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Why would anyone would stand up?
(02-18-2016, 10:45 AM)GMDino Wrote: Life isn't fair.

Someone should have taught you that.


Beyond that white people have controlled this country for as long as it was a country.  Why do they need someone advocating for them?

Oh, now life isn't fair?

Funny you are calling for fairness when it is non-white interest, but white interest now you make the announcement.

Maybe you should remember this line when making threads about transgenders not being allowed in bathrooms that they don't belong in.

Maybe you should remember this when a baker wants to refuse a same sex couple a wedding cake.

So your position is that "Whites have been in control long enough. So let someone else have a shot?"

Didn't anyone ever tell you life's not fair?
(02-18-2016, 10:36 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: So do you think it fair that white people don't have an advocacy group that garners the same respect as the NAACP?

(02-18-2016, 10:45 AM)GMDino Wrote: Life isn't fair.

Someone should have taught you that.


Beyond that white people have controlled this country for as long as it was a country.  Why do they need someone advocating for them?

(02-18-2016, 10:50 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: So your position is that "Whites have been in control long enough. So let someone else have a shot?"

Didn't anyone ever tell you life's not fair?

[Image: hoptvhome.jpg]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-18-2016, 10:31 AM)GMDino Wrote:

The Backfire Effect

The Misconception: When your beliefs are challenged with facts, you alter your opinions and incorporate the new information into your thinking.

The Truth: When your deepest convictions are challenged by contradictory evidence, your beliefs get stronger.

(02-18-2016, 10:47 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Let me explain the irony here, since I know you have a hard time with it.

You present a like talking about the backfire effect.  Which states that when people are faced with facts that challenge their strongly held beliefs, they will only cling stronger to their belief.  No amount of new information will change their mind, and only make them that much more stubborn.

How many pro whites are on this board arguing for the advancement of white interest?

The popular belief is that I am a racist on these boards, though not one quote has been supplied by you or anyone that proves me in saying that white people are superior and that white people should oppress other races. 

I have asked you repeatedly to produce this information and you have failed to do so.

None of the information I have provide is false, yet you have clung to the notion that I am a racist that only hates other people.  You have clung to the narrative of White Privilege, while not acknowledging non white privilege.  You have clung to the notion that BLM is a good organization for bringing to light social injustice toward blacks.  While vilifying me for bringing to light social injustice towards whites.

I am sorry to have to tell you this, but YOU my friend are the one suffering from the backfire effect.  Not me.

Though you are free to continue with calling me a racist.  It only helps strengthen my position.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-18-2016, 11:23 AM)GMDino Wrote: The Backfire Effect

The Misconception: When your beliefs are challenged with facts, you alter your opinions and incorporate the new information into your thinking.

The Truth: When your deepest convictions are challenged by contradictory evidence, your beliefs get stronger.


No memes?  You're adorable when you try to be witty.  It is like watching a child attempt a new game.
(02-18-2016, 11:27 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: No memes?  You're adorable when you try to be witty.  It is like watching a child attempt a new game.

Seriously, it is just as easy to requote you and show everyone else (because you will never believe it) how wrong you are.

Rock On
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-18-2016, 11:21 AM)GMDino Wrote: [Image: hoptvhome.jpg]

There it is.  If I would have just scrolled up a little more.

However, I feel cheated.  This isn't moving.  I like them when they move.
(02-18-2016, 11:28 AM)GMDino Wrote: Seriously, it is just as easy to requote you and show everyone else (because you will never believe it) how wrong you are.

Rock On

Right... keep telling yourself that.  After all you're good at saying the same thing over and over and hoping that it becomes the truth.
(02-18-2016, 11:23 AM)GMDino Wrote: The Backfire Effect

The Misconception: When your beliefs are challenged with facts, you alter your opinions and incorporate the new information into your thinking.

The Truth: When your deepest convictions are challenged by contradictory evidence, your beliefs get stronger.


(02-18-2016, 11:29 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Right... keep telling yourself that.  After all you're good at saying the same thing over and over and hoping that it becomes the truth.

[Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-18-2016, 11:31 AM)GMDino Wrote: [Image: giphy.gif]

One that moves!

Yes, now Dino really showed me! :hail:
(02-18-2016, 10:36 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: The height of hypocrisy.  You don't support Sweet Cakes by Mellisa to refuse service to gay couples for their weddings, but all of a sudden a company should be free to run their business.  You just can't make up your mind.

Sweet Cakes by Mellisa (if this is real) violated the law. There is no law preventing this dude's company from firing people who tarnish their public image. I'm 100% on board with companies being able to legally protect their image and 100% on board with anti discrimination legislation. There's no contradiction there.

Quote:Missing the point.  It isn't whether or not he should be fired, it is about the backlash that resulted.  OUR country has a lot of special interest groups that will attack any white person for being the slightest bit offensive.  His actions were not of the same nature as Grundy's yet he is fired.  Grundy is not.  Grundy didn't have anyone that was able to advocate for her removal.  As the video states and I have done repeatedly, this is due to any pro white group being labeled as racist or as a white supremacist group. 

Because any pro white group is usually rooted in supremacism. A local university had this European Student Union, but it was really just a white supremacist front. 

Quote:Yes BU dropped the ball.  They had help though.  How can anyone put the pressure on BU to fire Grundy if all pro-white groups are immediately mocked and ridiculed for being racist?  Let us say, Amren were to advocate the removal of Grundy, what do you think would happen?   

And to back up this point, you cite a white supremacist group. And before you whine, anyone who says that whites are intellectually superior to blacks is a white supremacist. 

Quote:It is the most you will admit that you are wrong and I am right, so I will take that.  

If that's how you need to read it, go ahead. I don't want you to feel too defeated. 

Quote:Not gonna happen.  You can't pick and choose which to follow.  As I have said to Fred.  The world is to big and doesn't support his views.  A place like Detroit is too small and also doesn't support his views.  

I can because we are discussing our society.

Quote:Not as embarrassed as I am for you.  I am not getting in a stat war, because, as I have stated, stats can be manipulated.  There are also many variables that would come into play that the stats conveniently leave out.  So what would be the point of going back and forth over and over with both of us manipulating the states.  I said more whites die at the hands of the police than blacks.  You state stats that support this, but with a twist of YOUR wish for them to be understood differently. 

I'm still embarrassed for you.

Quote:You never say a lot.

You straw man a lot. You should get used to that response. 

Quote:49% is higher than than 30%, you then call foul and try to manipulate them to say that 49% is somehow lower than 30%.  The stats don't tell the whole story and you had to resort to stat manipulation.  Only you claim you aren't manipulation the stats.  As I said above:  You never say a lot or in this case "do" a lot.

You should really be upset with your math teacher right now. Oh wait... you're an autodidact. 

Quote:So do you think it fair that white people don't have an advocacy group that garners the same respect as the NAACP?

What do you propose? New Century Foundation? 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-18-2016, 08:34 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: I had a great chuckle there.

That word isn't a racial epithet, not even close.  It can be used toward a variety of races.  However we have moved past the word since it isn't tolerated.  So let us not bring it up again. Shall we?

Over ruled.

You brought up the name calling to another person you called that epithet because Pat wrote,"Inb4 someone straw mans his post with 'white guilt herp derp.'"

Quote:Yes you have called me a white supremacist and it is completely funny when you do so.  Since you don't know me.  It is also funny since you have yet to provide any evidence, other than your own opinions, that I am a white supremacist.  You can't find one post where I say whites are better than blacks or that I think whites should oppress blacks. 

There is an idiom in medicine; if it walks like a duck, quacks likes a duck, and looks like a duck it isn't a zebra.

Quote:I have provided a list of celebrity blacks that I have a lot of respect for.  Even in this very thread have I mentioned 3 that I think are great.

You have spoken out against Muslims. You have spoken out against the Black Panthers. You have spoken out against racism. You have posted a video of Mohammad Ali rejecting the idea interracial marriage and mixing of the races and called him one of your people.  The irony is Ali was just repeating the black supremacy dogma promoted by Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X was also an inspiration to the Black Panther founders in addition to being Ali's mentor before and after his conversion to Islam. So somehow you pulled off the mental gymnastics to inadvertently endorse subjects you have condemned to include the idea of racial supremacy.  That's f'n amazing.

Quote:Actually I don't mind BLM, as long as there is a WLM to speak of white issues.  I don't have any problem with any of the groups that speak for their own race's advocacy.  I would just like there to be an advocacy group that is allowed to speak for the advancement of white people, without people such as yourself to automatically call them racist and white supremacist just because of someone who may endorse them.

You have done you're damnedest to make me believe you do mind BLM.

Quote:For instance, I start a WLM movement, aside from the attacks I would receive from liberals, I would also receive push back from BLM and a majority of blacks.  As soon as Kyle Hunt endorse my movement that will be all you need to "PROVE" that WLM is a white supremacist group.  

This is opinion, conjecture, speculation. Opinions don't prove anything, remember?

Quote:I did tell Pat to stand up for his people.  If you or he thinks that you have no people then I feel sorry for you.  If you guys don't stand up for white interest, then pray tell me who will?  Jesse Jackson?  Al Sharpton?  BLM?  NAACP?  Concerned Student 1950?  Black Panthers? La Raza? Muslim Student Associations?  Who?

If you say KKK or Neo Nazis, then you are being a tad hypocritical, don't you think?  

So who is there to speak on behalf of the white people?

I usually only speak for myself, but since you asked; on behalf of all my white people i am speaking out against people like you.
(02-17-2016, 03:07 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: The fact that you are so quick to dismiss the credibility just proves how much you crave confirmation bias.  You are willing to dismiss anything that doesn't back up your argument not matter how plausible or likely it is.

No.  The reason I dismiss it as a lie is because I know the law.

That story is total BS.
(02-17-2016, 03:23 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: A white man that attacks a black man is more likely to have the extra charge of a hate crime added to it since it is already at a whopping 52%.

Or maybe white people are just more likely to commit hate crimes against blacks than the other way around.

Haven't you used crime stats to support your position before?
First of all, could everyone please respond OUTSIDE of the quote so that other people can quote your response when responding.

SN quote...."What he doesn't get freedom of speech? I know that was Fred who said this, but again, he is fired, Grundy is not. His was a joke and at no time was he calling for the death of black people."

A person attack on a co-worker is totally different than comments on the state of society.

And how do you know his comments were a joke? Because he is white and it is impossible for a white man to be cruel and racist?
SN quote...... The result was 2 innocent white men where removed.

This is not true at all. They failed at their jobs. That is why they lost them.
SN quote....Just look at the Charleston shooting, within hours of the attack the headlines read "Possible Hate crime" - there was just a bit of a dispute as to what type of hate crime it was. Many saw it a hate crime against Christians, but then they decided it was a hate crime for against blacks. No, you don't get to call them responsible for not calling this crime a hate crime and expect me not to be laughing at the absurdity of the claim.

You don't think the Charleston shootings were a "hate crime" that were racially motivated?
SN quote....You're clearly not any good with them either. You can manipulate them all you want, it is still manipulation. You continuing to cling to this even after I have told you that it is inaccurate is sad. The police kill more whites than they do blacks.

White people commit more rapes than black people.

White people commit more murders than black people.

White people steal more thanb lack people.

I could go one and on, but I think this proves my point.
(02-18-2016, 08:34 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote:   It is also funny since you have yet to provide any evidence, other than your own opinions, that I am a white supremacist.  You can't find one post where I say whites are better than blacks 

I am a proud white man but I do not consider myself a white supremacist.

The difference between us is that I can be proud of the good things white people have done without also believing that blacks are an inferior race to white people.

here are the statements you have made that show you believe that whites are a superior race to blacks.....

"Fred, I want you to take a trip to SA.  When it was controlled by whites, not a bad place to be.  Now blacks are in control.  They have attack the whites, it isn't safe to be white there, and it is in ruin.

Do you think that if blacks were in control here that it would be any different than SA?" .......claiming that inferior blacks are unable to govern, and that they are better off being denied equal rights in order to be governed by superior white people.

"It was white people that did away with slavery.  Blacks didn't free themselves.  

There are countless white people that have died putting an end to the notion of slavery.

What do we get for it?  Constant reminder of how at one time whites in America owned slaves.  Constant accusations of racism."......claiming that not only are blacks inferior because they needed white people to end slaveryand also that they are ungrateful.  The historical facts will show that black people continued to suffer oppression at the hands of white people long after slavery was ended.

"I could care less what happens to blacks in black communities.  I am just being vigilant for when their activities start spilling over into my community.  I also think there should be a place for whites only, a safe place for them.".....despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of the crime committed against white people is from other white people you try to claim that if the superior white people could live separate from the inferior violent blacks then they would be "safe".

"What is even more humorous is that you are quick to point out how blacks have been oppressed in our society 50 years ago, but you are blind to the whites being oppressed that is being done today.".....This is by far your most common attack on inferior black people.  They are oppressing white people, bit white people do not oppress black people.  I could list several posts where you repeat this same theme.  Whites do not have any privilege in current American society because they treat everyone fairly, yet blacks continue to oppress and mistreat white people.

"I can't stand the white guilt people.  I get why non-whites push the agenda.  If whites didn't feel guilty then they couldn't walk all over them like they do.".....This is another of your favorite attacks on black people.  Youn claim they are all lying schemers who only want to manipulate white people so that they can "walk all over them" and "get things they don't deserve".

"If you want to attack anyone for slavery, then you should be attacking the original slave owners"...Blanket denial of all fault for white people involved in the slave trade.  Superior white people did nothing wrong and all the blame should be placed on the inferior black people.  This is like saying that drug dealers in America should not be blamed for their actions because most of the cocaine and herion comes from other countries.

"Again, Fred, move to an all black neighborhood.  After 1 week, come back to me and tell me about white privilege."....repeat of the claim that blacks oppress while whites do not.

"Blacks don't want reparations from the US, they want it from the White US.  If blacks were the majority leaders in the US, they wouldn't want reparations."....repeat of claim that blacks are all just schemers trying to get something they don't deserve.

"I have told you why it isn't made a big deal, which is that white people know that it isn't the polices fault that the majority of serial killers are white.  Just because a group doesn't complain about profiling doesn't mean profiling doesn't happen to them.".... Inferior blacks are whiners.  superior white people never whine.  this one is borderline comedy considering that over the last few days you have made dozens of posts doing nothing excpet whining about how oppressed white people are Hilarious 

"Anyone who thinks that a black person living in a black dominated society would treat whites the same when hiring, firing, or doing business is either naive, dumb or disingenuous.".......Repeat of claim that black people would discriminate against white people while denying that white people ever discriminate aginst black people.

"If you acknowledge white privilege, then that only gives power over to those that also have privilege but refuse to acknowledge their own, it would give them a moral high ground from which to constantly ask for things that they aren't entitled to."......Repeat of claim that blacks are lying manipulative schemers just trying to get stuff they don't deserve.

"African Studies professors are notoriously Anti-white and they go out of their way to paint a negative picture of whites in history while insisting that the Africans were a good and virtuous race."........Repeat of claim that blacks are manipulative liars. 

"However, black officers don't like it, because they don't seem to want to only have to police neighborhoods that only have blacks.  
Not so, Oddly enough, black civilians don't like it either, because then they can't claim racism or profiling as easy."  ....These claims have to do with assigning all black officers to mainly black areas.  Suggests that black officers are cowards and afriad of black violence.  And, of course, a repeat of the claim that blacks are just lying schemers trying to get away with something.

"2 ***** and probably a black."....Using the term "black" as a derogatory insult.    'Nuf siad.
(02-18-2016, 01:57 PM)fredtoast Wrote: First of all, could everyone please respond OUTSIDE of the quote so that other people can quote your response when responding.

[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-18-2016, 08:38 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Yep I am an Autodidact.  Not everyone learns by sitting in a classroom and having a teach drone on and on.

Some can learn by doing things. 

Others like myself, can usually find short cuts to the prescribed method and still get the same results.

It is a good thing that I was able to do this because the public school system was laughable at best.  Considering how much money people have paid in taxes, it was downright criminal.

Let me ask you... Do you think history is written by the winners or losers of any conflict?

Does this mean you understand the idea of attending classes you are enrolled in or not?

I also heard a nasty rumor businesses require employees to attend their jobs. Like attendance is mandatory. Attendance was mandatory at every military school I attended, also. White oppression or worst white oppression?

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