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Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege
(06-19-2016, 10:11 PM)GMDino Wrote: Well we certainly should not let them immigrate then!


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(06-19-2016, 08:49 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: How dark does one need to be to earn the title savage, lucid?

Not colour based.  If your culture does savage things you are a savage.   
(06-19-2016, 10:11 PM)GMDino Wrote: Well we certainly should not let them immigrate then!


We didn't for quite some time.   
(06-19-2016, 06:18 PM)Beaker Wrote: So an Asian landlord who only rents to other Asians doesn't have the power and authority to bestow that advantage? 

1.  Just a few posts ago yoiu werr saying that even black landlords gave white people privilege in renting options, remember?  

2.  The total benfts that can be given by all minoriities is much smaller than the benefits that can be given by white people who control a disproportionate amount of the wealth and power in this country.  So white people get MORE benefits.  It is a PRIVILEGE to get MORE benefits. 

(06-19-2016, 06:18 PM)Beaker Wrote: White privilege is a fact...a made up fact. It is perpetrated to provide excuses for failure.

It is real.  You can not claim something is true just because you say it is true.  

I have provided FACTS that prove I am correct.  All you have done is claim I am wrong because you say so.  The only thing you have is your lame attempt to change the definitions of words you do not agree with.
(06-19-2016, 09:55 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: As dark as the Japanese who committed atrocities against the Chinese in WW2 ?
I know that wasn't what you were referring to, but those savage bastards killed a massive amount of babies.
Sorry.... I just happened across the pictures of them bayonetting them, again the other day, and it's definitely something that sticks with you for a while.

Is this the right place to start placing pics / stats of drone strikes that killed civilians?  

I know exactly what you're speaking about.  Multiple family members of mine died in major wars.  Everyone is terrible at times, savage if you will. I'm talking about gross generalizations some absolute numbnutted morons make.  

Regardless I'm sure those images are terrible. 
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(06-19-2016, 11:09 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Not colour based.  If your culture does savage things you are a savage.   

Profound statement lucid.  Please elaborate.  Bated breath.  
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(06-20-2016, 01:26 AM)fredtoast Wrote: You can not claim something is true just because you say it is true. 

(06-19-2016, 11:09 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Not colour based.  If your culture does savage things you are a savage.   

i guess everyone is savage then
People suck
(06-18-2016, 09:36 PM)fredtoast Wrote: This is a perefect example of WHITE privilege.

Wait, what? Affirmative action/racism towards white men is an example of white privilege?! Do you even know what the definition of white privilege is?

(06-18-2016, 09:36 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Or are you going to argue that white men hold over 95% of college football division one head coaching positions just because white coaches are so naturally superior to black coaches?

What about the vast majority of football and basketball players being black? Is that also white privilege? I'm sure you'll probably find some twisted way to say it is.

Also, your numbers are wrong. It's 31% of coaches are black.

I would argue similar to the author that there may certainly be stereotyping and possibly even racism in the hiring of coaches, the answer is more convoluted than something as ridiculous as "white privilege."

(06-18-2016, 09:36 PM)fredtoast Wrote: And, of course, the fact that only 1% of CEOs of the top 500 companieis in the UNbited States are black is just because whites are so naturally superior.

Why do you always feel the need to engage in strawman arguments? Assuming your 1% number is correct, I would wager the reason is neither white privilege nor that whites are naturally superior. The reason is likely more complicated than a simple epithet, but I've found people who don't want things to change tend to keep things simple.

So since you enjoy strawmen so much, tell me, why do you want to keep blacks out of CEO positions?

fredtoast Wrote:has to be all based on merit, correct?  

Yes, why are you so against that?

fredtoast Wrote:Black people are just that naturally inferior to white people.  Couldn't have anything to do with white privilege.

Okay, I get it, fred. You can't argue the point so you make up strawman arguments. No need to keep repeating yourself.

fredtoast Wrote: Just like the way there were no black quarterbacks good enough to start in the NFL until teh 1970's.

I always thought that was racism, but now it's white privilege. You liberals need to make up your minds.

fredtoast Wrote:How pathetic is it that white people cry and play the victim card as soon as they are denied 100% of all top level jobs.

Well, to be honest, I always thought it was stupid to fight something with the very thing you're fighting. It's like trying to put out a fire by adding logs to it. You can't fight fire with fire. Likewise, you can't fight racism with racism. I'm sorry that I think ALL racism is wrong and you're okay with it as long as it's towards white people.
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(06-18-2016, 09:41 PM)fredtoast Wrote: So Philos, why did you quote this post by me and then refuse to address it?

Because other people had. Egotist much?
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(06-20-2016, 01:26 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I have provided FACTS that prove I am correct. 

No you haven't. 

You posted a couple statistics at one point, but everything else has been conjecture and stating of your opinion. Even the studies you linked to didn't prove anything you said was correct. All they did was SHOW something. The reasons for what was shown in the studies MAY be the things you've espoused, but that doesn't make your opinions factual.

I have to be honest, I believe that you don't think your argument is all that strong. Considering that in a few of your posts you've claimed that those who don't believe in white privilege were stupid and/or racist. Clearly this is an attempt to shame or embarrass us into either stop arguing altogether or to focus on defending ourselves instead of our arguments. Why would you do that unless you either had no argument or knew it wasn't a strong argument.
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(06-20-2016, 11:16 AM)PhilHos Wrote: I have to be honest, I believe that you don't think your argument is all that strong. Considering that in a few of your posts you've claimed that those who don't believe in white privilege were stupid and/or racist. Clearly this is an attempt to shame or embarrass us into either stop arguing altogether or to focus on defending ourselves instead of our arguments. Why would you do that unless you either had no argument or knew it wasn't a strong argument.

Because it is 100% true.  

When people ignore scientific studies and try to change definitions of words in order to win an argument they are either extremely stupid or have some other motive to deny reality.

What is your explanation for why people would ignore scientific studies and even try to change the definition of words in order to try and win an argument?
(06-20-2016, 10:57 AM)PhilHos Wrote: I always thought that was racism, but now it's white privilege. You liberals need to make up your minds.

White privilege is the result of racism.

Educate yourself on the simple meaning of words.
(06-20-2016, 10:57 AM)PhilHos Wrote: Assuming your 1% number is correct, I would wager the reason is neither white privilege nor that whites are naturally superior. The reason is likely more complicated than a simple epithet, but I've found people who don't want things to change tend to keep things simple.

What is your "complicated" explanation?
(06-20-2016, 10:57 AM)PhilHos Wrote: Also, your numbers are wrong. It's 31% of coaches are black.

HEAD coaches.

11 of 128.

(06-20-2016, 10:16 AM)Beaker Wrote: Irony.

I post scientific studies to prove my point.

But I guess you think you can change the definition of "irony" also, correct?
(06-20-2016, 10:57 AM)PhilHos Wrote: Well, to be honest, I always thought it was stupid to fight something with the very thing you're fighting. It's like trying to put out a fire by adding logs to it. You can't fight fire with fire. Likewise, you can't fight racism with racism. I'm sorry that I think ALL racism is wrong and you're okay with it as long as it's towards white people.

Admitting white privilege exists is not racist.

It is just understanding reality instead of living in make believe land.
(06-20-2016, 12:06 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Because it is 100% true.  

When people ignore scientific studies and try to change definitions of words in order to win an argument they are either extremely stupid or have some other motive to deny reality.

What is your explanation for why people would ignore scientific studies and even try to change the definition of words in order to try and win an argument?

Yes, it's true because you say it's true. Rolleyes

I haven't seen anyone ignore scientific studies. I HAVE seen people come to a different conclusion of what the studies show. You do realize that it is possible to disagree and that it happens all the time. Doesn't make automatically make the other side wrogn and/or stupid. Only someone with an agenda and/or someone of lesser intelligence would think if one disagrees he or she is automatically stupid.

(06-20-2016, 12:08 PM)fredtoast Wrote: White privilege is the result of racism.

Educate yourself on the simple meaning of words.

There IS no white privilege. Every legitimate example I've ever seen of white privilege, the truth was that it was an example of WEALTH privilege or was a case of racial discrimination.

You want me to admit to white privilege, give me one example of a privilege that I, a white man that makes $30,000 a year has that Oprah Winfrey or Kanye West does not.

(06-20-2016, 12:11 PM)fredtoast Wrote: What is your "complicated" explanation?

By its very nature, I would be hard pressed to fully explain why, but I have no qualms in admitting that there is an element of racial stereotypes in play. But, that's what MOST people would probably call racial discrimination.
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(06-20-2016, 12:13 PM)fredtoast Wrote: HEAD coaches.

11 of 128.


Still greater than that 5% you claimed earlier. Just sayin'.

(06-20-2016, 12:17 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Admitting white privilege exists is not racist.

Yes, it is. The reason for claiming it exists is to allow the discrimination of white people.
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(06-20-2016, 12:31 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Yes, it is. The reason for claiming it exists is to allow the discrimination of white people.

No, the reason for claiming it exists is to enact cultural and political change to try and correct it. By understanding that other groups have disadvantages and working to end those disadvantages, you are not inherently discriminating against the groups with advantages. That's like suggesting Civil Rights legislation discriminates against the majority. 
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