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False Accusations of a Hate Crime
If you make a false hate crime claim should you not be subject to similar punishment . I can see if it's close but if they find out it's a blatant fabrication then shouldn't that accuser face heavy punishment.

Similar case just happened in England .

Quote:An 18-year-old Muslim woman from Birmingham, England — a hotspot for Muslim immigrants — has been fined £90 (approximately $130 USD) for lying to the police and claiming that she had been punched in the face for wearing a hijab.

She initially said she “was hit by a man wearing a grey-hooded top ten days on November 23 - 10 days after the Paris terror attacks,” reports The Mirror (UK), “The teenager, known only as Miss Choudhury, went to police, who treated the allegation as a ‘hate crime’.”

After she leveled charges against the mysterious “grey-hooded” man, police went on a wild goose chase, spending valuable time and resources investigating the supposed “hate crime.” Ultimately, the police determined that no crime had been committed; the Muslim teenager was lying.

“Detectives spent countless hours looking through footage from the network of city centre CCTV cameras in a bid to piece together what happened,” stated Superintendent Andy Parsons. “The footage shows her walking normally along New Street. At no stage does she appear in distress or seen reacting to anything, there is no evidence she was physically assaulted and she was given a penalty notice for wasting police time.”

Parsons made a point of doubling down on his city’s commitment to “multiculturalism” adding:

Hate crimes are taken very seriously: Birmingham is a multicultural city and everyone should be free to go about their lives without fear of being verbally or physically abused simply because of who they are.

But lying to the police is a serious offence – it can divert crucial police resources away from investigating real crimes and helping true victims – and will lead to a fine, caution or potentially a jail term for perverting the course of justice.

Here’s what Miss Choudhury told the Birmingham Mail before police concluded their investigation:

I feel shocked and really scared that someone could attack you for no reason.

I don’t feel safe at all now. I was walking to the train station to meet some friends when someone shoved me from behind.

When I turned around he punched me in the face and then just went off. I was really upset afterwards.

I can only think it was because he saw my hijab as he didn’t take my bag or anything.

I’ve lived in Birmingham all my life and I’ve never experienced something like this before.

Unfortunately, incidents like these will do little to stop the Left from propping up the narrative of "rampant Islamophobia" as one of the biggest crises of our generation. That’s why we’re beginning to see more and more false allegations from accusers hoping to leverage the baseless moral weight of victimization against common-sense policies to combat radical Islam.

Regardless of the evidence to the contrary, the Left will continue to stubbornly downplay the very real problem of anti-Semitism, usually perpetrated by Muslim immigrants, in favor of overplaying the Islamophobia card.
I agree 100% that a false report of any sort should be a crime. and it is everywhere I know. But what i don't understand is what the last two sentences of the story have to do with what happened

"Unfortunately, incidents like these will do little to stop the Left from propping up the narrative of "rampant Islamophobia" as one of the biggest crises of our generation. That’s why we’re beginning to see more and more false allegations from accusers hoping to leverage the baseless moral weight of victimization against common-sense policies to combat radical Islam.

Regardless of the evidence to the contrary, the Left will continue to stubbornly downplay the very real problem of anti-Semitism, usually perpetrated by Muslim immigrants, in favor of overplaying the Islamophobia card."

The fact that a woman was convicted of lying to the police has zero to do with the lefts position on anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. You have also posted stories about people making false claims of hate crimes committed by Muslims against Europeans. (The girl who claimed she was raped by a group of Muslim men) So I don't know what you are trying to say here.
(03-20-2016, 07:17 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I agree 100% that a false report of any sort should be a crime.  and it is everywhere I know.  But what i don't understand is what the last two sentences of the story have to do with what happened

"Unfortunately, incidents like these will do little to stop the Left from propping up the narrative of "rampant Islamophobia" as one of the biggest crises of our generation. That’s why we’re beginning to see more and more false allegations from accusers hoping to leverage the baseless moral weight of victimization against common-sense policies to combat radical Islam.

Regardless of the evidence to the contrary, the Left will continue to stubbornly downplay the very real problem of anti-Semitism, usually perpetrated by Muslim immigrants, in favor of overplaying the Islamophobia card."

The fact that a woman was convicted of lying to the police has zero to do with the lefts position on anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.  You have also posted stories about people making false claims of hate crimes committed by Muslims against Europeans. (The girl who claimed she was raped by a group of Muslim men) So I don't know what you are trying to say here.

[Image: Migrants.jpg]
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-20-2016, 07:17 PM)fredtoast Wrote: TI agree 100% that a false report of any sort should be a crime.  and it is everywhere I know.  But what i don't understand is what the last two sentences of the story have to do with what happened

"Unfortunately, incidents like these will do little to stop the Left from propping up the narrative of "rampant Islamophobia" as one of the biggest crises of our generation. That’s why we’re beginning to see more and more false allegations from accusers hoping to leverage the baseless moral weight of victimization against common-sense policies to combat radical Islam.

Regardless of the evidence to the contrary, the Left will continue to stubbornly downplay the very real problem of anti-Semitism, usually perpetrated by Muslim immigrants, in favor of overplaying the Islamophobia card."

The fact that a woman was convicted of lying to the police has zero to do with the lefts position on anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.  You have also posted stories about people making false claims of hate crimes committed by Muslims against Europeans. (The girl who claimed she was raped by a group of Muslim men) So I don't know what you are trying to say here.

Fake accusation about rape isn't what we are talking about here.    It's not a hate crime to rape anyone.  
(03-20-2016, 07:29 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Fake accusation about rape isn't what we are talking about here.    It's not a hate crime to rape anyone.  

What we are talking about is false claims with the intent of effecting public perception of a race of people.

So they are exactly the same.  This is not about semantics.  This is about the issue of telling lies to stir up hatred toward a race of people.  And all of your right wing sources were all over the lie the girl told about being raped and using it specifically to make a political point. 
(03-20-2016, 07:33 PM)fredtoast Wrote: What we are talking about is false claims with the intent of effecting public perception of a race of people.

So they are exactly the same.  This is not about semantics.  This is about the issue of telling lies to stir up hatred toward a race of people.  And all of your right wing sources were all over the lie the girl told about being raped and using it specifically to make a political point. 

Yeah but the problem is that the New Years Muslim rape fest happened plus all the countless sexual assaults in the mean time.     So the one claim doesn't really hold much water 

Besides to get back on topic. If we punished all claims that didn't result in a crime then people would be hesitant to accuse anyone. Not sure that's how things are supposed to go. But then again? I'm not the lawyer
(03-20-2016, 07:35 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Besides to get back on topic.    If we punished all claims that didn't result in a crime then people would be hesitant to accuse anyone.   Not sure that's how things are supposed to go. But then again? I'm not the lawyer

Again, this is what almost always happens and everyone agrees with it.

Don 't know if they punished the girl who filed the false rape claim but we all agree she should be punished just like the one in this story, rigth?
(03-20-2016, 07:35 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Yeah but the problem is that the New Years Muslim rape fest happened 

Actually there was no "rape fest".  That is just a term from the rignt wing echo chamber where you get all your info.

There was improper contact, and that is never okay.  But there were not "rapes".  Plus not all of the perpetrators were immigrants and/or Muslim.
(03-20-2016, 07:58 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Actually there was no "rape fest".  That is just a term from the rignt wing echo chamber where you get all your info.

There was improper contact, and that is never okay.  But there were not "rapes".  Plus not all of the perpetrators were immigrants and/or Muslim.

Define a rape fest.    Maybe you have a different definition.    Would you feel better if I said A sexual assault fest? 
(03-20-2016, 07:35 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Yeah but the problem is that the New Years Muslim rape fest happened plus all the countless sexual assaults in the mean time.     So the one claim doesn't really hold much water 

There have also been hundreds of acts of violence against immigrants and the stabbing of Henrietta Recker by an anti-immigrant extremist.

So does that mean this "one false claim" in your story does not "hold much water"?
(03-20-2016, 08:01 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Define a rape fest.    Maybe you have a different definition.    Would you feel better if I said A sexual assault fest? 

Yes, I prefer facts instead of lies that serve as inflammatory rhetoric.

Why don't you?

Why do you feel you have to resort to lies to prove your point?
(03-20-2016, 08:03 PM)fredtoast Wrote: There have also been hundreds of acts of violence against immigrants and the stabbing of Henrietta Recker by an anti-immigrant extremist.

So does that mean this "one false claim" in your story does not "hold much water"?

Any reasonable person can see these migrants are the problem wherever they go.   Actually the funny part is they are now going to be coming to Michigan.  As if that poor state doesn't have enough problems already.   

(03-20-2016, 08:06 PM)fredtoast Wrote: G
Yes, I prefer facts instead of lies that serve as inflammatory rhetoric.

Why don't you?

Why do you feel you have to resort to lies to prove your point?

When I look down the list of calls by the cologne police that night and all I see are loads of sexual assault/rape calls then what else am I suppose to think?  
Maybe the author of the story is saying that because of this one woman/girl lied about being assaulted, there are many more out there who claim that they are being targeted as well even though they aren't which in turn stirs the Left up about Islamaphobia.

But we all know that the Left needs no such claims because the Left will scream "ISLAMAPHOBIA!!!" if someone...anyone says "Maybe we should check those out coming from the Middle East before letting them into our country."

Or they scream "RACISM!!!" if someone says that "Those here illegally should be sent back home to their own countries and get in line like everyone else."
(03-20-2016, 08:10 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: When I look down the list of calls by the cologne police that night and all I see are loads of sexual assault/rape calls then what else am I suppose to think?  

I don't know.  I have not seen the calls.  All I have read is what the police and victims reported to the media about what actually happened.

And as hot as the right win is to spin everything into rhetoric I am sure I would have seen reports of rape if they were legit.  

Post the link and I will give you a better explanation.
(03-20-2016, 08:23 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: Maybe the author of the story is saying that because of this one woman/girl lied about being assaulted, there are many more out there who claim that they are being targeted as well even though they aren't which in turn stirs the Left up about Islamaphobia.

But we all know that the Left needs no such claims because the Left will scream "ISLAMAPHOBIA!!!" if someone...anyone says "Maybe we should check those out coming from the Middle East before letting them into our country."

Or they scream "RACISM!!!" if someone says that "Those here illegally should be sent back home to their own countries and get in line like everyone else."

It is bullshit like this that makes political discussions so difficult around here.  These are just strawmen arguments.  I am as liberal as anyone here and I know lots of other people on the left.  neither one of those comments is true at all.

There is no liberal I know who ever said we should not "check out" immigrants form Syria.  That is a lie from the right wing echo chamber.  The fact is that the UNited States "checks out" every single immigrant we allow into this country, and no liberal objects to this.  It is sad that so many people on the right do not even know this fact.

And the "RACISM" claim is even more specious.  The proof in this is that liberals know that there are many illegals here that are white.  Only people in the right-wing echo chamber believe that every single illegal immigrant here is of a different race.
(03-20-2016, 08:50 PM)fredtoast Wrote: It is bullshit like this that makes political discussions so difficult around here.  These are just strawmen arguments.  I am as liberal as anyone here and I know lots of other people on the left.  neither one of those comments is true at all.

There is no liberal I know who ever said we should not "check out" immigrants form Syria.  That is a lie from the right wing echo chamber.  The fact is that the UNited States "checks out" every single immigrant we allow into this country, and no liberal objects to this.  It is sad that so many people on the right do not even know this fact.

And the "RACISM" claim is even more specious.  The proof in this is that liberals know that there are many illegals here that are white.  Only people in the right-wing echo chamber believe that every single illegal immigrant here is of a different race.

What did Donald Trump say? That he wants a ban on all Muslim immigrants until we can figure out what's going on or something like that and everyone is calling him a racist. What I find funny is that you and everyone will say that it's a racist quote but it's not. Talk about the "Echo Chamber", lol.

As for "White people" here illegally, you think that because they are white I think they should be allowed to stay? Not on your life, they are here illegally and need to go to the back of the line. Again, another "Echo Chamber" talking point from you.

Wait, now you are going to say I'm repeating what I heard in the "Echo Chamber" and I'm a "Racist Islamaphobe" right? Lol.
(03-20-2016, 09:07 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: What did Donald Trump say? That he wants a ban on all Muslim immigrants until we can figure out what's going on or something like that and everyone is calling him a racist. What I find funny is that you and everyone will say that it's a racist quote but it's not.

Wrong again.

We call trump racists because he made claims like these.  Most of them are blatant lies designed to stir racial hatred..  .  .  

"16% of whites are killed by whites.  81% of whites are killed by blacks."

"Almost all illegal Hispanic immigrants are disease ridden criminals and rapist."

"I have no idea who David Duke is."

He also supports having all Muslims, even natural born U.S citizens, register with the government.  He supports unlimited surveillance and even warrantless searches of Mosques.  He basically says that an entire religion should be denied the rights of other U.S. citizens.

Some of his lies are clearly attempts to make Christians angry at Muslims, like the claim that Syrian Muslims were all being allowed into the United States while Syrian Christian were being denied entry.  there is not a shred of truth to that claim.  there is no other possible motive that to make Christian resent Muslims.

I don't know what your source of information is, but it clearly is only giving you a very very small portion of the story, and only the pert that fits your ideology.
(03-20-2016, 09:07 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: As for "White people" here illegally, you think that because they are white I think they should be allowed to stay?

Then why is every single comment Trump makes about immigration directed at Hispanics?  If he is really concerned about "immigration" instead of "race" why doesn't he ever mention anything about illegal white immigrants?
Hell you don't have to go out side the country to find these made up Hate Crimes. There is the recent story of the 3 black females that asserted they were victims of hate crimes in a bus:

It looks like they were the aggressors and struck a white 19 year old female. of course this story hasn't gotten a lot of traction, well because the victim was white.

But at least Hillary (your Abuela) had their backs.
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