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What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting?
I have no problems with people organizing to make a change.

I do have a problem with things like in a video I just saw where protestors wouldn't let an ambulance that had its lights on pass in the street.

However, my question is this: how many people even know what they're protesting and how many show up to protest because they play the victim card and feel like it's their right tp do so?  How many actually want to bring about change in a meaningful, effective way?  How many just enjoy playing the oppressed card?

I only bring this up because protestors like in this video seem to have no idea what they're protesting and are there for no other reason than to make noise?

They're trying to make a difference?  What does yelling at the police and causing a disturbance achieve?  The camera man put a camera in front of three people and asked what they were protesting and, if they wanted to make a change, they could have calmly spoke into the camera and told the reporter what they wanted changed and why they wanted it changed or why they were even mad.  That would have been taken seriously by a lot more people than just making the crowd look like a bunch of thugs who are just causing trouble because they have nothing better to do.

The woman on the news show that was talking to the host said "they're looking for solutions" but then, after the video, quickly changed to "I don't thin that's what most Black Lives Matter protests look like," but I've seen MAYBE one peaceful protest with people who actually seem like they know what they're protesting.

So back to my original question: how many people even know what they're protesting and how many show up to protest because they play the victim card and feel like it's their right tp do so?  How many actually want to bring about change in a meaningful, effective way?  How many just enjoy playing the oppressed card?
(07-15-2016, 06:14 PM)BFritz21 Wrote:   The camera man put a camera in front of three people and asked what they were protesting and, if they wanted to make a change, they could have calmly spoke into the camera and told the reporter what they wanted changed and why they wanted it changed or why they were even mad.  That would have been taken seriously by a lot more people than just making the crowd look like a bunch of thugs who are just causing trouble because they have nothing better to do.

1.  A reporter who goes to cover a BLM protest and does not even know what they are protesting does not deserve any respect.

2.  these thre people do not represent the entire movement.  Fox Newsobviously just posted the worst video they could find.

3.  !00% know why they are protesting.  100% want meaningful change.  Only 8.5% actc like stupid thugs.
(07-15-2016, 07:01 PM)fredtoast Wrote: 1.  A reporter who goes to cover a BLM protest and does not even know what they are protesting does not deserve any respect.

2.  these thre people do not represent the entire movement.  Fox Newsobviously just posted the worst video they could find.

3.  !00% know why they are protesting.  100% want meaningful change.  Only 8.5% actc like stupid thugs.

1.  If they didn't know what they were protesting, how's he supposed to know?  Or maybe he was asking for specifics because there could be any number.  Maybe he wanted to know what kind of change they wanted and how they want it changed.

2.  You know this how?  Worst video?  Do you want that reporter to go to every city where there's a protest until he finds people who know what they're talking about?

3.  You know this how?  Why didn't they say what they want changed?

Please don't ignore any of those questions, and I'd specifically like to know how you came up with those percentages.
(07-15-2016, 07:01 PM)fredtoast Wrote: 1.  A reporter who goes to cover a BLM protest and does not even know what they are protesting does not deserve any respect.

2.  these thre people do not represent the entire movement.  Fox Newsobviously just posted the worst video they could find.

3.  !00% know why they are protesting.  100% want meaningful change.  Only 8.5% actc like stupid thugs.

While it is true that a few bad eggs does not mean that the entire basket is bad, it does however, make one leery to purchase that brand again..
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(07-15-2016, 07:18 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: While it is true that a few bad eggs does not mean that the entire basket is bad, it does however, make one leery to purchase that brand again..

Like Chipotle!
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I was wondering what percentage of BLM protestors really understand what they are protesting:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlxnPzj_umJehRkmHzCF2...6vl2n4cHy8]
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
Probably the same of anything when you ask the masses.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Guessing they have a much better grasp of what they're protesting than some do the value of Subway points.
“We're 2-7!  What the **** difference does it make?!” - Bruce Coslet
(07-15-2016, 07:15 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: 1.  If they didn't know what they were protesting, how's he supposed to know? 

Everyone with a brain knows what they are protesting about.  BUt since this supposedly professional reporter does not even klnow what is going on then how are we to even know it was a BLM protest.  If the reporter has no clue what is going on then it is possible this is not even a BLM protest at all.

(07-15-2016, 07:15 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: 2.  You know this how?  Worst video?

Because Fox News is famous for their propganda and only presenting the side of the story they want to tell.  Everyone knows this.  there are no positive BLM stories on Fox News.

(07-15-2016, 07:15 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Please don't ignore any of those questions, and I'd specifically like to know how you came up with those percentages.

I came up with the numbers the same place you came up with this silly question.  And there is NO WAY you can prove they are wrong.

Why did you even ask the question if you did not want to hear the answer?
Since when did people have to know what the hell was actually going on to have an opinion on things? What's next, I have to have a PhD in economics before I'm allowed to declare if Trump is going to fix our economy or not?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-15-2016, 07:01 PM)fredtoast Wrote: 1.  A reporter who goes to cover a BLM protest and does not even know what they are protesting does not deserve any respect.

So it is your assertion that a reporter shouldn't ask those that have assembled why they are protesting?

If a reporter asks a group why they have assembled that reporter deserves no respect?

It does appear that those in the clip  agree with you about not showing respect to a reporter there to cover their assemblage.  
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-15-2016, 09:05 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Everyone with a brain knows what they are protesting about.  BUt since this supposedly professional reporter does not even klnow what is going on then how are we to even know it was a BLM protest.  If the reporter has no clue what is going on then it is possible this is not even a BLM protest at all.
Ok, what did those specific people protest?  How was just standing there yelling going to accomplish what they set out to change?

You give the typical Democrat answers and can never provide anything real.

(07-15-2016, 09:05 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Because Fox News is famous for their propganda and only presenting the side of the story they want to tell.  Everyone knows this.  there are no positive BLM stories on Fox News.

(07-15-2016, 09:05 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I came up with the numbers the same place you came up with this silly question.  And there is NO WAY you can prove they are wrong.

Why did you even ask the question if you did not want to hear the answer?

Not a silly question at all, but, just like I figured, you always make up "stats" and "facts" to fit your narrative and agenda.
Fred, what are BLM protesting now since the study from Harvard says that white people are ~24% more likely to get shot at by police?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
The reporter puts forth a question, as a segue for people to have a platform for their message, but somehow the reporter is a dolt ?

C'mon..... somebody has to do better than "FAUX NEWS, SIEG HEIL !!".
(07-16-2016, 03:08 AM)Brownshoe Wrote: Fred, what are BLM protesting now since the study from Harvard says that white people are ~24% more likely to get shot at by police?

You are not stating the facts properly.

The study shows that per percentage of people stopped whites are more likely to get shot, but blacks are more likely to get stopped in the first place.

The same reports prove that police use more violence against blacks than whites.  Thanks for the link

Moreover, the results do not mean that the general public’s perception of racism in policing is misguided. 

Do you agree with these findings Brownshoe?
(07-16-2016, 08:58 AM)Rotobeast Wrote: C'mon..... somebody has to do better than "FAUX NEWS, SIEG HEIL !!".


You think these people do not know that Fox News is a proven anti-BLM propaganda machine?

Is this really the ONLY time any of you have ever seen BLM members interviewed?
(07-16-2016, 10:11 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Why?

You think these people do not know that Fox News is a proven anti-BLM propaganda machine?

Is this really the ONLY time any of you have ever seen BLM members interviewed?

If they knew that, why the hell would they give them more ammunition, like that ?

That's absurd.

If I have a cause that I am passionate about, I'll take any national exposure that I can inject myself into, to voice my concerns.

Now, I would never make the mistake of assuming that a small sample size of a group represents an entire movement.

That would be silly.
Part of being American is the freedom to be as loud as you want without knowing what the hell you are talking about, or even caring IF you know.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-16-2016, 11:35 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Part of being American is the freedom to be as loud as you want without knowing what the hell you are talking about, or even caring IF you know.

Having the freedom to do it doesn't make it smart or right, especially if you're doing it just to do it, which is why I asked the questions.
(07-16-2016, 02:29 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Having the freedom to do it doesn't make it smart or right, especially if you're doing it just to do it, which is why I asked the questions.

Who are you to declare what is right and what criteria it takes to be educated on a topic?  I worked for a university and my direct contact with PhD students and professors of economics truly made me wonder just why every American and businessman/lawyer politician feels the need to tell me what will fix the economy.

That's just one example.  I think it was Jimmy Kimell who had someone going around asking people if they heard that Hillary Clinton sent a Linked-in request to Osama Bin Laden from her work email and not only did people think it was real, they said they heard about it prior to the interviewer mentioning it.

What's it matter though?  You know politics is watered down to the least common denominator when you see that it is color-coded for ease of identification.  Meh, so it goes.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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