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What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting?
Neither capitalism, nor socialism, in pure forms will ever work. Greed is the human element that will ruin it. This is why during the industrial revolution when unregulated and unchecked industry ran rampant with worker abuses the government had to step in. Combine all of that with the global economy that has really decreased the size of the world when it comes to economics and you have a lot of things that have changed in the world since 18th century philosophers were discussing the free-market.

Edit: With that, I'm done with this thread. Sorry for continuing to pull it off topic. I was just trying to lead a horse to water.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-15-2016, 10:56 PM)djam Wrote:  They are not happy with the life you liberals have provided them with your little social programs. 

The social programs have helped them more than anything the conservatives have suggested.

The African American community has a lot of problems.  The issues are very complicated.  But there is not proof that social programs are to blame.  There have been times when conservatives controlled politics in the United States and they did nothing to solve the problems.  If they have the answers then why didn't they fix things when they were in charge?

You honestly think blacks are protesting because they have job training programs and daycare assitance for working single mothers?  
(08-16-2016, 01:02 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Well, there is one particular group of nationalist that called themselves something else previously, but started calling themselves nationalist to insidiously become more mainstream. 

Who the Nationalist, Socialist Workers Part of Germany? In other words Hitler? Well you have to have socialism for there to be any comparison to the nationalist movement of today vs the genocide based one of then --its not even close. Bernie on a policy level is way more like Hitler than anyone else in the race. Hillary? She's not even human-like if you ask me. Its not about anything but power for her. In fact, I never agreed with Bernie's solutions at all, but I do think he see's the corruption and doesnt like it. Problem is, he bowed down to his democrat masters for a very small payoff. He's a total sellout fraud. Anything good I thought about him went away when he endorsed Hillary in exchange for an endorsement and a plane lol. Not a very big price to sellout over if you ask me. 
(08-15-2016, 11:20 PM)djam Wrote: I understand that you guys have been spoon fed for years that rich people are all bad. but its simply not true.

I am not saying rich people are evil, and I have never been apoone fed anything like that.

What I base my opinions on are history.  And history proves that unregulated capitalism is evil.  It is not the individuals.  It is the system.  If a guy running a coal mine at the turn of the 20th century wanted to pay for expensive equipment to make sure the miners had clean air and were safe he was driven out of business by the competition who did not pay for things like that.

History proves over and over and over and over again the evils of unregulated capitalism.  Profits are placed above human lives and the environment.  Unchecked capitalism allows the qwealthy elite to oppress the poor and middle class and eliminate any possible competition.  That is reality.  I can post hundreds of examples.  No one who knows anything about history can possibly dispute this.

And I also don't realize why you keep squealing about how we have to have capitalism when everyone who is debating against you agrees that we have to have capitalism.  You don't even know what we are debating.  We have to have capitalism, but it has to be regulated by the government.
(08-16-2016, 09:13 AM)fredtoast Wrote: The social programs have helped them more than anything the conservatives have suggested.

The African American community has a lot of problems.  The issues are very complicated.  But there is not proof that social programs are to blame.  There have been times when conservatives controlled politics in the United States and they did nothing to solve the problems.  If they have the answers then why didn't they fix things when they were in charge?

You honestly think blacks are protesting because they have job training programs and daycare assitance for working single mothers?  

Their issues are very simple fred. Almost all aspects of their lives is funded by tax payers and social programs. It has done nothing for them. Their quality of life is pathetic. Their schools, which are already government run, are pathetic. They learn no skills, they are literally taught and told to be victims --which is why I said its bred in them. After 3 generations of that, yes it is bred in them. They are given more welfare to kick out fathers from the homes. They are encouraged to abort their babies. They have no direction and feel like they have no way out. The ONLY ones who get out, do it by rejecting the narrative and the lifestyle the government and liberals have given them, and rejecting the entire thing and go take part in the world. I have two cousins and they live in Baltimore. One is in jail again sadly. He's been in and out of jail for a long time. The other one went to college and ended up owning his own business, and having a family. The difference between those two? The one in jail bought into the narrative and is too angry to get off the system. In his mind he's a victim of something he cant even explain, but it has fueled him to take part in a lot of bad things and he's stolen form people and hurt people because of it. His brother? He didnt buy into the victim mindset and didnt want to live in a government run life. He wanted to taste the freedom that others get to. So he changed his mindset. He got out. One of these days fred, they are all going to wake up and want out of that life you pander for them. black are very capable and dont need treated as if they arent. That is very racist, actually, and soon they will all see it. There is a reason MLK was republican, and Fredrick Douglas, and so on and so on. They knew then that being babied and treated as if they were a lower class of people would hurt them, and democrats support this. It HAS hurt them. They were all right. I dont think they want a bunch of white, self-endorsed intellects telling them what they can and cant do, which is basically what has been happening for a long time. You want to help th black communities? Leave them alone. They are full of capable people who have no idea how capable they really are. Stop trying to do their race special favors. It ruins mentality and holds them back. Just stop. The best thing that could happen to the black communities right now would be for them to be forced into taking personal responsibility for their lives. They will thrive on it once they taste it. But this system stifles that. Badly.
(08-16-2016, 09:27 AM)djam Wrote: Their issues are very simple fred. Almost all aspects of their lives is funded by tax payers and social programs. It has done nothing for them. Their quality of life is pathetic. Their schools, which are already government run, are pathetic. They learn no skills, they are literally taught and told to be victims --which is why I said its bred in them. After 3 generations of that, yes it is bred in themThey are given more welfare to kick out fathers from the homes. They are encouraged to abort their babies. They have no direction and feel like they have no way out. The ONLY ones who get out, do it by rejecting the narrative and the lifestyle the government and liberals have given them, and rejecting the entire thing and go take part in the world. I have two cousins and they live in Baltimore. One is in jail again sadly. He's been in and out of jail for a long time. The other one went to college and ended up owning his own business, and having a family. The difference between those two? The one in jail bought into the narrative and is too angry to get off the system. In his mind he's a victim of something he cant even explain, but it has fueled him to take part in a lot of bad things and he's stolen form people and hurt people because of it. His brother? He didnt buy into the victim mindset and didnt want to live in a government run life. He wanted to taste the freedom that others get to. So he changed his mindset. He got out. One of these days fred, they are all going to wake up and want out of that life you pander for them. black are very capable and dont need treated as if they arent. That is very racist, actually, and soon they will all see it. There is a reason MLK was republican, and Fredrick Douglas, and so on and so on. They knew then that being babied and treated as if they were a lower class of people would hurt them, and democrats support this. It HAS hurt them. They were all right. I dont think they want a bunch of white, self-endorsed intellects telling them what they can and cant do, which is basically what has been happening for a long time. You want to help th black communities? Leave them alone. They are full of capable people who have no idea how capable they really are. Stop trying to do their race special favors. It ruins mentality and holds them back. Just stop. 


This is starting to sound familiar....
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-16-2016, 09:25 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I am not saying rich people are evil, and I have never been apoone fed anything like that.

What I base my opinions on are history.  And history proves that unregulated capitalism is evil.  It is not the individuals.  It is the system.  If a guy running a coal mine at the turn of the 20th century wanted to pay for expensive equipment to make sure the miners had clean air and were safe he was driven out of business by the competition who did not pay for things like that.

History proves over and over and over and over again the evils of unregulated capitalism.  Profits are placed above human lives and the environment.  Unchecked capitalism allows the qwealthy elite to oppress the poor and middle class and eliminate any possible competition.  That is reality.  I can post hundreds of examples.  No one who knows anything about history can possibly dispute this.

And I also don't realize why you keep squealing about how we have to have capitalism when everyone who is debating against you agrees that we have to have capitalism.  You don't even know what we are debating.  We have to have capitalism, but it has to be regulated by the government.

fred we already have capitalism that is regulated by government. Its what has been failing us for a long time. There was a time when we produced more better product than anyone, for better prices and our workers were paid the highest in the world. All of those things were true at once. But it was ruined by regulation and government control. Period. 
(08-16-2016, 08:44 AM)djam Wrote:  It baffles my mind that you folks are so willing to give it all up and just trust in government to run your lives. 

It baffles my mind that you can not see all the evils of unchecked capitalism.

i am not talking about vague theories.  I am talking about facts proven by history.  

Child labor
Deadly working conditions
Unsafe products
Environmental destruction
Price fixing
Slave wages
Poisonous food and drugs
Market manipulation

That is what unregulated capitalism gave us.

We all agree that we need a capitalist system, but it has to be regulated by the government to prevent oppression of the poor and middle classes. 
(08-16-2016, 09:32 AM)GMDino Wrote: Shocked

This is starting to sound familiar....

I was having the same thought.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-16-2016, 09:34 AM)djam Wrote: fred we already have capitalism that is regulated by government. Its what has been failing us for a long time. There was a time when we produced more better product than anyone, for better prices and our workers were paid the highest in the world. All of those things were true at once. But it was ruined by regulation and government control. Period. 

No it was not ruined by government regulation.  That not true.  

Our economy is struggling because of competition from third world labor.  It has nothing to do with government regulations. 

PLease explain a specific government regulation that could be removed that would make US workers higher paid and still allow us to compete with third world labor costs.
(08-16-2016, 09:27 AM)djam Wrote: Their issues are very simple fred. Almost all aspects of their lives is funded by tax payers and social programs. It has done nothing for them. Their quality of life is pathetic. Their schools, which are already government run, are pathetic. They learn no skills, they are literally taught and told to be victims --which is why I said its bred in them. After 3 generations of that, yes it is bred in them. They are given more welfare to kick out fathers from the homes. They are encouraged to abort their babies. They have no direction and feel like they have no way out. The ONLY ones who get out, do it by rejecting the narrative and the lifestyle the government and liberals have given them, and rejecting the entire thing and go take part in the world. I have two cousins and they live in Baltimore. One is in jail again sadly. He's been in and out of jail for a long time. The other one went to college and ended up owning his own business, and having a family. The difference between those two? The one in jail bought into the narrative and is too angry to get off the system. In his mind he's a victim of something he cant even explain, but it has fueled him to take part in a lot of bad things and he's stolen form people and hurt people because of it. His brother? He didnt buy into the victim mindset and didnt want to live in a government run life. He wanted to taste the freedom that others get to. So he changed his mindset. He got out. One of these days fred, they are all going to wake up and want out of that life you pander for them. black are very capable and dont need treated as if they arent. That is very racist, actually, and soon they will all see it. There is a reason MLK was republican, and Fredrick Douglas, and so on and so on. They knew then that being babied and treated as if they were a lower class of people would hurt them, and democrats support this. It HAS hurt them. They were all right. I dont think they want a bunch of white, self-endorsed intellects telling them what they can and cant do, which is basically what has been happening for a long time. You want to help th black communities? Leave them alone. They are full of capable people who have no idea how capable they really are. Stop trying to do their race special favors. It ruins mentality and holds them back. Just stop. The best thing that could happen to the black communities right now would be for them to be forced into taking personal responsibility for their lives. They will thrive on it once they taste it. But this system stifles that. Badly.

The ones who have escaped poverty have done it with the help of government programs that helped pay for their education and job training.

Do you honestly believe there were no poor people living in poverty before the US government created social programs to help them?  

You can't blame social programs created to help the poor for making them poor when there were poor people before the social programs.  

(08-16-2016, 05:59 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Nationalism leads to blindness regarding the faults of your country. It is on part of fascism, the word you like to throw around, the other being authoritarianism. Nationalism throughout history has led to some pretty heinous acts committed against people under the guise of making a place better by getting rid of them. That is of course an extreme end, but it does regularly lead to racism and just not looking out for your fellow man.

Hell to the yeah. 
(08-16-2016, 08:35 AM)Kdjam Wrote: When governments get in bed with these companies, like insurance, pharm, even colleges, which are also companies, they can charge whatever they want, which is a big part the problem lol. In fact that IS the problem. When the government gets into subsidizing things, they basically put tax payers as collateral to companies for profit. An example, why is college so expensive now, when it was very cheap back in the day? Because the government got involved, used us a collateral to tell the colleges that they will get a lot of tax payer money regardless of who pays or not. They can charge whatever they want now, because they are going to get money either way. This happens is too many industries and its created inflation tenfold while wages have been flat. Pharm companies making their little drugs, they are all in bed with the FDA, every single one of them. They put themselves before the people in the name of profit. 

Which of course is cronyism, not capitalism lol

As far as your little "mixed" comment. I dont really get offended by those kind of words. When people of difference races get together and make babies, they mix races. There is nothing that tells me that mixed is not a proper word with proper meaning to explain the reality of the situation. I dont need to make up ways to be politically correct so as not to offend myself and others. I have no time for that I'm too busy working to create a good like for my family. Politically correctness is stupid to me. I dont see it as something worth anything. I see it as a tool that certain people use to silence others and stifle conversation.

Businesses can charge whatever they want. In the U.S., drug companies choose to charge exorbitant amounts for their products. In Canada, the government tells drug companies how much they will pay for their product which is why the prices are cheaper. 

Businesses also decide how much they pay their workers and how large the golden eggs are for the executives. If wages are flat it is because the companies decided upon the amount and frequency of raises. 

My comment regarding multiracial vs. mixed wasn't meant to offend you. It was an explanation of why I don't call my family members and others like them "mixed."  Because they aren't a Yorkiepoo or a Labradoodle. But, again that's just me. You be you. 
(08-16-2016, 08:44 AM)You djam Wrote: Wow you are starting to get it....maybe? Eh I doubt it. But yes, the SAME applies to everyone equally across the board lol. No special favors for ANYONE. That is the only was to have real equality. Everyone has the same chance. But the way its been, is that companies, unions, etc, get in bed with government, and pay them to allow bad business and fraud to happen that favors their business and not others. Its not capitalism that allows that ----its public servants who have crowned themselves public leaders who allow that --government. How can you not see that lol? Government should be preventing that, not creating it!! But sadly Bernie supporters want the government to have EVEN MORE POWER. It baffles my mind that you folks are so willing to give it all up and just trust in government to run your lives. 

"You folks". LOL. Nice. 

Again it takes two people to collude. I blame both the politician and the capitalist because what each side is doing is wrong. While you only blame the politician while turning a blind eye to the corruption of the capitalist. Then you try to sell this fantasy as truth to the masses. Again I'm not buying the BS. 
(08-16-2016, 08:50 AM)djam Wrote: No the way it works now, the medical/insurance/pharm industries practice very little in the way of real capitalism. They are so deeply ingrained with the government and their scam that you simply cannot call it capitalism, at all. If you read some Adam Smith, you'll see what I'm saying. This is not how a real capitalist system is supposed to work. But our government is NOT on our side man, they are all trying to get rich and very much succeeding at it. They are doing it with cronyism and selling it as capitalism. They WANT more socialism, big time! Most of the bad republicans want the same thing as the democrats. More power, money and control. How do they get it? By getting people to accept socialism lol.   --listen to the comment made right at the 3:29 mark. This is pure truth, and a very big part of why things are getting out of hand.

Everything I listed are ways capitalists are screwing your grandfather.  Every. Single. One. By pricing fixing between companies. 

You're blaming the government because you're a capitalist. Any capitalist claiming they want a free market is a liar. Capitalist want to increase their market share until they control the market. Getting people who don't know any better to believe your bullshit is just another attempt to control the market. 
(08-16-2016, 09:32 AM)GMDino Wrote: Shocked

This is starting to sound familiar....

(08-16-2016, 09:39 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I was having the same thought.

C'mon guys, it was patently obvious from the beginning.  The guy is on, what, his fifth incarnation on these boards?
(08-16-2016, 09:15 AM)djam Wrote: Who the Nationalist, Socialist Workers Part of Germany? In other words Hitler? Well you have to have socialism for there to be any comparison to the nationalist movement of today vs the genocide based one of then --its not even close. Bernie on a policy level is way more like Hitler than anyone else in the race. Hillary? She's not even human-like if you ask me. Its not about anything but power for her. In fact, I never agreed with Bernie's solutions at all, but I do think he see's the corruption and doesnt like it. Problem is, he bowed down to his democrat masters for a very small payoff. He's a total sellout fraud. Anything good I thought about him went away when he endorsed Hillary in exchange for an endorsement and a plane lol. Not a very big price to sellout over if you ask me. 

Not them, but you're getting warmer. 

What type of nationalists are good ol' gun lovin' kountry folk who are also konservative and khristian and wouldn't vote for "the likes of Obama"?

I think they call themselves white nationalists now. 
(08-16-2016, 09:27 AM)djam Wrote: Their issues are very simple fred. Almost all aspects of their lives is funded by tax payers and social programs. It has done nothing for them. Their quality of life is pathetic. Their schools, which are already government run, are pathetic. They learn no skills, they are literally taught and told to be victims --which is why I said its bred in them. After 3 generations of that, yes it is bred in them. They are given more welfare to kick out fathers from the homes. They are encouraged to abort their babies. They have no direction and feel like they have no way out. The ONLY ones who get out, do it by rejecting the narrative and the lifestyle the government and liberals have given them, and rejecting the entire thing and go take part in the world. I have two cousins and they live in Baltimore. One is in jail again sadly. He's been in and out of jail for a long time. The other one went to college and ended up owning his own business, and having a family. The difference between those two? The one in jail bought into the narrative and is too angry to get off the system. In his mind he's a victim of something he cant even explain, but it has fueled him to take part in a lot of bad things and he's stolen form people and hurt people because of it. His brother? He didnt buy into the victim mindset and didnt want to live in a government run life. He wanted to taste the freedom that others get to. So he changed his mindset. He got out. One of these days fred, they are all going to wake up and want out of that life you pander for them. black are very capable and dont need treated as if they arent. That is very racist, actually, and soon they will all see it. There is a reason MLK was republican, and Fredrick Douglas, and so on and so on. They knew then that being babied and treated as if they were a lower class of people would hurt them, and democrats support this. It HAS hurt them. They were all right. I dont think they want a bunch of white, self-endorsed intellects telling them what they can and cant do, which is basically what has been happening for a long time. You want to help th black communities? Leave them alone. They are full of capable people who have no idea how capable they really are. Stop trying to do their race special favors. It ruins mentality and holds them back. Just stop. The best thing that could happen to the black communities right now would be for them to be forced into taking personal responsibility for their lives. They will thrive on it once they taste it. But this system stifles that. Badly.

If it walks like duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck; it's not a zebra. 
(08-16-2016, 09:34 AM)djam Wrote: fred we already have capitalism that is regulated by government. Its what has been failing us for a long time. There was a time when we produced more better product than anyone, for better prices and our workers were paid the highest in the world. All of those things were true at once. But it was ruined by regulation and government control. Period. 

Yeah, we need to be more like Bangladesh so Trump will hire us to stitch his shirts together for less than minimum wage in unregulated third world sweat shops. 

That would be awesome!  America, **** yeah!
(08-16-2016, 11:05 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: C'mon guys, it was patently obvious from the beginning.  The guy is on, what, his fifth incarnation on these boards?

Honestly?  I try to assume it's a new person with the same kind of thoughts/styles.  Certainly enough folks for that to happen.

But then....
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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