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Is Hillary Getting Desperate?
I just got an email asking to donate a dollar to her campaign fund (from her website, not a scam), but that's not really weird because I get them from all Democratic candidates (I wonder why the Republicans aren't looking for free handouts...... hhhhhmmmm).

Anyways, it looks like now she's getting desperate and throwing out bullshit claims, accusing Trump of calling all Mexican-Americans criminals and saying that Muslims should be banned from entering this country:

Quote:I've said for a long time that Trump isn't a joke, and now, he's looking more and more likely to be the Republican nominee. The man who riles up his crowds by calling Mexican-Americans criminals and suggesting Muslims should be banned from entering this country has limitless resources to run his campaign -- and he also has a lead in the delegate count.

He didn't call all Mexican-Americans criminals but just said that we need to control immigration and weed-out the criminals.

He also didn't just say that we need to ban Muslims because he's racist, but he said that we need to stop it until we can get it controlled and get the screening process/background checks in order.

Is Hillary getting desperate and telling lies because she sees that she's losing?
Without getting too much into the back and forth I thought I read a few months ago that the DNC was running out of money. Something about getting tax dollars to pay while the RNC didn't want the tax dollars.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-25-2016, 09:43 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Without getting too much into the back and forth I thought I read a few months ago that the DNC was running out of money. Something about getting tax dollars to pay while the RNC didn't want the tax dollars.

Makes sense.

Kind of thought there was at least some professionalism and morals in the Presidential race that include not lying.  I realize there's no morals in anything below it, but I at least figured the Presidential candidates had a little more class.

The problem with it is that there's so many people set on "Republicans are rich and hate the poor" that they just vote for a party, not a candidate.
(02-26-2016, 05:51 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Makes sense.

Kind of thought there was at least some professionalism and morals in the Presidential race that include not lying.  I realize there's no morals in anything below it, but I at least figured the Presidential candidates had a little more class.

The problem with it is that there's so many people set on "Republicans are rich and hate the poor" that they just vote for a party, not a candidate.

You must be really young.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Give each candidate a sword and shield, put them in a ring and whoever walks out is President. It would be way cheaper and far less gory and cruel.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll

(02-26-2016, 11:41 AM)McC Wrote: Give each candidate a sword and shield, put them in a ring and whoever walks out is President.  It would be way cheaper and far less gory and cruel.

It would be Hillary. 
Nobody wants to poke that hag.
(02-25-2016, 09:29 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: He didn't call all Mexican-Americans criminals but just said that we need to control immigration and weed-out the criminals.


And she didn't say he did. She said he called "Mexican-Americans" criminals.

Quote: The man who riles up his crowds by calling Mexican-Americans criminals and suggesting ...

Although, Trump did say it about all Mexican immigrants. Let's go to the quote:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crimes. They're rapists."

Trump did not say all Mexicans are criminals and rapists. He's saying Mexican immigrants are criminals and rapists.

So, no, Hillary isn't desperate or lying*. Trump is just a fear mongering piece of crap.

* About this. Pretty much everything else about her is fabricated.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-26-2016, 12:04 PM)Benton Wrote: * About this. Pretty much everything else about her is fabricated.

I think you misplaced your *

*fabricated [not including blaming a video, shady real estate or futures deals, private home servers, being shot at, being flat broke, or anything else ever said about Hillary that can remotely be construed as negative]
(02-26-2016, 05:51 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Makes sense.

Kind of thought there was at least some professionalism and morals in the Presidential race that include not lying.  I realize there's no morals in anything below it, but I at least figured the Presidential candidates had a little more class.

Wait...aren't you the guy who praises Trump for being an intentionally offensive and outwardly antagonistic jerk?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-26-2016, 05:44 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Wait...aren't you the guy who praises Trump for being an intentionally offensive and outwardly antagonistic jerk?

Not intentionally offensive or outwardly antagonistic, but rather just not worried about being PC and not concerned with hurting feelings to do what is needed to get this country back on track.

Don't know if you're a Democrat, but what you posted is exactly the type of image of Trump that they're trying to portray.  They're trying to make it look like he is a jerk that doesn't care about the little guy and is just trying to cater to the wealthy.
(02-26-2016, 11:38 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Not intentionally offensive or outwardly antagonistic, but rather just not worried about being PC and not concerned with hurting feelings to do what is needed to get this country back on track.

Don't know if you're a Democrat, but what you posted is exactly the type of image of Trump that they're trying to portray.  They're trying to make it look like he is a jerk that doesn't care about the little guy and is just trying to cater to the wealthy.

I'm a Libertarian and I don't even watch the news.  I've been aware of Donald Trump for decades, so to think I'm convinced of the image he is trying to project or the one his detractors are trying to is naive.  The guy is putting on a giant performance right now and people are just eating it up.  He just smacks of a man who has never had to be held accountable in his life.  Also, he's admitted (or lied, who knows, who cares) that he is going to tone it down when he's president, so where is the loyalty to his followers?

Personally, I can't stand the idea of any of the 4 main candidates getting elected.  I'm sick of Hillary, Cruz is a nut, Bernie is a nut, and Trump already has the leader of one of our main economic allies telling him to go f*** himself.  I don't give a crap if Trump is a jerk, the problem I have is that people seem to think him being "un PC" is going to do anything.  If Trump ends up being an effective politician it's going to be because he stopped acting like the lunatic that got elected.

Does Trump cater to the wealthy? Trump just seems like he caters to Trump. The guy has already treated a presidential bid like a total ego trip, and now the country is so terrible that his shtick is getting support by people who seem to think our latest administration has just been walking around the earth surrendering to everyone.

Personally, I want Trump to win. I want to see what happens when he waves his dick in the face of the rest of the earth and says USA SAYS DO THIS!!!! and so on.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-27-2016, 02:00 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Personally, I want Trump to win.  I want to see what happens when he waves his dick in the face of the rest of the earth and says USA SAYS DO THIS!!!! and so on.

I also think it's an act, at least I hope it's an act if he somehow gets elected.  He may be pulling back the curtain on the election process and exposing how stupid the average voter is.

We saw this playing out in the 2012 debates, particularly with the VP debate where Biden got the better because he was the bigger bully, but even the Romney/Obama debates swung largely on perception of who was the better fighter (and that applies to both Repub and Dems).  None of the reactions to any of the debates had much to do with content or policy.  Trump is exploiting that America likes a bully.
(02-26-2016, 11:38 PM)BFritz21 Wrote:  They're trying to make it look like he is a jerk that doesn't care about the little guy and is just trying to cater to the wealthy.

Trump is the ultimate narcissist.  And even if I don't believe anything he says, that doesn't change the fact that I don't think he's half as intelligent as he pretends to be.  Sure, he's a savant at marketing/branding and built a real estate empire off that....but that doesn't make him an expert on economics and foreign policy.

I do think the arsehole thing is an act.  You don't make the deals he's done if that's how you treat people across the table, but when he "sells" policies and actions to the American people can he keep his foot out of his mouth with the bravado that offends foreign partners?  When he does a real estate deal, he doesn't go before the public and talk about the terms and the other side, and I'm not sure he can avoid the bragging or put-downs.
(02-26-2016, 11:38 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Not intentionally offensive or outwardly antagonistic, but rather just not worried about being PC and not concerned with hurting feelings to do what is needed to get this country back on track.

Don't know if you're a Democrat, but what you posted is exactly the type of image of Trump that they're trying to portray.  They're trying to make it look like he is a jerk that doesn't care about the little guy and is just trying to cater to the wealthy.
he took insurance away from a sick child (nephew I believe) to get back at the kid's father.

that's as literally not caring for a little person as you can get.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-27-2016, 10:06 AM)Benton Wrote: he took insurance away from a sick child (nephew I believe) to get back at the kid's father.

that's as literally not caring for a little person as you can get.

I thought that Trump openly mocking a disabled person would have some weight...
(02-27-2016, 02:33 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Trump is the ultimate narcissist.  And even if I don't believe anything he says, that doesn't change the fact that I don't think he's half as intelligent as he pretends to be.  Sure, he's a savant at marketing/branding and built a real estate empire off that....but that doesn't make him an expert on economics and foreign policy.

I do think the arsehole thing is an act.  You don't make the deals he's done if that's how you treat people across the table, but when he "sells" policies and actions to the American people can he keep his foot out of his mouth with the bravado that offends foreign partners?  When he does a real estate deal, he doesn't go before the public and talk about the terms and the other side, and I'm not sure he can avoid the bragging or put-downs.

I disagree.  If he had not had his daddy's money and his daddy's had not forced a good education into him he'd be the guy we all know sitting on a bar stool telling how smart he REALLY is and he'd be something it weren't for those fat cats in Washington stopping him!
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-25-2016, 09:29 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: He didn't call all Mexican-Americans criminals but just said that we need to control immigration and weed-out the criminals.

Is Hillary getting desperate and telling lies because she sees that she's losing?

(02-26-2016, 12:04 PM)Benton Wrote: And she didn't say he did. She said he called "Mexican-Americans" criminals.

Although, Trump did say it about all Mexican immigrants. Let's go to the quote:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crimes. They're rapists."

Trump did not say all Mexicans are criminals and rapists. He's saying Mexican immigrants are criminals and rapists.

So, no, Hillary isn't desperate or lying*. Trump is just a fear mongering piece of crap.

[Image: vy77m9.jpg]

But he didn't say all Mexican immigrants were criminals and rapists.

When Trump made that statement he was speaking off the cuff like a regular Joe, which he always does. The same way we say "Bengals fans are such a-holes", when we know that all Bengal fans are not a-holes...(yeah, yeah, that only applies to Steeler fans..I anticipate that's coming LOL.)

Taken aback by the usual leftist backlash and accusations of being a hater Trump cleared things up:

Many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally," wrote Trump. "I am proud to say that I know many hard working Mexicans—many of them are working for and with me…and, just like our country, my organization is better for it."
Too bad you missed that quote Benton.

And Hillary is a liar.
(02-27-2016, 11:03 AM)GMDino Wrote: I disagree.  If he had not had his daddy's money and his daddy's had not forced a good education into him he'd be the guy we all know sitting on a bar stool telling how smart he REALLY is and he'd be something it weren't for those fat cats in Washington stopping him!

Trump is quite obviously the product of an "inherited money" system.  I know families that started businesses in their own garages and are now worth millions; those people impress me a lot more than Trump.  That is also why those people are still hitting the pavement working and Trump goes around "writing" books and screaming out nonsense to appease idiot masses.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-27-2016, 01:53 PM)Vlad Wrote: [Image: vy77m9.jpg]

But he didn't say all Mexican immigrants were criminals and rapists.

When Trump made that statement he was speaking off the cuff like a regular Joe, which he always does. The same way we say "Bengals fans are such a-holes", when we know that all Bengal fans are not a-holes...(yeah, yeah, that only applies to Steeler fans..I anticipate that's coming LOL.)

Taken aback by the usual leftist backlash and accusations of being a hater Trump cleared things up:

Many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally," wrote Trump. "I am proud to say that I know many hard working Mexicans—many of them are working for and with me…and, just like our country, my organization is better for it."
Too bad you missed that quote Benton.

And Hillary is a liar.

all the more reason he isn't up to the job. If he's president, he can't make off the cuff remarks about millions of people and not expect it to have a negative impact.

and regardless... What you're saying isn't what he said. You can read whatever you want into it, as apparently you are. But going by just his words and not your interpretation, he said all Mexican immigrants are criminals and rapists.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-27-2016, 02:00 AM)Nately120 Wrote: I'm a Libertarian and I don't even watch the news.  I've been aware of Donald Trump for decades, so to think I'm convinced of the image he is trying to project or the one his detractors are trying to is naive.  The guy is putting on a giant performance right now and people are just eating it up.  He just smacks of a man who has never had to be held accountable in his life.  Also, he's admitted (or lied, who knows, who cares) that he is going to tone it down when he's president, so where is the loyalty to his followers?

Personally, I can't stand the idea of any of the 4 main candidates getting elected.  I'm sick of Hillary, Cruz is a nut, Bernie is a nut, and Trump already has the leader of one of our main economic allies telling him to go f*** himself.  I don't give a crap if Trump is a jerk, the problem I have is that people seem to think him being "un PC" is going to do anything.  If Trump ends up being an effective politician it's going to be because he stopped acting like the lunatic that got elected.

Does Trump cater to the wealthy?  Trump just seems like he caters to Trump.  The guy has already treated a presidential bid like a total ego trip, and now the country is so terrible that his shtick is getting support by people who seem to think our latest administration has just been walking around the earth surrendering to everyone.

Personally, I want Trump to win.  I want to see what happens when he waves his dick in the face of the rest of the earth and says USA SAYS DO THIS!!!! and so on.
That's kind of what made this country great.  The last 7 years, we've just been kissing other country's asses and not being the greatest country on the planet.  We've gone from a country where competition breads excellence and makes us the best that we can possibly be to a country that wants to make sure that no one succeeds too much so no one feels inferior.  

I'm not saying that we need to be assholes, but we need the confidence in our leader to take us back to being the leading country of the world.
(02-27-2016, 02:33 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Trump is the ultimate narcissist.  And even if I don't believe anything he says, that doesn't change the fact that I don't think he's half as intelligent as he pretends to be.  Sure, he's a savant at marketing/branding and built a real estate empire off that....but that doesn't make him an expert on economics and foreign policy.

I do think the arsehole thing is an act.  You don't make the deals he's done if that's how you treat people across the table, but when he "sells" policies and actions to the American people can he keep his foot out of his mouth with the bravado that offends foreign partners?  When he does a real estate deal, he doesn't go before the public and talk about the terms and the other side, and I'm not sure he can avoid the bragging or put-downs.
He's worked with companies and governments of other countries, so he's a good diplomat.  

He knows how to get deals done and knows what it takes to make things work, including this country's business model.
(02-27-2016, 10:06 AM)Benton Wrote: he took insurance away from a sick child (nephew I believe) to get back at the kid's father.

that's as literally not caring for a little person as you can get.
Do you even know the story or are you just going off things someone told you?

Trump was angry because he was being sued because his alcoholic's brother was left out of the will (which was the right move), and then Trump did that in retaliation, but they ended up settling it amicably.

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