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Why would anyone would stand up?
(02-18-2016, 08:38 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Others like myself, can usually find short cuts to the prescribed method and still get the same results.

Regarding statistics, can you explain what disproportionate means?
Quote:You messed something on this quote.  I had to erase my statement and put yours in.

Have you not heard of cultural appropriation?  Here let me fill you in.  When Exodus Gods and Generals came out, black people and liberals were outraged that they cast white people in Egyptian and Hebrew roles.  Gods of Egypt?  Same thing.

When Gwen Stefani wore the Bindi on her forehead, a lot of white girls followed suit and they were also chastised for cultural appropriation.  A white girl wants to wear a kimono?  Nope.  Dreadlocks?  Stop stealing my hairstyle!  Have an Afro?  Absolutely not!. 

Why?  It is considered cultural appropriation.  The whole Halloween email that was sent out about letting kids be a little offensive, you know the one that had a faculty member resign?  That was because a notice was put out reminding people to be racially sensitive and not to dress in a way that could be considered offensive to someone of another culture.

I have noticed that when it is only white people that are accused of cultural appropriation but other races?  Not so much.  That is why a black girl can dye her hair blond and no one says anything.  A white girl wears dreads?  People get to complain.

I must say, you have proudly embraced your (anti-white) beliefs.  You could have denied it, but instead you have proudly beat your chest and own it.

Not just good job.  Great Job! ThumbsUp

Maybe it is your sources or your bias, but I don't recall anyone being outraged about any of this. 
(02-18-2016, 04:43 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Maybe it is your sources or your bias, but I don't recall anyone being outraged about any of this. 

Me either.

i don't remember anyone being outraged that white people like Bob Ross, Phil Specter, and Michael Jackson had afros.
(02-18-2016, 04:43 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Maybe it is your sources or your bias, but I don't recall anyone being outraged about any of this. 

(02-18-2016, 04:51 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Me either.

i don't remember anyone being outraged that white people like Bob Ross, Phil Specter, and Michael Jackson had afros.

You can watch the whole video but the part that hammers down the point is at 50s.

Here is one about the Bindi

Yeah.  These are all my sources and my bias... Rolleyes
(02-18-2016, 12:13 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Sweet Cakes by Mellisa (if this is real) violated the law. There is no law preventing this dude's company from firing people who tarnish their public image. I'm 100% on board with companies being able to legally protect their image and 100% on board with anti discrimination legislation. There's no contradiction there.

Do you not remember the bakery that was ordered to pay $150,000?  So it is real.  If you support the private business firing a man over a post, but then don't support a private business on choosing their customer then you could be called a hypocrite.  It is a contradiction.  You claiming it isn't doesn't make it so.

Because any pro white group is usually rooted in supremacism. A local university had this European Student Union, but it was really just a white supremacist front. 

Where they a front for white supremacy or was that the perception attributed to them?  Again, that is one of the points the video made, you, following the MMSM just assume that a group is a white supremacist group and immediately mock it.  Thus it is near impossible to get any traction for said group.

And to back up this point, you cite a white supremacist group. And before you whine, anyone who says that whites are intellectually superior to blacks is a white supremacist. 

Amren's stance on intellect is not the same as my own.  I hold that intelligence, like so many things, is subjective.  You can be a genius but be socially inept (Sheldon Cooper from BBT), and you can be a social butterfly that everyone loves but be completely clueless in academics (Penny from BBT).  Even in academia you must be sure to get the correct person for the job.  It doesn't do you so well to get a rocket scientist if the work needed is brain surgery.

However, again, just because I disagree with Amren's stances on intellect, doesn't invalidate everything they say.  The point is if they were to take up the charge to put pressure on Boston College to fire Grundy, then you and others would be quick to point out that they are a white supremacist group and it would just be perceived as white trying to oppress blacks.  Grundy wouldn't be a villain, she would be a victim or a martyr.  Just look at how quick the police becomes the villains and a black person becomes the victim in out current state.

If that's how you need to read it, go ahead. I don't want you to feel too defeated. 

Well you didn't refute it, or claim "I didn't say that".

I can because we are discussing our society.

Right, and I pointed out that your society isn't the same as my society.  You don't live in my city or state.  You don't have the same cultures, customs or courtesies as I do.  

I'm still embarrassed for you.


You straw man a lot. You should get used to that response. 

You're not an effective communicator, you state something, I ask a question to get clarification and you respond with "I didn't say that", instead of the more appropriate "Let me explain my position better".

You should really be upset with your math teacher right now. Oh wait... you're an autodidact. 

Why should I be upset with my math teacher?  You are the one that thinks 49% is higher than 30%.  No matter what manipulation you use, 49 is higher than 30. 

What do you propose? New Century Foundation?

No matter what I propose, it wouldn't take long for one on the SPLC watchlist to promote it and then it would automatically turn into a white supremacist group.  So my proposal is to continue to educate people that it is OK to listen to what someone is saying even if you don't agree with everything they say.  This video, makes no mention of being a white supremacist group, and the information they present is factual.  Bahar Mustafa is a faculty member of a college, Saida Grundy is a professor at a college, both have been public in their disdain for white people and more specifically white males.  You might not believe this, but there are people who will read through this post, and actually get the message. 
(02-18-2016, 02:14 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I am a proud white man but I do not consider myself a white supremacist.

The difference between us is that I can be proud of the good things white people have done without also believing that blacks are an inferior race to white people.

here are the statements you have made that show you believe that whites are a superior race to blacks.....

"Fred, I want you to take a trip to SA.  When it was controlled by whites, not a bad place to be.  Now blacks are in control.  They have attack the whites, it isn't safe to be white there, and it is in ruin.

Do you think that if blacks were in control here that it would be any different than SA?" .......claiming that inferior blacks are unable to govern, and that they are better off being denied equal rights in order to be governed by superior white people.

Wrong and completely unrepresentative. SA isn't doing as well as it did in the past.  Many Afrikaners will tell you this.  If you researched it you would see that what I have stated is fact.  Please provide links to show that it has gotten better.

There is nothing in this statement that says that I think whites are superior or that whites should oppress black people. 

"It was white people that did away with slavery.  Blacks didn't free themselves.  

There are countless white people that have died putting an end to the notion of slavery.

What do we get for it?  Constant reminder of how at one time whites in America owned slaves.  Constant accusations of racism."......claiming that not only are blacks inferior because they needed white people to end slaveryand also that they are ungrateful.  The historical facts will show that black people continued to suffer oppression at the hands of white people long after slavery was ended.

Another misrepresentation: You are reaching.  White nations have ended slavery.  Slavery still goes on in black nations in Africa.  Many white people have died stopping slavery and the first slave owner in America was a black man.  Yet it is only whites that are constantly accused of racism.  That is a fact.  William Wilberforce and William Pitt and John Newton were instrumental in putting an end to slavery.  Even though Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, there are still people to this day that call him a hypocrite.

There is nothing in this statement that says that I think whites should oppress blacks and that we should enslave them or that whites are better than blacks.

"I could care less what happens to blacks in black communities.  I am just being vigilant for when their activities start spilling over into my community.  I also think there should be a place for whites only, a safe place for them.".....despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of the crime committed against white people is from other white people you try to claim that if the superior white people could live separate from the inferior violent blacks then they would be "safe".

Where did I say that whites are superior?  Only that whites should have a safe place for themselves.  Why should I care about blacks and black communities?  Nothing about that remark says that whites should oppress blacks or that whites are superior to them.  Again that is you projecting your guilt onto me.  

"What is even more humorous is that you are quick to point out how blacks have been oppressed in our society 50 years ago, but you are blind to the whites being oppressed that is being done today.".....This is by far your most common attack on inferior black people.  They are oppressing white people, bit white people do not oppress black people.  I could list several posts where you repeat this same theme.  Whites do not have any privilege in current American society because they treat everyone fairly, yet blacks continue to oppress and mistreat white people.

I don't see anywhere in here where I am calling for black people to be oppressed.  I definitely don't see me saying that white people are superior.  Are whites oppressed today?  Let us see.  There are whites that are human trafficked all across the world (a movie was even done about it), white farmers in Zimbabwe are being evicted, imprisoned and in some cases killed.  The knockout game here in America, a marine was attacked just recently.  College professors are actively calling for whites and whiteness to be eradicated from society.  

With BLM, NAACP and a whole host of advocacy groups, there shouldn't be a need for you nor I to concern ourselves with the black community.  Instead we should focus inward on our own community.

"I can't stand the white guilt people.  I get why non-whites push the agenda.  If whites didn't feel guilty then they couldn't walk all over them like they do.".....This is another of your favorite attacks on black people.  Youn claim they are all lying schemers who only want to manipulate white people so that they can "walk all over them" and "get things they don't deserve".

Nope, never claimed they were all lying schemers.  You think that all cops are guilty of racial profiling, right?  I don't see where I am calling for oppression or saying whites are superior though.  A black person being stopped by the police is not necessarily being targeted because he is black, however that black man will still claim that the only reason he was stopped is because he is black.  Remember, just because a person perceives something, doesn't make it so.

"If you want to attack anyone for slavery, then you should be attacking the original slave owners"...Blanket denial of all fault for white people involved in the slave trade.  Superior white people did nothing wrong and all the blame should be placed on the inferior black people.  This is like saying that drug dealers in America should not be blamed for their actions because most of the cocaine and herion comes from other countries.

Never claimed this.  Nope.  I am saying that instead of reminding white people that they owned slaves, why don't we remind black people that their ancestors owned slaves as well.  Your fallacy is thinking that I am denying that whites have done anything wrong.  Quite the contrary, all I am saying is don't just look at what whites have done, look at what everyone else has done as well.  That is like saying ONLY blame the drug dealers in America for the crimes of drug dealers in other countries and not hold the other country drug dealers accountable.

"Again, Fred, move to an all black neighborhood.  After 1 week, come back to me and tell me about white privilege."....repeat of the claim that blacks oppress while whites do not.

I don't see where I am saying whites haven't oppressed blacks?  Saying that a black person will oppress you is not the same saying that whites don't oppress.  

"Blacks don't want reparations from the US, they want it from the White US.  If blacks were the majority leaders in the US, they wouldn't want reparations."....repeat of claim that blacks are all just schemers trying to get something they don't deserve.

Well, again if blacks wanted reparations then they would be calling for reparations from African countries that had enslaved them.  There is nothing inaccurate about this statement.  Again you are falsely accusing me of something I have not said.  I have not said blacks are just schemers trying to get what they don't deserve.  Is it possible that some blacks will falsely accuse a police officer to get a reduced sentence or the charges dropped?  Yep.  Again that is factual.  You seem to think only whites are capable of bad things, and blacks are virtuous.  So claims of racial profiling are just that, claims. 

"I have told you why it isn't made a big deal, which is that white people know that it isn't the polices fault that the majority of serial killers are white.  Just because a group doesn't complain about profiling doesn't mean profiling doesn't happen to them.".... Inferior blacks are whiners.  superior white people never whine.  this one is borderline comedy considering that over the last few days you have made dozens of posts doing nothing excpet whining about how oppressed white people are Hilarious 

Not true at all.  No where in this statement am I calling black inferior, in fact that is what you are doing in all of these statements, you are actually calling them inferior.  You are also fallaciously saying that I am whining.  When the truth is I am highlighting your hypocrisy.  You claimed that blacks are victims of profiling.  I pointed out that whites are also profiled and I showed this as the serial killer profile.  This isn't whining as much as it is informing that cries of racial profiling are often exaggerated.

"Anyone who thinks that a black person living in a black dominated society would treat whites the same when hiring, firing, or doing business is either naive, dumb or disingenuous.".......Repeat of claim that black people would discriminate against white people while denying that white people ever discriminate aginst black people.

Can you prove that a black dominated society would treat whites fairly and not discriminate?  There are cases in Africa that show how whites are treated.  Again you seem to think Virtuous Black - Evil White.

"If you acknowledge white privilege, then that only gives power over to those that also have privilege but refuse to acknowledge their own, it would give them a moral high ground from which to constantly ask for things that they aren't entitled to."......Repeat of claim that blacks are lying manipulative schemers just trying to get stuff they don't deserve.

You use the words repeat claim, but the truth is, nothing is being repeated.  Again -Virtuous Blacks - Evil Whites.  As I have had to repeat, there is nothing in this post in which I have said that we should oppress blacks or that blacks are inferior.  Again, I am not calling blacks lying manipulative schemers, that is YOU projecting your thoughts onto me.

"African Studies professors are notoriously Anti-white and they go out of their way to paint a negative picture of whites in history while insisting that the Africans were a good and virtuous race."........Repeat of claim that blacks are manipulative liars. 

You could be an African Studies professor.  While I am sure the majority is black, I am also sure there might be a few whites in the mix.  So the statement could apply to a white person as well.  I am mentioning the profession in general.  Again, not calling them anything.  You are the one doing that.

"However, black officers don't like it, because they don't seem to want to only have to police neighborhoods that only have blacks.  
Not so, Oddly enough, black civilians don't like it either, because then they can't claim racism or profiling as easy."  ....These claims have to do with assigning all black officers to mainly black areas.  Suggests that black officers are cowards and afriad of black violence.  And, of course, a repeat of the claim that blacks are just lying schemers trying to get away with something.

I wonder if there is any way to prove this statement as true?  Maybe you could ask black officers if they would support only serving in black areas?  You are again assigning your own feelings on to me.  I don't see me calling black officers cowards or that I think blacks are schemers.  Funny how you mention black violence... according to what you would have everyone to believe, whites are the violent evil race, how can blacks be violent?  

"2 ***** and probably a black."....Using the term "black" as a derogatory insult.    'Nuf siad.

Black isn't a derogatory insult.  It is a description.  I don't allow a black person to tell me what racism is or what privilege is.  To me it is a conflict of interest.  A black person is going to side with the black race and so therefore not going to provide a fair and balance narrative.  Would you let Hitler tell you what genocide is?  

So I was describing CharvaPlaya as a black man.  If he wasn't all he had to do is correct me.  He didn't, so my analysis was accurate.  You are the one attributing that being black is an insult, while I am attributing it as a descriptive term.  

Bottom line Fred, is that you have some deep seeded issues I would recommend that you listen to Alphonso Rachel of ZoNation and come to terms with these issues.

You do a lot of projecting, and you want to attribute me as the villain to help assuage your own inner guilt.  I don't know if it is too late for you, but you should at least try.  Get out more, do some traveling.  I can even tell you of a nice place to go in Uganda if you ever decide to go there.  Djibouti isn't so wonderful, for me anyway, but it is isolated and for the most part quiet.  It might help open your eyes a bit.
(02-18-2016, 02:29 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Does this mean you understand the idea of attending classes you are enrolled in or not?

I also heard a nasty rumor businesses require employees to attend their jobs. Like attendance is mandatory. Attendance was mandatory at every military school I attended, also. White oppression or worst white oppression?

What are you going on about? 

I posted a link of a class that was optional to attend.  It even says the class is optional, so I made sure that it was known.

Take a deep breath bud.  It will be OK.
I am a white dude. A converting Jewish white dude. I will admit, it was pretty cool that I was considered to be black. Lol Tongue
(02-19-2016, 03:53 AM)CharvelPlaya Wrote: I am a white dude. A converting Jewish white dude. I will admit, it was pretty cool that I was considered to be black. Lol Tongue

So I was wrong in my assessment.  I am sorry.  Or should I be?  You thought it was cool to be black...

If you wish, could you explain why you thought it cool to be considered black?
(02-19-2016, 03:58 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: So I was wrong in my assessment.  I am sorry.  Or should I be?  You thought it was cool to be black...

If you wish, could you explain why you thought it cool to be considered black?

It was a joke. I like who I am. I just don't agree with your analogies about race and the like. All good man. 
(02-18-2016, 12:31 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Over ruled.

You brought up the name calling to another person you called that epithet because Pat wrote,"Inb4 someone straw mans his post with 'white guilt herp derp.'"

I didn't know you were the judge.  I will have to make a note of that.  Again I have stated that the term is not a racial epithet as you have claimed it was.  I noticed that you removed the word racial from the equation.  NOW can we move on from the word?  

There is an idiom in medicine; if it walks like a duck, quacks likes a duck, and looks like a duck it isn't a zebra.

Cool.  However there is another aspect you are missing.  Don't be fooled by a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Another good one is Don't be strayed by a Mockingbird.

You have spoken out against Muslims. You have spoken out against the Black Panthers. You have spoken out against racism. You have posted a video of Mohammad Ali rejecting the idea interracial marriage and mixing of the races and called him one of your people.  The irony is Ali was just repeating the black supremacy dogma promoted by Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X was also an inspiration to the Black Panther founders in addition to being Ali's mentor before and after his conversion to Islam. So somehow you pulled off the mental gymnastics to inadvertently endorse subjects you have condemned to include the idea of racial supremacy.  That's f'n amazing.

Yeah, Mohammad Ali is my part of my people.  What isn't he your people?  You are making the same logical error that Fred is making.  You see, you think that I am a white supremacist so therefore you think I have a problem with black groups advocating for blacks. That is a misconception.  I don't have a problem with the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam or Malcom X.  However since they get a voice, I believe people that advocate for me should also get a voice.

You have done you're damnedest to make me believe you do mind BLM.

Then that is because you aren't paying attention.  It isn't BLM that is the problem, it is the fact that a WLM isn't allowed or accepted.  Of course if I say WLM, then you have people that say ALM.  When I point out that BLM rejects ALM rhetoric and because they do, then we should have a WLM.  Or we, and by we I mean the media, should mock and ridicule BLM as if they were a WLM group.  See that?  It is the hypocrisy that I stand against.

This is opinion, conjecture, speculation. Opinions don't prove anything, remember?

Gee, I wonder if there were a way to prove this conjecture?  I know how about starting a White Student Union.

and many more.  

I usually only speak for myself, but since you asked; on behalf of all my white people i am speaking out against people like you.

There are misguided people all over, so you can speak out against me, but that won't stop me from standing up for your interest.

As I have said, let us assume you are correct, and I am a white supremacist and a racist.... Now what?  Shun me?  Go ahead... Shun away.
(02-19-2016, 04:08 AM)CharvelPlaya Wrote: It was a joke. I like who I am. I just don't agree with your analogies about race and the like. All good man. 

I was playing along.

Damn I hate MBs, they can mess up what could be comic gold.
(02-18-2016, 01:48 PM)fredtoast Wrote: No.  The reason I dismiss it as a lie is because I know the law.

That story is total BS.

Well, not total BS.  Since the guy was an ex cop.  That part is definitely true.  Not only that but he did tell me the story, so that is true as well.

The rest is just what he told me.  He could be making it up, sure.  That was why I made sure to disclaim that I couldn't verify the truth of it.  
(02-18-2016, 01:52 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Or maybe white people are just more likely to commit hate crimes against blacks than the other way around.

Haven't you used crime stats to support your position before?

The stat that I used was your stat.  This is rich though.  You are saying that when a white cop is stopping a black suspect, that the black suspect is to be believed that he was racially profiled and targeted.  There is no other reason that the cop might have to stop the black man.  

However all those times a white person performs a crime against a black person then it has to be proof that white people commit more hate crimes than blacks.

The flip flopping is amusing.

(02-18-2016, 01:57 PM)fredtoast Wrote: First of all, could everyone please respond OUTSIDE of the quote so that other people can quote your response when responding.

SN quote...."What he doesn't get freedom of speech?  I know that was Fred who said this, but again, he is fired, Grundy is not.  His was a joke and at no time was he calling for the death of black people."

A person attack on a co-worker is totally different than comments on the state of society.  

And how do you know his comments were a joke?  Because he is white and it is impossible for a white man to be cruel and racist?

First off all.  No.  I will respond however I choose to. 


I didn't see him attack his co-worker.  He took a picture, posted it, referred to the kid as feral and his friends jumped on the bandwagon. 

Again your comments are very anti-white.  You think calling for the death of a group of people to be OK and ignored, however a picture on facebook should be met with harsh reaction.

More projection of your white guilt.  Just because he is white doesn't mean he is faultless.  Unless you reach, and I know you do, there is no logical way any of my comments suggest that whites are virtuous.  However you seem to think blacks are virtuous.  This reminds me of the story of the Hakens and Anders.  Hakens are evil, Anders are virtuous.  By that logic alone, only Anders can tell the truth and Hakens are the only ones capable of lying.

(02-18-2016, 02:00 PM)fredtoast Wrote: SN quote...... The result was 2 innocent white men where removed.

This is not true at all.  They failed at their jobs.  That is why they lost them.

Actually they resigned.  I don't know what you know about the story, but they resigned over the pressure built up by alleged incidents of the n-word being used by a passing truck and supposedly a poop swastika was found in one of the bathrooms.  No proof of either incident having taken place.

Either way, the president and the chancellor resigned and stepped down due to these allegations.  

(02-18-2016, 02:02 PM)fredtoast Wrote: SN quote....Just look at the Charleston shooting, within hours of the attack the headlines read "Possible Hate crime" - there was just a bit of a dispute as to what type of hate crime it was.  Many saw it a hate crime against Christians, but then they decided it was a hate crime for against blacks.  No, you don't get to call them responsible for not calling this crime a hate crime and expect me not to be laughing at the absurdity of the claim.

You don't think the Charleston shootings were a "hate crime" that were racially motivated?

Where did I say it wasn't a hate crime or racially motivated?  No, I was pointing out how quick the media was to coin it a hate crime, while they are very reluctant to call the Marine attack a hate crime.  (BTW, anybody know the name of the Marine?  I bet they would be surprised.)

(02-18-2016, 02:05 PM)fredtoast Wrote: SN quote....You're clearly not any good with them either.  You can manipulate them all you want, it is still manipulation.  You continuing to cling to this even after I have told you that it is inaccurate is sad.  The police kill more whites than they do blacks.

White people commit more rapes than black people.

White people commit more murders than black people.

White people steal more thanb lack people.

I could go one and on, but I think this proves my point.

None of this refutes my stance.  Which is that you can manipulate the stats to fit your argument.

For instance, White people commit more rapes than black people.


Stat manipulation:

More white women are raped by black men than black women raped by white men.

You were quick to throw out that stat when it was presented to you.  I didn't challenge it, why?  Because stats can be manipulated and we would just go into a stat war.
(02-19-2016, 02:26 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Do you not remember the bakery that was ordered to pay $150,000?  So it is real.  If you support the private business firing a man over a post, but then don't support a private business on choosing their customer then you could be called a hypocrite.  It is a contradiction.  You claiming it isn't doesn't make it so.

Yea, there's nothing contradictory about supporting anti-discrimination laws and supporting a business' ability to control their public image by firing employees who tarnish it.

Quote:Where they a front for white supremacy or was that the perception attributed to them?  Again, that is one of the points the video made, you, following the MMSM just assume that a group is a white supremacist group and immediately mock it.  Thus it is near impossible to get any traction for said group. 

So you show me the light by... referencing a white supremacist group.

Quote:Amren's stance on intellect is not the same as my own.  I hold that intelligence, like so many things, is subjective.  You can be a genius but be socially inept (Sheldon Cooper from BBT), and you can be a social butterfly that everyone loves but be completely clueless in academics (Penny from BBT).  Even in academia you must be sure to get the correct person for the job.  It doesn't do you so well to get a rocket scientist if the work needed is brain surgery.

Ok, but it's theirs so they're a white supremacist group. I never accused you of being one.

Quote:However, again, just because I disagree with Amren's stances on intellect, doesn't invalidate everything they say.  The point is if they were to take up the charge to put pressure on Boston College to fire Grundy, then you and others would be quick to point out that they are a white supremacist group and it would just be perceived as white trying to oppress blacks.  Grundy wouldn't be a villain, she would be a victim or a martyr.  Just look at how quick the police becomes the villains and a black person becomes the victim in out current state. 

It certainly is a reason to question them as a source. I'm not reading that crazy black NC professor's take on Michael Brown just as I'm not reading a white supremacist's take on this woman.

Quote:Well you didn't refute it, or claim "I didn't say that".

At this point, I'm just making fun of your inability to read.

Quote:Right, and I pointed out that your society isn't the same as my society.  You don't live in my city or state.  You don't have the same cultures, customs or courtesies as I do.   

Our society is the same. We have far more in common as Americans than we have not in common as a Marylander versus a whatever state you live in (Kentucky?) 


While you look in that mirror, try to answer JimBreech's question about statistics. 

Quote:You're not an effective communicator, you state something, I ask a question to get clarification and you respond with "I didn't say that", instead of the more appropriate "Let me explain my position better".

I'm not an ineffective communicator, you're an ineffective reader. I don't need to clarify "if you're black, you're more likely to be poor". It says what it says. It certainly doesn't say "being black automatically makes you poor".

Quote:Why should I be upset with my math teacher?  You are the one that thinks 49% is higher than 30%.  No matter what manipulation you use, 49 is higher than 30.  

So not only are you bad at statistics, but you can't read either. Yikes.  

Quote:No matter what I propose, it wouldn't take long for one on the SPLC watchlist to promote it and then it would automatically turn into a white supremacist group.  So my proposal is to continue to educate people that it is OK to listen to what someone is saying even if you don't agree with everything they say.  This video, makes no mention of being a white supremacist group, and the information they present is factual.  Bahar Mustafa is a faculty member of a college, Saida Grundy is a professor at a college, both have been public in their disdain for white people and more specifically white males.  You might not believe this, but there are people who will read through this post, and actually get the message. 

You've gotten to the point where you believe I am discrediting the video because of the group. I stated in one of my first posts that it wasn't true. The discussion then evolved into what makes a group a white supremacist group. Now we're back to this.
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(02-19-2016, 04:30 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: I didn't know you were the judge.  I will have to make a note of that.  Again I have stated that the term is not a racial epithet as you have claimed it was.  I noticed that you removed the word racial from the equation.  NOW can we move on from the word?  

That's an idiotic statement.

Cool.  However there is another aspect you are missing.  Don't be fooled by a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Another good one is Don't be strayed by a Mockingbird.

That's an idiotic statement.

Yeah, Mohammad Ali is my part of my people.  What isn't he your people?  You are making the same logical error that Fred is making.  You see, you think that I am a white supremacist so therefore you think I have a problem with black groups advocating for blacks. That is a misconception.  I don't have a problem with the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam or Malcom X.  However since they get a voice, I believe people that advocate for me should also get a voice.

That's an idiotic statement.

Then that is because you aren't paying attention.  It isn't BLM that is the problem, it is the fact that a WLM isn't allowed or accepted.  Of course if I say WLM, then you have people that say ALM.  When I point out that BLM rejects ALM rhetoric and because they do, then we should have a WLM.  Or we, and by we I mean the media, should mock and ridicule BLM as if they were a WLM group.  See that?  It is the hypocrisy that I stand against.

That's an idiotic statement.

Gee, I wonder if there were a way to prove this conjecture?  I know how about starting a White Student Union.

and many more.

That's an idiotic statement.

There are misguided people all over, so you can speak out against me, but that won't stop me from standing up for your interest.

That's an idiotic statement.

As I have said, let us assume you are correct, and I am a white supremacist and a racist.... Now what?  Shun me?  Go ahead... Shun away.

Show me one post of me calling you stupid.  You can't.  Because I never called you stupid.  That's the childlike logic your argument is based upon.

Learn to use the quote function or stop being so lazy.
(02-18-2016, 01:52 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Or maybe white people are just more likely to commit hate crimes against blacks than the other way around.

Haven't you used crime stats to support your position before?

Ridiculous. A white jogger is stabbed and murdered by 2 blacks for fun and all Jessie Jackson woulds say is that behavior is "frowned upon".

Frowned upon?

Ever heard of "polar bear hunting", where blacks randomly attack any white they see?

The blacks that shot a baby in a stroller?

Black on white hate crime fare exceeds vice versa, it's just that it is RARELY reported as hate....another case of black privilege.
A black cannot possibly commit a hate crime.
Maybe one day you'll pull your head out of the manure that its buried in.

I don't hear much anymore from you people defending acts of muslim terrorism as merely "workplace violence", so there is hope.
(02-19-2016, 10:35 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Learn to use the quote function or stop being so lazy.

Or I can quote however I please.  

As far as calling me stupid no, I don't think you have.  However, you have called my statements idiotic and you have called me a white supremacist as well as a racist.

I find you bring a whole lot to the conversation.  Such a shame.
(02-19-2016, 02:00 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote:

You can watch the whole video but the part that hammers down the point is at 50s.

Here is one about the Bindi

Yeah.  These are all my sources and my bias... Rolleyes

Thanks, but your links didn't help me remember something I never noticed in the first place.  You would think the damn liberal media would do a better job of brainwashing me.
(02-19-2016, 03:30 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Where did I say that whites are superior?  Only that whites should have a safe place for themselves.  Why should I care about blacks and black communities?  Nothing about that remark says that whites should oppress blacks or that whites are superior to them.  Again that is you projecting your guilt onto me.

This is comical.  "Why should I care about blacks and black communities?" implies black people and black communities aren't worthy of your care because they are inferior.  "Only that whites should have a safe place for themselves." implies seperate white communities or a "safe place" are inherently safer than places which are integrated.  This so called "safe place" for white people is more safe because of the lack of black people.  It is safe because there is less violence=less crime=less criminals=less violent noncriminal white people are > more violent criminal black people.  

How do you intend to segregate these white only safe places?  Are you going to ask, "pretty please" or do you intend to use force to keep black people out of the whites only safe places?  Force being tasers?  Pepper spray?  Non-lethal munitions?  Lethal munitions?  At what point does segregating black people from these whites only safe places become oppression?  I think creating safe places for whites only because you don't care about black people and you're somehow going to need to enforce that segregation=oppression.  Therefore, the first time you prevent a black person from entering a safe place for white people only is oppression of black people by white people.  But, I only think that because I'm much more intelligent than you and I defy you to show me one post calling you stupid.  You can't although that is clearly what I am implying even though I didn't write it verbatim.

No, you didn't "say" "whites are superior" verbatim, but that is what you meant.  

"You're not a very effective communicator."

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