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Man using strips in front of girls
(02-25-2016, 11:47 AM)bfine32 Wrote: The last couple pages of this thread have set a new low for this forum. This is getting ridiculous.  Mods please delete all personal information in this thread and posters please go to klotsch if you want to get to know each other better.

Lower than sharing a PM that SN sent to call me a ***** after he was told to stop calling people ***** and the thread was locked?  It is funny you think that is lower class than actually calling someone a white supremacist racial epithet for a race traitor.
(02-25-2016, 12:23 PM)Vlad Wrote: Ha...this reminds me of what you liberals were spouting post 9/11 over the "fear mongering" by conservatives regarding Islamic basis in reality.
Well we told you so.

So your next line of defense was but,but, but...

Ok back to topic..if you can.

Well then it's a good god damn thing we invaded Iraq or shit might really be ****** up.  I guess I should replace "we" with "I" since your ass wasn't there.  Some conservative you are.
(02-25-2016, 01:26 PM)bfine32 Wrote: What happened to self-police?

Anarchist Tendencies.
(02-25-2016, 11:09 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Is this what you think?

All that was done is further prove that Fred is a hypocrite and that you are also a hypocrite.

If I had done what Fred did, I would be banned.  Simple as that.

I have even reach out to Fred in a PM this morning, pointing out that his post DO in fact violate the CoC.

I find it laughable that you and Fred thinks being a security officer is somehow derogatory.  You find wrong, that I worked for a security contract company and made more money in 6 years than you have.  Then to suggest that I spent time in brothels - did ya not see the part where I mentioned my wife being with me?  Probably not, you would have to know what a wife is.  You and Fred seem lacking on having one.

You weren't banned after calling multiple people a white supremacist racial epithet multiple times and PMed me to do it again after you were told to stop.  But, don't let that stop you from feeling oppressed.  Maybe you can make a youtube video about your oppression.
(02-26-2016, 06:53 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: self police is dead unfortunately because of the crybaby segment of the board who cries away for help when you don't think the way they want you to think.    How about nutting up, calling someone an idiot, and moving forward with the discussion.

You complain when people call you names.  You complain about words you don't like.

You're an idiot.
(02-26-2016, 07:13 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: 1. It's anyone's choice whether they want to release their personal info.   Whether any of us think it's wise or not is irrelevant.   It's your info to release as needed.  

2.  Its funny you went to his Facebook page.  But it's creepy you went to his LinkedIn.   And this is exactly why I don't post my info.   Not because you or anyone will see anything on my Facebook page.   But because you could easily find my wife's page and that page has all of our photos and personal stuff that her family can see back in Belarus.   I have shared my actual info with 4 people from this board and I have only done so because I know they understand and respect my desire for privacy.  

3. On anyone saying you are a fake lawyer.   Who the heck cares?   I don't care what you do, I take you and anyone else on the board at your/their word.   Life is too short to play detective and frankly I'm not sure why anyone cares.   I enjoy your posts for the most part because its a different opinion.   I also like to hear your positions on news stories with pending legal ramifications.  

As far as questioning anyone's profession or life.   I think it's way overblown on this board and I think anyone here deserves the benefit of the doubt.   In the end you either value someone's contribution or you do not.   And if you do not then avoiding that poster is quite easy if anyone gets upset.

Why should I give you the benefit of the doubt when you can't even follow up with what your "clients" told you when you told us not to worry because you would follow up?

I don't value your "contribution."  To call it a "contribution" is an insult to the word.  I'm not going to avoid you because you add nothing of value.  In fact, that is exactly why I don't ignore you.
(02-26-2016, 07:13 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: 2.  Its funny you went to his Facebook page.  But it's creepy you went to his LinkedIn.   And this is exactly why I don't post my info.   Not because you or anyone will see anything on my Facebook page.   But because you could easily find my wife's page and that page has all of our photos and personal stuff that her family can see back in Belarus.   I have shared my actual info with 4 people from this board and I have only done so because I know they understand and respect my desire for privacy.  

And?  What do you think will happen if someone sees your wife's facebook page?  How does your wife's family in Belarus affect your decision?
(02-26-2016, 10:19 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: How many atheist have knocked on your door trying to convert you?

0. What would their selling point be? 

How many Christians have knocked on your door trying to convert you?
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(02-25-2016, 02:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: There is no link; it is just we do not truely know each other in this forum, there are some disturbed people in the world. I am not saying that you or SN fit the mold; I simply requested it out of concern. It was similar to the time someone posted their license plate in this forum to prove their identity.

Like I said if you want to get to know each other do it in klotsch or through PMs. Just a suggestion, feel free to do as you wish; as it appears to Mods have no concern with it.  

Can we really do as we wish?  Thanks.  This reminds me of the time someone else didn't have the courage to back up their false claims.

(02-26-2016, 09:55 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Lol this is the height of pussdome.  

You would know, Robin.
(02-26-2016, 11:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: 0. What would their selling point be? 


Quote:How many Christians have knocked on your door trying to convert you?

A conservative estimate would be at least 4 times per year x 11 years at my current address =  44 times x 2 people or more each time = 88 or more.  Enough I put up a sign by the doorbell which they ignore.
(02-26-2016, 10:36 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: You weren't banned after calling multiple people a white supremacist racial epithet multiple times and PMed me to do it again after you were told to stop.  But, don't let that stop you from feeling oppressed.  Maybe you can make a youtube video about your oppression.

No, I was warned... so if I did what Fred did, what do you think would have been the result after the usual suspects would have flagged the offending post?

I didn't call you any racial epithet.  Look up the word.  It has nothing to do with race.

Not only is that epithet not racial, I didn't call you one it that PM.

As usual that was your own keen and penetrating mind coming to the wrong conclusion.
(02-26-2016, 11:11 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: A conservative estimate would be at least 4 times per year x 11 years at my current address =  44 times x 2 people or more each time = 88 or more.  Enough I put up a sign by the doorbell which they ignore.
Gots to say that is quite a lot. Hell. I've been alive over 50 years and I don't think 88 people have came to my door in an attempt to "convert" me to Christianity. I do get the occasional Jehovah's Witness (Not Christians) and every once in a blue moon I will get the Christian inviting me to their church for a special event.

Maybe somebody is trying to tell you something, but hang in there. I mean you do have that sign by your doorbell. 
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(02-26-2016, 11:07 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Can we really do as we wish?  Thanks.  This reminds me of the time someone else didn't have the courage to back up their false claims.

You would know, Robin.

Considering a google search doesn't prove anything it is kinda funny that anyone would think Fred's "proof" was accurate.

Notice I never once denied what he found?

Nope:  My LinkedIn does say Looking for Work available for immediate Deployment.

You should know when someone says deployment they don't mean to the nearest Starbucks.

No work history in my FB means what exactly?  Not everyone post their work history on their FB page.

So due to those factors Fred was able to do what?  Come to the conclusion that I am an unemployed loser.

After googling Fred's name:  I too came to a conclusion and no it isn't that he is a lawyer.  I have a different conclusion on him, but instead of putting everything out there, I know when to pull back, because I know that what I found may not have been all that accurate.  Something that you might want to learn.
(02-26-2016, 11:30 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Considering a google search doesn't prove anything it is kinda funny that anyone would think Fred's "proof" was accurate.

Notice I never once denied what he found?

Nope:  My LinkedIn does say Looking for Work available for immediate Deployment.

You should know when someone says deployment they don't mean to the nearest Starbucks.

No work history in my FB means what exactly?  Not everyone post their work history on their FB page.

So due to those factors Fred was able to do what?  Come to the conclusion that I am an unemployed loser.

After googling Fred's name:  I too came to a conclusion and no it isn't that he is a lawyer.  I have a different conclusion on him, but instead of putting everything out there, I know when to pull back, because I know that what I found may not have been all that accurate.  Something that you might want to learn.

I'm confused. Are you saying folks in this forum went to your Facebook page and Linkedin from information they got from this forum?
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-26-2016, 11:45 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I'm confused. Are you saying folks in this forum went to your Facebook page and Linkedin from information they got from this forum?
That is messed up if that did happen. 

Man, I ain't cool with that stuff. I am here to have discussions, and yes, maybe bicker a little, and yes I have learned a lot from opposing views, but you will never see me seek members on Facebook. 

Shit, I have never given a negative rep to anyone, and I don't use the pm's to tell people my gripes about them. Then again, I guess I am bitching now to everyone, lol.
(02-26-2016, 11:30 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Gots to say that is quite a lot. Hell. I've been alive over 50 years and I don't think 88 people have came to my door in an attempt to "convert" me to Christianity. I do get the occasional Jehovah's Witness (Not Christians) and every once in a blue moon I will get the Christian inviting me to their church for a special event.

Maybe somebody is trying to tell you something, but hang in there. I mean you do have that sign by your doorbell. 

non traditional, but Jehovah's witnesses are a Christian denomination.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-27-2016, 01:11 AM)Benton Wrote: non traditional, but Jehovah's witnesses are a Christian denomination.

Okey Doke
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(02-26-2016, 11:45 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I'm confused. Are you saying folks in this forum went to your Facebook page and Linkedin from information they got from this forum?

Yes.  When Fred posted his name.  I responded originally with my real name.

Then I thought of a better joke, one that would have been me repeating "I'm Batman" based off of the on going meme.  However, Fred had already seen my name and did a google search, so he asked me "Why I edited my post".

Even after explaining what I had intended which came as an afterthought.  Fred still just kept going on about me being scared.  So I asked him "Scared of what?"

To which he replied that "I am loser that is currently unemployed and that I have twitter connections to white supremacist."

I told him that I am currently working 2 jobs at the moment.

To which he replied "Your FB doesn't have any employment listed and your LinkedIn profile says you are looking for work"

So he asked where I worked.

I told him S. Tryon Square and CHS.

He asked Rent-a-Cop?

To which I have admitted to being called that.  I then went on to explain that the information he found isn't accurate and that there were flaws in his thinking. 

Doesn't seem to matter to those whose stances and beliefs are weak though.  To them, I am just Steve Blart.  Which is fine, I get a laugh out of it, since to many posters that behavior is considered childish. 

If I was really worried about my information getting out there, I wouldn't have originally posted my name. 

I did PM Fred though and told him that his post is actually against the CoC, and advised that he remove it incase someone wanted to report it to the Mods.  I told him I don't want anyone banned and that we should just ignore each other for at least a couple of days. 

He hasn't replied to the PM, and I don't think he has responded to any of my post directly.  I have done the same, out of respect for this truce that I assume we are under.  Trying to self police (rent-a-cop) if you will.
(02-27-2016, 01:03 AM)CharvelPlaya Wrote:  
That is messed up if that did happen. 

Man, I ain't cool with that stuff. I am here to have discussions, and yes, maybe bicker a little, and yes I have learned a lot from opposing views, but you will never see me seek members on Facebook. 

Shit, I have never given a negative rep to anyone, and I don't use the pm's to tell people my gripes about them. Then again, I guess I am bitching now to everyone, lol.

It did.  So I guess, don't post any personal information.  Since there are people that will Google and then paint a flawed pictured based off of the information they find.
(02-27-2016, 01:03 AM)CharvelPlaya Wrote:  
That is messed up if that did happen. 

Man, I ain't cool with that stuff. I am here to have discussions, and yes, maybe bicker a little, and yes I have learned a lot from opposing views, but you will never see me seek members on Facebook. 

Shit, I have never given a negative rep to anyone, and I don't use the pm's to tell people my gripes about them. Then again, I guess I am bitching now to everyone, lol.

This forum has become a joke.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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