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Ramadan Mubarak
(06-09-2016, 01:12 PM)Griever Wrote: [Image: Blues_Brothers_Women_White_Shirt.jpg]

(06-09-2016, 12:56 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: That was Lucie, when you offered your services to his daughters.

I realize it was a joke, but I think that is what you're remembering.

Nope, the issue Fred is talking about was in reference to a video called "Potty mouthed Princess". Some group dress up and painted up a bunch of little girls starting at age 4 and going to about 8 (ages may not be exact, but very close). They then filmed these children as they were directed to yell obsene and profain phrases.

I said it was akin to pedophilia and anyone who enjoyed watching such a things was akin to a pedophile. Apparently Fred enjoyed it; as he asserted I called him a pedophile. I immediately apologized in the public forum, as well, as through PM.

This morphed into me "Calling everyone on the board a pedophile and hating women's rights" (you know how they do).
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-09-2016, 02:38 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Nope, the issue Fred is talking about was in reference to a video called "Potty mouthed Princess". Some group dress up and painted up a bunch of little girls starting at age 4 and going to about 8 (ages may not be exact, but very close). They then filmed these children as they were directed to yell obsene and profain phrases.

I said it was akin to pedophilia and anyone who enjoyed watching such a things was akin to a pedophile. Apparently Fred enjoyed it; as he asserted I called him a pedophile. I immediately apologized in the public forum, as well, as through PM.

This morphed into me "Calling everyone on the board a pedophile and hating women's rights" (you know how they do).
Missed that one.

Yeah, there are some default labels that get thrown around in here and such.
(06-09-2016, 02:38 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Nope, the issue Fred is talking about was in reference to a video called "Potty mouthed Princess". Some group dress up and painted up a bunch of little girls starting at age 4 and going to about 8 (ages may not be exact, but very close). They then filmed these children as they were directed to yell obsene and profain phrases.

I said it was akin to pedophilia and anyone who enjoyed watching such a things was akin to a pedophile. Apparently Fred enjoyed it; as he asserted I called him a pedophile. I immediately apologized in the public forum, as well, as through PM.

This morphed into me "Calling everyone on the board a pedophile and hating women's rights" (you know how they do).

well you deserved to be ridiculed, because watching a video of young girls yelling obscene things isnt really pedophilia Mellow
People suck
(06-09-2016, 03:20 PM)Griever Wrote: well you deserved to be ridiculed, because watching a video of young girls yelling obscene things isnt really pedophilia Mellow

You forgot dressed and made up to look older and I didn't say watch it; I said enjoy it. I'll admit I watched it once; however, I found no enjoyment in it. 

Your opinion of who deserved to be ridiculed aside: that's long since gone in a now defunct board and we rode it to the ground, but Dino was desperate and had to reach for something. I'll not address it any further.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-09-2016, 05:10 AM)bfine32 Wrote: The crazy  thing is that the person that was doing nothing but getting his off-forum live dragged into the forum was suspended for doing nothing on these forums' yet those that allowed their hate to personally attack him and drag his personal life into this forum continue to post hate in this very forum.

I don't agree with all of dude's views, but at least he was mature and respectful enough not to bring it here; others did that.

Agreed.   I don't always agree with him but to have a good and diverse discussion it takes all kinds.   The fact he is suspended while other stalkers are not is not right.   In my view at least.   
[Image: vWtpx7k.jpg]
People suck
(06-09-2016, 02:38 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Nope, the issue Fred is talking about was in reference to a video called "Potty mouthed Princess". Some group dress up and painted up a bunch of little girls starting at age 4 and going to about 8 (ages may not be exact, but very close). They then filmed these children as they were directed to yell obsene and profain phrases.

I said it was akin to pedophilia and anyone who enjoyed watching such a things was akin to a pedophile. Apparently Fred enjoyed it; as he asserted I called him a pedophile. I immediately apologized in the public forum, as well, as through PM.

This morphed into me "Calling everyone on the board a pedophile and hating women's rights" (you know how they do).

Absolutely disgusting.   I can't believe I missed this thread.    
(06-09-2016, 04:39 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Absolutely disgusting.   I can't believe I missed this thread.    

yeah i feel bad for ya now

you missed out on something else to complain about
People suck

Well it wouldn't be a Muslim holiday without them beating a woman senseless.

I can hear them now..... "Peace be to Allah now we will beat the hell out of this French woman"...

Quote: Muslims Beat Waitress For Serving Alcohol

Muslims in France have left a waitress with a large facial haematoma on the first day of Ramadan because the attackers had seen her serving alcohol.

The waitress said she was alone in the bar when the men entered. They pointed towards the liquor bottles behind the counter and said, in Arabic: “You should be ashamed to serve alcohol during Ramadan.”


The waitress, herself a Muslim and observing the Muslim period of fasting, told the men they were not Allah and so could not judge her. The assailants swore if they were God they would have her hanged.

After pretending to leave the premises, Le Figaro reported that one of the two attackers returned to hit her in the face, crashing alcohol bottles down from the bar’s shelves.

Philippe Vardon, regional advisor to the Front National party, blasted the “weak leadership” of politicians for the attack. This religiously motivated attack is far from an isolated incident in France. Less than two years ago in the same Nice neighbourhood, three men were given suspended sentences for repeated death threats to and physically attacking a Muslim baker they accused of being un-Islamic for serving ham sandwiches and alcohol at his shop.

The Socialist Party government in France appears to be turning a blind eye to the growing problem of members of their Muslim minority holding non-Muslims and their lifestyles in contempt. Instead, they have launched a €100 million campaign against “populism” in an attempt to stop people from voting for the anti mass-migration party, Front National.

While French courts make sure to take a hard line on anyone who is perceived to have slighted migrants or Muslims, courts have ruled that it is impossible to insult the French, or even white people, as they don’t exist.

In 2010, the General Alliance Against Racism and for the Respect of French and Christian Identity (AGRIF) took a “rapper and sociologist”, who released a book and CD telling people to take a torch to the “disgusting” native French, to court for incitement to hatred and racial insult. The courts threw the case out saying that there is no such thing as white people or people who are indigenous to France.
(06-09-2016, 10:01 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:

Well it wouldn't be a Muslim holiday without them beating a woman senseless.  

I can hear them now..... "Peace be to Allah now we will beat the hell out of this French woman"...

i dont think a punch to the face is considered "beating a woman senseless"

its terrible on its own, you don't have to lie to make it worse
People suck
(06-09-2016, 11:06 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Let's see if I can explain it to you Dino; most likely not, but here goes.

My interpretation of my religion states that homosexuality is a sin; so if a vote ever came up, I stated, I would vote against SSM. That vote never occured SCOTUS interpreted a law to state SSM must be recognized Nationwide. I fully accepted this decision andhave since moved on; may (see mirror) have not.

I am a "God's will be done" type person and this is currently his will. Why/ Who knows.

At no time in my heart have I ever had hate for a homosexual. Similar to I abhor the act of abortion; however, I do not hate the young lady that makes the decision; nor those that carry out the proceedure.

Somewhere along the way you were taught to hate the person that does not share your beliefs; while I hate the action and influence.

What are the Biblical reasons for divorce?  So what I have difficulty understanding is why isn't there the same push to ban divorce for reasons inconsistent with the Bible from the same people who want to ban same sex marriage based upon Biblical reasons . . . if they want to protect the sanctity of marriage.  I understand you can't give the reason for why others think the way they think and I'm not asking you to do so.  I'm just voicing my opinion on what I see as a major inconsistency from that group of people.

As to hate the sin, love the sinner; I don't really see that happening in everyday life.  Let's just use pedophiles as an example because they are pretty much universally regarded as scum and we have had several threads regarding pedophiles.  Hate the sin, love the sinner is kinda like saying Jerry Sandusky is a great guy, love the guy; except for ass ***** scores of little boys.  The act is what makes Jerry Sandusky a POS.  I can't love someone like him.
(06-10-2016, 08:35 AM)Griever Wrote: i dont think a punch to the face is considered "beating a woman senseless"

its terrible on its own, you don't have to lie to make it worse

Ok so how many punches to a woman's face is ok by your standards?   

Any punch at a woman is senseless as far as I am concerned.   Does nothing but show how weak a man is for hitting on someone weaker.    But then that's what Islam is all about.... 
(06-10-2016, 12:57 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Ok so how many punches to a woman's face is ok by your standards?   

Any punch at a woman is senseless as far as I am concerned.   Does nothing but show how weak a man is for hitting on someone weaker.    But then that's what Islam is all about.... 

apparently you can't read

a beating usually consists of more than one hit

thats why i said you were making it out worse than it was (even though i stated it was terrible)

again, its terrible on its own, you don't have to sensationalize it at all
People suck
(06-10-2016, 09:37 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: What are the Biblical reasons for divorce?  So what I have difficulty understanding is why isn't there the same push to ban divorce for reasons inconsistent with the Bible from the same people who want to ban same sex marriage based upon Biblical reasons . . . if they want to protect the sanctity of marriage.  I understand you can't give the reason for why others think the way they think and I'm not asking you to do so.  I'm just voicing my opinion on what I see as a major inconsistency from that group of people.

As to hate the sin, love the sinner; I don't really see that happening in everyday life.  Let's just use pedophiles as an example because they are pretty much universally regarded as scum and we have had several threads regarding pedophiles.  Hate the sin, love the sinner is kinda like saying Jerry Sandusky is a great guy, love the guy; except for ass ***** scores of little boys.  The act is what makes Jerry Sandusky a POS.  I can't love someone like him.
As to divorce: God hates it, in my opinion as much as SSM, because he considers marriage a covenant between man, woman, and God. Jesus did once did give an "alibi" for immorality. 

As to love the sinner "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.". I'm not sure there is anything wrong with hating Evil and those that commit it. I don't consider SSM to be evil; therefore, I cannot hate the person. What Sandusky and other did was/is evil. If you can reconcile in your heart to hate that vessel; I see no issue with it. I think the rub comes in the fact that even he can be forgiven, just not by his words or deeds.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-10-2016, 01:03 PM)Griever Wrote: apparently you can't read

a beating usually consists of more than one hit

thats why i said you were making it out worse than it was (even though i stated it was terrible)

again, its terrible on its own, you don't have to sensationalize it at all

Will be sure to Let all the DV victims know that the first punch doesn't count.  The man get a freebie in your book.  

Very Islam of you.    
(06-10-2016, 01:19 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Will be sure to Let all the DV victims know that the first punch doesn't count.  The man get a freebie in your book.  

Very Islam of you.    

i think Islamic or muslim is correct word to use there

but again, not what i said, but thats never stopped you from outright lying about something

so you do you francis
People suck
(06-09-2016, 12:51 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Link?


(06-09-2016, 02:38 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Nope, the issue Fred is talking about was in reference to a video called "Potty mouthed Princess". Some group dress up and painted up a bunch of little girls starting at age 4 and going to about 8 (ages may not be exact, but very close). They then filmed these children as they were directed to yell obsene and profain phrases.

I said it was akin to pedophilia and anyone who enjoyed watching such a things was akin to a pedophile. Apparently Fred enjoyed it; as he asserted I called him a pedophile. I immediately apologized in the public forum, as well, as through PM..
(06-09-2016, 04:39 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Absolutely disgusting.  

I agree.  It is disgusting to call some one a pedophile just because he disagrees with you.
(06-09-2016, 04:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote:  but Dino was desperate and had to reach for something. I'll not address it any further.

Funny that you will never mention your act of hatred again, but will bring up my suspension every time you get desperate and have to reach for something.

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