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Trump's Support
(06-04-2016, 04:33 PM)GMDino Wrote: Every person who acts violently is responsible for their own behavior.  Agreed.

Glad to hear it, I hope the rest of this post bears that statement out.

Quote:Now, let's see what Drumpf has said:

Oh my god!  Oh wait, it's what he said, not what he did.  The topic being discussed is the assaultive behavior of the anti-Trump crowd.  You're actually working against yourself here because even with the language and vitriol by Trump you point out the actual violence is overwhelmingly coming from his detractors.  How would you care to explain this?

Quote:More quotes in this video (yes it contains over the top images).

Yes, extreme hyperbole aside those are nothing but words, not actions.  Again, with all this venom coming from Trump how would you explain the violence coming overwhelmingly from Trumps opponents?

Quote:Of course not.  In a civilized world we could discuss differences.

Excellent, we agree these violent Trump opponents aren't civilized.  I wish the left leaning news sites shared your firm grasp of this subject.

Quote:But Trump is not a civilized person.  He's a thin-skinned rich kid who has had toadies do his rough work for him for his entire life.

Yet, even with all this uncivilized behavior he hasn't engaged in violence and the violence by his supporters is dwarfed by that of his opponents.  Maybe you could counter this by pointing out all the Trump supporters attacking people at Clinton or Sanders rallies?  I think that would tell us a lot.
(06-04-2016, 04:55 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Maybe let's not compare this to rape.

Has Trump encouraged violence? Sure.
Is his rhetoric toxic? Yes.

But if you're protesting someone because of things like this, you should at the very least not do those same things. For starters, it's criminal, but it also doesn't help your point if you start looking like the crazy one.

I compared the mentality of suggesting what someone says or does somehow excuses them being physically assaulted.

In the video provided 2 men are physically assaulted for doing nothing more than carrying a sign. A woman has eggs thrown at her and when see sorta laughs off that assault they throw a bottle at her because she is wearing a shirt folks don't like.

[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-04-2016, 05:09 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I compared the mentality of suggesting what someone says or does somehow excuses them being physically assaulted.

In the video provided 2 men are physically assaulted for doing nothing more than carrying a sign. A woman has eggs thrown at her and when see sorta laughs off that assault they throw a bottle at her because she is wearing a shirt folks don't like.


But she has political opinions that differ from mine so it's all good  Ninja
[Image: 85d8232ebbf088d606250ddec1641e7b.jpg]
I think this probably helps Trump when people see how these protestors may disagree with Trump, but watching these videos and reading accounts and kicking these people out of the country starts to make a little more sense.

Just saying, the "Xenophobia" everyone is afraid of doesn't really exist in a vacuum or spring from nothing. Or maybe I should say the alleged Xenophobia seems much less irrational when watching videos of these protests.

(06-04-2016, 05:01 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Glad to hear it, I hope the rest of this post bears that statement out.

Oh my god!  Oh wait, it's what he said, not what he did.  The topic being discussed is the assaultive behavior of the anti-Trump crowd.  You're actually working against yourself here because even with the language and vitriol by Trump you point out the actual violence is overwhelmingly coming from his detractors.  How would you care to explain this?

Yes, extreme hyperbole aside those are nothing but words, not actions.  Again, with all this venom coming from Trump how would you explain the violence coming overwhelmingly from Trumps opponents?

Excellent, we agree these violent Trump opponents aren't civilized.  I wish the left leaning news sites shared your firm grasp of this subject.

Yet, even with all this uncivilized behavior he hasn't engaged in violence and the violence by his supporters is dwarfed by that of his opponents.  Maybe you could counter this by pointing out all the Trump supporters attacking people at Clinton or Sanders rallies?  I think that would tell us a lot.

Of course HE didn't.  That would require him doing something at all.

But I see you just want to attack the protesters and have nothing to add about his supporters besides blaming the media.  So have a nice day.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-04-2016, 05:31 PM)GMDino Wrote: Of course HE didn't.  That would require him doing something at all.

I didn't just mention him, I mentioned his supporters as well.  I'll reiterate, the violent actions by his supporters absolutely pale in comparison to that of his detractors.  It'd be interesting to see you actually try and address this once you grow a spine.

Quote:But I see you just want to attack the protesters and have nothing to add about his supporters besides blaming the media.  So have a nice day.

Of course I want to attack the actions of the protesters, anyone with even a modicum of decorum and common sense would find their actions deplorable.  It makes me wonder why you seem so hell bent on deflecting the discussion away from their unacceptable actions.  As for your lame sop about my attacking the media I specifically stated the "left leaning media" such as your Huffpost and it's ilk.  Much as I'd attack Breitbart or the Daily Caller for being right leaning.  I'm sorry that such distinctions are too fine for you to grasp.  As for your simpering surrender I accept it and welcome is as yet another example of your intellectual cowardice.  Cool
(06-04-2016, 05:09 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I compared the mentality of suggesting what someone says or does somehow excuses them being physically assaulted.

In the video provided 2 men are physically assaulted for doing nothing more than carrying a sign. A woman has eggs thrown at her and when see sorta laughs off that assault they throw a bottle at her because she is wearing a shirt folks don't like.


(06-04-2016, 05:19 PM)Aquapod770 Wrote: But she has political opinions that differ from mine so it's all good  Ninja

According to GmDino it is ok because Trump said mean things.  I actually get the analogy Bfine, it's pure victim blaming, the same sort of victim blaming that many of the same people would find offensive in the extreme if it was applied to victims of violence who didn't support a candidate they find objectionable.
(06-04-2016, 05:30 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: I think this probably helps Trump when people see how these protestors may disagree with Trump, but watching these videos and reading accounts and kicking these people out of the country starts to make a little more sense.

Just saying, the "Xenophobia" everyone is afraid of doesn't really exist in a vacuum or spring from nothing.  Or maybe I should say the alleged Xenophobia seems much less irrational when watching videos of these protests.

The same thing happened here in CA with proposition 187.  Look it up if you like, it never was enacted as the court's struck it down, but it basically exempted illegal immigrants from social services.  It wasn't likely to pass until massive, and sometimes violent, protests by crowds waiving the Mexican flag and chanting in Spanish started.  It then passed by close to an 18% margin.  Anyone who thinks these riots don't sway middle America towards Trump is insane.  I wouldn't be shocked if PA turned red this GE.
(06-04-2016, 06:22 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Anyone who thinks these riots don't sway middle America towards Trump is insane.  I wouldn't be shocked if PA turned red this GE.

No doubt.  The extreme PC nature taking root in this country, at least on the left, not to mention the SJW crowd....this has played more than a small part in the emergence of Trump.  Sure, he's a poor and misguided champion to oppose that, but I think his supporters couldn't see any other option.

(06-04-2016, 06:33 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: No doubt.  The extreme PC nature taking root in this country, at least on the left, not to mention the SJW crowd....this has played more than a small part in the emergence of Trump.  Sure, he's a poor and misguided champion to oppose that, but I think his supporters couldn't see any other option.

An excellent point.  Trump is far less than ideal and his popularity only shows how fed up a large portion of our population is with the very elements you describe.  I'll be the first to admit that some of these concerns are rooted in a desire for the ways of the past, which I do not support.  However, an even more significant portion of this support is in reaction to the extreme overreach going on right now.  Safe spaces, microaggressions, privilege, etc. has clearly gone over the bend, it's no longer about being treated equally it's about extracting your pound of flesh.  It's not surprising, extremists always go too far, we've seen evidence of this from both ends of the spectrum in the past twenty years.  Finally, I think a lot of white people are beyond tired of being lectured about their supposed inherent racism.
(06-04-2016, 06:33 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: No doubt.  The extreme PC nature taking root in this country, at least on the left, not to mention the SJW crowd....this has played more than a small part in the emergence of Trump.  Sure, he's a poor and misguided champion to oppose that, but I think his supporters couldn't see any other option.

Inb4 Dino comes in saying something about how SJW's don't really exist, or that only two people on these boards ever mention them  Ninja
[Image: 85d8232ebbf088d606250ddec1641e7b.jpg]
(06-04-2016, 06:18 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: According to GmDino it is ok because Trump said mean things. I actually get the analogy Bfine, it's pure victim blaming, the same sort of victim blaming that many of the same people would find offensive in the extreme if it was applied to victims of violence who didn't support a candidate they find objectionable.


(06-04-2016, 04:33 PM)GMDino Wrote: Every person who acts violently is responsible for their own behavior.  Agreed.

I simply posted a video of Drumpf saying "mean things" in response to your suggestion: :

(06-04-2016, 03:57 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote:  The worst thing he said in this regard iirc, is something along the lines of, "In the old days a person would be scared to protest like that because of what would happen to them".  

I don't blame Drumpf for what his supporters do. I blame him for encouraging them to do it. Same as I blame anyone who encourages the protesters to act violently. Or really anyone who encourages violence as an any kind of answer.

Difference there.

So when you drag me back in to it at least do it honestly.

Otherwise the rest of your post is your opinion on how this country is going and any discussion will go round and round.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-04-2016, 07:28 PM)GMDino Wrote: I don't blame Drumpf for what his supporters do.  I blame him for encouraging them to do it.  Same as I blame anyone who encourages the protesters to act violently.  Or really anyone who encourages violence as an any kind of answer.

Difference there.  

So when you drag me back in to it at least do it honestly.

Yet you mitigate (pretty much excuse) the violence enacted upon Trump supporters because..........

GMDino Wrote:But to say that Trump has not encouraged violence from his supporters or that he doesn't at least deserve some blame in the creation of the toxic atmosphere every time he speaks is disingenuous.

Show me any video, link. ect... of Trump supporters showing up at a Sanders or Clinton rally to conduct violent activities because of this "toxic atmosphere" he created.  
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-04-2016, 05:19 PM)Aquapod770 Wrote: But she has political opinions that differ from mine so it's all good  Ninja

Plus did you see the way she was dressed? She was asking for it. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-04-2016, 08:02 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Yet you mitigate (pretty much excuse) the violence enacted upon Trump supporters because..........

And, again, that is saying he is wrong to encourage it. That takes no responsibility away from those who actually are violent. So, to you also, at least be honest.

(06-04-2016, 08:02 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Show me any video, link. ect... of Trump supporters showing up at a Sanders or Clinton rally to conduct violent activities because of this "toxic atmosphere" he created.  

I don't know that it has happened. Maybe because Sanders and Clinton aren't creating an atmosphere where attacks would happen. Maybe angry violent people are protesting because they don't like the things Drumpf says and that fuels the fire when there is a confrontation.

Maybe his supporters are only "defending" Drumpf?

Either way it does change my stance that violence is stupid and unnecessary. And Drumpf loves it.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-04-2016, 08:08 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Plus did you see the way she was dressed? She was asking for it. 

Do we have a rape culture?   Hilarious
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-04-2016, 08:08 PM)GMDino Wrote: That takes no responsibility away from those who actually are violent.  So, to you also, at least be honest.

Of course it does. What else could "he deserves some of the blame" mean?

What's that you are saying about being honest?
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-04-2016, 08:14 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Of course it does. What else could "he deserves some of the blame" mean?

What's that you are saying about being honest?

It means that SSF said Drumpf had said hardly anything to encourage such actions.

He deserves blame for encouraging them.  Pretty clear to anyone who isn't trolling.  Even after I explained it above.

But thanks Daniel.

Solid post.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-04-2016, 08:19 PM)GMDino Wrote: It means that SSF said Drumpf had said hardly anything to encourage such actions.

He deserves blame for encouraging them.  Pretty clear to anyone who isn't trolling.  Even after I explained it above.

But thanks Daniel.

Solid post.

Accusing someone of trolling and posting catch phrases does not change the fact that you mitigated these violent actions by placing "some of the blame" on someone else.

Post anything that suggests Trump encouraged people to attack his supporters at one of his rallies. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-04-2016, 08:24 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Accusing someone of trolling and posting catch phrases does not change the fact that you mitigated these violent actions by placing "some of the blame" on someone else.

Post anything that suggests Trump encouraged people to attack his supporters at one of his rallies. 

It doesn't mitigate anything but that is not what I did.

I said anyone who acts violently is responsible for the own actions.

I said Drumpf deserves some blame for encouraging those actions.

Two true statements.

Neither takes blame from the other but applies blame to both.

Are those "catch phrases" trade marked?

You're funny.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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