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What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting?
(08-16-2016, 11:05 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: C'mon guys, it was patently obvious from the beginning.  The guy is on, what, his fifth incarnation on these boards?

I'll hold off judgement on this.

There are a LOT of people who think like this, and since they all get their speaking points from the same sources they often sound similar. 
(08-15-2016, 11:27 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Those who commit violence in an effort to force political change should always be deemed terrorists. We need to find those committing, or advocating, the violence and charge them. Plain and simple.

Should we start with the sister:

Quote:Sister of Sylville Smith, the armed man shot by a black Milwaukee police officer, called out for rioters to stop burning down their own neighborhood, and go burn down the suburbs instead.
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(08-16-2016, 12:24 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Should we start with the sister:

C'mon now. I heard what she said and saw the video where she said it and it sounded more to me like a call to just stop than a call to take it to the suburbs. Yes, she said 'take it to the suburbs' but it sounded more like she was just tired of the violence altogether.
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A. We're all "mixed".
B. We all need a culture change.
C. We'll never get there focusing on the verbiage utilized in discussion. (Although I do believe in being as polite as possible)

Let's say a person IS a racist....
Do you really think you're going to change their mind by telling them how terrible they are ?
I would hope not.
An angry mind is a closed mind.
Furthermore, unless you allow that person totally free speech, you'll never truly find where their misconceptions are.

We need to be real with each other and not give into the fear or hate that has been ingrained.

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(08-16-2016, 01:27 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: A. We're all "mixed".
B. We all need a culture change.
C. We'll never get there focusing on the verbiage utilized in discussion. (Although I do believe in being as polite as possible)

Let's say a person IS a racist....
Do you really think you're going to change their mind by telling them how terrible they are ?
I would hope not.
An angry mind is a closed mind.
Furthermore, unless you allow that person  totally free speech, you'll never truly find where their misconceptions are.

We need to be real with each other and not give into the fear or hate that has been ingrained.

Sent from my SM-S820L using Tapatalk

I don't recall telling anyone in this thread they were terrible. Simply acknowledged the elephant sitting in the room. I don't fool myself into believing I'll change the elephant's mind. I'm just exercising my free speech to say, "Hello."  We didn't have a civil rights movement because people ignored the problem.

Some of the people involved in the BLM movement could learn a lot of lessons from the nonviolent civil disobedience of the civil rights movement. From the six months that I was on Facebook, most of the stuff I saw from family and friends where I grew up about BLM was thinly veiled racism or just plain ol' fashioned racism. My wife read my feed and was like WTF. I explained that's what it is like where I was raised. It's one of the main reasons I got out of there. So in my personal experience with friends and family when someone is upset because it's called Black Lives Matter and not All Lives Matter it is because there is something going on there they won't admit to unless they are around friends or family. I'm not claiming that is true for everyone. Just among a great many of the people I grew up with. 

When someone gets on here and claims all black people in all black communities all want free stuff and it is bred into them; then I know exactly who and what I'm dealing with based upon growing up with them. Being raised by one. I'm not going to look the other way and pretend I'm not seeing what I'm seeing and hope it goes away. Not gonna do it. 
(08-16-2016, 02:33 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I don't recall telling anyone in this thread they were terrible. Simply acknowledged the elephant sitting in the room. I don't fool myself into believing I'll change the elephant's mind. I'm just exercising my free speech to say, "Hello."  We didn't have a civil rights movement because people ignored the problem.

Some of the people involved in the BLM movement could learn a lot of lessons from the nonviolent civil disobedience of the civil rights movement. From the six months that I was on Facebook, most of the stuff I saw from family and friends where I grew up about BLM was thinly veiled racism or just plain ol' fashioned racism. My wife read my feed and was like WTF. I explained that's what it is like where I was raised. It's one of the main reasons I got out of there. So in my personal experience with friends and family when someone is upset because it's called Black Lives Matter and not All Lives Matter it is because there is something going on there they won't admit to unless they are around friends or family. I'm not claiming that is true for everyone. Just among a great many of the people I grew up with. 

When someone gets on here and claims all black people in all black communities all want free stuff and it is bred into them; then I know exactly who and what I'm dealing with based upon growing up with them. Being raised by one. I'm not going to look the other way and pretend I'm not seeing what I'm seeing and hope it goes away. Not gonna do it. 
Sorry that it came off that way to you.

I get what you're saying and agree with your Facebook assessments.
I am still on there and made a post calling theses kinds of things out, today.
Some may think it somewhat "tin-foil",  but here it is.

" I see a lot of posts on FB concerning the Milwaukee shooting, BLM, and riots.

Don't buy into the sponsored campaign of division.
Division is control through misdirection, giving you a pool for your daily disappointments to gather, far away from the cause that is big government.
The political division narrative is/has been falling.
The seeds of racial divide have ramped up and fertilized with money from people who do not have our best interests in mind.
Do not "pick a side", at least not one of the two provided (much like our current presidential election).

Let us view the big picture.
Let us have dialogue.
Let us change culture.
Let us be United."

Followed by this video....

So.... maybe that played into my post here.

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(08-16-2016, 02:33 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: When someone gets on here and claims all black people in all black communities all want free stuff and it is bred into them; then I know exactly who and what I'm dealing with based upon growing up with them. Being raised by one. I'm not going to look the other way and pretend I'm not seeing what I'm seeing and hope it goes away. Not gonna do it. 


I was not raised by one, but I was raised among them.
(08-16-2016, 03:03 PM)fredtoast Wrote: This.

I was not raised by one, but I was raised among them.

I didn't do all that suffering in the military telling myself it was for the good of others to tolerate that sort of bullshit. 
(08-16-2016, 03:03 PM)fredtoast Wrote: This.

I was not raised by one, but I was raised among them.

I was raised by one.
That's why my feelings are what they are, about trying to change minds.

It's not about sympathy or ignoring anything, it's about real change.
(08-16-2016, 03:24 PM)Rotobeast Wrote: I was raised by one.
That's why my feelings are what they are, about trying to change minds.

It's not about sympathy or ignoring anything, it's about real change.

Open communication is key. Often times someone will clam up once they feel they have been attacked by using an incorrect phrase. I think we must realize that words are just that and should look more to the intent and motivation. Anybody that would label someone simply for the words they use are not approaching that subject with an open-mind.

I think have told my Of Mice and Men story about my first week at High School in Cincinnati. 
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(08-15-2016, 07:47 PM)djam Wrote: Did you know that Africa still has slavery to this day, and buys and sells their own people just like they did to a bunch of europeans back in the day, who eventually became American Democrats? Slavery still --their own people? Did you know that we were one of the very first countries to abolish slavery and it was the first republican president who did it? 

Did you know, that all those people have moved on in life, blacks can vote and even become president now. Are you suggesting we are still slave drivers? Because I actually agree with you. Democrats took them from the cotton fields and put them on the vote plantation. They give them "just enough" to keep getting their votes dont they? But they definitely make sure plenty of abortion clinics are setup in those neighborhoods, you know, of course. They have it all set up. The black communities are definitely living under chains right now. But you idiots want more of what has already destroyed them lol. Some friends of black people you guys are....

So your response to me explaining how your post is wrong is to state random misconceptions and imply that I am a Democrat. 

That's one way to not address something that explains why you are full of shit. 

Also, the US wasn't even one of the first 10 countries in the Americas to outlaw slavery. 
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(08-16-2016, 03:50 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Open communication is key. Often times someone will clam up once they feel they have been attacked by using an incorrect phrase. I think we must realize that words are just that and should look more to the intent and motivation. Anybody that would label someone simply for the words they use are not approaching that subject with an open-mind.

I think have told my Of Mice and Men story about my first week at High School in Cincinnati. 

I think we must realize words have meanings. Meanings you frequently argue over. When we combine words together to form sentences they convey a message from one person to another. It's called communication. 

Don't pretend this is about using an incorrect phrase. 
(08-16-2016, 11:05 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: C'mon guys, it was patently obvious from the beginning.  The guy is on, what, his fifth incarnation on these boards?

Anytime someone with a low post count starts spamming racist shit and talks as if they know Fred, it's pretty obvious what's going on.
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(08-16-2016, 03:50 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Open communication is key. Often times someone will clam up once they feel they have been attacked by using an incorrect phrase. I think we must realize that words are just that and should look more to the intent and motivation. Anybody that would label someone simply for the words they use are not approaching that subject with an open-mind.

That is exactly what I did.

This was not about a single word or phrase.  It was about a long rant where he made his intent very clear.
(08-16-2016, 05:26 PM)fredtoast Wrote: That is exactly what I did.

This was not about a single word or phrase.  It was about a long rant where he made his intent very clear.

Well only you know your intent. Is your intent is to be productive or destructive? I've always been amazed by the spitefulness of the accepting in this forum. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-16-2016, 05:43 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Well only you know your intent. Is your intent is to be productive or destructive? I've always been amazed by the spitefulness of the accepting in this forum. 

I'm amazed you have categorized obviously racist comments as "extreme" rather than acknowledge what they truly are. 
(08-16-2016, 05:15 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Anytime someone with a low post count starts spamming racist shit and talks as if they know Fred, it's pretty obvious what's going on.

And who will defend it.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-16-2016, 05:43 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Well only you know your intent. Is your intent is to be productive or destructive? I've always been amazed by the spitefulness of the accepting in this forum. 

I have no idea what you mean.

I made very clear what my intent was.  I even highlighted it in your quote.  I "looked to the intent and motivation" just like you told me to do.

But now you tell me that no one can tell what another person's intent is.

So which is it?  Do we look a person's intent or is it impossible to know what another person's intent is?
(08-16-2016, 09:13 AM)fredtoast Wrote: The social programs have helped them more than anything the conservatives have suggested.

The African American community has a lot of problems.  The issues are very complicated.  But there is not proof that social programs are to blame.  There have been times when conservatives controlled politics in the United States and they did nothing to solve the problems.  If they have the answers then why didn't they fix things when they were in charge?

You honestly think blacks are protesting because they have job training programs and daycare assitance for working single mothers?  

Lyndon Johnson thought it was a wonderful Idea to give Single moms free welfare if they didn't know who the baby daddy was.....
This has worked out to be a major downfall of the African Americans. The majority of the kids have no idea who their daddy is. The problem is that he Penalized the mother's income if they married, so this led to many women not marrying in order to maximize their benefits and become Welfare Queens.

So yes, there is proof that a social program helped destroy their family unit. is it the sole reason? No, but a pretty big one.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-16-2016, 07:59 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Lyndon Johnson thought it was a wonderful Idea to give Single moms free welfare if they didn't know who the baby daddy was.....
This has worked out to be a major downfall of the African Americans. The majority of the kids have no idea who their daddy is. The problem is that he Penalized the mother's income if they married, so this led to many women not marrying in order to maximize their benefits and become Welfare Queens.

So yes, there is proof that a social program helped destroy their family unit. is it the sole reason? No, but a pretty big one.

1.  Lyndon Johnson never felt is was a good idea to give welfare to single mother only if they did not know who the father was.  That is a complete lie.

2.  Single black mothers did not plan and aspire to be welfare queens.  That is another complete lie.

3.  The payments to single mothers were the same for both white women and African Americans.  It just happened that black men were so far behind white men in average wages that they were not as able to support children as white men.

You can't blame a social program for creating poverty when the poverty was there before the social program.  The fact is that these social programs have greatly improved the economic condition of many African Americans.  They moved out of poverty at a much higher rate than poor white people from 1940 through 1970.  But since the 70's middle class wages have been stagnate for both blacks and whites.

I wonder what Bfine would say about the "intent and motivation" of Mike M's comments?

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