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First Aid
(07-09-2016, 04:09 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Yeah, for real.  I know how you're a stickler for proper word usage.  Triage and treatment are different.  Triage involves assessing the severity of the patient's condition and prioritizing who gets treated first, second, third, etc in a mass casualty situation.  Such as immediate, delayed, minimal, and expectant.   First aid is treatment, not triage.

Only a stickler when someone tries to play the expert and winds up making themselves look foolish. Continue to try real hard to be the smartest guy in the room and not make yourself look silly; as I add you to the rest of the petty patrol, Bye. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-09-2016, 04:33 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Only a stickler when someone tries to play the expert and winds up making themselves look foolish.

I've never seen anyone as intimidated by a Skill Level 1 question as you.  A question you still refuse to answer.  Yet, just three days ago you're once again complaining others won't answer your questions.  

(07-06-2016, 10:04 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I can see you are not willing to provide answers. So on to the next subject.

Quote:Continue to try real hard to be the smartest guy in the room and not make yourself look silly; as I add you to the rest of the petty patrol, Bye. 

I can teach you to triage in less than one minute.  Ready?

Life, limb, or eyesight is immediate.  Just use your common sense.  You'll know it when you see it.

Pretty much everybody else is delayed.

Except if you tell them, "everybody who can hear my voice and can walk over here . . . walk over here" and they are able to walk to you are walking wounded and are minimal.  Anybody who is unconcious with a penetrating head wound and visible brain matter is expectant.

Now what does triage have to do with what you were talking about?  Nothing.

PS thanks for the advice about attacking the message, not the messenger. Very helpful.
(07-09-2016, 08:48 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Ummmm, no....."My beau just got shot, let me record this" is not a normal reaction.

It's bae....not beau Whatever
[Image: Defensewcm.gif]
(07-09-2016, 08:45 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: It also should be noted that she was using her phone, the making of that video, as a coping mechanism. In situations like that, of serious trauma, people tend to focus on one task. She was using the video to get her through that situation because if you notice in the video she starts to lose her shit a bit more when the phone is not with her. She loses that focus.

Thanks for this perspective. I've seen several videos of other situations where people were clearly trying to bait cops while filming or being filmed... When I heard a snippet of the commentary from this video (I have not seen or heard the whole thing) my first thought was similar to one others have expressed. I thought the reaction was inconsistent with the events going on, almost as if she had anticipated the events and was executing her plan to document them. I wondered if the event was at some level planned/staged. As messed up as that sounds, that is how the audio struck me. Suicide by cop is not a novel situation, and neither is misconduct by cop. Still, I just thought the voice didn't match what was going on if it was an organic event and not some sort of plan. Thanks for reminding me that one never knows how an individual will react to trauma, and that the woman's reaction my have been reasonable. 
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.

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