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Trump Tower Funded by Rich Chinese Who Invest Cash for Visas

Quote:Throughout his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has attacked China and warned about the dangers of deficient immigrant screening.

"They’ve taken our jobs, they’ve taken our money, they’ve taken everything," he said of China in a speech late last month.

He has called for a revamping, even a freezing, of the immigration system, but says he would make an exception for the highly skilled.

Yet no skills are required of the wealthy Chinese being courted by a Chinese-subtitled video to help finance a huge Trump-branded tower in New Jersey. The video leads viewers behind the wheel of a car into Jersey City with scenes of the tower, all to the tune of the theme song from The Sopranos, "Woke Up This Morning."

The video was produced to help raise tens of millions of dollars through a controversial government program that offers expedited visas to foreign investors overwhelmingly from China. While the program has many supporters who argue it attracts foreign capital and creates jobs at no U.S. taxpayer cost, congressional overseers and Homeland Security have raised sharp concerns. Applicants are sometimes cleared in less than a month and the critics say the government is essentially selling visas to wealthy foreigners with no proven skills, paving the way for money laundering and compromising national security.

Trump Bay Street is a 50-story luxury rental apartment building being built by Kushner Companies, whose chief executive officer, Jared Kushner, is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka. It will have an outdoor pool, indoor golf simulator and sweeping views of Lower Manhattan; it adjoins an existing high rise condo, Trump Plaza Residence. The firm that was hired to seek investors, US Immigration Fund, is run by Florida developer Nicholas Mastroianni, who announced a partnership last year with a Trump golf course in Jupiter, Florida.

The visa program is known as EB-5. In exchange for investing at least $500,000 in a project promising to create jobs, foreigners receive a two-year visa with a good chance of obtaining permanent residency for them and their families. In 2014, the most recent year for which records are available, the U.S. issued 10,692 of these visas -- 85% to people from China.

The Jersey City project has raised $50 million, about a quarter of its funding, from loans obtained through EB-5, according to a slide presentation by US Immigration Fund. Mark Giresi, general counsel of US Immigration Fund, said he believed nearly all of the EB-5 investors in the Trump project were from China.

Asked for a comment for this article, a Trump spokeswoman said by email, "This was a highly successful license deal but he is not a partner in the financing of the development." She did not respond to questions about EB-5. A Kushner spokeswoman said the project was entirely legal and creating jobs.

Verifying Source of Funds

The Government Accountability Office, the investigative branch of Congress, found last year in a general report about the EB-5 program that many applications contained a high risk of fraud, and discovered cases of counterfeit documentation.

State Department officials told the GAO that there is “no reliable method to verify the source of the funds of petitioners.”

Giresi of US Immigration Fund says his firm uses “very stringent compliance programs” with a “great amount of due diligence” to look into the background of prospective investors, including hiring private investigators.

Senator Charles Grassley, a Republican who is chairman of the judiciary committee, last month cited a memo from Homeland Security saying that EB-5 visa holders do not clear the same hurdles as other immigrants, like proof of education and work qualifications. Senator Patrick Leahy, a Vermont Democrat, said at the hearing that while he has supported EB-5 over the years, "If the program is to continue, it must be reformed."

Last spring, a Homeland Security special agent testified that EB-5 applicants from China, Russia, Pakistan and Malaysia "had been approved in as little as 16 days, with files lacking basic law enforcement queries." And a report last year by the

Department of Homeland Security Inspector General found politically connected participants may have received favorable treatment, citing projects involving Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe and Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham.

A spokesman for Governor McAuliffe said the report demonstrates that he, “along with many other bipartisan individuals and businesses," asked Homeland Security "to fulfill its obligation to adjudicate the applications that were before them in a timely fashion.”

Rodham said in a phone interview that his interaction with Homeland Security was appropriate.

High-Profile Developments

The visa program was intended to create jobs in economically distressed areas but has often turned into a source of financing for high-profile developments in prosperous neighborhoods, such as Brooklyn’s Barclays Center and Manhattan’s Hudson Yards. Audrey Singer, a Brookings fellow, says data collected through the program makes it impossible to track how many jobs get created.

Visas have become an issue in the Trump campaign although he hasn’t addressed the EB-5 program. He has acknowledged using temporary visas for workers at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida. He says he wants to eliminate what he calls "rampant, widespread" abuse of temporary visas for skilled workers and is committed to "institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program."

Trump himself has built few buildings in the past two decades. Instead, developers who want to use the name pay him a licensing fee. A Kushner spokeswoman, Risa Heller, declined to comment on the specific arrangement in Jersey City with Trump’s son-in-law. She said, "The money was raised lawfully by the US Immigration Fund consistent with all the requirements of EB-5. This program enabled a development that created hundreds of new jobs in an area with employment needs.”

Kushner Companies is a New Jersey-based real estate firm built by Kushner’s father Charles, a former rainmaker in New Jersey Democratic politics who pleaded guilty to a federal campaign finance violation, filing false tax returns as well as attempts to silence a witness. Charles was sentenced in 2005 to a prison term of two years. He remains active in the company. Jersey City is the first and, so far, only Trump project for the company.

The Trump building, barely a 5-minute train ride from Lower Manhattan, is located in Jersey City’s Powerhouse district, the site of numerous new high rises and other new construction and renovation. The pale yellow tower is expected to be completed this summer.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Yeah, but everybody knows what you say is more important than what you do. Ninja
Trump cusses them and they still build his tower.

How can anyone doubt he'll get Mexico to build the wall ?

(03-08-2016, 11:23 PM)GMDino Wrote: Trump himself has built few buildings in the past two decades. Instead, developers who want to use the name pay him a licensing fee.

This is a really good point I've tried to make, but didn't know the extent of it.

The "genius" businessman has primarily just been slapping his name on a project, for a large fee, for a long time.  See, even his business lacks substance.


And he and his families name is on a bunch of Chinese made products.

He is supposedly a billionaire business guru that will be the best ever at everything , especially taking jobs back from China. But it is too hard for him to make stuff in America. And sell products with the good ol made in the USA label.

Eat Shit Drumpf. I hope that dress shirt chokes you out for good.

Pisses me off people are voting for this dude that knows nothing about being a middle class American. I hope this country wakes up.
I was gonna post this last night but fell asleep. This is ridiculous, another example of why we need drastic immigration overhaul.
(03-09-2016, 06:38 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I was gonna post this last night but fell asleep.    This is ridiculous, another example of why we need drastic immigration overhaul.

Well, you know, the problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money.

Seems like this is an alternative to import rich people and keep the gravy train rollin'.

Trump doesn't own most of the 'Trump' products he bragged about this week

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

Quote:So last week Mitt Romney mocked Donald Trump as a failed businessman, rattling off a string of Trump-branded ventures you may or may not remember:

"And whatever happened to Trump Airlines? How about Trump University?,” Romney said. “And then there’s Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka and Trump Steaks, and Trump Mortgage? A business genius he is not.”

At his press conference Tuesday night, Trump stood next to a table laden with Trump goods including raw steaks, wine and bottled water. After winning two states' primaries that night, the businessman launched into a defense of his many eponymous products.

"I have very successful companies,” Trump said from inside the Trump National Golf Club inJupiter, Fla.

Except, as NPR found, Trump doesn’t own most of the products he flaunted Tuesday night. And some haven’t been available for years.
The Trump steaks presented at the event, which the candidate said cost “about, what, 50 bucks a steak,” were not actually a Trump brand but instead looked to come from a company called “Bush Brothers” (heh heh).

In fact, Sharper Image, through which Trump steaks were sold, lists them as “no longer available.”

A similar scenario seemed to repeat itself with other products Trump flaunted that night, NPR noted:
  • Trump Wine, which Trump claimed he owned “100%, no mortgage, no debt” claims on its website that it’s “not owned, managed or affiliated with Donald J. Trump” but is instead registered to Trump’s son, Eric.
  • Trump Magazine, which Trump recalled reading earlier this week, went out of circulationin 2009.
  • Labels on Trump Water, “a private little water company,” per Trump, say they’re bottled by Village Springs Corporation out of Connecticut.
  • The candidate admitted he no longer owned a Trump Airline, which he said he sold in “a phenomenal deal.” According to NBC News, it defaulted after too much debt and was bought by USAir.
"So I wanted to put that to rest: So you have the water, you have the steaks, you have the airline that I sold. I mean, what's wrong with selling?" he said.

Learn more about Trump's branded products at NPR.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-09-2016, 06:45 PM)GMDino Wrote: Trump doesn't own most of the 'Trump' products he bragged about this week

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

But the uneducated, who he loves, eat it up. And don't care about these pesky facts.

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