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Terrorist act in Orlando
(06-12-2016, 08:18 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Back when blacks were being lynched would you have pointed toward rope reform or the ideology behind those doing the lynching?

I'd call it "Noose Reform". There's only one use for a noose... to kill peoples. Everyone knows that.

There should have been a law against them, by dam!!!

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(06-12-2016, 11:40 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: Another mass shooting, another act of terrorism, another act of senseless violence by a guy with, no doubt, a mental problem.

And yet here we are pointing fingers and blaming everything but the guy responsible.

What the hell is wrong with you people?

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(06-12-2016, 11:40 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: Another mass shooting, another act of terrorism, another act of senseless violence by a guy with, no doubt, a mental problem.

And yet here we are pointing fingers and blaming everything but the guy responsible.

What the hell is wrong with you people?

It is an escape mechanism, a way not to think about the cold reality and horror of a monster walking into a building and murdering 50 people. It is also the helplessness all of us feel in such circumstances. People in this society do not do helpless well. We do not understand it because we are rarely faced with it. Pointing fingers and blaming others is a way for some to feel that they are doing something constructive (even though it is not) and avoid having to accept the reality of the situation.

I'm not standing in judgement, though. My escape mechanism is humor. I haven't really posted anything serious in this thread until now. It is a tragedy. That is all I know. And traditionally, this would be a period of silence and mourning. But tradition is out the window now-a-days. People want to talk about it and they think it will make them feel better to do so. Unfortunately, the rush to talk about it in our society is also accompanied by the need to escape from it. Now there is a duality for you.
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(06-12-2016, 11:40 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: Another mass shooting, another act of terrorism, another act of senseless violence by a guy with, no doubt, a mental problem.

And yet here we are pointing fingers and blaming everything but the guy responsible.

What the hell is wrong with you people?

I'm not sure there is anything "wrong" with folks. To classify the ideology of radical Islam with a mental problem is doing a disservice to those with mental problems. 

I am blaming the ideology that influenced this man to such an extent that he decided to kill 50 people and wound 50 more. 

Quick: What was the name of the pilot that crashed the second plane into the World Trade Centers?

[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(06-12-2016, 03:07 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Well, Dear Leader just weighed in.  The score, predictably:
guns are bad: 1
radical islam:  0

We've been at war with radical Islam for 15 years, so I guess the war on guns is next?
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(06-12-2016, 11:40 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: Another mass shooting, another act of terrorism, another act of senseless violence by a guy with, no doubt, a mental problem.

And yet here we are pointing fingers and blaming everything but the guy responsible.

What the hell is wrong with you people?

I just dont think you can blame all irrational hate on a mental problem. There is too much of a pattern. Same way old tribes use to have human sacrifices. Pretend there is some wonderful fake world other than the one you are standing in next to your fellow human. And you can be twisted in to doing all kind of dumb shit.

The perp is obviously responsible. But fairy tales spread by adults helped him make the decision to kill.

How many centuries do you go trying to pawn the problem off on mental illness or the newest best weapons.

Sacrificing life for an invisible all powerful being is the start of a lot of tragic stories through time.

I guess these all powerful gods enjoy watching the slaughtering of humans at the hands of other humans. Hell im still trying to figure out why the gods relesased a parasite spread disease the makes babies have shrunken heads. So is it like a totally loving all powerful god that would bless the people with that mess? Lets just hope the real doctors and real humans figure out a solution on that front. Because we all know prayer wont fix those babies.

When someones number one goal becomes making post life fantasy land come to fruition. Their real world actions can make them a very dangerous person.
(06-12-2016, 10:26 PM)jason Wrote: I'm not sure regions have much to do with it anymore. Sure ISIS is actively fighting a war in Syria and Iraq, but the perpetrators if crimes like this can be anywhere. They come from all over the globe. There are some common traits of people attracted to this cause. They are generally unsuccessful in their life's endeavors, they don't fit in, and they've never held a girl's hand. They want to be part of something. As bfine said, there was probably no fatwa to commit this act, but this ***** took it upon himself to do it in the name of God and the caliphate. It's really hard to stop that. It's hard to profile those people til after the fact.

Well it's easy to profile Islamic terrorists....  They aren't Christians, Jews, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Mormons, or Buddhists 

That cuts away loads of people and narrows the net.  
One of my employees got stuck today in traffic they shut down a road through town because he once lived in the area. It was pretty crazy. The road is a pain normally but she said they was law enforcement everywhere....
(06-12-2016, 08:27 PM)GMDino Wrote: Can you use a rope for something other than lynching?

Are you trying to imply that hunting, target practice and self-defense aren't uses for guns?

(06-13-2016, 01:51 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Are you trying to imply that hunting, target practice and self-defense aren't uses for guns?

Are we arguing guns vs. assault rifles?  I'll admit, I'm a pretty crappy American because I've never gone hunting nor target shooting with a weapon capable of mowing down 50 people at a time.
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(06-13-2016, 01:54 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Are we arguing guns vs. assault rifles?  I'll admit, I'm a pretty crappy American because I've never gone hunting nor target shooting with a weapon capable of mowing down 50 people at a time.

While I don't make the "if someone else had a gun" arguments....he'd have done the same with two handguns and a few extra clips.

I don't have an issue with AR bans....except they tried that already and it didn't do shit.  Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and it doesn't do shit.

There are 300M+ guns in the US and 200k+ stolen every year.  "Gun laws" are nothing more than a placebo to placate the left. Let's legalize drugs and outlaw guns - gee, I wonder what the gangs will do to earn a living then...

(06-13-2016, 02:01 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: While I don't make the "if someone else had a gun" arguments....he'd have done the same with two handguns and a few extra clips.

I don't have an issue with AR bans....except they tried that already and it didn't do shit.  Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and it doesn't do shit.

There are 300M+ guns in the US and 200k+ stolen every year.  "Gun laws" are nothing more than a placebo to placate the left.

He'd have done the same with two handguns and a few extra clips?  What happened to arguing that he could have killed all those people with hammers, his car, and other crap you can buy at Wal-mart?
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(06-13-2016, 02:05 AM)Nately120 Wrote: He'd have done the same with two handguns and a few extra clips?  What happened to arguing that he could have killed all those people with hammers, his car, and other crap you can buy at Wal-mart?

Yeah, he could have done it with a car or a bomb - Timothy McVeigh killed 168 and wounded 600+ more yet we still haven't outlawed delivery vans.

(06-13-2016, 02:08 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Yeah, he could have done it with a car or a bomb - Timothy McVeigh killed 168 and wounded 600+ more yet we still haven't outlawed delivery vans.

I would have blamed that on the bomb more than the van, but I realize analyzing crimes and criminals is a fruitless endeavor.
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(06-13-2016, 02:55 AM)Nately120 Wrote: I would have blamed that on the bomb more than the van, but I realize analyzing crimes and criminals is a fruitless endeavor.

Fine - ban chemical fertilizer. And Draino. Metal lunch boxes. PVC pipes.

All things anyone with enough free time anyone can make an explosive device with.
Our father, who art in Hell
Unhallowed, be thy name
Cursed be thy sons and daughters
Of our nemesis who are to blame
Thy kingdom come, Nema
(06-13-2016, 03:13 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Fine - ban chemical fertilizer. And Draino. Metal lunch boxes. PVC pipes.

All things anyone with enough free time anyone can make an explosive device with.

I'm not looking to ban anything...I'm just wondering why people have such a hard time admitting that certain weapons and things make killing people easier than others.

For the record, I don't think anything should be banned but I've been deemed dangerously liberal in that sense.
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I thought the law in ohio was if you have any domestic violence charges you cant own a gun. If Florida is the same way properly reporting his abusive behavior could have made the system work.
(06-13-2016, 03:13 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Fine - ban chemical fertilizer. And Draino. Metal lunch boxes. PVC pipes.

All things anyone with enough free time anyone can make an explosive device with.

Obviously we don't ban those things. But if you buy a sufficient quantity of those items within a short time period, you can expect the FBI to come knocking on your door.
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(06-13-2016, 05:31 AM)Bengalzona Wrote: Obviously we don't ban those things. But if you buy a sufficient quantity of those items within a short time period, you can expect the FBI to come knocking on your door.

The FBI can't track that. They could easily just use cash, and go to multiple stores, or have multiple people but it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-13-2016, 01:51 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Are you trying to imply that hunting, target practice and self-defense aren't uses for guns?

Nope.  I'm SAYING that a gun is designed to do damage to...something.  It can not be used for any other purpose.

That doesn't mean people shouldn't have them or can't use them.  Not at all.  I believe in the 2nd ammendment 100%.


A car is not designed to run over things only.
A rope is not designed to  hang people only.

I don't dig the comparisons when they are made.  That's all.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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