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Alaskan boy participates in the girls state championship
(06-09-2016, 06:31 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Hey guys. in the spirit of the olive branch; I'll take this one:

"That guy ignores science because of religion".

Ah gotcha should have led with the Doctor who doesn't have a religion.  

Interview starts at 1:12:18 .... Sorry couldn't find the segment alone.

(06-09-2016, 08:18 PM)SteelCitySouth Wrote: Cure....therapy what's the difference right?

What ever you say Hillary.

Kinda like there's classified, then there's CLASSIFIED.

So how is it "curing" a boy by removing his organ and by allowing his brain to think he's really a girl?
His Chromosomes will still classify him as a boy, that will never change and will be a constant reminder to this boy that he was born a boy and not a girl.

Or do you classify him based on his feelings?
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(06-09-2016, 07:54 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I think I have decided to not engage in conversations about LGBT issues with those that are unwilling to correctly identify people. I know that the individuals doing this will not care that they are continually exhibiting micro aggressions and will likely mock the concept anyway, but the behavior is not conducive to a productive conversation on these issues and is a form of mockery.

you do realize this is not an actual thing don't you?  

It's just more made up nonsense for scared people.   
(06-09-2016, 07:39 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Say it or don't say it, did you or did you not use other diseases as the basis of your analogy as to how cures are found for diseases?

You slipped up and said it, not me, so that must be how you really feel, so own up to it.


Eh, you're trying to hard. If you look at my comment and what it was referring to, it was in regard to "mad science" and what doctors should be doing. I've said before I think a lot gender identity disorders have to do with hormonal imbalances, which we're just really starting to study beyond "men need testosterone; women need estrogen." If you'd care to comment on that I'd be happy to reply. If you're looking for some kind of "gotcha" then you're barking up the wrong tree.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-09-2016, 11:43 PM)Benton Wrote: Eh, you're trying to hard. If you look at my comment and what it was referring to, it was in regard to "mad science" and what doctors should be doing. I've said before I think a lot gender identity disorders have to do with hormonal imbalances, which we're just really starting to study beyond "men need testosterone; women need estrogen." If you'd care to comment on that I'd be happy to reply. If you're looking for some kind of "gotcha" then you're barking up the wrong tree.

So why are we favouring hormone treatments to children when their hormones haven't even settled yet and won't until they hit puberty?   

I am not against hormone treatment post puberty.   It's the pre puberty that seems barbaric and he's mad science.  
(06-09-2016, 11:50 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So why are we favouring hormone treatments to children when their hormones haven't even settled yet and won't until they hit puberty?   

I am not against hormone treatment post puberty.   It's the pre puberty that seems barbaric and he's mad science.  

That's a valid point. The problem is, there's not a set time when hormones start to have an effect. It can be as earlier as 6 or 7. If we're talking about adjusting hormone levels to meet the "wiring" of a person, it could be years before the observable changes (facial hair, breasts, increased muscle mass, etc). Every case is different.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-09-2016, 11:55 PM)Benton Wrote: That's a valid point. The problem is, there's not a set time when hormones start to have an effect. It can be as earlier as 6 or 7. If we're talking about adjusting hormone levels to meet the "wiring" of a person, it could be years before the observable changes (facial hair, breasts, increased muscle mass, etc). Every case is different.

That is what that Doctor in the second video has spoken about ....  

Now I will say It's pretty easy to tell when kids go through puberty.  Waiting a couple years post puberty should weed out most of these cases.   Until then they can always have counseling.    There was another interview where a guy said he was one of these and he wasn't able to get the hormones at a young age and is glad he was able to go through puberty because it allowed him to be more accepting of his body.   I will try and find it .... It was interesting 
(06-10-2016, 12:03 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: That is what that Doctor in the second video has spoken about ....  

Now I will say It's pretty easy to tell when kids go through puberty.  Waiting a couple years post puberty should weed out most of these cases.   Until then they can always have counseling.    There was another interview where a guy said he was one of these and he wasn't able to get the hormones at a young age and is glad he was able to go through puberty because it allowed him to be more accepting of his body.   I will try and find it .... It was interesting 

To the bold, no, it isn't. It's easy to tell when they're going through the physical changes. Internal changes are harder to see because they're ... by definition... not external.

To the rest.. it's case by case. I can't imagine what it's like as a person or a parent to go through that decision making process. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-09-2016, 02:41 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Interview with dr keith ablow detailing what kids go through in this situation.  

He didn't detail what kids go through in this situation.  That claim is about as honest as your original thread title claiming the child in question won the race . . . which is false.

(06-09-2016, 05:09 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Yes ignore the interview with the Doctor I posted above.   

Shall I post another?

The interview lost all credility when they referenced the American College of Pediatricians which isn't much more than a club pretending to be a legitimate professional medical association like the American Academy of Pediatrics.  The American College of Pediatricians is as legitimate as Rand Paul's National Board of Ophthamology which has never been accepted as a source of board certification by any organization any where because he pulled it out of his ass.  Neither organization is as official as their official sounding names meant to lull the guilible and uninformed into believing they are legitimate.

He was more focused on hyperbole and political commentary than detailing patient care.
(06-09-2016, 11:50 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So why are we favouring hormone treatments to children when their hormones haven't even settled yet and won't until they hit puberty?   

I am not against hormone treatment post puberty.   It's the pre puberty that seems barbaric and he's mad science.  

Again, you haven't spoken to a single doctor IOT know what "we"  ( LMAO ) favor or don't favor as part of the treatment plan.  Nor do you know what types of treatments need to fail before hormone therapy is implemented.  Or what therapies don't need to be implemented as a prerequisite.  It's ironic you told fred he needs to educate himself on homeschooling "before posting ignorant on the matter" because you're doing the same thing.  You don't know the first thing about the treatment plan.
(06-10-2016, 12:03 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: That is what that Doctor in the second video has spoken about ....  

Now I will say It's pretty easy to tell when kids go through puberty.  Waiting a couple years post puberty should weed out most of these cases.   Until then they can always have counseling.    There was another interview where a guy said he was one of these and he wasn't able to get the hormones at a young age and is glad he was able to go through puberty because it allowed him to be more accepting of his body.   I will try and find it .... It was interesting 

How do you know that is true?  You don't.  It's just one more thing you have fabricated.
(06-10-2016, 12:49 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: How do you know that is true?  You don't.  It's just one more thing you have fabricated.

Studies have shown waiting for the hormone treatment until after puberty does cure most of these cases.  

I don't have to fabricate anything.    It's clear you are just fine with radical hormone treatments for pre puberty children.     Good for you.   
(06-10-2016, 02:18 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Studies have shown waiting for the hormone treatment until after puberty does cure most of these cases.  

Okay, show me the studies so I can read them myself. Have you read the studies? If so, why? I read studies as part of my continuing medical education. I've never read any transgender studies. I don't understand why you're so preoccupied with such a small segment of the population.

Quote:I don't have to fabricate anything.    It's clear you are just fine with radical hormone treatments for pre puberty children.     Good for you.   

Actually, that's you fabricating one more thing because personally I would be in favor of delaying hormone treatment in favor of counseling. I also believe the patient should live as their chosen gender for a certain time period before treatments like hormones. I believe that is part of the process. But, I don't know the treatment plan. If I don't know, I damn sure know you don't know. Will some regret their decision? I'm sure they will. People regret having back surgery, but that doesn't mean surgeons should stop performing back surgeries. It means they should be selective in choosing surgical candidates. Which they are.

I still don't understand why you give a damn about what others do in their lives when it doesn't affect you if you're a Libertarian.
(06-10-2016, 06:04 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Okay, show me the studies so I can read them myself. Have you read the studies?  If so, why?  I read studies as part of my continuing medical education. I've never read any transgender studies. I don't understand why you're so preoccupied with such a small segment of the population.

Actually, that's you fabricating one more thing because personally I would be in favor of delaying hormone treatment in favor of counseling. I also believe the patient should live as their chosen gender for a certain time period before treatments like hormones. I believe that is part of the process. But, I don't know the treatment plan. If I don't know, I damn sure know you don't know. Will some regret their decision?  I'm sure they will. People regret having back surgery, but that doesn't mean surgeons should stop performing back surgeries. It means they should be selective in choosing surgical candidates. Which they are.

I still don't understand why you give a damn about what others do in their lives when it doesn't affect you if you're a Libertarian.

maybe he's noticing something in one of his kids, and wants to nip it in the bud before it becomes a "disease"
People suck
(06-10-2016, 06:04 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Okay, show me the studies so I can read them myself. Have you read the studies?  If so, why?  I read studies as part of my continuing medical education. I've never read any transgender studies. I don't understand why you're so preoccupied with such a small segment of the population.

Actually, that's you fabricating one more thing because personally I would be in favor of delaying hormone treatment in favor of counseling. I also believe the patient should live as their chosen gender for a certain time period before treatments like hormones. I believe that is part of the process. But, I don't know the treatment plan. If I don't know, I damn sure know you don't know. Will some regret their decision?  I'm sure they will. People regret having back surgery, but that doesn't mean surgeons should stop performing back surgeries. It means they should be selective in choosing surgical candidates. Which they are.

I still don't understand why you give a damn about what others do in their lives when it doesn't affect you if you're a Libertarian.

I really could care less what they do in their own home.   If they wanna play dress up and live off meds that's their business.    When they purposely put innocent people at risk at turning a bathroom into a free for all...   Sorry but normal people don't like that ..... Exactly why target is losing money hand over fist.   

Not sure why you keep trying to emphasize libertarian when speaking about me....  I am very libertarian on several things.    However I am not going to go along with mental delusions for the sake of someone's feelings.   

Lol it's funny you compare back surgery to a massive hormone cocktail first where they block puberty then they add in the hormones that the body doesn't want or need.    Yeah that's exactly like back surgery lol. 

Acpeds position Statement on this matter.
(06-10-2016, 06:04 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I still don't understand why you give a damn about what others do in their lives when it doesn't affect you if you're a Libertarian.

My stance is that hormone treatment(s) should not be an option until age of consent. just like the young girl that is heartbroken that she cannot have a sexual relationship with an older man; the girl that struggles with her identity must wait until they are at the age of consent. Counseling, family, and support groups must be utilized until that time. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-10-2016, 01:17 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I really could care less what they do in their own home.   If they wanna play dress up and live off meds that's their business.    When they purposely put innocent people at risk at turning a bathroom into a free for all...   Sorry but normal people don't like that ..... Exactly why target is losing money hand over fist.   

Not sure why you keep trying to emphasize libertarian when speaking about me....  I am very libertarian on several things.    However I am not going to go along with mental delusions for the sake of someone's feelings.   

Lol it's funny you compare back surgery to a massive hormone cocktail first where they block puberty then they add in the hormones that the body doesn't want or need.    Yeah that's exactly like back surgery lol. 

Acpeds position Statement on this matter.

Unless they are a self-identifying white supremacist, then we need to protect them from being called out and just leave them alone. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-10-2016, 01:24 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Unless they are a self-identifying white supremacist, then we need to protect them from being called out and just leave them alone. 

What's This have to do with anything?   

Or does each of your posts have to contain something derrogatory about white people or Christians?  
i think hes getting transgenders with Brock Turner
People suck
(06-10-2016, 01:28 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: What's This have to do with anything?   

Or does each of your posts have to contain something derrogatory about white people or Christians?  

What's This have to do with anything?  

Or does each of your posts have to contain something derrogatory about Transgendered people or Muslims?  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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