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Proof of evolution that you can find on your body
(03-22-2016, 12:01 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: Hmmm....Me thinks you may not fully understand what I said....But I say go with it.  Just do us all a favor and get your cellphone out and record that conversation.

I wasn't mocking you.  Just seemed like something I could try.  
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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(03-22-2016, 06:49 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Oh, I know.  I was just playing on the words a bit.

The person stated that Evolution is as much a theory as Gravity is.

Last I checked, it is called the Law of Gravity, not Theory of Gravity.

So it was a bit of a play there.

I guess you have never heard of the theory of Gravity then.
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(03-21-2016, 11:15 PM)bfine32 Wrote: What is the origin of life from which we have evolved?

Look up the theory of abiogenesis.
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(03-22-2016, 12:12 PM)michaelsean Wrote: I wasn't mocking you.  Just seemed like something I could try.  

I know.....I just really want to see that video... Cool
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(03-22-2016, 10:15 AM)bfine32 Wrote: You might want to raise Robots; everyone does not.

Giving your children clear directions they can follow = raising robots? How about giving your children unclear directions that result in them never knowing what's true = irresponsible parenting?
(03-22-2016, 10:16 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Sounds like an "evolutionist trick". Where did these molecules come from?

(03-22-2016, 10:35 AM)bfine32 Wrote: We had to evolve from something didn't we? perhaps it comes up everytime because they are related.

it seems everytime (yes every time) we discuss abortion a women's rights comes up.

This is where you fall off the discussion every single time. Evolution does not exclude the possibility of a higher power. Evolution does not adress how life arose. It simply lays out how life has proceeded since it arose. The other thing you consistently do is try to make your point by trying to shoot down evolution instead of presenting any tangible evidence at all to support creationism. Try sticking to the topic/evidence and providing something as evidence that shows things like a tailbone and vestigal ear muscles do not point to humans evolving.

(03-22-2016, 10:42 AM)bfine32 Wrote: There's also this part you left out:

 A theory may become obsolete with time and be replaced by a better one. A law, however, is a universally observable fact. It is undeniable and never fades away with the stretch of time.

Read more: Difference Between Theory and Law | Difference Between | Theory vs Law

It's an old "evolutionist trick" to make folks believe a Theory is more scientifically sound than a Law.

Where you're wrong is your definition of soundness. You are trying to imply the fact that an old theory may be modified or replaced is a weakness. It is actually one of the strengths of science. Science is willing to change in the face of new evidence. The same cannot be said about religion. As humanity advances and invents new tools with which to conduct research and investigations, new discoveries are inevitable. We can see and find things now that previous generations could not. The fact of incorporating new, previously unavailable evidence into older models is a good thing.

Theories offer explanations, laws do not. Both have a place and function within the scope of scientific investigation. Too bad religion cannot be open minded to incorporating new evidence as it becomes available. Sticking with the flat Earth model would look pretty silly in science right about now. Maybe religion should take its cue from science and modify some of its obviously outdated concepts also.
(03-22-2016, 11:59 AM)michaelsean Wrote: I'm using that next time I get pulled over.  "Look there is a law of speeding, but there is also a theory of speeding, and if you write that ticket you may as well stamp 'moron' across your forehead."

And that will go over just as well as saying "I'm speeding because god told me to speed". Let us know how that turns out for you.
(03-22-2016, 12:26 PM)Beaker Wrote: And that will go over just as well as saying "I'm speeding because god told me to speed". Let us know how that turns out for you.

I think James Brown beat him to that one.
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(03-22-2016, 12:23 PM)Beaker Wrote: Giving your children clear directions they can follow = raising robots? How about giving your children unclear directions that result in them never knowing what's true = irresponsible parenting?

This is where you fall off the discussion every single time. Evolution does not exclude the possibility of a higher power. Evolution does not adress how life arose. It simply lays out how life has proceeded since it arose. The other thing you consistently do is try to make your point by trying to shoot down evolution instead of presenting any tangible evidence at all to support creationism. Try sticking to the topic/evidence and providing something as evidence that shows things like a tailbone and vestigal ear muscles do not point to humans evolving.

Where you're wrong is your definition of soundness. You are trying to imply the fact that an old theory may be modified or replaced is a weakness. It is actually one of the strengths of science. Science is willing to change in the face of new evidence. The same cannot be said about religion. As humanity advances and invents new tools with which to conduct research and investigations, new discoveries are inevitable. We can see and find things now that previous generations could not. The fact of incorporating new, previously unavailable evidence into older models is a good thing.

Theories offer explanations, laws do not. Both have a place and function within the scope of scientific investigation. Too bad religion cannot be open minded to incorporating new evidence as it becomes available. Sticking with the flat Earth model would look pretty silly in science right about now. Maybe religion should take its cue from science and modify some of its obviously outdated concepts also.

The Bible mentioned a round earth long before science did. So there is that.
As to the rest; I've never disputed that man evolved from a lesser developed man. My mere contention is that man did not evolve from a rock that turned into a fish that learned to breathe air, learned to walk, learned to fly, stopped flying, and became a man. The biggest issue with the Theory of Evolution is that it cannot account for "jumps" in time.
I think where you fall off the rails is suggested that certain religious beliefs are "outdated". I have pointed out before how the story of creation pretty much mirrors the theories of evolution of the universe and man. It is also funny that 6,000 years later quotes can be found in the Bible that directly refute the cynicism of modern man. The "modification" as you call it comes from your personal relationship.Funny how you point to a strength of science and consider that exact thing a weakness in religion, because it is wrong if not black and white.  
As far as the simple instructions given: What is ambiguous about "Don't eat from that tree?". God tried that and discovered man was of freewill, so he gave some more instructions and found out that man didn't always follow them. So he brought down his son and said at least do this one thing and I will forgive your inability to abide by certain rules. Who knows maybe he will modify it again in the future as he loves his children even though they can be unruly at times.

Salvation is a Law; there are a number of Theories as to how to obtain it.
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(03-22-2016, 12:17 PM)Brownshoe Wrote: Look up the theory of abiogenesis.

I am aware of the theory of abiogenesis. Thanks for bringing it up to demonstarte how little proof is required to form a theory.
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(03-22-2016, 12:59 PM)bfine32 Wrote: The Bible mentioned a round earth long before science did. So there is that.
As to the rest; I've never disputed that man evolved from a lesser developed man. My mere contention is that man did not evolve from a rock that turned into a fish ....

And no one else has ever said that is what happened.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-22-2016, 01:01 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I am aware of the theory of abiogenesis. Thanks for bringing it up to demonstarte how little proof is required to form a theory.

You apparently aren't very knowledgeable about the theory then. You should look up the Miller Urey experiment
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(03-22-2016, 01:17 PM)GMDino Wrote: And no one else has ever said that is what happened.

Sure they have. Done so in this very thread
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(03-22-2016, 01:21 PM)Brownshoe Wrote: You apparently aren't very knowledgeable about the theory then. You should look up the Miller Urey experiment

Sure I am; do you want me to give you names and studies to refute it. It is a topic of contention in the Scientific community. Just happy you posted it as an example of a Theory and how it differs from something unuversally accepted.  
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(03-22-2016, 01:30 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Sure they have. Done so in this very thread

In this thread someone, other than you, said man evolved from a rock?

I didn't think there could be two that.

Edit: Nope. Checked for "rock" and got the only posts were the ones I responded too.

Plus one about throwing a rock back when the topic was how we are losing our hearing due to evolution when we are not and that was never said except byt the guy who wanted to know why that helps. Mellow
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-22-2016, 12:12 PM)Brownshoe Wrote: I guess you have never heard of the theory of Gravity then.

Actually I have. From the Flat Earth people. They claim gravity hasn't been proven

Before anyone makes the erroneous conclusion that I support flat earthers, I don't, I am just answering the question and where I heard it from. 
I see this thread has come a long way since the first page. I think the misunderstanding from that first page comes primarily from a belief that evolution has primarily occurred in the last 200 years when in reality a lot of these traits were lost well before the first ***** sapiens walked the Earth 200,000 years ago. The first hominid to no longer need this ability most likely existed millions of years ago.

As we evolved to stand on two feet, we were able to stand above tall grasses and see more. We no longer have to rely on hearing, a function far more important in animals who are not able to see as far. We also became more intelligent and capable of using tools and weapons to defend ourselves from animals that once were our predators. Really smart social animals who can use tools don't need a lot of the natural defenses.
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(03-22-2016, 12:59 PM)bfine32 Wrote: The Bible mentioned a round earth long before science did. So there is that.

Sorry had to get back to this one.

One passage mentions the earth being a circle.

Quote:The passage saying the earth is round is Isaiah 40:22:

Quote:He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.
From the same link:
  1. This passage may reasonably be interpreted as referring to a flat circular earth with the heavens forming a dome above it. Such an interpretation is consistent with other passages of the Bible which refer to a solid firmament (Gen. 1:6-20, 7:11; Ezekiel 1:22-26; Job 9:8, 22:14, etc.). It is also consistent with the cosmology common in neighboring cultures. 

    Isaiah 11:12 refers to the "four quarters of the earth", but we do not take that as indicative of the earth's shape. 
  2. The shape of the earth may already have been known in Isaiah's time. Ancient astronomers could determine that the earth was round by observing its circular shadow move across the moon during lunar eclipses. There is some suggestion that the Egyptians knew of the earth's spherical size and shape around 2550 B.C.E. (more than a thousand years before Moses). The Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who was born in 532 B.C.E., defended the spherical theory on the basis of observations he had made of the shape of the sun and moon (Uotila 1984). If this information was known by educated Greeks and Egyptians during biblical times, its use by Isaiah is nothing special.
Not that flat Earth theory had not already started to crumble by the time of the great Greek philosophers...but enough with the line that the bible mentioned it "long before" science did.  That is the mere repeating of a belief...not necessarily a truthful statement.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-22-2016, 12:59 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Salvation is a Law; there are a number of Theories as to how to obtain it.

Salvation is a myth. The concept of sin was put in place merely as a tactic of fear. Don't come to church...youre going to burn in hell. Dont tithe at least 10% of your earnings...youre going to burn in hell. Dont believe what the church tells you...youre going to burn in hell. The bible was written by man to control other men. Where do you think all the money came to build all the elaborate cathedral in Europe? From the masses who gave out of fear. Religion is the most devisive paradigm on the planet. It served a purpose as a way to explain things when humans were more naive. It no longer serves that purpose. I hate to break it to you, but when I die, I will end up in exactly the same place where you will be after you are dead.

And you continue to post ridiculous statements like saying it means man came from a rock. Again, still waiting for you to provide one single shred of tangible evidence that creation is the way life proceeds. Saying evolution is wrong does not make your position right.
(03-22-2016, 01:50 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I see this thread has come a long way since the first page. I think the misunderstanding from that first page comes primarily from a belief that evolution has primarily occurred in the last 200 years when in reality a lot of these traits were lost well before the first ***** sapiens walked the Earth 200,000 years ago. The first hominid to no longer need this ability most likely existed millions of years ago.

As we evolved to stand on two feet, we were able to stand above tall grasses and see more. We no longer have to rely on hearing, a function far more important in animals who are not able to see as far. We also became more intelligent and capable of using tools and weapons to defend ourselves from animals that once were our predators. Really smart social animals who can use tools don't need a lot of the natural defenses.

I am sure some would claim that since we have binocular vision with eyes in front, and cannot see in as wide an arc as prey animals with eyes on the sides of their heads, that that would be evidence that our vision has gotten worse.
(03-22-2016, 02:02 PM)Beaker Wrote: I am sure some would claim that since we have binocular vision with eyes in front, and cannot see in as wide an arc as prey animals with eyes on the sides of their heads, that that would be evidence that our vision has gotten worse.

I certainly wasn't suggesting our vision was our main advantage, only that coming further off the ground and being able to view further eliminates the need for superior hearing, but there's an argument to be made that our superior ability to perceive depth is an advantage to us.
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