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Remember The Judge That Screwed My Family?
(06-16-2016, 12:26 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Clearly you don't actually care what anyone here thinks, so how about you stop posting your personal issues here? You're inviting people into your business and opening yourself up to getting upset. I'm sure there are more accepting outlets that could provide a healthier release.

Solid observation.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(06-16-2016, 12:46 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: I didn't start this as a personal thing

"Remember the judge that screwed my family?"=starting as a personal thing...
(06-16-2016, 12:03 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: They didn't know my family.  I made sure to ask unbiased people.

Why didn't it work for a similar ruling if it was a good ruling?

Even the driver admitted to me that it was a bullshit ruling and, in the same message, told me that his dad paid many people off.  I hadn't even mentioned anything about paying anyone off, but he brought it up when we were discussing the ruling.  So, if even he admits the ruling was bad an offered that as a possible reason why he would make the ruling because it was, in fact, so bad, don't you think that it probably was a bad ruling?

Furthermore, parents are responsible for their kids' actions until they turn 18, so claiming that this kid was an angel and could raise no red flags to his parents, when they had caught him drinking and he had driven back there, coupled with the facts that he was a loose cannon who loved to fight and never showed any respect for his parents, they should have at least shown an ounce of supervision.  

And about Fred, it's not an expert opinion when he just ignores facts and posts false information, which he has done numerous times, not just in this thread and not just about law things.

Brad, I am going to ask you to think about a couple of things. I'm not mocking, I'm not teasing, I am humbly suggesting things I think would be good for you to do some serious thinking about for quite a while.

1. You are clearly a sports fan. Ever notice how after most games there are people bitching about how their team got screwed and didn't deserve to lose? Court cases are a lot like that - someone wins, someone loses, and the losing side usually doesn't think they deserved to lose. But in every case, like in every game, someone loses. I imagine when you played football your coaches tried to tell you to put a loss behind you and focus on the next game. That might be a good goal with regard to this court loss, and any loss, even though this particular one was a big court case and was like a team losing a "big game" in sports.

2. You are clearly a sports fan. Ever notice how most fans "know" more than the coaches? Every decision every coach makes on our beloved Bengals team - from Coach Lewis' decisions down to the decisions of the coaching interns - is questioned by someone who "knows" the coach is wrong. It is the same with every team from Little League up to the pros. There is a similar thing with judges. Every ruling they make, from the little ones all the way up to the final decision on the case, someone thinks it is wrong. But the coach is the coach and the judge is the judge and that is just how it is. So, again, at some level you have to accept the coach is the coach and the judge is the judge and they do make the decisions.

3. (And this is the most important one - you can ignore one and two if you need to  - but seriously, I believe this is important.)
You are clearly someone who cares about other people. I know this because of your public speaking. You wouldn't go around and talk to students about your wreck if you didn't care about trying to protect others from such a tragic outcome. This has earned you some very deserved respect. It has to be difficult to talk about this tragedy, and at some level relive all the pain, suffering, and sadness it has caused you. You endure that difficulty, because you care about other people, and that is really commendable, and really cool. But, I wonder if you have ever thought about what happened to you from the perspective of some other people. First, the driver of the car. You have talked about how messed up he is, but have you thought about why? Part of it has to be he has to feel tremendous survivor's guilt. If you don't know much about that I am sure you can find plenty to read about it. As guilty as he feels, his own parents and your parents have to feel guilty as well. Both sets of parents must think often about what they could have done to avoid this tragedy for both you and your friend who was the driver. I would encourage you to try to think about how your friend the driver must feel about his mistakes and your injuries, how his parents must feel, and how your parents must feel. Don't think about what they have said and done, think about the emotions you, or someone else would experience, looking at what they had caused and/or allowed to happen to you. As difficult as this tragedy has been for you, these other people carry tremendous burdens from it as well. I think considering their perspectives and their emotions would be helpful for you.

4. I am separating this out from 3 because I really think 3 is the most important thing you can do, but after a lot of contemplation - a whole lot - if you have found some understanding of how this has effected these other people and have some compassion for them, then you might want to try to come back and tackle item 4 and do the same thing for the judge. I am not president of the Judge Greg Bartlett fan club. But imagine how it feels to sit above a roomful of people and look at you (a "tree" or a "cripple" as you call yourself) and a boy who caused you to be that way who must be emotionally just as much of a "tree" or "cripple" as you are physically, and then trying to find "justice," trying to "make it right." It can't be easy. Is being a judge as hard as the challenges you face - things like learning to walk and even run again? Hell no. But being a judge in a case like yours would be pretty damned challenging. Try to look at all the people in the case - not just you and your family - from the perspective of the judge. Or maybe read about some other difficult cases, and think about how tough it must be to find justice when there is no real justice to be found since one boy is physically and the other is emotionally crippled for life and that is all that really matters. Maybe you will find compassion for the judge one day, but first I would suggest focusing on the driver, his parents, and your parents, and trying to see things through their eyes.

Best to you, Brad.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
Dude, I'm going to make this the last thing I say because bfine is right in suggesting we need to stop responding to these threads.

The thread is titles "remember the judge that screwed my family?" and the posts starts with "Remember how I posted about that judge that made the worst ruling in the history of rulings and screwed my family?". You made this about you. When two people who have background in the criminal justice system commented and had some disagreements with you, you took it personally and wrote them off.

If you really want to keep posting about yourself here and not have anyone question anything you post, keep it in klotsch. If you bring it to PnR, the implications are very different.

I'd hope that you could take a step back from this thread, reread it, and understand what you posted and how you're coming off.
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(06-15-2016, 11:32 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Once again, Fred throws out 100% bullshit about a situation he thinks he knows about, when, in reality, he has no clue.

It never went to a higher court because we chose not to appeal and just focused on the cemetery.

When did I say they had to watch him every single minute of every single day?  That's a ridiculous statement, but that's your MO to post exaggerations to try and make a point because you have no argument.  

On a Saturday night, going to a place where they know that he had drank, in the place where he had driven the car before, you don't think that they should have thought "hey, maybe we should watch him"?

My parents didn't know that underage drinking went on there, so they had no reason to think that I would drink there.  His parents had caught him before and didn't punish him.

Every other judge we talked to admitted that it was a bullshit ruling.  In fact, someone else tried to use it as a basis to get a similar ruling and even that didn't work because it was so bad.

Once again, you're completely clueless and have no clue what you're talking about.

By the way, before you try and get me suspended, realize that I'm just countering everything you posted.

Hey little sweet meats!!!  I see you are trying to avoid me at all costs.  Must be that I'm all up in that potato you call a head.  Fred ahs been right about you and your whine-fest of a case all along.  You lawyer was doing you a favor by not appealing, how could that potato you call a head handle being told by a second judge how lame your case is.  It'd probably make it explode into deep fried wedges.  At least at that point you'd be useful.  

You haven't countered a single thing Fred has said.  You haven't countered a single thing ever.  All you do is get banned from message board after message board, and just like in your real life, you blame everyone else for your problems but the potato himself.
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(06-16-2016, 12:46 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: I don't care when people like you post biased opinions with no base or follow people like Fred's lead when he just posts completely false information to fit his agenda.

If I don't care what anyone here thinks, obviously I wouldn't be upset about their opinions.

I didn't start this as a personal thing, it was just that my case was another example of a bullshit ruling made by this judge.  

Hilarious how all of the same people post "when will these threads stop" but then continue to give their own personal opinions about them.

LOL...All you do is keep on telling yourself these lies to bring some purpose to your life.  "If I keep telling myself that I didn't post a personal thread, I will one day fully believe it."  Lol...sad days for you my boy sad, sad days.
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

(06-15-2016, 11:32 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Once again, Fred throws out 100% bullshit about a situation he thinks he knows about, when, in reality, he has no clue.

I know a lot more about it then you think.  For example in the othet thread you thought you could post lies about how the driver claimed he had permission to use the car when he actually said in a deposition that he knew he did not have permission.  you have a bad habit of posting lies just because you don't think any one will call you on them.

(06-15-2016, 11:32 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: When did I say they had to watch him every single minute of every single day?  That's a ridiculous statement, but that's your MO to post exaggerations to try and make a point because you have no argument.  

When you argued in court that his parents were responsible for not stopping him from drinking that night.  

(06-15-2016, 11:32 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: My parents didn't know that underage drinking went on there, so they had no reason to think that I would drink there.  His parents had caught him before and didn't punish him.

His parents did punish him for his drinking before.  They even threatened to not allow him to get his driving permit if he was ever caught drinking again.

As for your own parents they should have taken more interest in where you went and what you did.  You were drinking all over the place.  The other drivers parents knew that their son was drinking and where drinking went on.  Too bad your parents did not pay more attention to what was going on.  When I was growing up my parents made sure they knew what was going on with the guys I hung out with.  If one of them was busted drinking or if there was a place where other parents knew underage drinking took place I was not allowed to hang out with those people or go to those places.
(06-16-2016, 12:59 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Yeah, you clearly don't get upset by the opinions of other people on this board.

Hilarious LMAO

Man, I wish there was such a thing as "double rep".
(06-15-2016, 11:32 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Every other judge we talked to admitted that it was a bullshit ruling.  In fact, someone else tried to use it as a basis to get a similar ruling and even that didn't work because it was so bad.

This is a complete lie.

No judge anywhere would ever say that if a child is caught drinking then after that the parents are never allowed to let him out of their sight until he turns 18.

Give me the names of "every other judge" who said it was a bad ruling.

Give me a citation to one other case where a judged ruled the way you wanted this judge to rule.  That just is not how the law works.  

This is clearly just another case of you posting lies because you don't think anyone will call you on it.  You went out drinking and made a bad decision, yet you want to blame someone else for the mistake you made.  Just another kid who refuses to take personal responsibility for you own decisions.
(06-16-2016, 12:03 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Even the driver admitted to me that it was a bullshit ruling and, in the same message, told me that his dad paid many people off.  I hadn't even mentioned anything about paying anyone off, but he brought it up when we were discussing the ruling.  So, if even he admits the ruling was bad an offered that as a possible reason why he would make the ruling because it was, in fact, so bad, don't you think that it probably was a bad ruling?

No.  All it proves is that he is another kid who wants to blame his parents instead of taking responsibility for his own actions.

Funny that you talk about how completely crazy this guy is until he agrees with your silly theory, then he suddenly becomes more of an expert on the law than a judge.
Please Super Spud...Create a thread about kittens licking windows. I want to prove to you that I can wreck that for you too. You have a choice to make.
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

(06-16-2016, 10:17 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Hilarious LMAO

Man, I wish there was such a thing as "double rep".

When this board first opened, you used to be able to rep the same post as many times as you liked and it ocunted each time. I think that was changed pretty quick. Not sure how many people realized that, outside of people like me who abused it! ThumbsUp
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