he said of the letters. “This is a physical representation of what we stand for and what we really hold so dear to us because what they had experienced was such a unfortunate, misrepresentation of Texas A&M.”

Uplift CEO Yasmin Bhatia issued a statement after the leaders’ visit to Dallas, which was closed to media, saying that she appreciated the Texas A&M leadership and Sen. Royce West for visiting.

“I encouraged our scholars to keep the letters as a symbol of time when they overcame an obstacle on their journey to a college degree,” she said.

A&M officials haven’t said what disciplinary action the students involved in the incidents might face. Two investigations are underway: One by police and one related to the university’s code of conduct for students.

West, D-Dallas, was among those calling for the university to expel any A&M students found to be involved. Last week he acknowledged that the university has made “slow progress” in outreach to minority students but cautioned that the actions that happened recently could “undo whatever good has been done.”

The College Station campus – established in rural central Texas away from major metropolitan areas — has struggled with an image of racial insensitivity. Past racially divisive incidents inlcude one in 2006 where a YouTube video of a white students in blackface surfaced. Those students eventually withdrew from the school.

Since 2000, A&M has become more diverse. Nearly 25 percent of the students where nonwhite then, but about 40 percent are not white today. Much of that is due to the increase of Hispanic students at the school.

A&M has not made the same gains with blacks. In 2000, African Americans made up a mere 2.4 percent of the student population. That number has barely ticked upward, to about 3.5 percent.
[Image: texas-aM-300x200.jpg]
DMN file photo of Texas A&M University

Just four years ago, the first black commander for the university’s famed Corps of Cadets was appointed. This year was the first for a woman to hold that rank.

But university leaders admit challenges remain. A university climate report showed that as recently as 2014, students indicated that racism was a problem on campus and African American students tended to say they had a lower sense of belonging.

“I can tell via actions, body language, and verbiage there are those on the TAMU campus who do not feel I (Blacks) should be here. There is a simmering level of discourse on this campus,” a black female student responded in that climate survey.

To get at the heart of racial tension – much of which is mirrored across the country — university leaders want to get beyond diversity talk and focus on action.

Earlier this year, for example, they approved plans to require training for all student leaders that will teach them how to have difficult conversations within their own organizations and how to identify concerns involving important issues such as sexual assault and race.

Texas A&M’s overall diversity plan focuses on specific accountability efforts across departments as well as addressing the school’s climate and equity issues, such as improving retention and graduation rates.

Last week’s incident galvanized many who hadn’t previously had diversity as a priority, Young said. And while that treatment of Uplift students is unacceptable, he does hope one positive result will be that it empowers Texas A&M students to speak up when they see something amiss.

“If we’re silent about it, that creates a culture in which it can still continue to happen,” Young said. “We had thousands and thousands of students who stood up and put their name on a piece of paper and said I won’t stand for this anymore. I will not be silent.”
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-18-2016, 12:05 AM)GMDino Wrote:

How cute:

A lot of incidences that you just don't hear about.  The only coverage is "hey, it happened, but moving on.  BLM is staging a protest at an airport!"

So don't be surprised if I find a story about a white student wearing blackface to not be a deserving of proof that a university is racially insensitive.

"Oh NOoosss! They wearing black make up! How dare they mock us. I will have to cancel my hair dye appointment because I can't remain silent"
A white kid with dreads is a problem....

This is not:

To be fair, it is voluntary.

To keep it light here is a funny (also sad in a way) video.

Another funny one:
Man, Alphonso Rachel... this guy nails it.

(02-16-2016, 03:11 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Didn't you just say that Renegade Broadcasting is a hate group?  You made sure that everyone knew that they stood against Jews and supported Hitler.  That in itself is calling them white supremacist.  Look at what I have been called, just for being pro-white.

Yeah, let's take look at what you were called just for being "pro-white."

I myself called you a white supremacist a full day after you called multiple posters a racial epithet used by white supremacists to "white shame" (a term I learned here from white, right wing conservatives) other white people as race traitors multiple times. You called Dino that epithet because he had the nerve to write, "Good post."  Then you called Charvelplaya, "probably a black" because he wrote "Seconded."

You've stated a native born, white American of Russian descent isn't white because he is Jewish. So who cares if one of your sources has a Neo-Nazi ideology?

You dismiss everything the "MMSM" reports as liberal brain washing. So you get your news from obscure far-right wing websites and YouTube videos with racist, white supremacist, Neo-Nazi, or antisemetic ideology not because you share those ideological views, but because they are the only ones reporting the"truth."  Even though you dismiss the liberal media, we shouldn't dismiss your sources because even Neo-Nazis report facts. 

You told Pat to stand up like you for "your people" because your "pro-white."  But, you feel BLM is racist because black men standing up for their people is racist. 

So you use white supremacist slang. You get some of your news from others with white supremacist views. But, you're not a white supremacist because you just go to their sites for the truth. Does that sum it up?
(02-18-2016, 03:44 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: A white kid with dreads is a problem....

This is not:

To be fair, it is voluntary.

To keep it light here is a funny (also sad in a way) video.

Another funny one:

As a self proclaimed autodidact who doesn't attend classes because you're an autodidact who is too much of a hipster for that brain washing, you should probably teach yourself colleges expect you to show up for class. I suggest you study the topic of "attendance."
(02-18-2016, 07:54 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Yeah, let's take look at what you were called just for being "pro-white."

I myself called you a white supremacist a full day after you called multiple posters a racial epithet used by white supremacists to "white shame" (a term I learned here from white, right wing conservatives) other white people as race traitors multiple times. You called Dino that epithet because he had the nerve to write, "Good post."  Then you called Charvelplaya, "probably a black" because he wrote "Seconded."

You've stated a native born, white American of Russian descent isn't white because he is Jewish. So who cares if one of your sources has a Neo-Nazi ideology?

You dismiss everything the "MMSM" reports as liberal brain washing. So you get your news from obscure far-right wing websites and YouTube videos with racist, white supremacist, Neo-Nazi, or antisemetic ideology not because you share those ideological views, but because they are the only ones reporting the"truth."  Even though you dismiss the liberal media, we shouldn't dismiss your sources because even Neo-Nazis report facts. 

You told Pat to stand up like you for "your people" because your "pro-white."  But, you feel BLM is racist because black men standing up for their people is racist. 

So you use white supremacist slang. You get some of your news from others with white supremacist views. But, you're not a white supremacist because you just go to their sites for the truth. Does that sum it up?

I had a great chuckle there.

That word isn't a racial epithet, not even close.  It can be used toward a variety of races.  However we have moved past the word since it isn't tolerated.  So let us not bring it up again. Shall we?

Yes you have called me a white supremacist and it is completely funny when you do so.  Since you don't know me.  It is also funny since you have yet to provide any evidence, other than your own opinions, that I am a white supremacist.  You can't find one post where I say whites are better than blacks or that I think whites should oppress blacks. 

I have provided a list of celebrity blacks that I have a lot of respect for.  Even in this very thread have I mentioned 3 that I think are great.

Actually I don't mind BLM, as long as there is a WLM to speak of white issues.  I don't have any problem with any of the groups that speak for their own race's advocacy.  I would just like there to be an advocacy group that is allowed to speak for the advancement of white people, without people such as yourself to automatically call them racist and white supremacist just because of someone who may endorse them.

For instance, I start a WLM movement, aside from the attacks I would receive from liberals, I would also receive push back from BLM and a majority of blacks.  As soon as Kyle Hunt endorse my movement that will be all you need to "PROVE" that WLM is a white supremacist group.  

I did tell Pat to stand up for his people.  If you or he thinks that you have no people then I feel sorry for you.  If you guys don't stand up for white interest, then pray tell me who will?  Jesse Jackson?  Al Sharpton?  BLM?  NAACP?  Concerned Student 1950?  Black Panthers? La Raza? Muslim Student Associations?  Who?

If you say KKK or Neo Nazis, then you are being a tad hypocritical, don't you think?  

So who is there to speak on behalf of the white people?
(02-18-2016, 02:00 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: How cute:

A lot of incidences that you just don't hear about.  The only coverage is "hey, it happened, but moving on.  BLM is staging a protest at an airport!"

To be fair MOST violence you never hear about no matter the victim or the perpetrator. If it bleeds it leads. If it has some unusual circumstances even better. Some get traction...most don't. Some get blown out of proportion...most don't.

And our own personal biases, if we refuse to acknowledge them, will lead our eyes to the ones we want to see.

(02-18-2016, 02:00 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: So don't be surprised if I find a story about a white student wearing blackface to not be a deserving of proof that a university is racially insensitive.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if you didn't find ANYTHING racially insensitive.

(02-18-2016, 02:00 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: "Oh NOoosss!  They wearing black make up!  How dare they mock us.  I will have to cancel my hair dye appointment because I can't remain silent"

Nope, not surprised at all. Mellow
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-18-2016, 08:00 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: As a self proclaimed autodidact who doesn't attend classes because you're an autodidact who is too much of a hipster for that brain washing, you should probably teach yourself colleges expect you to show up for class. I suggest you study the topic of "attendance."

Yep I am an Autodidact.  Not everyone learns by sitting in a classroom and having a teach drone on and on.

Some can learn by doing things. 

Others like myself, can usually find short cuts to the prescribed method and still get the same results.

It is a good thing that I was able to do this because the public school system was laughable at best.  Considering how much money people have paid in taxes, it was downright criminal.

Let me ask you... Do you think history is written by the winners or losers of any conflict?
(02-18-2016, 08:36 AM)GMDino Wrote: To be fair MOST violence you never hear about no matter the victim or the perpetrator.  If it bleeds it leads.  If it has some unusual circumstances even better.  Some get traction...most don't.  Some get blown out of proportion...most don't.

And our own personal biases, if we refuse to acknowledge them, will lead our eyes to the ones we want to see.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if you didn't find ANYTHING racially insensitive.

Nope, not surprised at all.   Mellow

Well you don't know me.  I would find any attempt to be violent toward someone to be wrong and racially insensitive.  I would find any race that sought to obtain dominion over all of the other races to be wrong.

No matter if they are white, black, blue, green, yellow, Muslim, Jewish, Christian or whatever.

That would be racially insensitive.

Black face?  Not so much.

Especially with the amount of blacks that dye their hair to emulate the natural blond hair of white people.
(02-18-2016, 08:43 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Nope, not surprised at all.   Mellow

Well you don't know me.  I would find any attempt to be violent toward someone to be wrong and racially insensitive.  I would find any race that sought to obtain dominion over all of the other races to be wrong.

No matter if they are white, black, blue, green, yellow, Muslim, Jewish, Christian or whatever.

That would be racially insensitive.

Black face?  Not so much.

Especially with the amount of blacks that dye their hair to emulate the natural blond hair of white people.


You belief is black women with blonde hair are trying to emulate whites.  What about when they shave their heads?  Emulate cancer victims?

So is every person who get s a perm trying to emulate the hair of black people?

I will admit though, at least you stand proudly on your (racist) beliefs.  So trolls try to hide it or skate around it but you puff your chest out and claim it as your own.

Good job?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-17-2016, 11:47 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Right, freedom of consequence is what he didn't have due to the public backlash.  Yet there was no public backlash for the calling of the killing of white people.   That is the point.  You asked who was fired for saying or doing something perceived as racist.  Here you go.  He was.  Now you sit and try to justify why he is fired and why Grundy is not.

I already said why. Apparently his company cares more about their public image than Boston University does. Stop whining about private employers being free to run their businesses. 

Quote:It could also be that apathetic white people allow this to continue.  You see in Mizzou, when there was a perceived slight against blacks and the University didn't appear to move fast enough, it received national attention, with celebs, the football team, multiple protest and rallies, BLM, Concerned Student 1950, a hunger strike by a rich affluent black man all weighing in.  The result was 2 innocent white men where removed.  Sure they resigned, however they were more than likely going to be terminated anyway.  

As a white person, I support his firing. It was despicable that he allowed people to make fun of a child and then joined in on it. I'm not going to back him because he's white. That's dumb. As far as Mizzou goes, I don't expect celebs, football platers, or college students to all be that intelligent or rational in their thought. Looks like they were not. I still blame the President for cowering. 

Quote:When Grundy's statements were made public, it was "Meh, she has free speech".  The calls to action where by so little people that there was no pressure on Boston College to do anything about it.  No pressure on the College means no pressure on the person, resulting in her not being removed, even though she was the offending person.

BU dropped the ball. Oh well.

Quote:Oh sure, like they were responsible when they made George Zimmerman white and not Hispanic mixed?  Reported Martin as a little 13 year old boy?  C'mon, you can't tell me that the media is responsible.  Just look at the Charleston shooting, within hours of the attack the headlines read "Possible Hate crime" - there was just a bit of a dispute as to what type of hate crime it was.  Many saw it a hate crime against Christians, but then they decided it was a hate crime for against blacks.  No, you don't get to call them responsible for not calling this crime a hate crime and expect me not to be laughing at the absurdity of the claim.


Quote:Well we have different states and different cities here, so if you want to go that route, I could easily change course.  Different states and different cities all have different governments and different protections and different histories and different cultures.  By your logic what happens in California has no bearing on what happens in Tennessee.  

We also have one federal government that sets the bulk of our anti-discrimination laws and runs our federal justice system. Focus on our country.

Quote:You're clearly not any good with them either.  You can manipulate them all you want, it is still manipulation.  You continuing to cling to this even after I have told you that it is inaccurate is sad.  The police kill more whites than they do blacks.

I'm embarrassed for you at this point 

Quote:No, I don't believe that being black automatically makes you poor.  There are plenty of rich black people in our country. 

Good, I never said that. 

Quote:I am not getting into a stat war with you. 

Because they don't support your claims and you apparently can't read statistics.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-18-2016, 08:47 AM)GMDino Wrote: Mellow

You belief is black women with blonde hair are trying to emulate whites.  What about when they shave their heads?  Emulate cancer victims?

So is every person who get s a perm trying to emulate the hair of black people?

I will admit though, at least you stand proudly on your (racist) beliefs.  So trolls try to hide it or skate around it but you puff your chest out and claim it as your own.

Good job?


You messed something on this quote.  I had to erase my statement and put yours in.

Have you not heard of cultural appropriation?  Here let me fill you in.  When Exodus Gods and Generals came out, black people and liberals were outraged that they cast white people in Egyptian and Hebrew roles.  Gods of Egypt?  Same thing.

When Gwen Stefani wore the Bindi on her forehead, a lot of white girls followed suit and they were also chastised for cultural appropriation.  A white girl wants to wear a kimono?  Nope.  Dreadlocks?  Stop stealing my hairstyle!  Have an Afro?  Absolutely not!. 

Why?  It is considered cultural appropriation.  The whole Halloween email that was sent out about letting kids be a little offensive, you know the one that had a faculty member resign?  That was because a notice was put out reminding people to be racially sensitive and not to dress in a way that could be considered offensive to someone of another culture.

I have noticed that when it is only white people that are accused of cultural appropriation but other races?  Not so much.  That is why a black girl can dye her hair blond and no one says anything.  A white girl wears dreads?  People get to complain.

I must say, you have proudly embraced your (anti-white) beliefs.  You could have denied it, but instead you have proudly beat your chest and own it.

Not just good job.  Great Job! ThumbsUp
Quote:You messed something on this quote.  I had to erase my statement and put yours in.

Have you not heard of cultural appropriation?  Here let me fill you in.  When Exodus Gods and Generals came out, black people and liberals were outraged that they cast white people in Egyptian and Hebrew roles.  Gods of Egypt?  Same thing.

When Gwen Stefani wore the Bindi on her forehead, a lot of white girls followed suit and they were also chastised for cultural appropriation.  A white girl wants to wear a kimono?  Nope.  Dreadlocks?  Stop stealing my hairstyle!  Have an Afro?  Absolutely not!. 

Why?  It is considered cultural appropriation.  The whole Halloween email that was sent out about letting kids be a little offensive, you know the one that had a faculty member resign?  That was because a notice was put out reminding people to be racially sensitive and not to dress in a way that could be considered offensive to someone of another culture.

I have noticed that when it is only white people that are accused of cultural appropriation but other races?  Not so much.  That is why a black girl can dye her hair blond and no one says anything.  A white girl wears dreads?  People get to complain.

I must say, you have proudly embraced your (anti-white) beliefs.  You could have denied it, but instead you have proudly beat your chest and own it.

Not just good job.  Great Job! ThumbsUp

To be clear: You can say whatever you want is made up in your self-taught head and in your mind it is absolute and nothing but clear thinking with no racist overtones?

However if I disagree I am "anti-white"?

That is your core argument?

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-18-2016, 10:09 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I already said why. Apparently his company cares more about their public image than Boston University does. Stop whining about private employers being free to run their businesses. 

The height of hypocrisy.  You don't support Sweet Cakes by Mellisa to refuse service to gay couples for their weddings, but all of a sudden a company should be free to run their business.  You just can't make up your mind.

As a white person, I support his firing. It was despicable that he allowed people to make fun of a child and then joined in on it. I'm not going to back him because he's white. That's dumb. As far as Mizzou goes, I don't expect celebs, football platers, or college students to all be that intelligent or rational in their thought. Looks like they were not. I still blame the President for cowering. 

Missing the point.  It isn't whether or not he should be fired, it is about the backlash that resulted.  OUR country has a lot of special interest groups that will attack any white person for being the slightest bit offensive.  His actions were not of the same nature as Grundy's yet he is fired.  Grundy is not.  Grundy didn't have anyone that was able to advocate for her removal.  As the video states and I have done repeatedly, this is due to any pro white group being labeled as racist or as a white supremacist group.

BU dropped the ball. Oh well.

Yes BU dropped the ball.  They had help though.  How can anyone put the pressure on BU to fire Grundy if all pro-white groups are immediately mocked and ridiculed for being racist?  Let us say, Amren were to advocate the removal of Grundy, what do you think would happen?  


It is the most you will admit that you are wrong and I am right, so I will take that.  

We also have one federal government that sets the bulk of our anti-discrimination laws and runs our federal justice system. Focus on our country.

Not gonna happen.  You can't pick and choose which to follow.  As I have said to Fred.  The world is to big and doesn't support his views.  A place like Detroit is too small and also doesn't support his views. 

I'm embarrassed for you at this point 

Not as embarrassed as I am for you.  I am not getting in a stat war, because, as I have stated, stats can be manipulated.  There are also many variables that would come into play that the stats conveniently leave out.  So what would be the point of going back and forth over and over with both of us manipulating the states.  I said more whites die at the hands of the police than blacks.  You state stats that support this, but with a twist of YOUR wish for them to be understood differently.

Good, I never said that. 

You never say a lot.

Because they don't support your claims and you apparently can't read statistics.

49% is higher than than 30%, you then call foul and try to manipulate them to say that 49% is somehow lower than 30%.  The stats don't tell the whole story and you had to resort to stat manipulation.  Only you claim you aren't manipulation the stats.  As I said above:  You never say a lot or in this case "do" a lot.

So do you think it fair that white people don't have an advocacy group that garners the same respect as the NAACP?
(02-18-2016, 10:36 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: So do you think it fair that white people don't have an advocacy group that garners the same respect as the NAACP?

Life isn't fair.

Someone should have taught you that.


Beyond that white people have controlled this country for as long as it was a country.  Why do they need someone advocating for them?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-18-2016, 10:31 AM)GMDino Wrote: To be clear:  You can say whatever you want is made up in your self-taught head and in your mind it is absolute and nothing but clear thinking with no racist overtones?

However if I disagree I am "anti-white"?

That is your core argument?


Let me explain the irony here, since I know you have a hard time with it.

You present a like talking about the backfire effect.  Which states that when people are faced with facts that challenge their strongly held beliefs, they will only cling stronger to their belief.  No amount of new information will change their mind, and only make them that much more stubborn.

How many pro whites are on this board arguing for the advancement of white interest?

The popular belief is that I am a racist on these boards, though not one quote has been supplied by you or anyone that proves me in saying that white people are superior and that white people should oppress other races. 

I have asked you repeatedly to produce this information and you have failed to do so.

None of the information I have provide is false, yet you have clung to the notion that I am a racist that only hates other people.  You have clung to the narrative of White Privilege, while not acknowledging non white privilege.  You have clung to the notion that BLM is a good organization for bringing to light social injustice toward blacks.  While vilifying me for bringing to light social injustice towards whites.

I am sorry to have to tell you this, but YOU my friend are the one suffering from the backfire effect.  Not me.

Though you are free to continue with calling me a racist.  It only helps strengthen my position.

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