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PnR utterly meaningless (mad ramblings)
Politics & Religion... All is vain & meaningless

1st off before I dive into this post I want to make one thing clear. This post is 100% true & straight from my heart. Most of my posts are truly nonsense and bull crap for the sake of bull crap. Not this. This is straight from the heart and it comes from things that weigh deeply on me that I have wanted to get off my chest but I don't really know how. I suppose a PnR forum would be a good place to start.

So yeah, politics. Governing the people. For the people. By the people. What's the point? What's the goal or the end game. The betterment of society? In theory yes. However it's not. Those who sit in office could care less about the streets of Cincinnati or dayton. Or the streets of any city.

My occupation is drug dealer. I sell drugs for a living. I do it legally though in a pharmacy. I bring this up because I can tell you multiple cases where I have seen people with stage four cancer on government health plans and be denied their meds. Crap like that happens and people want to blame the pharmacy. Pharmacy isn't at fault. It's that government health plan they got. Pharmacy is just the middle man. After witnessing crap like that I will never believe the government cares about the people.

Also we love to complain. Stop complaining and do something. Wait.... We can't. Republican and democrats are caught up in a stupid war to the point nothing can get done.

Most of the people I know are raging right wing fanatics. I once thought I was. I really could care less anymore. I bring this up because these right wing fanatics would rage about the government plan I mentioned but in the same breath obamacare is satanic... I'm not claiming obamacare is good or bad what I'm getting at is the system is broken but nothing can be done because instead of diving into the issues we are focused too much in a civil Cold War amongst our own brothern.

Politic are meaningless. It's broken and nothing's going to change until the system collapses.

What about religion...

American religion is probably more of a joke than our politics. I imagine a lot of people reading this are offended by this and I pray you see my heart in what I have to say. American religion, in specific American Christianity needs a painful wake up call.

I'm not some atheist who is out to rip the faith. Was born and raised in a christian home. Started preaching at the age of 14. Was an ordained minister for 4 years. A youth pastor for 2. Currently 25 years old. Young and foolish probably.

I want to see the American church be what it should be. I fear it never will. I fear it's broken. I fear it's crippled.

A lot of Christians have this idiotic notion that they said this prayer and now they wait for better days.

Read the scriptures and look at the early church. The focus was the people. It was the broken and dying world. That's not the focus now. Most churches have no focus. Instead it's become another stupid political system.

Leading cause of death in ohio. (Younger generations)

Drug over dose.

Why don't christian talk about this and do something. Instead of caring they are too concerned about what the image of the church would be if they reached out to the junkie and on top of the image the big tithers would take their tithes and go to the church down the street

Our world is broken. Until the American church cares, it is no churches. Just a group of hypocrits.

Religion is meaningless.

...... I want change. I want impact. Everything is broken. I want to fix it all. I don't know how......

Thank you for taking time to read my mad ramblings
The trouble with American politics is that the people have been fooled. Just look at jury duty. It is an important aspect of the voice of the people yet most a good amount, of people do whatever they can to get out of it. Just like voting.They don't realize that jury system is more or less the fourth branch. Hell most people don't realize a judge represents the people in court.

As far as religion, well that's been hijacked since long before America. Dare I say it's been hijacked long before Christianity.
-That which we need most, will be found where we want to visit least.-
(05-14-2015, 10:27 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: The trouble with American politics is that the people have been fooled. Just look at jury duty. It is an important aspect of the voice of the people yet most a good amount, of people do whatever they can to get out of it. Just like voting.They don't realize that jury system is more or less the fourth branch. Hell most people don't realize a judge represents the people in court.

As far as religion, well that's been hijacked since long before America. Dare I say it's been hijacked long before Christianity.

Some of the biggest flaws in public involvement are:

1) lack of interest in local politics. So much gets done at this level.

2) gerrymandering. In so much for of this country, voting is pointless at this level. The party primary or inner wheeling and dealing has determined the candidate. Of course, this is because so little is done at the local level, so it's easy to push through things like this.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Even if everyone voted and did jury duty I fear nothing would change. Jury duty, yes it's a voice against crime but it won't do anything to the issues plaguing us and the issues plaguing us will only grow. Our politics are a tugowar match that is endlessly back and forth with there never being a consistent voice to carry things. One voice will implant a solution only to wait for the next voice to come and try and press a reset button

The issues with jury duty and voting though scream that the people of America are blind and careless which only allows are wounds to grow uncontrollably
(05-14-2015, 10:39 PM)CinciREborn Wrote: Even if everyone voted and did jury duty I fear nothing would change. Jury duty, yes it's a voice against crime but it won't do anything to the issues plaguing us and the issues plaguing us will only grow. Our politics are a tugowar match that is endlessly back and forth with there never being a consistent voice to carry things. One voice will implant a solution only to wait for the next voice to come and try and press a reset button

The issues with jury duty and voting though scream that the people of America are blind and careless which only allows are wounds to grow uncontrollably

Jury duty is much more than a voice against crime. It's also a voice against the broken system you railed against in the OP. Most people don't realize the power they wield as a member of the jury. They get to judge the law. That's huge! Most people think they're only judging a defendant but that's not true at all. Effectively, a jury is tasked with defending the Bill of Rights. If only the people realized this. It's a political institution.

But that's the way TPTB want it. Just like voting. But elections are bit more trickier to understand.
-That which we need most, will be found where we want to visit least.-
Politics and religion both have the same goal; power and control.

At the end of the day, they both just want your money.
(05-14-2015, 10:39 PM)CinciREborn Wrote: Even if everyone voted and did jury duty I fear nothing would change. Jury duty, yes it's a voice against crime but it won't do anything to the issues plaguing us and the issues plaguing us will only grow. Our politics are a tugowar match that is endlessly back and forth with there never being a consistent voice to carry things. One voice will implant a solution only to wait for the next voice to come and try and press a reset button

The issues with jury duty and voting though scream that the people of America are blind and careless which only allows are wounds to grow uncontrollably

What DA said. Juries aren't a voice against crime. They are a protection against a tyrannical government.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
If nothing we do matters (in the long run), then the only thing that matters is what we do (in the immediate). In other words, be a good person right now because that is valuable and important right now.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Idk about all that but I only converted to becoming a conservative Christian so I could get off Sunday's at my job so I wouldn't miss any bengals games. I haven't been to church is over a decade other than funerals and weddings it's a waste of my time. I'm not AGAINST religion I just don't believe it nor have time to waste when life is short enough already
Who Dey!!!

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I agree there are lots of problems in our political system, but the country is still running with very few problems.

So it isn't as bad as you make it out to be.
1) End Gerrymandering
2) End first-past-the-post voting system
3) set congressional term limits
4) install publicly funded elections

How many of our problems could be fixed with these four things?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-19-2015, 05:33 PM)BoomerFan Wrote: If nothing we do matters (in the long run), then the only thing that matters is what we do (in the immediate). In other words, be a good person right now because that is valuable and important right now.

A good person...

What's a good person. What do you mean by that? I think when it comes to a good person the unspoken understanding is peaceful and content. I think it would be easy to live a peaceful, content and happy life and the entire time everything around us is crap. Speaking in terms of Christianity and what the bible teaches I do not believe it is right to live peaceful and content and according to what scripture teaches I believe the peaceful, content life would actually be missing the mark of what God wants in the here and now.

The masses that label themself "christian" are waiting for a better life tomorrow however God hasn't given up on the now. The masses are so far gone though that any attempts to make a difference are futile. I think I'm syncal though. I have to be. Crap can't be as bad as I see it. I want to see things in a bright spectrum but I cant.
(05-14-2015, 08:58 PM)CinciREborn Wrote: Politics & Religion... All is vain & meaningless

1st off before I dive into this post I want to make one thing clear. This post is 100% true & straight from my heart. Most of my posts are truly nonsense and bull crap for the sake of bull crap. Not this. This is straight from the heart and it comes from things that weigh deeply on me that I have wanted to get off my chest but I don't really know how. I suppose a PnR forum would be a good place to start.

So yeah, politics. Governing the people. For the people. By the people. What's the point? What's the goal or the end game. The betterment of society? In theory yes. However it's not. Those who sit in office could care less about the streets of Cincinnati or dayton. Or the streets of any city.

My occupation is drug dealer. I sell drugs for a living. I do it legally though in a pharmacy. I bring this up because I can tell you multiple cases where I have seen people with stage four cancer on government health plans and be denied their meds. Crap like that happens and people want to blame the pharmacy. Pharmacy isn't at fault. It's that government health plan they got. Pharmacy is just the middle man. After witnessing crap like that I will never believe the government cares about the people.

Also we love to complain. Stop complaining and do something. Wait.... We can't. Republican and democrats are caught up in a stupid war to the point nothing can get done.

Most of the people I know are raging right wing fanatics. I once thought I was. I really could care less anymore. I bring this up because these right wing fanatics would rage about the government plan I mentioned but in the same breath obamacare is satanic... I'm not claiming obamacare is good or bad what I'm getting at is the system is broken but nothing can be done because instead of diving into the issues we are focused too much in a civil Cold War amongst our own brothern.

Politic are meaningless. It's broken and nothing's going to change until the system collapses.

What about religion...

American religion is probably more of a joke than our politics. I imagine a lot of people reading this are offended by this and I pray you see my heart in what I have to say. American religion, in specific American Christianity needs a painful wake up call.

I'm not some atheist who is out to rip the faith. Was born and raised in a christian home. Started preaching at the age of 14. Was an ordained minister for 4 years. A youth pastor for 2. Currently 25 years old. Young and foolish probably.

I want to see the American church be what it should be. I fear it never will. I fear it's broken. I fear it's crippled.

A lot of Christians have this idiotic notion that they said this prayer and now they wait for better days.

Read the scriptures and look at the early church. The focus was the people. It was the broken and dying world. That's not the focus now. Most churches have no focus. Instead it's become another stupid political system.

Leading cause of death in ohio. (Younger generations)

Drug over dose.

Why don't christian talk about this and do something. Instead of caring they are too concerned about what the image of the church would be if they reached out to the junkie and on top of the image the big tithers would take their tithes and go to the church down the street

Our world is broken. Until the American church cares, it is no churches. Just a group of hypocrits.

Religion is meaningless.

...... I want change. I want impact. Everything is broken. I want to fix it all. I don't know how......

Thank you for taking time to read my mad ramblings

Gotta say that I pretty much agree.

I will say this about Christianity: I've said it often (maybe not on the boards so much) that Christians are Christianity's worst enemy. Too many people who focus on the wrong things, who's concern is with the wrong things and the fact that they are publicly claim to be Christian is just damaging. I read somewhere a week or so ago in my Sunday school lesson that us Christians are God's PR agents. And I have to say that, by and large, we've been failing for a long time.

God is truly great; but please don't judge Him by all Christianity. I can't tell you how sad it is for me to say that.
[Image: giphy.gif]
(05-19-2015, 07:26 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I agree there are lots of problems in our political system, but the country is still running with very few problems.

So it isn't as bad as you make it out to be.

Uncle Fred is back!

We're teetering on financial collapse. Our infrastructure is in disarray. We're falling behind the rest of the world socially and educational ( according to most reports. I don't believe it. America is still the place to get an education ). There's more but I'll save it for later. I'm just happy uncle Fred made an appearance.
-That which we need most, will be found where we want to visit least.-

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