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What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting?
(08-28-2016, 05:52 PM)djam Wrote: Ok liberals. Here is an article I dug up debunking the idea of socialism and the left using nordic countries to push it. You can order a book written on the topic by going here:

Liberal American politicians often cite Nordic countries like Norway, Sweden and Denmark as proof that big government or socialist policies can lead to vibrant, prosperous nations, but a leading economic scholar says those countries are successful despite more government and are actually proof that such policies are a failure.
Dr. Nima Sanandaji is author of “Debunking Utopia: Exposing the Myth of Nordic Socialism.” He told WND and Radio America liberals and socialists in America and beyond frequently extol the Nordic countries such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland for one simple reason.
“If you remove the Nordic countries, the left doesn’t have any role models left,” he said. “The left doesn’t say, ‘Look at California. They have big government. It works.’ They don’t say that. They don’t say, ‘Look at Italy. They have social democratic policies. That works.’ They only point to the Nordic countries.”
But even that example is badly misleading. Sanandaji said while there are some socialist policies in place, those are not socialist countries, and they don’t see themselves that way.
“The policies of Nordic countries are not socialism. It is capitalism,” he explained. “Denmark is used by the U.S. left as the main role model for socialism. The Danish prime minister came to Harvard University at the end of last year. He said, ‘Stop saying Denmark is socialist. Denmark is a market economy.'”
While citizens of Nordic countries pay up to 60 percent of their income in taxes, Sanandaji said other policies help to keep the economy humming.
“To a large degree, these companies compensate for high taxes by having economic freedom in every other area,” he said. “Denmark has the same economic freedom score that the U.S. does. Why? Besides having higher taxes, in virtually every other part of their economy, they’re much more capitalist than the U.S. is.”
But even more significant than economic freedom, Sanandaji said, is the renowned work ethic and strong responsibility culture of the Nordic people, qualities he said were in place long before the big-government policies came along.
“The Nordic countries have a culture of success that gives them prosperity, that gives them social success,” he said. “This culture of success predates the welfare state. I systematically show in my book, ‘Debunking Utopia,’ that the admirable features of the Nordic countries predate the welfare state.”
However, his research shows that the “culture of success” is even stronger in Nordic immigrants to the U.S., proving the big-government policies are actually a hindrance.
“All of [the admirable features] are found equally or even more among Nordic Americans who live in the American capitalist system than their Nordic cousins who live in the social democratic system,” Sanandaji said. “It is not about social democracy. It is not about big government. It is about a unique Nordic culture.”
Liberals in the U.S. and beyond point to Nordic life expectancy exceeding that of the U.S., including Denmark, which has a life expectancy one-and-a-half years higher than that of Americans. Sanandaji said that’s true, but government-run health care is not the reason.
“True. They do live longer, but I look at history,” he said. “In 1960, Denmark had lower taxes than the U.S. had. At that time, before the welfare state, Danes lived 2.4 years longer than Americans. The difference has actually shrunk when Denmark is moving toward the highest tax on the planet.”
He also said Denmark has the lowest life expectancy among the Nordic countries despite having the biggest government. Iceland has the smallest government but also boasts the longest Nordic life expectancy.
But while the Nordic nations are doing much better than socialist nations like Venezuela, Italy and Greece, thanks to a strong culture and market economic policies, Sanandaji said other big-government policies are harming those countries.
“All this social capital, work ethic, responsibility ethics has been ground down by the welfare state,” he said. “Many, many people are trapped in welfare dependency. That creates social poverty. So while the welfare state is supposed to combat poverty, it is actually to some degree creating poverty and social problems.”

You have to be kidding.

All along I have been trying to tell you that I am in favor of capitalism, but I just support social programs.  And all you did was keep squealing about how "socialism has never worked".

Now you post a an article that says EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG.  I have never advocated socialism.  Go back and read everyone of my posts.  I have always said that we need capitalism with strong social programs.
(08-28-2016, 05:11 PM)djam Wrote: Well Fred, why dont you explain to him how black people are better off than they were and have been because of those great programs democrats use to keep them enslaved. 

Why don't you ask him how they are going to be better off without social programs helping them out.  How is cutting social programs going to create more jobs?

Please list every example of every country that reduced poverty by removing social programs and making the poor suffer even more.  It does not work.  It never has.  If there are not enough jobs then making the poor suffer even more does not create more jobs.

And BTW Quanell X is a total piece of shit who defended black men accused of raping an 11 year old girl by claiming she did not do enough to prevent the rape.  Not surprised to hers he is selling out for Trump.
(08-28-2016, 08:56 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You have to be kidding.

All along I have been trying to tell you that I am in favor of capitalism, but I just support social programs.  And all you did was keep squealing about how "socialism has never worked".

Now you post a an article that says EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG.  I have never advocated socialism.  Go back and read everyone of my posts.  I have always said that we need capitalism with strong social programs.

You keep forgetting that some people think social programs equate to socialism. It is wilful ignorance at this point.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(08-26-2016, 12:51 AM)djam Wrote: I never said they dont choose to charge that much did I? What I'm saying is that the entire pharm industry owns a lot of our politicians, democrats and republicans alike. Drug

companies have done A LOT of unethical things

-not just pricing, but they, for some odd reason, are protected from harm. Do you agree with that or no? Assuming you do, who protects and covers their scams? Lawmakers do --you know, politicians. Do you think these same lawmakers would lie to you to get you to believe what they are saying? They do is most of the time. There is a money racketing scheme going on and the American tax payers are fully funding it. Its why a vote for Bernie would be so dangerous. To submit MORE power to government, the same folks who have been taking payoffs to protect scammers of the American people for decades? Brilliant lol. Bernie does see a lot of the scandals and he has called them out, but his solution will only breed more of it, not less. 

Yes, they have done "a lot" of unethical things.  Thanks for unwittingly admitting it is true.  However, unethical behavior isn't limited to just drug companies.  The entire reason companies outsource jobs overseas is because they don't want to pay a decent wage and then call it "globalization."  Companies choosing to charge exhorbitant prices is a part of capitalism.  Companies attempting to control the markets is a part of capitalism.  The only one trying to deceive anyone here is you with your capitalist utopian bullshit that companies want free markets and are looking out for our best interests.  Such as companies like the National Football League who put the XFL out of business so the could control the market and settled out of court for almost $1,000,000,000.00 so they wouldn't have to admit what they knew about head injuries or when they knew it because they were looking out for their own self interests, not their employee's interests.  As far as conservative fluffers go, this is one of the more pathetic jobs I have seen.  Although I give you credit for being long winded.
(08-26-2016, 12:36 AM)djam Wrote: Been busy so I've missed a lot of posts that I dont have time to read. But I'll respond to this one lol. 

It has everything to do with the business environment that they have to operate under fred. Do you know what a 5% corp tax rate vs a 21% corp tax rate costs companies? A lot of money, and numbers similar to those became a good reason to move. 

The truth is, just like in the failing liberal cities that we currently have, socialism fails, period. At some point, people get tired of being stolen from and they take their money and leave. It's pretty simple. It's not at all complex. Its very basic --which seems to be why a lot of people, especially liberals, dismiss it. They love to complicate things. The only way they have gotten as far as they have is because they deceive people and try to make people think its just too complicated to understand. Well its not. The more social programs we come up with, the worse off people are. People dont just want a ration, they want to thrive. There is no thriving under socialism lol. The only way to do that forreal is to be free, work hard and

be responsible for yourself.

Sadly democrats are pushing those ideas --in fact quite the opposite. Start pushing those ideas in the inner cities and see what happens.

Writes the guy blaming the politicians because corporations bribe them.  Both parties are to blame, but you only condemn the unethical politician and then double down by blaming the corporation's unethical behavior on the politicians.  According to you, capitalists aren't responsible for their actions.
(08-28-2016, 05:11 PM)djam Wrote: Ok Mr White liberal sitting on easy street thinking you have a clue about anything. Here is a direct quote from the leader of the New Black Panthers. 

"Let me say this to the brothers and sisters who listened and watched that speech. We may not like the vessel that said what he said, but I ask us to truly examine what he said, because it is a fact that for 54 years, we have been voting for the Democratic party like no other race in America. And they have not given us the same loyalty and love that we have given them. We as black people have to reexamine the relationship — where we are being pimped like prostitutes, and they’re the big pimps pimping us politically, promising us everything and we get nothing in return.

We gotta step back now as black people and say, we’ve gotta look at all the parties and vote our best interests.

He spoke directly to black people. And I want to say and encourage the brothers and sisters. Barack Obama, our president, served two terms. The first black president ever. But did our condition get better? Did financially, politically, academically, with education in our community, did things get better? Are our young people working more than what is was before he came into office? The condition got worse. So now we as black people have to do and remember what the honorable Elijah Mohammed said. No politician can save the black community; we’ve gotta do it ourselves."

Well Fred, why dont you explain to him how black people are better off than they were and have been because of those great programs democrats use to keep them enslaved. 

I read your other posts too fred, and I gotta say, if you believe the crap you spew, you need to go back to kindergarden and start completely over. 

Oh, great . . . more White Nationalism.
(08-28-2016, 05:52 PM)djam Wrote: Ok liberals. Here is an article I dug up debunking the idea of socialism and the left using nordic countries to push it. You can order a book written on the topic by going here:

Liberal American politicians often cite Nordic countries like Norway, Sweden and Denmark as proof that big government or socialist policies can lead to vibrant, prosperous nations, but a leading economic scholar says those countries are successful despite more government and are actually proof that such policies are a failure.
Dr. Nima Sanandaji is author of “Debunking Utopia: Exposing the Myth of Nordic Socialism.” He told WND and Radio America liberals and socialists in America and beyond frequently extol the Nordic countries such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland for one simple reason.
“If you remove the Nordic countries, the left doesn’t have any role models left,” he said. “The left doesn’t say, ‘Look at California. They have big government. It works.’ They don’t say that. They don’t say, ‘Look at Italy. They have social democratic policies. That works.’ They only point to the Nordic countries.”
But even that example is badly misleading. Sanandaji said while there are some socialist policies in place, those are not socialist countries, and they don’t see themselves that way.
“The policies of Nordic countries are not socialism. It is capitalism,” he explained. “Denmark is used by the U.S. left as the main role model for socialism. The Danish prime minister came to Harvard University at the end of last year. He said, ‘Stop saying Denmark is socialist. Denmark is a market economy.'”
While citizens of Nordic countries pay up to 60 percent of their income in taxes, Sanandaji said other policies help to keep the economy humming.
“To a large degree, these companies compensate for high taxes by having economic freedom in every other area,” he said. “Denmark has the same economic freedom score that the U.S. does. Why? Besides having higher taxes, in virtually every other part of their economy, they’re much more capitalist than the U.S. is.”
But even more significant than economic freedom, Sanandaji said, is the renowned work ethic and strong responsibility culture of the Nordic people, qualities he said were in place long before the big-government policies came along.
“The Nordic countries have a culture of success that gives them prosperity, that gives them social success,” he said. “This culture of success predates the welfare state. I systematically show in my book, ‘Debunking Utopia,’ that the admirable features of the Nordic countries predate the welfare state.”
However, his research shows that the “culture of success” is even stronger in Nordic immigrants to the U.S., proving the big-government policies are actually a hindrance.
“All of [the admirable features] are found equally or even more among Nordic Americans who live in the American capitalist system than their Nordic cousins who live in the social democratic system,” Sanandaji said. “It is not about social democracy. It is not about big government. It is about a unique Nordic culture.”
Liberals in the U.S. and beyond point to Nordic life expectancy exceeding that of the U.S., including Denmark, which has a life expectancy one-and-a-half years higher than that of Americans. Sanandaji said that’s true, but government-run health care is not the reason.
“True. They do live longer, but I look at history,” he said. “In 1960, Denmark had lower taxes than the U.S. had. At that time, before the welfare state, Danes lived 2.4 years longer than Americans. The difference has actually shrunk when Denmark is moving toward the highest tax on the planet.”
He also said Denmark has the lowest life expectancy among the Nordic countries despite having the biggest government. Iceland has the smallest government but also boasts the longest Nordic life expectancy.
But while the Nordic nations are doing much better than socialist nations like Venezuela, Italy and Greece, thanks to a strong culture and market economic policies, Sanandaji said other big-government policies are harming those countries.
“All this social capital, work ethic, responsibility ethics has been ground down by the welfare state,” he said. “Many, many people are trapped in welfare dependency. That creates social poverty. So while the welfare state is supposed to combat poverty, it is actually to some degree creating poverty and social problems.”

Published twelve days before you posted this by WND Books.  Is that what you were busy doing?
(08-26-2016, 12:36 AM)djam Wrote: The only way to do that forreal is to be free, work hard and be responsible for yourself. 

So far this morning I've received three requests for me to forward the work schedule . . . again. Because people can't be responsible for their own damn email. 
(08-26-2016, 12:51 AM)djam Wrote: I never said they dont choose to charge that much did I? What I'm saying is that the entire pharm industry owns a lot of our politicians, democrats and republicans alike. Drug companies have done A LOT of unethical things -not just pricing, but they, for some odd reason, are protected from harm. Do you agree with that or no? Assuming you do, who protects and covers their scams? Lawmakers do --you know, politicians. Do you think these same lawmakers would lie to you to get you to believe what they are saying? They do is most of the time. There is a money racketing scheme going on and the American tax payers are fully funding it. Its why a vote for Bernie would be so dangerous. To submit MORE power to government, the same folks who have been taking payoffs to protect scammers of the American people for decades? Brilliant lol. Bernie does see a lot of the scandals and he has called them out, but his solution will only breed more of it, not less. 

Corporations buy politicians like any other commodity such as real estate or natural resources. Why? So the politicians pass laws which favor their business so they can increase their market share as much as possible with the ultimate goal of controlling 100% of their market and establish a monopoly so they can control the market and squeeze as much profit from it as possible. That's why a "free" market is a myth because everyone in the market is ultimately trying to control the market. Politicians are just another widget for corporations to make as much money as possible. 
To retort your little rant about corps vs government. Uh, dude, government could you know, stop taking the bribes perhaps and do whats in their job desciption lol? Business owners are private, government employees are public servants. Our public servants would rather take bribes and screw the people. Government, at least in America is supposed to work FOR us, not against us. That is the dang problem. But they have been telling you its all the corps fault lol. Of course. Keep buying it too. Keep giving them more and more power. Have fun with it. Nothing has changed in that way in a long long time. People are still trying to fight the wrong people and meanwhile its not getting any better. Doh! Well once more people actually wise up and go after the people who they are actually the bosses of, things might change. But nope. You guys would rather give the government MORE power and give your power up. Its astonishing to me, that folks think this way. People seem to think government is really looking out for you first lol. In reality, an this has been proven over and over, they are looking out for the highest bidder. Lawmakers are abusing their power. Why give them more power? Thats all folks like Bernie would ever do. He wants to talk about the corruption, but on the other hand wants to create an environment where it would even get worse and the public has less power to do anything about it.
(09-02-2016, 07:16 AM)djam Wrote: To retort your little rant about corps vs government. Uh, dude, government could you know, stop taking the bribes perhaps and do whats in their job desciption lol? Business owners are private, government employees are public servants. Our public servants would rather take bribes and screw the people. Government, at least in America is supposed to work FOR us, not against us. That is the dang problem. But they have been telling you its all the corps fault lol. Of course. Keep buying it too. Keep giving them more and more power. Have fun with it. Nothing has changed in that way in a long long time. People are still trying to fight the wrong people and meanwhile its not getting any better. Doh! Well once more people actually wise up and go after the people who they are actually the bosses of, things might change. But nope. You guys would rather give the government MORE power and give your power up. Its astonishing to me, that folks think this way. People seem to think government is really looking out for you first lol. In reality, an this has been proven over and over, they are looking out for the highest bidder. Lawmakers are abusing their power. Why give them more power? Thats all folks like Bernie would ever do. He wants to talk about the corruption, but on the other hand wants to create an environment where it would even get worse and the public has less power to do anything about it.

Well the big problem is that bribes are legal to elected officials. It's called lobbying and campaign contributions.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(09-02-2016, 07:47 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Well the big problem is that bribes are legal to elected officials. It's called lobbying and campaign contributions.

I dont disagree with you! It's a huge problem. Huge. These people create the laws that we all must follow. As we all should know, many of those laws have hurt us. We are locking up people for smoking pot for longer than folks who commit violent crimes. It's disturbing, and corp owners are not at fault. It's lawmakers. Its our public servants. They need less power, not more :)
I know that we could take a small group of die hard conservatives and put them in a room with die hard liberals, and talk about crime. There would be a lot of common ground, because we would ALL agree on a lot of things. Is murder bad, rape, violence in general, theft, etc? Of course! The problem is when you start getting beyond those important issues. At some point, no matter what, folks will not agree on a lot of things --like the pot issue, like the gun issue. Some folks want them, other folks dont. Then what you have is one group always being forced into something they dont believe in, at gun point. This nation had a motto once that was even printed on our money. It said "live and let live". So basically, if you dont want to smoke pot, dont, but dont go out of your way to get the government to force others to not smoke it and threaten them with jail and even death over it. Guns, same thing. You dont like them, dont own one but stop trying to force your will on others.

Everyone wants to force their will on others anymore. Nobody, especially liberals want to live and let live. It's a huge problem. Any laws beyond the ones we all agree on will always cause problems so we have to be VERY careful on what they are and the process needs to be way more transparent. Lobbiest write the bills now. Politicians dont even read them anymore, they just sign them so they can cash their check. Its NOT working. Time for major change. Time for a move towards real freedom and liberty.
(09-02-2016, 07:16 AM)djam Wrote:  You guys would rather give the government MORE power and give your power up. Its astonishing to me, that folks think this way. People seem to think government is really looking out for you first lol. In reality, an this has been proven over and over, they are looking out for the highest bidder. 

Corporations gave us monopolies, price fixing, and market market manipulation.  Government ended those things.

Corporations gave us child labor and deadly working conditions.  Government ended those things.

Corporations gave us strip mining, toxic air, and rivers so dirty with pollution that they caught on fire.  Government ended those things.

In reality, and this has been proven over and over, the government is looking out for the citizens and protecting them from the large corporations.
(09-02-2016, 07:50 AM)djam Wrote: I dont disagree with you! It's a huge problem. Huge. These people create the laws that we all must follow. As we all should know, many of those laws have hurt us. We are locking up people for smoking pot for longer than folks who commit violent crimes. It's disturbing, and corp owners are not at fault. It's lawmakers. Its our public servants. They need less power, not more :)

Well, it's legal to bribe elected officials, not so much public servants. I'm not going to say it doesn't happen because I am certain it does, but the prevalence with which it occurs is tiny in comparison to what occurs with elected and appointed officials.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(09-02-2016, 07:16 AM)djam Wrote: To retort your little rant about corps vs government.

As opposed to your long rants?

Quote:Uh, dude, government could you know, stop taking the bribes perhaps and do whats in their job desciption lol?

Uh, dude, corporations could you know, stop offering the bribes perhaps and compete in a "free" market.

Quote:Business owners are private, government employees are public servants. Our public servants would rather take bribes and screw the people.

Corporations would rather give bribes and screw the people.  Unethical behavior is unethical behavior whether private corporation of public servant.  I blame both.  You only blame one.

Quote:Government, at least in America is supposed to work FOR us, not against us. That is the dang problem. But they have been telling you its all the corps fault lol. Of course. Keep buying it too. Keep giving them more and more power. Have fun with it. Nothing has changed in that way in a long long time. People are still trying to fight the wrong people and meanwhile its not getting any better. Doh!

This is generic, bullshit rhetoric.  Give me one example I have given "them" more and more power.

Quote:Well once more people actually wise up and go after the people who they are actually the bosses of, things might change.

Bosses?  As in one who directs and supervises workers?  Those bosses?  Excellent observation.

Quote:But nope. You guys would rather give the government MORE power and give your power up. Its astonishing to me, that folks think this way. People seem to think government is really looking out for you first lol. In reality, an this has been proven over and over, they are looking out for the highest bidder.

Bidding . . .

"Bidding is an offer (often competitive) of setting a price one is willing to pay for something or a demand that something be done.[1] A price offer is called a bid. The term may be used in context of auctions, stock exchange, card games, or real estate. Bidding is used by various economic niche for determining the demand and hence the value of the article or property, in today's world of advance technology, Internet is one of the most favourite platforms for providing bidding facilities, it is the most natural way of determining the price of a commodity in a free market economy."

In other words, capitalism.

Quote:Lawmakers are abusing their power. Why give them more power? Thats all folks like Bernie would ever do. He wants to talk about the corruption, but on the other hand wants to create an environment where it would even get worse and the public has less power to do anything about it.

Some lawmakers are abusing their power.  Some lawmakers are unethical.  That doesn't excuse the unethical behavior of the corporations.

Social Security and Medicare are social programs, not socialism.  Not a single person in this thread has advocated for socialism.  Your tilting at windmills in your imagination.
(09-02-2016, 08:06 AM)djam Wrote: I know that we could take a small group of die hard conservatives and put them in a room with die hard liberals, and talk about crime. There would be a lot of common ground, because we would ALL agree on a lot of things. Is murder bad, rape, violence in general, theft, etc? Of course! The problem is when you start getting beyond those important issues. At some point, no matter what, folks will not agree on a lot of things --like the pot issue, like the gun issue. Some folks want them, other folks dont. Then what you have is one group always being forced into something they dont believe in, at gun point. This nation had a motto once that was even printed on our money. It said "live and let live". So basically, if you dont want to smoke pot, dont, but dont go out of your way to get the government to force others to not smoke it and threaten them with jail and even death over it. Guns, same thing. You dont like them, dont own one but stop trying to force your will on others.

Everyone wants to force their will on others anymore. Nobody, especially liberals want to live and let live. It's a huge problem. Any laws beyond the ones we all agree on will always cause problems so we have to be VERY careful on what they are and the process needs to be way more transparent. Lobbiest write the bills now. Politicians dont even read them anymore, they just sign them so they can cash their check. Its NOT working. Time for major change. Time for a move towards real freedom and liberty.

Why do you hate capitalism?
(09-02-2016, 02:28 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Why do you hate capitalism?

You are one of the most ignorant people I've ever seen write a political thought, in my entire life. You're all over the place, and have no idea what you're even taking about. Its not even worth debating someone so ignorant lol. 
(09-11-2016, 11:45 AM)djam Wrote: You are one of the most ignorant people I've ever seen write a political thought, in my entire life. You're all over the place, and have no idea what you're even taking about. Its not even worth debating someone so ignorant lol. 

That's certainly high praise coming from a guy who claimed black people have negative personality traits "bred into them" in your very first post in this thread. 

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