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Tipping Point for Migrant Relations in Norway ?
(03-03-2016, 03:34 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: You stated an opinion.  You linked an article with a single person's opinion which agreed with your own opinion.  Now if his opinion is the same as your opinion, please explain how your opinion doesn't agree with his opinion?  I await your dissertation with bated breath.

First you answer my questions. 

I will wait with the same breath.
(03-03-2016, 03:30 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: correct.  go find that correct and accurate information elsewhere and it will hold water.  these are things you learn in school, so we won't hold it against you.

I went to high school so....

Now, since you are so smart, you have no problem with telling me how narrow minded it is to disregard information just because you the source is questionable?

I know in the Army, we take all sources of information, no matter how credible.  Even the most unreliable informant has provided credible information.
(03-03-2016, 03:25 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Care to revisit this?

Not really.  But I get the feeling you need to.  So go ahead....

(03-03-2016, 03:25 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Which made me say that suicide was a huge problem with white males.

Pat tried to adjust and say "well, sure it can happen to non-marginalized groups".  

To which I posted the link and data.  Also pointed out how anyone who advocates for whites, who no one wants to listen to, and are mocked and ridiculed.

You only followed up with 2 post that actually supported my stance.  You were mocking and ridiculing.  Which has continued.

First, the premise that white males are most put upon in the US is a lark.  That is what I said to you when I said white men run this country.

Secondly if you think anyone who disagrees with your "ideas" is mocking you then that is on you.  I see nothing wrong with laughing at a joke like that.

If it hurt your feels you are not self reliant enough to post on the internet.  

(03-03-2016, 03:25 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Then you changed tactics to accusing me of "blaming Jews".  Where I never once "blamed" anybody.  Only that Whites aren't the ones in power or control of this country.  I have provided names, Vlad has provided names.  Do yourself a favor, instead of having us provide the names, just look for yourself.  If you don't accept it, then fine, don't.  No one will hate or blame you for not accepting it. 

I didn't change anything.  I responded to your claiming that "the Jews" run everything...not white males.  And even at that I didn't until others had (rightfully) pointed out that "the Jews" are a small percentage of the government.  And even if they are a larger part of the business world they are certainly not marginalizing white males.  Especially when even you claim they will claim to be white if it works out in their favor.

I'm 50% Italian. Most of my mother's side is dark skinned.  Our family line though is very pale.  I couldn't pass for an Italian for money.  But does that mean I am not "white"?  

Are we going to have to check DNA ethnicity of each and every person "in charge" to determine how "white" they really are?  Insanity.

(03-03-2016, 03:25 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: However just because you don't accept it, doesn't mean a person is crazy for accepting it.  So your claim of demonstrably false is not very accurate.

No, it is pretty easy to show how white males dominate in the US.  Your refusal to accept reality and replace it with your own "they're out to get us" is not on me.

(03-03-2016, 03:25 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Now to follow up.  I get you don't like the creator of the image.  You think he is a Wingnut, however, is the information inaccurate?  Instead of attacking the source, you should attack the information if it isn't accurate, and provide your own sources debunking the information.  Prove that there are no Jews / or limited influence in the media. 

It seems that you and a few others here, will just dismiss information just because of the source, and not actually address whether the information is correct or accurate.  Then it is.... "He talks to a guy that believes in Lizard People, so he isn't credible!"

Ok...go back and read what I said about the image.  

(03-03-2016, 12:01 PM)GMDino Wrote: I'm not going to argue the religion of everyone in media.

The (point) made was that white men are the "most" marginalized class in the US.  Which is demonstrably false.

Also, when you link an image like that make sure you cite the source:

So we can see how batshitcrazy the idea is.   Smirk

If "the Jews" are running the media that STILL doesn't show how white males are the most marginalized, ridiculed and mocked group in the US.

It is a fantasy in your mind because not everyone agrees with you.

My ex brother in law is exactly the same way.  I lived with these conversations for years.  Nice guy, but hates everything that isn't white / straight american.  Same guy who hated Tomlin being hired just because he was black.  "White guy never got a fair break when he's up against the black man!"

I'd hate to waste even more time discussing it.  So if you want to feel marginalized in a country that has been led by a white male for all but 7 years of its total existence feel free.  The day we are actually mocked and ridiculed for something legitimate I got your back.  But being laughed at for such a joke of statement isn't that at all.

Rock On
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-03-2016, 03:06 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Exactly.

He is connected, so he obviously believes everything they do.

How do YOU get your information?  I mean, how do you find people that believe in EVERYTHING that you do.  Please share some of your informants.  I wonder if they have some connection to fringe / controversial personalities?  You must also agree with every aspect of what they say.  No matter how distasteful or ridiculous, once you endorse them, you can't backtrack on things that they say or believe in.

Or are you what I have called you in the past?

Crackpots of a feather flock together. If you can dismiss everything in the "MMSM" as liberal brainwashing then I can certainly dismiss a crackpot who hangs and works with two  crackpottier crackpots even if they don't share all the same crackpot ideas. 

I get my information from lots of different sources depending upon the type of information I need. So what information are you asking about?
(03-03-2016, 03:25 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: It seems that you and a few others here, will just dismiss information just because of the source

Which is exactly what you do with the "MMSMs" liberal brainwashing. More cognitive dissonance. 
(03-03-2016, 04:30 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Which is exactly what you do with the "MMSMs" liberal brainwashing. More cognitive dissonance. 

I still read the MMSM, I just read it with a grain of salt. 

Some of it is accurate.  However the slant is usually one way or the other.  I tend to ignore the slant.

For instance the MMSM has portrayed the SOO as a hate group and the Blank Panthers as a just organization that is just defending people of color from us evil whites.

How about both groups being neither good nor bad and that the reasons for both groups are justified and that both groups can and have went over the line.

I would ask you to stop using words you clearly don't know the meaning to, but I know you won't.
(03-03-2016, 03:52 PM)GMDino Wrote: Not really.  But I get the feeling you need to.  So go ahead....

First, the premise that white males are most put upon in the US is a lark.  That is what I said to you when I said white men run this country.

Secondly if you think anyone who disagrees with your "ideas" is mocking you then that is on you.  I see nothing wrong with laughing at a joke like that.

If it hurt your feels you are not self reliant enough to post on the internet.  

Who said anything about hurt feelings?  Oh wait, that was you, so are you projecting?  BTW the thread is about migrant relations in Norway.  So why only focus on the US?  White Males are found in Norway.  Not only that, but the premise set up by Pat was that suicide is a problem for marginalized people.  Looking at the data it looks like White males are the most at risk of suicide.  

I didn't change anything.  I responded to your claiming that "the Jews" run everything...not white males.  And even at that I didn't until others had (rightfully) pointed out that "the Jews" are a small percentage of the government.  And even if they are a larger part of the business world they are certainly not marginalizing white males.  Especially when even you claim they will claim to be white if it works out in their favor.

You claimed that white men run this country.  I have said no, the Jews do.  You went very defensive on this Dino, and asked if I was blaming everything of the Jews.  I have stated that I have not blamed anything on the Jews, only that they are in control in this country.  They are in control of the media and banks and are in roles in the government.  They may not be President, but that doesn't mean they don't have the Presidents ear.

I'm 50% Italian. Most of my mother's side is dark skinned.  Our family line though is very pale.  I couldn't pass for an Italian for money.  But does that mean I am not "white"?  

Are you asking me if you are white?  How should I know?  You are what others perceive you to be.  If you are light skinned and a black man sees you as white, then you are white.  If you tell him you are Italian, then he may change his perception.  This is the same as Jews, a black man will view them as white, based off the color of their skin.  However they will be quick to explain that they aren't white, and that they too have suffered by the hands of whites.

Are we going to have to check DNA ethnicity of each and every person "in charge" to determine how "white" they really are?  Insanity.

No.  I have said to do your own research.  I didn't say the government should do this.  Only that you look at where a person's allegiance lies.

No, it is pretty easy to show how white males dominate in the US.  Your refusal to accept reality and replace it with your own "they're out to get us" is not on me.

Again, the premise is that suicide is a problem for marginalized people.  If white males are the highest at risk of suicide then aren't they marginalized?  I would say so, you say no.  If they are not a marginalized people then original premise is flawed.

Ok...go back and read what I said about the image.  

If "the Jews" are running the media that STILL doesn't show how white males are the most marginalized, ridiculed and mocked group in the US.

Really?  "White cop kills unarmed black teen", doesn't seem as an attack to you?

It is a fantasy in your mind because not everyone agrees with you.

I wouldn't say everyone disagrees with me.  Only certain people.  You are one of those people.

My ex brother in law is exactly the same way.  I lived with these conversations for years.  Nice guy, but hates everything that isn't white / straight american.  Same guy who hated Tomlin being hired just because he was black.  "White guy never got a fair break when he's up against the black man!"

Funny I don't think this at all.  I think that there are cases where the best man doesn't get the opportunity and can be overlooked due to PC policies.  However I don't have a problem with a black man getting the job if he is qualified for it.

I'd hate to waste even more time discussing it.  So if you want to feel marginalized in a country that has been led by a white male for all but 7 years of its total existence feel free.  The day we are actually mocked and ridiculed for something legitimate I got your back.  But being laughed at for such a joke of statement isn't that at all.

LOL.  Again the Presidency means nothing.  This is a nation that has had other people control and shape it for way more than 7 years.  All you have to do is look a little deeper.

Rock On

(03-03-2016, 03:35 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Well, David Duke has said that he doesn't endorse Trump. 

The video just touches up on that David Duke was in the Klan for a brief period of time in his younger days.  He has since went on to renounce the Klan.  In fact he even stated that his chapter of the Klan was non-violent.  Duke has never supported violence against anyone.

However, how has the media portrayed Duke?  Former KKK grand wizard....

Now, the follow up question, which you have been avoiding was about Robert Byrd.  Care to share your thoughts on Mr. Byrd?

I think, "Who the **** is Mr. Byrd?"
(03-03-2016, 03:36 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: First you answer my questions. 

I will wait with the same breath.

You made multiple comments in my quote. I just want to focus on one thing at a time so you don't whine about too many people asking you too many questions. Quid pro quo, Clarice. Look it up. 

Please explain how his opinion agrees with your opinion and your opinion agrees with his opinion, but you think you didn't agree with his opinion. 
(03-03-2016, 05:08 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: ThumbsUp

So you ***** you are being mocked...but claim no one hurt your feelings.

You know "the Jews" are running the country...but you don't know who is white or not.

The rest is you spinning around to say you don't care...except....

Rock On
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-03-2016, 04:47 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: I still read the MMSM, I just read it with a grain of salt. 

Some of it is accurate.  However the slant is usually one way or the other.  I tend to ignore the slant.

For instance the MMSM has portrayed the SOO as a hate group and the Blank Panthers as a just organization that is just defending people of color from us evil whites.

How about both groups being neither good nor bad and that the reasons for both groups are justified and that both groups can and have went over the line.

I would ask you to stop using words you clearly don't know the meaning to, but I know you won't.

You still dismiss it as liberal brainwashing. For example, I've read your bullshit. It's still bullshit. 

Only you can dismiss the MMSM is liberal brainwashing then claim you don't dismiss it as liberal brainwashing because you still read their liberal brainwashing. Too funny. 
(03-03-2016, 05:40 PM)GMDino Wrote: So you ***** you are being mocked...but claim no one hurt your feelings.

You know "the Jews" are running the country...but you don't know who is white or not.

The rest is you spinning around to say you don't care...except....

Rock On

No, I am pointing out that mockery happens and you did just that.

Not bitching as you put it.  Just pointing out the proof of the claim.  Now if I said it and you didn't say anything at all, then I wouldn't have had any immediate proof.

However you supplied the proof immediately.  It wasn't bitching as much as saying "See, told ya!"  Surely you know the difference.
(03-03-2016, 06:14 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: You still dismiss it as liberal brainwashing. For example, I've read your bullshit. It's still bullshit. 

Only you can dismiss the MMSM is liberal brainwashing then claim you don't dismiss it as liberal brainwashing because you still read their liberal brainwashing. Too funny. 

You aren't very bright are you?  No need to answer, I already know.

Propaganda is a very powerful tool.  It was used in every war.  COIN or COIN-OP is a favorite to win the hearts and minds.

So you can read articles, but again, you should be on guard for the slant.  The slant is what can lead you to the same conclusion that the article wants you to have.  It is easier to accept if you have been conditioned to accept it.  Some people are harder to condition then others.

Of course you know all of this, right?
(03-03-2016, 05:30 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: You made multiple comments in my quote. I just want to focus on one thing at a time so you don't whine about too many people asking you too many questions. Quid pro quo, Clarice. Look it up. 

Please explain how his opinion agrees with your opinion and your opinion agrees with his opinion, but you think you didn't agree with his opinion. 

Let's see... I will try to use small words so you don't get confused.

I said that Jewish people set themselves a part from the host nation.  No matter how long they live in a nation, they still hold their Jewish heritage and do so with a badge of honor.  Note:  There is nothing wrong with this. 

Instead of just taking my word for it.  I decided to post an article that had the opinion of a Jewish man.  The article, even though it is an opinion, still supports the stance that Jews themselves are the ones that set the distinction of being Jewish. 

Now, do I think a Jewish person is not white?  No.  I think they are white.  However this man's article as well as the claims that I have heard from many Jewish men and women are that they are different.

I am sure you are confused.  It isn't really that hard, but there are people that can't grasp simple things.
(03-03-2016, 05:19 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I think, "Who the **** is Mr. Byrd?"

Well the video I originally posted, goes into some details about Byrd.  You are more than welcome to educate yourself.

It is from Stefan Molyneux, I am not aware of him being a White Supremacist, but he may have spoken with one at some time in his life.  Could be a closet racist.
(03-04-2016, 01:26 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: You aren't very bright are you?  No need to answer, I already know.

Propaganda is a very powerful tool.  It was used in every war.  COIN or COIN-OP is a favorite to win the hearts and minds.

So you can read articles, but again, you should be on guard for the slant.  The slant is what can lead you to the same conclusion that the article wants you to have.  It is easier to accept if you have been conditioned to accept it.  Some people are harder to condition then others.

Of course you know all of this, right?

So you're claiming you're not dismissing it as liberal brainwashing while simultaneously dismissing it as liberal brainwashing?
(03-04-2016, 01:38 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Let's see... I will try to use small words so you don't get confused.

I said that Jewish people set themselves a part from the host nation.  No matter how long they live in a nation, they still hold their Jewish heritage and do so with a badge of honor.  Note:  There is nothing wrong with this. 

Instead of just taking my word for it.  I decided to post an article that had the opinion of a Jewish man.  The article, even though it is an opinion, still supports the stance that Jews themselves are the ones that set the distinction of being Jewish. 

Now, do I think a Jewish person is not white?  No.  I think they are white.  However this man's article as well as the claims that I have heard from many Jewish men and women are that they are different.

I am sure you are confused.  It isn't really that hard, but there are people that can't grasp simple things.

You claimed white men don't run this country, Jews do. Did you ask any of them if they are white or Jewish. No. Your opinion is a stereotype based upon bigotry born out of delusions of persecution. 

Michael Bloomberg didn't tell me he was Jewish and not white. You told me. 

I read another article from the same site and the author disagreed with the article you cited. But, we need to be aware of the slant, right?  I am aware of your slant. 
(03-04-2016, 01:45 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Well the video I originally posted, goes into some details about Byrd.  You are more than welcome to educate yourself.

It is from Stefan Molyneux, I am not aware of him being a White Supremacist, but he may have spoken with one at some time in his life.  Could be a closet racist.

Surprisingly, I'm no more interested in who the **** Mr. Byrd is than before. 
(03-04-2016, 03:12 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Surprisingly, I'm no more interested in who the **** Mr. Byrd is than before. 

Not surprisingly you still only see what you want to see.
(03-04-2016, 03:05 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: You claimed white men don't run this country, Jews do. Did you ask any of them if they are white or Jewish. No. Your opinion is a stereotype based upon bigotry born out of delusions of persecution. 

Michael Bloomberg didn't tell me he was Jewish and not white. You told me. 

I read another article from the same site and the author disagreed with the article you cited. But, we need to be aware of the slant, right?  I am aware of your slant. 

Well, Jews do run this country.

As to bigotry, I will let you be the moral compass and guidance on how to be tolerant.  After all everyone knows how "tolerant" you are.

If you had a conversation with Bloomberg guess what he would tell you?  Yep, he would tell you he is Jewish.  There isn't anything wrong with him being Jewish.  You seem to think I think there is something wrong with it.  Which isn't surprising that you aren't a good thinker.

All of this projection, a hatred of whites and Americans, that you want to throw onto me.  Such a shame. 

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