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Burfict: I'm Being Singled Out, I'll Have To Change
I'm not praising Burficts actions. I'm giving him a pass because of the team it happened against.

That line you mention (intimidating) is a thin line open to interpretation. Suh has done plenty dirty deeds in his attempt to "intimidate" and has never been suspended as long as Burfict. How about Mitchell's head hunting? Is that considered okay by your standards?

I'll maintain my stance, Steelers fans aren't and have never turned on their players for us. Disappointing so many Bengal fans have sided with the Steelers. Don't expect them to return the favor anytime soon.
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Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(02-25-2016, 11:44 AM)jj22 Wrote: I'll maintain my stance, Steelers fans aren't and have never turned on their players for us. Disappointing so many Bengal fans have sided with the Steelers. Don't expect them to return the favor anytime soon.

I am not taking sides with either team.  I am taking sides with reality.  The fact that Steeler fans are ignorant does not mean I have to be also.

And you don't win championships by injuring players.  In 2013 when the Steelers broke Hubers jaw they finished 8-8 while we won the division.  
(02-25-2016, 11:44 AM)jj22 Wrote: . Suh has done plenty dirty deeds in his attempt to "intimidate" and has never been suspended as long as Burfict. 

Suh got suspended for a PLAYOFF GAME.

Is that what you want?  You'd rather see Burfict injure a player and have him miss a playoff game because you think the only way to win is to play dirty?

Suh has also seen the light while Burfict has not.
Suh saw the light as of when? Certainly not this season. He's still his crazy self.

These are the plays the Steelers have gotten away with for years. If you want us to turn the other cheek then that's fine. I'm never going to support the Bully for being bullied. Like I said anyone else I'm fine with criticizing Burfict. I just won't side with the Steelers on this one.

Is this intimidation?

I only show that link because Zimmer said if this was the streets it would have been a fight in the post game. Which fired me up and I'm sure did the same to his fanbase and players.

Suh never got the length of suspension Burfict got for all this.

But again, I know Burfict has problems. And in the jungle we should be able to discuss them. Maybe those who have had problems with him should have been more vocal prior to the wildcard game. Now it's just too painful to lose the way we did and turn on Burfict. Bad timing in my opinion. Time to rally, not fall apart as a board (fanbase). Just seems to me Steelers fans and players would be all too happy to hear us turn on Burfict now. For that, I just can't give them what they'd want.
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Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(02-25-2016, 12:12 PM)jj22 Wrote:  If you want us to turn the other cheek then that's fine. I'm never going to support the Bully for being bullied. Like I said anyone else I'm fine with criticizing Burfict. I just won't side with the Steelers on this one.

Who is "turning the other cheek"?

Burfit took out three Steelers this year and we still lost.  Injuring other players and being dirty does not win games.

I want to win games more than be a thug.

And I ALWAYS side with reality.  i don't let any stupid fans, be they for the Steelers or Bengals, tell me what I have to believe.
(02-25-2016, 12:12 PM)jj22 Wrote: But again, I know Burfict has problems.

Time to rally, not fall apart as a board (fanbase). Just seems to me Steelers fans and players would be all too happy to hear us turn on Burfict now. For that, I just can't give them what they'd want.

This is the classic definition of an "enabler".

I am never in favor of telling a person that I know has problems that he doesn't have problems.

And the Steeler fans don't give a shit what we say about Burfict.  It makes no difference to them.
I want to win games too. But look at our record against the Steelers. If we are going to lose, which we normally do, I'd rather not get bullied in the process as we have by them for many years. Trust me Fred, I'm with you any other time, but against the Steelers, all bets are off for me as it relates to "unnecessary roughness". Some teams you just can't kill with kindness and professionalism.
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Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(02-25-2016, 01:21 PM)fredtoast Wrote: This is the classic definition of an "enabler".

I am never in favor of telling a person that I know has problems that he doesn't have problems.

And the Steeler fans don't give a shit what we say about Burfict.  It makes no difference to them.

I think you'd be surprised the glee fans find in divisional opponent fan bases meltdowns. If they could find this board, they'd be reading it with glee (as I usually do the Cleveland board after the season to help me get over our failures).
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(02-25-2016, 01:21 PM)jj22 Wrote: I want to win games too. But look at our record against the Steelers. If we are going to lose, which we normally do, I'd rather not get bullied in the process as we have by them for many years. Trust me Fred, I'm with you any other time, but against the Steelers, all bets are off for me as it relates to "unnecessary roughness". Some teams you just can't kill with kindness and professionalism.

This is where I am.....after decades of watching blindsides, neck twists, knee shots, shots to the head, cheapshotting a freaking punter.......I'm down with whatever these guys deem necessary on the field two to three times a season.  That's just how it is.....the refs sure as shit ain't gonna police it....the league?  Pppppffffffttttttt!!!!! Sometimes, you gotta smack that bully right in the mouth......

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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-25-2016, 01:24 PM)jj22 Wrote: I think you'd be surprised the glee fans find in divisional opponent fan bases meltdowns. If they could find this board, they'd be reading it with glee (as I usually do the Cleveland board after the season to help me get over our failures).

Steelr fans are laughing more at you and your league-wide anti-Bengal conspiracy theory than they are at people who criticize Burfict.

In fact if you went over the the Steeler boards they are probably claiming the BUrfict got off easy considering he took out three of their top players.  They are probably crying about how the league hates the Steelers (Suspended Ben when he was never convicted of anything!!!) at the same time you are claiming the league favors the Steelers.
(02-25-2016, 01:35 PM)Wyche Wrote: This is where I am.....after decades of watching blindsides, neck twists, knee shots, shots to the head, cheapshotting a freaking punter.......I'm down with whatever these guys deem necessary on the field two to three times a season.  That's just how it is.....the refs sure as shit ain't gonna police it....the league?  Pppppffffffttttttt!!!!! Sometimes, you gotta smack that bully right in the mouth......

I think the best way to shut them up is to win.  
(02-25-2016, 01:42 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I think the best way to shut them up is to win.  

Agreed, but they'll still play dirty, and we'll apparently have to can Marvin to beat those pricks.....I put the onus on the league and its officials, to be honest.  This stuff was getting out of hand after the game at Heinz Field, and WAY out of line in Cincy during the regular season.  Someone should have stepped in and silenced all of that Twitter nonsense.  People, including Burfict, should've been disciplined during the pre game ruckus at PBS.  Porter should have been suspended then, and Burfict and any other player involved ejected.

"Better send those refunds..."

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-25-2016, 01:41 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Steelr fans are laughing more at you and your league-wide anti-Bengal conspiracy theory than they are at people who criticize Burfict.

In fact if you went over the the Steeler boards they are probably claiming the BUrfict got off easy considering he took out three of their top players.  They are probably crying about how the league hates the Steelers (Suspended Ben when he was never convicted of anything!!!) at the same time you are claiming the league favors the Steelers.

They probably are laughing at me and everyone else frustrated with the league for favoritism. It's not just the Bengals that have fallen victim to it. Your right, when teams who get away with what they do, their fans tend to laugh at the expense of others "less fortunate/favored" teams and fans. Until it happens to them (Burfict knocking out their players), then they act like helpless victims.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(02-25-2016, 10:47 AM)WeezyBengal Wrote: This might be one of the dumbest things I've ever read. You go low to avoid hitting other players in the head and giving them concussions. You can hit players low without going for their knees. All you have to do is hit them in the numbers or thighs. 

You people kill me. You act like this is some new revelation from the NFL that they are going to try and take high hits to the head out of the game, and rightfully so. You do realize that former players are literally dying and killing themselves because of CTE and brain damage, right? 

But hey, that's the NFL. Just one big ***** league. Who cares if the game is killing people. 

If the receiver bends over. Like Brown was and the defender is going right at them how do you avoid the head? Ive seen it more than once a blow to the head called when the defender is clearly going at the midsection but the receiver ducks. Kinda hard to adjust mid tackle for the defender

Burfict is saying keep singling him out fining him and suspending him and you leave him no option. Once he starts the process he cant change his target area. Instead of risking more suspensions and fines that target area will be lowered and people will hate him even more. And more seasons will be ended. But he wont be getting flags fines and suspensions. 

Just about every occupation has hazards. Not every occupation pays you millions. And nobody makes these guys do it. The information is everywhere now. A movie even came out about it. Yet we still have a whole new draft class pursuing a job in the NFL. I dont hear UFC and boxing taking head shots out of the sport. Who has a higher occupational risk people in the military getting paid bread crumbs and actually dying on the job or somebody getting paid hundreds of thousands to play a game small children play? Nobody made them do it. Nobody makes the fat lady who works at mcdonalds killing herself with fried food every day do it either. 
(02-25-2016, 04:33 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Burfict is saying keep singling him out fining him and suspending him and you leave him no option. Once he starts the process he cant change his target area. Instead of risking more suspensions and fines that target area will be lowered and people will hate him even more. And more seasons will be ended. But he wont be getting flags fines and suspensions. 

All this talk about how an NFL player can not make any body adjustments from 5 yards away is absurd.  I see players do it all the time when defending a receiver.  I see it all the time when ball carriers make cuts.  NFL players don't just hurl their bodies from 5 yards away with no control.

All this talk about "going for the knees" is just BS that proves Burfict doesn't get it.  I'll eat my hat if he starts playing pass defense by hurling himself at a receivers knees from 5 yards away.

there are NFL coaches on the rules committee.  If it was really impossible for an NFL player to make any body adjustments from 5 yards away the coaches would be raising hell about these rules.
(02-25-2016, 04:33 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: Just about every occupation has hazards. Not every occupation pays you millions. And nobody makes these guys do it. The information is everywhere now. A movie even came out about it. Yet we still have a whole new draft class pursuing a job in the NFL. I dont hear UFC and boxing taking head shots out of the sport. Who has a higher occupational risk people in the military getting paid bread crumbs and actually dying on the job or somebody getting paid hundreds of thousands to play a game small children play? Nobody made them do it. Nobody makes the fat lady who works at mcdonalds killing herself with fried food every day do it either. 

No matter how much NFL players get paid it is insane to tell them they have to risk brain injuries that could be avoided.  No body forced coal miners to work in unhealthy conditions. but people didn't just say "Hey, it is dangerous work.  You just have to risk your health to be a coal miner."

Do you really go to football games to see head shots?  I that what the game is about for you?  Even without the head shots football is a massively-violent body breaking sport.  Does it really have to have the head shots for you to enjoy it?
(02-25-2016, 11:36 AM)fredtoast Wrote: 1.  Sorry, but being a fan does not mean I can disconnect with reality.  I don't change my view of reality just because I am a Bengal fan.

2.  Burficts action that you are praising was a major part of what cause us to lose the game.

3.  There are plenty of great players who intimidate without crossing the line. 

name one.
"The Power of life and death is in the tongue"
(02-25-2016, 07:16 PM)fredtoast Wrote: All this talk about how an NFL player can not make any body adjustments from 5 yards away is absurd.  I see players do it all the time when defending a receiver.  I see it all the time when ball carriers make cuts.  NFL players don't just hurl their bodies from 5 yards away with no control.

All this talk about "going for the knees" is just BS that proves Burfict doesn't get it.  I'll eat my hat if he starts playing pass defense by hurling himself at a receivers knees from 5 yards away.

there are NFL coaches on the rules committee.  If it was really impossible for an NFL player to make any body adjustments from 5 yards away the coaches would be raising hell about these rules.

I didnt realize that was the rule. Every time any receiver catches the ball the defender is automatically 5 yards away and can make a perfect form tackle ensuring he thinks about both he and the receivers long term health before initiating contact. Just like the rules committee drew it up.

The same rules committee that has Shaziers hit legal.

Never any bang bang plays in the NFL that draw flags apparently........

Please tell me with every ounce of a players body leaning forward starting the process of the tackle how much of an adjustment they can make? 
(02-25-2016, 07:22 PM)fredtoast Wrote: No matter how much NFL players get paid it is insane to tell them they have to risk brain injuries that could be avoided.  No body forced coal miners to work in unhealthy conditions. but people didn't just say "Hey, it is dangerous work.  You just have to risk your health to be a coal miner."

Do you really go to football games to see head shots?  I that what the game is about for you?  Even without the head shots football is a massively-violent body breaking sport.  Does it really have to have the head shots for you to enjoy it?
You know how to 100% avoid it. Dont play. If you dont want to get punched in the face. Dont box. If you dont want to risk drowning. Dont swim. If you dont want to risk falling to your death dont rock climb. If you dont want to risk maiming your body dont skateboard.

I dont love it for the head shots. Take the facemasks off and go back to soft helmets. I bet a lot would change. 

Not sure why you used the coal miner thing. Thats my point. Occupational hazards. They exsist. What do you think coal mining is 100% safe now?
(02-25-2016, 07:59 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: I didnt realize that was the rule. Every time any receiver catches the ball the defender is automatically 5 yards away and can make a perfect form tackle ensuring he thinks about both he and the receivers long term health before initiating contact. Just like the rules committee drew it up.

The same rules committee that has Shaziers hit legal.

Never any bang bang plays in the NFL that draw flags apparently........

Please tell me with every ounce of a players body leaning forward starting the process of the tackle how much of an adjustment they can make? 

You know.....defy physics.

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