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POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President
It appears Barnie is selective on which Human Rights violator(s) he will meet with:

Quote:President Barack Obama called off a planned meeting Tuesday with new Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, seeking distance from a U.S. ally's leader during a diplomatic tour that's put Obama in close quarters with a cast of contentious world figures...

In Hangzhou this week, Obama's first stop in Asia, he heaped praise on Chinese President Xi Jinping for hosting the Group of 20 economic summit in his country, an authoritarian state long accused of human rights violations. His next stop was another one-party communist country with a dismal rights record: Laos, where mysterious disappearances have fueled concerns about a government crackdown.

And sitting down with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Obama made no mention in public of the roughly 35,000 people Erdogan's government detained following the summer's failed coup in Turkey. Instead, he worked to reassure the NATO ally the U.S. would help bring to justice whoever was responsible for plotting the coup.

Obama also spent about 90 minutes Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin, another leader whose fate seems intertwined with Obama's in all the wrong ways. On opposing sides of many global issues, the U.S. and Russia are nonetheless trying to broker a deal to address the Syrian civil war and perhaps even partner militarily there.
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If national leaders turned up their noses at every human rights violating country then international affairs would be non-existent. Everyone has some human rights violations in their closets, some worse than others. I want our leaders to meet with countries that are having these concerns because the international community talking with them is the only way we have to try to put an end to it. Internally the people can rise up, but our only recourse is diplomacy when we are on the outside looking in. Cutting countries off that commit atrocities creates nations like the DPRK.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(09-06-2016, 08:55 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: If national leaders turned up their noses at every human rights violating country then international affairs would be non-existent. Everyone has some human rights violations in their closets, some worse than others. I want our leaders to meet with countries that are having these concerns because the international community talking with them is the only way we have to try to put an end to it. Internally the people can rise up, but our only recourse is diplomacy when we are on the outside looking in. Cutting countries off that commit atrocities creates nations like the DPRK.

So you don't agree with him cancelling his visit with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte?
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(09-06-2016, 11:20 AM)bfine32 Wrote: So you don't agree with him cancelling his visit with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte?

After his comments, I think cancelling was the right move. It shouldn't be an end to talks down the road, but with the commentary that happened it was fairly obvious that productive dialogue was not going to happen.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
He called the POTUS, The US Ambassador and The Pope the sons of whores. It would've been a waste of fuel and time even meeting with this guy nothing constructive would've happened.
(09-06-2016, 12:46 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: After his comments, I think cancelling was the right move. It shouldn't be an end to talks down the road, but with the commentary that happened it was fairly obvious that productive dialogue was not going to happen.

Cancelling was the easy way out.

(09-07-2016, 12:47 AM)CageTheBengal Wrote: He called the POTUS, The US Ambassador and The Pope the sons of whores. It would've been a waste of fuel and time even meeting with this guy nothing constructive would've happened.

Because they want to tell him how to run his country, when they can't even take care of their own.
They have a serious drug problem and corruption in politics over there. He's cleaning it up. It's not going to be pretty, and some might not like his harsh methods, but the greater majority of the Filipino's are backing him. For a change, it's the drug dealers/pushers that are dying, instead of the innocents. So let them do it their way and don't interfere.
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I do love when folks on the right have nothing but praise for dictators as long as they can accuse a Democrat of appearing weak to them.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-07-2016, 11:17 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Because they want to tell him how to run his country, when they can't even take care of their own.

They have a serious drug problem and corruption in politics over there. He's cleaning it up. It's not going to be pretty, and some might not like his harsh methods, but the greater majority of the Filipino's are backing him. For a change, it's the drug dealers/pushers that are dying, instead of the innocents. So let them do it their way and don't interfere.

Actually you have no idea who is getting killed because an overwhelming majority of them are never brought to any kind of trial.

In my experience when a leader claims he is "cleaning up" anything by killing people without due process it is usually just his opposition that is being taken out.

If he was a legit reformer he would not talk as crazy as he does.

Amazing how many people fall for anyone who they think is "acting tough".
(09-07-2016, 11:24 AM)GMDino Wrote: I do love when folks on the right have nothing but praise for dictators as long as they can accuse a Democrat of appearing weak to them.


I wonder what he would say about Obama if he suddenly started having hundreds of U.S. citizens killed just because he claimed they were drug dealers.  Something tells me Mike M would not be pleased with this type behavior.
Didn't realize so many people support executing alleged non-violent criminal offenders without due process. Fascinating how popular violating basic rights has become this election cycle.

The President SHOULD meet with leaders who violate human rights. Only open talks can change these things. However, in this case, I support not meeting with him. Obama and Putin can meet and sit down and listen to the other. They may not agree, but they won't call each other "sons of whores". Nothing will come of meeting with a clown who acts like this.
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(09-07-2016, 11:17 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Cancelling was the easy way out.

Because they want to tell him how to run his country, when they can't even take care of their own.
They have a serious drug problem and corruption in politics over there. He's cleaning it up. It's not going to be pretty, and some might not like his harsh methods, but the greater majority of the Filipino's are backing him. For a change, it's the drug dealers/pushers that are dying, instead of the innocents. So let them do it their way and don't interfere.

Why would anyone waste their time trying to start a diplomatic dialogue with their leader when he had made it clear he has not only no interest in working with someone as morally stout as The Pope but insults him? It makes no sense and it's just a lame short-sighted method to try to jab Obama.
I wish Obama would've apologized to him. Simply say "On behalf of the U.S., I apologize for my country defeating and removing Japanese forces from these islands over 70 years ago. If we wouldnt have, then there wouldnt been a drug problem to begin with."
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

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(09-07-2016, 11:54 AM)Millhouse Wrote: I wish Obama would've apologized to him. Simply say "On behalf of the U.S., I apologize for my country defeating and removing Japanese forces from these islands over 70 years ago. If we wouldnt have, then there wouldnt been a drug problem to begin with."
We made things worse (60's & 70's) with the B-movie industry filming amuck there, utilizing slave labor in horrid conditions, glamorizing violence, and partaking heavily in drugs.
The contacts made with the film industry afforded many routes of entry for the drug trade, into the U.S..

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(09-07-2016, 11:32 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Rep.

I wonder what he would say about Obama if he suddenly started having hundreds of U.S. citizens killed just because he claimed they were drug dealers.  Something tells me Mike M would not be pleased with this type behavior.

Wait.  Weren't we having this conversation last year when a bunch of whack jobs took over federal land because they didnt want to pay taxes anymore and one of them got shot for playing cowboys and indians with the FBI?  Don't remember how that narative played out, but I'm sure 'Barnie' got blamed somehow.
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(09-07-2016, 11:54 AM)Millhouse Wrote: I wish Obama would've apologized to him. Simply say "On behalf of the U.S., I apologize for my country defeating and removing Japanese forces from these islands over 70 years ago. If we wouldnt have, then there wouldnt been a drug problem to begin with."

To be fair, when you colonize a place, it's courteous to defend it against invasions. 

Then again, they'd have no way of fending off the Japanese without us.
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(09-07-2016, 11:24 AM)GMDino Wrote: I do love when folks on the right have nothing but praise for dictators as long as they can accuse a Democrat of appearing weak to them.

Wait a minute, here we have a guy that cleaning up the Drug dealers and getting rid of government corruption and you act like it's a bad thing to do.

(09-07-2016, 11:31 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Actually you have no idea who is getting killed because an overwhelming majority of them are never brought to any kind of trial.

In my experience when a leader claims he is "cleaning up" anything by killing people without due process it is usually just his opposition that is being taken out.

If he was a legit reformer he would not talk as crazy as he does.

Amazing how many people fall for anyone who they think is "acting tough".

Acting tough? He's not acting, he's following thru on the promises that he made to the Filipino's if they elected him as President.

Have you ever been there? Or are you just reading the media and acting like you know what you are talking about?

This is the fun part about the media, they don't always report the whole truth.

You see, he does indeed go after dealers, but evidence is required ahead of time. When they approach a dealer, they are given a chance to surrender, if they refuse and run, well, we know what happens next, they use any force necessary to bring them down.

When he names corrupt officials, same thing. They are given a chance to surrender and submit to a trial. if they resist or run instead, well that's on them.

(09-07-2016, 11:32 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Rep.

I wonder what he would say about Obama if he suddenly started have hundreds of people killed just because he claimed thwy were drug dealers.  Something tells me Mike M would not be pleased with this type behavior.

I'd have very little issue with that as long as the evidence backs up any killings.

Obama is worried about the inhumane killings going on in the Philippines? There's plenty of other countries for him to worry about. Start with some of them.
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(09-07-2016, 11:32 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Rep.

I wonder what he would say about Obama if he suddenly started having hundreds of U.S. citizens killed just because he claimed they were drug dealers.  Something tells me Mike M would not be pleased with this type behavior.

If that happened I would home the leader of a world power would want to talk with him.

How about you? 
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(09-07-2016, 01:45 PM)bfine32 Wrote: If that happened I would home the leader of a world power would want to talk with him.

How about you? 

But no world leader would meet with him if he just thumbed his nose at them and called them "sons of whores".
(09-07-2016, 01:49 PM)fredtoast Wrote: But no world leader would meet with him if he just thumbed his nose at them and called them "sons of whores".

Why not; did he cancel the invitation?

You really think leaders of world powers should be/ are swayed by being called names?

"Barnie, you really need to go the the Philippines and have a talk with their leader"

"Nope, he call me doo doo head"
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(09-07-2016, 01:31 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Wait.  Weren't we having this conversation last year when a bunch of whack jobs took over federal land because they didnt want to pay taxes anymore and one of them got shot for playing cowboys and indians with the FBI?  Don't remember how that narative played out, but I'm sure 'Barnie' got blamed somehow.

The logic is: Cops, dictators, and legal gun owners are allowed to shoot people without cause. The Feds, even with cause, are never allowed to shoot someone. 

Man stalks minority child through neighborhood: Can shoot the kid. 
Foreign leader says drugs are bad: Can shoot anyone accused of dealing.
Black man stopped for taillight announces he is legally carrying a weapon: Can shoot. 
Armed domestic terrorists narrowly miss ramming into barricade and run out of their car reaching towards weapon: CANNOT SHOOT!
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