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P'nR Questionaire
What is your profession?

Graphic Arts | Digital Communications

What is your favorite song genre?

Stuck on 50's and 60's blues, brass, and do-wop ... some big band ('40's)

What is your favorite movie?

Shaun of the Dead | Hot Fuzz 

Should Marijuana be legal?

For medicinal purposes only. (I'm a square)

If you could create one federal law what would it be?

Hold the EPA accountable instead of pushing blame on state DEQ(s). I (and my family) have been battling for the right to clean water for 2 years not, no accountability, no plan to fix and infrastructure nationwide...

What do you consider the #1 issue in this year’s election?

I believe a 'wall' was mentioned, one (female) has email issues, but apparently it is nothing illegal, and one who has everyone's votes, but the voting machine is not responding correctly in which they're recalling a lot of votes.

Do you believe in a creator?

I was taught to believe that there is only one God, and a son of perspective, like a lot of outdated laws, religion needs a little retooling as well...(cough) women recognition and purpose in particular comes to mind.

If you could hand pick the next President who would it be?

U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings (MD)

If you could live in any country in the world (not your current) and money wasn’t an issue; where would it be?

Denmark (land of the Lego)

Do you own a personal firearm?

I live in Flint, believe it or not, I do not carry... I do have a 24" breaker bar in both cars in case of an issue.

Your dream car?

'55 or '57 chevy, and | or 1969 GTO Judge.  (orange of course)

Puerto Rico just became the 51st state and must be renamed in some way to honor our history. What do you name it?


Who belongs on the $20?

My Mom

The most interesting place you have ever visited?

Niagra Falls, Canada (History is pretty wild.)

Three people (you don’t know) dead or alive that you would want to have dinner with?

Weird Al Yankovick | Bob Ross | Marylin Monroe

One person you don’t know (same gender) that you would what to party with?

Bill Murray

Person past/present (marital status aside and don’t answer if spouse reads forum) you would like to have a one night stand with?

Alyssa Milano

Favorite all-time athlete?

Corey Dillon (just wish his transition from the Bengals never happened the way it did.)

You favorite alcoholic drink (If you don’t drink alcohol favorite non-alcoholic)?

Mt. Dew

If you had to pick someone to play you in your life story who would it be?

Tom Hanks (Late '80's | Early '90's)

[Image: cinsigfin.png]
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Person past/present (marital status aside and don’t answer if spouse reads forum) you would like to have a one night stand with?

Joy Dewitt

Joy Dewitt...

[Image: joyce_dewitt.jpg]

Trying not to judge.... Nervous

[Image: cinsigfin.png]
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
What is your profession?

Bacon Overlord

What is your favorite song genre?

Tough to nail that down. Usually hard rock/metal, but dig classical, blues, ect. Not much on country or rap.

What is your favorite movie?

Fight Club

Should Marijuana be legal?

Yes. Sold through state liquor agencies and taxed accordingly.

If you could create one federal law what would it be?

Abolish political parties, forcing people to run on their own merit and eliminating the dolts voting straight ticket.

Add to that presidential candidates must announce a preferred cabinet and agree to only spend a predetermined  amount of money.

What do you consider the #1 issue in this year’s election?

Apparently poor comedy

Do you believe in a creator?

Yes and I think it's vain as all get out if we think we can define Him/Her/It.

If you could hand pick the next President who would it be?

Putin Ninja  

Nah, to tough to pick someone without modifying their ideals. I'd take Huckabee, sans SSM stance and supporting that wacky broad in KY. I dig Bobby Jindal and Rand Paul a bit, too.

If you could live in any country in the world (not your current) and money wasn’t an issue; where would it be?

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

Do you own a personal firearm?

Yup...a couple....maybe Ninja

Your dream car?

Too many to list. But I'm fairly  happy with my 68 Roadrunner

Puerto Rico just became the 51st state and must be renamed in some way to honor our history. What do you name it?

Sexy Senoritaville

Who belongs on the $20 ?

Lady Liberty

The most interesting place you have ever visited?

Smithsonian museums and New Mexico

Three people (you don’t know) dead or alive that you would want to have dinner with?

Jim Morrison, Henry Kissinger, and Socrates

One person you don’t know (same gender) that you would what to party with?  

Gary Busey

Person past/present (marital status aside and don’t answer if spouse reads forum) you would like to have a one night stand with?

Sofia Vergara

Favorite all-time athlete?

Paul Coffey (hockey)

You favorite alcoholic drink (If you don’t drink alcohol favorite non-alcoholic)?

Wild Turkey 101

If you had to pick someone to play you in your life story who would it be?

John Goodman or Ron Pearlman
(07-08-2016, 11:23 PM)Benton Wrote: First movie I saw her in was Brotherhood of the Wolf (one of my favorites). She's pretty well perfect.

I tried to find a Magnum, but never could find one at the price I liked with the options I wanted. Hate they stopped making them. Last couple years I've been driving a Juke, which is like a Magnum that got hit in the rear end by a train. Little more height though, which is good. I like being able to change my oil without a floor jack. 

First movie I saw her in was Bram Stoker's Dracula. 

She doesn't have a much of a part, but it was definitely a memorable one.
(07-09-2016, 02:58 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: First movie I saw her in was Bram Stoker's Dracula. 

She doesn't have a much of a part, but it was definitely a memorable one.

Did not know she was in that movie. I guess that would be the first one I saw her in, I'm pretty sure I saw it before brotherhood. I may have to give that a rewatch, haven't seen it in 20 years or so.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-09-2016, 10:15 AM)Benton Wrote: Did not know she was in that movie. I guess that would be the first one I saw her in, I'm pretty sure I saw it before brotherhood. I may have to give that a rewatch, haven't seen it in 20 years or so.

I think it was her first movie role.

I don't think she has a speaking role, but as I said her part in the movie does leave quite the impression.

Le Pacte des loups is a great movie btw,  supposedly based on a true account of The Beast of Gevaudan.
(07-09-2016, 10:15 AM)Benton Wrote: Did not know she was in that movie. I guess that would be the first one I saw her in, I'm pretty sure I saw it before brotherhood. I may have to give that a rewatch, haven't seen it in 20 years or so.

She's one of the three brides of Dracula.
(07-09-2016, 03:20 PM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: I think it was her first movie role.

I don't think she has a speaking role, but as I said her part in the movie does leave quite the impression.

Le Pacte des loups is a great movie btw,  supposedly based on a true account of The Beast of Gevaudan.

One of the doctors my mom worked with was big into everything French, especially films. Still one I watch when there's nothing else on.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Seems we have something we can all rally around. The legalization of marijuana.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-09-2016, 03:50 PM)Benton Wrote: One of the doctors my mom worked with was big into everything French, especially films. Still one I watch when there's nothing else on.

I like it because it is actually done a bit differently then the movies we have here.
(07-08-2016, 11:47 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: Favorite all-time athlete?

Paul Coffey (hockey)

I use the Coffey curve blade on my Sherwood PMP 7000 hockey sticks that I have been using for more years than I care to remember:

[Image: img.aspx?pic_id=84121&pic_type=5]

The other blade design offered is the Stasny.
(07-08-2016, 01:58 PM)bfine32 Wrote: What is your profession?

Commercial real estate appraiser

What is your favorite song genre?


What is your favorite movie?

Can't decide. I'll say "Pulp Fiction" or "Fargo"

Should Marijuana be legal?


If you could create one federal law what would it be?

Repeal Citizens United and reform campaign contribution laws.

What do you consider the #1 issue in this year’s election?

The one no one wants to discuss: Immigration policies and reform.

Do you believe in a creator?


If you could hand pick the next President who would it be?


If you could live in any country in the world (not your current) and money wasn’t an issue; where would it be?

Italy. Sorrento, to be specific.

Do you own a personal firearm?


Your dream car?

1933 Duesenberg II Boattail Speedster

[Image: duesenberg%20spdstrRondrside1.jpg]

Puerto Rico just became the 51st state and must be renamed in some way to honor our history. What do you name it?

"Puerto Rico: The Other Brown People State!"

Who belongs on the $20?

Some famous woman, black person, or gay. A gay black woman would be perfect.

The most interesting place you have ever visited?

Toss-up: Maccu Picchu, Peru, or Pompeii, Italy.

Three people (you don’t know) dead or alive that you would want to have dinner with?

Robin Williams, Abe Lincoln, and Benjamin Franklin.

One person you don’t know (same gender) that you would what to party with?

Johnny Football.

Person past/present (marital status aside and don’t answer if spouse reads forum) you would like to have a one night stand with?

Hedy Lamarr 

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrUQvIpNzp1upeWccRt0Q...L62oZzJh86]

Favorite all-time athlete?

Barry Sanders

You favorite alcoholic drink (If you don’t drink alcohol favorite non-alcoholic)?

Vodka, straight.

If you had to pick someone to play you in your life story who would it be?

John Wayne
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(07-09-2016, 06:58 PM)Beaker Wrote: I use the Coffey curve blade on my Sherwood PMP 7000 hockey sticks that I have been using for more years than I care to remember:

[Image: img.aspx?pic_id=84121&pic_type=5]

The other blade design offered is the Stasny.

Then you, Dear Sir, are a man of great taste and puck control !

I used to laugh my ass off every time Paul would bank the puck off of the center ice scoreboard (early jumbotron), in Chicago and Boston.
About 99' they finally started calling for a face-off, when he did it.
That man had the most amazing touch/hands and skated like a dream.
Yes... man-crush (more so jealousy)...lick me.

Also.... much love to whoever mentioned Big Ronnie Hextall.
He was great !
(07-08-2016, 01:58 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Like many, I have watched current events in disgust and thought if people really knew each other; then many of these things would be avoided. For instance if the LEO had known more about the person he shot in Minnesota would it have happened. If one of the Dallas snipers really knew about one of the LEOs he sniped, would it have happened.

Then I look at our microcosm here and see similar sentiments; fortunately, words, not bullets are being exchanged. So I thought I would light a candle, instead of continuing to curse the darkness. So I’ve proposed a questionnaire so we can learn a little more about each other. Some are PnR related, some are not. Feel free to answer all, some, or none:

What is your profession? I know many of you knew that I managed in bars and restaurants, but I've switched paths and took a job in management at a large retailer.

What is your favorite song genre? Man I'm a product of the 90's and definitely favor that era heavily, but I love blues, rock, funk, punk, rap.  but I do like jazz and classical

What is your favorite movie?  Airplane, Ace Ventura, Shaun of the Dead, Lone Survivor, We Were Soldiers, Glory, Grease, Fight Club, Deer Hunter....Honestly I could go on and on and on....

Should Marijuana be legal? Yep

If you could create one federal law what would it be?  I'd have to think about this one for a minute...immigration reform and campaign finance reform come to mind though

What do you consider the #1 issue in this year’s election? That the two party system sucks and both candidates suck

Do you believe in a creator? Possibly,  I think it's a personal thing and to each their own.

If you could hand pick the next President who would it be?  Wow this is a tough one, I think I could literally pick anyone and it would be better than the two options we have.

If you could live in any country in the world (not your current) and money wasn’t an issue; where would it be?  Really good question, But one place I could really see my self living (and I've been there) is Costa Rico.

Do you own a personal firearm? yes

Your dream car?  Ooooh another good one....68' Camero.  Though there's many others I wouldn't mind having.

Puerto Rico just became the 51st state and must be renamed in some way to honor our history. What do you name it?  Puerto Rico Confused

Who belongs on the $20? Meh...not important to me

The most interesting place you have ever visited?  While I was in the Navy, I visited many countries and found most of them fascinating, I do love traveling. I've also been to quite a few places on my own dime.

Three people (you don’t know) dead or alive that you would want to have dinner with?  My Grandpa Thornton (my moms dad died young), Teddy Roosevelt, and Napoleon.  I could list more but you said three.

Person past/present (marital status aside and don’t answer if spouse reads forum) you would like to have a one night stand with?  The one that says yes Mellow
Favorite all-time athlete? That's a tough one, because it's not just one person, it's the 1980 USA Olympic hockey team.  Epic.

You favorite alcoholic drink (If you don’t drink alcohol favorite non-alcoholic)?  Bourbon.  Coffee

If you had to pick someone to play you in your life story who would it be?  Another good question...I'll go with Decaprio  (sp?)
(07-08-2016, 01:58 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Like many, I have watched current events in disgust and thought if people really knew each other; then many of these things would be avoided. For instance if the LEO had known more about the person he shot in Minnesota would it have happened. If one of the Dallas snipers really knew about one of the LEOs he sniped, would it have happened.

Then I look at our microcosm here and see similar sentiments; fortunately, words, not bullets are being exchanged. So I thought I would light a candle, instead of continuing to curse the darkness. So I’ve proposed a questionnaire so we can learn a little more about each other. Some are PnR related, some are not. Feel free to answer all, some, or none:

What is your profession? Design/Build Project Manager (retired now, so I work part time as a coordinator on a 700 acre, 54 hole golf complex)

What is your favorite song genre? Hard Blues - Bonamassa style

What is your favorite movie? Big Fish

Should Marijuana be legal? You mean it isn't?

If you could create one federal law what would it be? Election Reform (public funding only, all primaries to be open etc)

What do you consider the #1 issue in this year’s election? Integrity

Do you believe in a creator? Can't say that I've been active about any such belief

If you could hand pick the next President who would it be? Bernie, with Tulsi Gabbard as his VP

If you could live in any country in the world (not your current) and money wasn’t an issue; where would it be? Vancouver Island, BC

Do you own a personal firearm? No

Your dream car? Porsche 928 S4

Puerto Rico just became the 51st state and must be renamed in some way to honor our history. What do you name it? Boriken

Who belongs on the $20? Alfred E. Neuman

The most interesting place you have ever visited? Switzerland, England, and Hawaii were all equally interesting to me

Three people (you don’t know) dead or alive that you would want to have dinner with? Leonardo da Vinci, Frank Lloyd Wright, Frank Zappa

One person you don’t know (same gender) that you would what to party with? George Clooney (helluva prankster)

Person past/present (marital status aside and don’t answer if spouse reads forum) you would like to have a one night stand with? With Monica Bellucci and Kate Beckinsale already 'grabbed', I'm literally with thousands from which to choose. Lizzy Caplan just came to mind randomly. Oh those lips - those eyes.....those hips - those thighs ;-)

Favorite all-time athlete? Mike Reid (a personal friend)

You favorite alcoholic drink (If you don’t drink alcohol favorite non-alcoholic)? A tie among dark English ales, honey/ginger mead, and bourbon

If you had to pick someone to play you in your life story who would it be? John Malkovich
Some say you can place your ear next to his, and hear the ocean ....

[Image: 6QSgU8D.gif?1]
What is your profession?

High School Teacher

What is your favorite song genre?

Indie and Alt Rock

What is your favorite movie?

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Should Marijuana be legal?


If you could create one federal law what would it be?

Full anti-discrimination legislation on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, and ideology

What do you consider the #1 issue in this year’s election?

Civil Rights

Do you believe in a creator?


If you could hand pick the next President who would it be?

Gary Johnson

If you could live in any country in the world (not your current) and money wasn’t an issue; where would it be?


Do you own a personal firearm?


Your dream car?

1999 Jeep Cherokee Sport

Puerto Rico just became the 51st state and must be renamed in some way to honor our history. What do you name it?

Puerto Rico?

Who belongs on the $20?

Teddy Roosevelt

The most interesting place you have ever visited?


Three people (you don’t know) dead or alive that you would want to have dinner with?

Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and Jesus (not religious, just want to know what all the hype is about).

One person you don’t know (same gender) that you would what to party with?

Leonardo DiCaprio (Dude will forever be surrounded by models in their 20's)

Person past/present (marital status aside and don’t answer if spouse reads forum) you would like to have a one night stand with?

Scarlett Johansson

Favorite all-time athlete?

Cal Ripken Jr

You favorite alcoholic drink (If you don’t drink alcohol favorite non-alcoholic)?

Rum and ginger

If you had to pick someone to play you in your life story who would it be?

It would be Seth Rogen...
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I see a lot of folks are having difficulty renaming Puerto Rico.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-11-2016, 09:30 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Your dream car?

1999 Jeep Cherokee Sport

You sure do dream big.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-08-2016, 01:58 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Like many, I have watched current events in disgust and thought if people really knew each other; then many of these things would be avoided. For instance if the LEO had known more about the person he shot in Minnesota would it have happened. If one of the Dallas snipers really knew about one of the LEOs he sniped, would it have happened.

Then I look at our microcosm here and see similar sentiments; fortunately, words, not bullets are being exchanged. So I thought I would light a candle, instead of continuing to curse the darkness. So I’ve proposed a questionnaire so we can learn a little more about each other. Some are PnR related, some are not. Feel free to answer all, some, or none:

What is your profession?  Insurance/Financial

What is your favorite song genre?  Alt/Classic Rock

What is your favorite movie?  Don't know

Should Marijuana be legal?  Yes

If you could create one federal law what would it be?  

What do you consider the #1 issue in this year’s election?  How did we get here?

Do you believe in a creator?  No

If you could hand pick the next President who would it be?  

If you could live in any country in the world (not your current) and money wasn’t an issue; where would it be?  Costa Rica

Do you own a personal firearm?  Yes

Your dream car?  One that is completely autonomous.

Puerto Rico just became the 51st state and must be renamed in some way to honor our history. What do you name it?  

Who belongs on the $20?  No one "belongs" on the 20.  I think this belief is what causes such issues.

The most interesting place you have ever visited?  Bequia

Three people (you don’t know) dead or alive that you would want to have dinner with?  

One person you don’t know (same gender) that you would what to party with?

Person past/present (marital status aside and don’t answer if spouse reads forum) you would like to have a one night stand with?

Favorite all-time athlete?

You favorite alcoholic drink (If you don’t drink alcohol favorite non-alcoholic)?

If you had to pick someone to play you in your life story who would it be?
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

(07-11-2016, 10:45 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I see a lot of folks are having difficulty renaming Puerto Rico.

We didn't see the need. They didn't rename Hawaii. If we must rename it, I propose Gilligan's Island.
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021

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