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What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting?
(08-14-2016, 08:44 PM)rfaulk34 Wrote: Another case of jagoffs not caring about black lives, but caring more about breaking and stealing shit.

It's about time we call it what it is: Domestic Terrorism. 

[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(07-26-2016, 10:37 AM)PhilHos Wrote: On a related note, have public protests caused any real change in recent history (say the last 15-20 years)? I don't mean changes that would've occurred regardless of protesting. I mean, change that occurred BECAUSE of the protesting. I'm sure it's had to have happened, I just honestly can't think of anything - at least, anything nationally.

I ask mainly with the question of does protesting (of any kind) do any good? I know it does to SOME degree and I certainly don't begrudge anyone their right to do so peacefully, I just wonder if, in the long run, the people's efforts might be put to a better use in bringing about the change they are looking for.

After Timothy Thomas was shot and killed by police in 2001 in Cincinnati that sparked 3 days and nights of rioting, there were many changes made and businesses have been building up the OTR area bringing in jobs and much needed money to the area.
(08-14-2016, 09:44 PM)bfine32 Wrote: It's about time we call it what it is: Domestic Terrorism. 

I agree.
It is at a different level, now.
The paid activists have sown the seeds of hate.
(Not suggesting all BLM, or the likes)
Why did the rednecks in Oregon get gunned down, but this is not delt with in the same fashion ?
It's been allowed to get out of hand and an example needs to be made.

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Watched the video and I'll never understand why destroy your own's really stupid.
This whole thing is just result of decades of liberal democrat policy, coming home to fruition. This is what happens when you reward families for kicking out the dads, force them into terrible government run schools, and give people something for nothing --it encourages entitlement and irresponsible behavior. The black communities in this nation should be pissed right now --pissed at their democrat masters for keeping them enslaved and treating them like they are incapable for too long. Their anger is directed at the wrong people. They should be going after the white folks who claim to be their saviors, which would be the wimpy, whiney, safe-space-seeking Democrats, sadly lol.

The sad part is that all they seem to want is more free crap --which is a big reason why they are so f'kd in the first place. Their schools havent taught them any skills, or even any idea that they would actually be more empowered if they took care of themselves. They encourage the victim mentality. So in a nutshell, blacks seem to be upset because they are treated differently, yet their solution is to be treated differently, with special favors that compensate their race's downfalls? Wow that is racist against themselves!! Talk about a self-defeating mentality --its bred in them at this point. Its amazing to see all these tough looking tatoo'd up gangster types all fired up ready for a war --because they cant take care of themselves and they want people to give them more free crap. You cant make this crap up man lol.

Obviously I believe that the black community has gotten a raw deal and they should be upset, but they need to be protesting people like Bernie and Hillary. It's theirs and similar policies that have hurt the black community so badly and kept them in chains. But liberals want to blame republicans lol. Why? Because republicans want the black communities to rise up and take part in this thing and take care of themselves. Dang racist people --who would ever treat blacks like they are capable of taking care of themselves? Those darn conservatives man, what a bunch of racist lol.
(08-15-2016, 07:45 AM)djam Wrote: This whole thing is just result of decades of liberal democrat policy, coming home to fruition. This is what happens when you reward families for kicking out the dads, force them into terrible government run schools, and give people something for nothing --it encourages entitlement and irresponsible behavior.  The black communities in this nation should be pissed right now --pissed at their democrat masters for keeping them enslaved and treating them like they are incapable for too long. Their anger is directed at the wrong people. They should be going after the white folks who claim to be their saviors, which would be the wimpy, whiney, safe-space-seeking Democrats, sadly lol.

The sad part is that all they seem to want is more free crap --which is a big reason why they are so f'kd in the first place. Their schools havent taught them any skills, or even any idea that they would actually be more empowered if they took care of themselves. They encourage the victim mentality. So in a nutshell, blacks seem to be upset because they are treated differently, yet their solution is to be treated differently, with special favors that compensate their race's downfalls? Wow that is racist against themselves!! Talk about a self-defeating mentality --its bred in them at this point.  Its amazing to see all these tough looking tatoo'd up gangster types all fired up ready for a war --because they cant take care of themselves and they want people to give them more free crap. You cant make this crap up man lol.

Unsubstantiated comments or fabrications like this tend to "breed" more hate and misunderstanding. 
[Image: Defensewcm.gif]
(08-14-2016, 09:44 PM)bfine32 Wrote: It's about time we call it what it is: Domestic Terrorism. 

Yes.  The ones who do this are.

Not the entire movement.  Just the ones hiding behind the movement to do damage.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Welp this has gotten out of hand quickly.
(08-15-2016, 07:45 AM)djam Wrote: This whole thing is just result of decades of liberal democrat policy, coming home to fruition. This is what happens when you reward families for kicking out the dads, force them into terrible government run schools, and give people something for nothing --it encourages entitlement and irresponsible behavior. The black communities in this nation should be pissed right now --pissed at their democrat masters for keeping them enslaved and treating them like they are incapable for too long. Their anger is directed at the wrong people. They should be going after the white folks who claim to be their saviors, which would be the wimpy, whiney, safe-space-seeking Democrats, sadly lol.

The sad part is that all they seem to want is more free crap --which is a big reason why they are so f'kd in the first place. Their schools havent taught them any skills, or even any idea that they would actually be more empowered if they took care of themselves. They encourage the victim mentality. So in a nutshell, blacks seem to be upset because they are treated differently, yet their solution is to be treated differently, with special favors that compensate their race's downfalls? Wow that is racist against themselves!! Talk about a self-defeating mentality --its bred in them at this point. Its amazing to see all these tough looking tatoo'd up gangster types all fired up ready for a war --because they cant take care of themselves and they want people to give them more free crap. You cant make this crap up man lol.

Obviously I believe that the black community has gotten a raw deal and they should be upset, but they need to be protesting people like Bernie and Hillary. It's theirs and similar policies that have hurt the black community so badly and kept them in chains. But liberals want to blame republicans lol. Why? Because republicans want the black communities to rise up and take part in this thing and take care of themselves. Dang racist people --who would ever treat blacks like they are capable of taking care of themselves? Those darn conservatives man, what a bunch of racist lol.

I love the "liberal policies have done all this damage" that fails to recognize that most of the policies fall into one of three categories:
Not implemented as intended due to compromises needed to pass them.
Not allowed to be given time to work out in the long run because of people being too quick to cry "failure!"
Not being funded enough for the plan to work as intended.

This country is conservative. I've said it before, but even the Democratic party in this country is conservative when placed on the geopolitical spectrum. It's like Angela Merkel's CDU, which is center-right, yet everyone in this country seems to think they are leftist. Real liberal policies don't happen here, they are always tempered with conservatism to the point of neutering them.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-14-2016, 09:44 PM)bfine32 Wrote: It's about time we call it what it is: Domestic Terrorism. 

Those who commit violence in an effort to force political change should always be deemed terrorists. We need to find those committing, or advocating, the violence and charge them. Plain and simple.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-15-2016, 08:11 AM)Bmoreblitz Wrote: Unsubstantiated comments or fabrications like this tend to "breed" more hate and misunderstanding. 

Haha, really? Well why dont you listen to what the average inner-city black guy calls his friends, or girlfriends, or even himself. When will emotional midgets learn to realize that words are words and just let it go? The words I used arent half as bad as the people I am talking about's own words about their own people. Sad and pathetic that people are wimpy enough to let words like you highlighted hurt their feelings to the point that it somehow hinders their If this is what the young folks in our country believe, we are screwed lol. 
(08-15-2016, 11:25 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I love the "liberal policies have done all this damage" that fails to recognize that most of the policies fall into one of three categories:
Not implemented as intended due to compromises needed to pass them.
Not allowed to be given time to work out in the long run because of people being too quick to cry "failure!"
Not being funded enough for the plan to work as intended.

This country is conservative. I've said it before, but even the Democratic party in this country is conservative when placed on the geopolitical spectrum. It's like Angela Merkel's CDU, which is center-right, yet everyone in this country seems to think they are leftist. Real liberal policies don't happen here, they are always tempered with conservatism to the point of neutering them.

Well then I guess "real liberal policies" would never and have never worked anywhere, period --depending on your definition of liberal. You know, I thought our founding fathers were liberal, and this nation was founded on classical liberalism and their escape from Europe's fascism. But the people who call themselves liberal now want to bring back all the fascist euro policy. So I dont even know what is liberal anymore because the folks who current carry that banner are the furthest thing from it. Liberty and freedom. Thats liberal. Government control is fascist. Everything the modern liberal wants anymore is something the government has to force of others at gun point. Nothing liberal about that at all.
(08-15-2016, 02:20 PM)djam Wrote: Haha, really? Well why dont you listen to what the average inner-city black guy calls his friends, or girlfriends, or even himself. When will emotional midgets learn to realize that words are words and just let it go? The words I used arent half as bad as the people I am talking about's own words about their own people. Sad and pathetic that people are wimpy enough to let words like you highlighted hurt their feelings to the point that it somehow hinders their If this is what the young folks in our country believe, we are screwed lol. 

He didn't say your words offended him, he said you're making shit up and challenged you to back up your claims. 

Unsubstantiated means there's no proof and fabrication means made up.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-15-2016, 07:45 AM)djam Wrote: This whole thing is just result of decades of liberal democrat policy, coming home to fruition. This is what happens when you reward families for kicking out the dads, force them into terrible government run schools, and give people something for nothing --it encourages entitlement and irresponsible behavior.  The black communities in this nation should be pissed right now --pissed at their democrat masters for keeping them enslaved and treating them like they are incapable for too long. Their anger is directed at the wrong people. They should be going after the white folks who claim to be their saviors, which would be the wimpy, whiney, safe-space-seeking Democrats, sadly lol.

The sad part is that all they seem to want is more free crap --which is a big reason why they are so f'kd in the first place. Their schools havent taught them any skills, or even any idea that they would actually be more empowered if they took care of themselves. They encourage the victim mentality. So in a nutshell, blacks seem to be upset because they are treated differently, yet their solution is to be treated differently, with special favors that compensate their race's downfalls? Wow that is racist against themselves!! Talk about a self-defeating mentality --its bred in them at this point.  Its amazing to see all these tough looking tatoo'd up gangster types all fired up ready for a war --because they cant take care of themselves and they want people to give them more free crap. You cant make this crap up man lol.

Obviously I believe that the black community has gotten a raw deal and they should be upset, but they need to be protesting people like Bernie and Hillary. It's theirs and similar policies that have hurt the black community so badly and kept them in chains. But liberals want to blame republicans lol. Why? Because republicans want the black communities to rise up and take part in this thing and take care of themselves. Dang racist people --who would ever treat blacks like they are capable of taking care of themselves? Those darn conservatives man, what a bunch of racist lol.

What do you call stereotypes or generalizations based race?
(08-15-2016, 03:05 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: What do you call stereotypes or generalizations based race?

A key component to a winning strategy for the GOP primary. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-15-2016, 03:10 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: A key component to a winning strategy for the GOP primary. 

It sure has 'em crawling out of the woodwork. 

I just thought it was ironic a statement denouncing racism including opinions such as . . . 

Quote:The sad part is that all they seem to want is more free crap --

A stereotype proclaiming "all" of a specific race want free stuff. Which obviously has a negative connotation which would indicate "all" of them are inferior. I'm not surprised by the author's seeming lack of awareness of what his comment is. 

Now I'm going to be accused of political correctness for being politically incorrect enough to point out the obvious. 
(08-15-2016, 02:26 PM)djam Wrote: Well then I guess "real liberal policies" would never and have never worked anywhere, period --depending on your definition of liberal. You know, I thought our founding fathers were liberal, and this nation was founded on classical liberalism and their escape from Europe's fascism. But the people who call themselves liberal now want to bring back all the fascist euro policy. So I dont even know what is liberal anymore because the folks who current carry that banner are the furthest thing from it. Liberty and freedom. Thats liberal. Government control is fascist. Everything the modern liberal wants anymore is something the government has to force of others at gun point. Nothing liberal about that at all.

I see the ignorance in regards to what socialism is among the right wing extends also to fascism. Also, classical liberalism was not the only liberal thought at the time. Though a lot of right wingers would hate classical liberalism just as much. Anyway, liberalism has many schools of thought. There is no one liberal ideology, same for conservatism.

But, you seem to have a misguided view on world politics and economy, likely jaded from a nationalistic standpoint.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-15-2016, 03:40 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I see the ignorance in regards to what socialism is among the right wing extends also to fascism. Also, classical liberalism was not the only liberal thought at the time. Though a lot of right wingers would hate classical liberalism just as much. Anyway, liberalism has many schools of thought. There is no one liberal ideology, same for conservatism.

But, you seem to have a misguided view on world politics and economy, likely jaded from a nationalistic standpoint.

The question is, which nation?
(08-15-2016, 03:40 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I see the ignorance in regards to what socialism is among the right wing extends also to fascism. Also, classical liberalism was not the only liberal thought at the time. Though a lot of right wingers would hate classical liberalism just as much. Anyway, liberalism has many schools of thought. There is no one liberal ideology, same for conservatism.

But, you seem to have a misguided view on world politics and economy, likely jaded from a nationalistic standpoint.

Misguided and jaded? Yeah I was misguided back when my thinking was just like yours. I'm jaded from the failures of social programs that have wrecked our economy, and liberal/communist-like ideals that have divided people into class and race categories instead of uniting people under a freedom based live and let live banner like America was founded to be. One day a long time ago I stopped listening to what the bought and paid for, agenda-driven journalist and professors were saying and started researching for myself --history of policy and results thereof. It was not very hard to really get a look into the rest of the world either, considering I lived part of my life in China when I was younger, and my parents work took them all over the world most of my life. Socialism is a failure on almost every level. Doesnt matter how much you try to church it up, stealing from people to pay for others diminishes motivation, and hinders greatness, creativity and individualism. It has never worked out for anyone, and the countries Bernie and his band of clueless supporters try to use as a examples have struggled very badly, so they make excuses that ' oh what we need is "more" socialism and then it will be ok' lol. Its hilarious. How about this. Live and let live. Make your own way and let others do the same, If they volunteer to help others then thats great, if not, its their own business and you should have no say it in whatsoever. Anything socialism related would only work in a homesteading community type environment. Trying to force it on people in a modern society is utter stupidity. Folks want to be productive and make money for their work, and they want to keep that money and decide what to do with it for themselves. If you keep stealing from people they will leave. If you force them not to, then you've essentially created a prison lifestyle for people who produce things that others want. That kind of thing starts wars. 
(08-15-2016, 04:17 PM)djam Wrote:  Socialism is a failure on almost every level. Doesnt matter how much you try to church it up, stealing from people to pay for others diminishes motivation, and hinders greatness, creativity and individualism. It has never worked out for anyone, and the countries Bernie and his band of clueless supporters try to use as a examples have struggled very badly, so they make excuses that ' oh what we need is "more" socialism and then it will be ok' lol.

Unregulated capitalism was also a complete failure.  History proved this.

I don't know of anyone here who is arguing for true socialism where the government controls all services and means of production.  I think everyone agrees that the competition of capitalism is needed to drive innovation.  NOt even Bernie's followers were in favor of the government controlling all industry.

But unregulated capitalism leads to oppression, death, and destruction of the environment.

So instead of arguing about which is better we have to look at what level of regulation and government involvement is needed.  Because it can't be either zero or 100%. 

Anyone who claims that either extreme is good just does not understand history.

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