Poll: If Trump wins, who's fault is it
This poll is closed.
Hillary's for being crooked and running a horrible campaign
6 30.00%
Dems for nominating Hillary
5 25.00%
Repubs for nominating Trump
7 35.00%
Gary Johnson's for being a tool
0 0%
Mitt Romney
2 10.00%
Bernie's for being too commie
0 0%
Total 20 vote(s) 100%
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If Trumps wins, who to blame?
If Trump is somehow elected President, who's fault is it?

The obvious answer in the DNC. The only competition they gave Hillary was a 70 year old socialist that they then stacked the deck against. The following Dems would already have it locked up:

de Blasio
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-16-2016, 06:38 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: If Trump is somehow elected President, who's fault is it?

for the sake of clarity, at what level has one obtained 'too commie' status?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
The American people!

That should be an option as well.
Toughest decision I have made all day. There were some really good choices in there.
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.
(09-16-2016, 07:12 PM)xxlt Wrote: Toughest decision I have made all day. There were some really good choices in there.

This is my thing, there is no one answer.

(09-16-2016, 06:55 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: The American people!

That should be an option as well.

Yup. This is the result of far too many things coming together to blame on any one person or group of people. Even the people that don't vote but are legally able to shoulder some of it.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
In past elections, Hillary would be a terrible candidate right now, so I answered those that picked Trump. But I guess it is pretty equal to Dems not pushing for Biden or a Gore even, if he is still interested. Biden would sweep this election. heck if Obama could run again, I bet he would sweep it too against Trump. Hillary though, guess we will see given her health issues, email scandal, and extreme lack of transparency.
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I'd also like to add the lacking subsidization of higher education as one of the culprits.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(09-16-2016, 06:55 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: for the sake of clarity, at what level has one obtained 'too commie' status?

Blaming deodorant for poverty.
[Image: Cz_eGI3UUAASnqC.jpg]
(09-16-2016, 07:12 PM)xxlt Wrote: Toughest decision I have made all day. There were some really good choices in there.

It's missing "Putin for his widespread conspiracy to fix the election" and "Pepe for being an evil, racist, nazi cartoon meme".
[Image: Cz_eGI3UUAASnqC.jpg]
In (several) other posts a particular poster has said that it is not the "Republican Party's fault that Trump got nominated...the people elected who they wanted.

In this thread that same poster says the Democrats "only ran" one person against Clinton

I'd suggest they have different standards for the different parties but I don't want to assume based solely on the posts they make and the words they use.

In this case the fault lies with years (decades) of angry white males thinking that giving rights to everyone and treating each color, race, sexuality and religion as equal is somehow "destroying the America they know" and that message spreading to many disenfranchised people who want to blame everyone else for their own problems.  The ones who say how horrible the government is while collecting their welfare checks.  The ones who collect their welfare checks and complain about the lazy n****** who don't want to work.  The ones who say the government is trying to take their guns so they have to stockpile them and then get angry and people who peacefully protest by not standing for 2-3 minutes at a game. 

The people who constantly promote an us vs them and then say President Obama "has divided this country like no president ever before".

The loud, uninformed, uneducated voters with no long range outlook only a rear view mirror that is cracked and distorted.

They will be to blame.

I just hope there are more people who think than that.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(09-17-2016, 09:53 AM)GMDino Wrote: In this case the fault lies with years (decades) of angry white males thinking that giving rights to everyone and treating each color, race, sexuality and religion as equal is somehow "destroying the America they know" and that message spreading to many disenfranchised people who want to blame everyone else for their own problems.  The ones who say how horrible the government is while collecting their welfare checks.  The ones who collect their welfare checks and complain about the lazy n****** who don't want to work.  The ones who say the government is trying to take their guns so they have to stockpile them and then get angry and people who peacefully protest by not standing for 2-3 minutes at a game. 

The people who constantly promote an us vs them and then say President Obama "has divided this country like no president ever before".

The loud, uninformed, uneducated voters with no long range outlook only a rear view mirror that is cracked and distorted.

They will be to blame.

I just hope there are more people who think than that.

I can't argue against this.
It's hard to refute the truth.

Although, do not the majority of people usually vote for what best satisfies their own selfish interests ?

You know, like people that rent or living in government housing voting for a school levy that raises property taxes.

I'm not condoning what you've described, but the majority of the public are self-serving by nature.


(insert Pepe emoji)
If Gary Johnson doesn't win, who is to blame?
(09-17-2016, 10:54 AM)Beaker Wrote: If Gary Johnson doesn't win, who is to blame?
The Debate Commission ?

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One of the benefits to having a society that is highly educated is it makes it that much harder for them to be manipulated by fear and I'd like to think a blowhard on the stage saying "Believe me!" over and over again like it's credible simply wouldn't hold water. No one should be seriously considering this guy.

Not saying it's as simple as Americans are stupid there are other things that play a role. The world is a scary place right now and prime for fear-mongering and the disdain for our politics is messing with people but there is a reason why Trump likes the uneducated.

On the other hand though the Republicans fostered Trump and his bigotry and ended up creating room for this monster to grow. For years the Republicans have been saying our immigration system has been ruining our country, your guns are under siege and that the whole foundation of America is unraveling right before our eyes. Well they ended up saying and pushing those talking points hard enough that their supporters became too extreme even for them and none of them were willing to provide what Trump has.
Hillary's fault for being such a dirty rotten scumbag.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein

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(09-17-2016, 09:53 AM)GMDino Wrote: In (several) other posts a particular poster has said that it is not the "Republican Party's fault that Trump got nominated...the people elected who they wanted.

In this thread that same poster says the Democrats "only ran" one person against Clinton

I'd suggest they have different standards for the different parties but I don't want to assume based solely on the posts they make and the words they use.

In this case the fault lies with years (decades) of angry white males thinking that giving rights to everyone and treating each color, race, sexuality and religion as equal is somehow "destroying the America they know" and that message spreading to many disenfranchised people who want to blame everyone else for their own problems.  The ones who say how horrible the government is while collecting their welfare checks.  The ones who collect their welfare checks and complain about the lazy n****** who don't want to work.  The ones who say the government is trying to take their guns so they have to stockpile them and then get angry and people who peacefully protest by not standing for 2-3 minutes at a game. 

The people who constantly promote an us vs them and then say President Obama "has divided this country like no president ever before".

The loud, uninformed, uneducated voters with no long range outlook only a rear view mirror that is cracked and distorted.

They will be to blame.

I just hope there are more people who think than that.
I agree with you that Hillary supporters are to blame.

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[Image: giphy.gif]
(09-16-2016, 06:55 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: The American people!

That should be an option as well.

(09-17-2016, 11:50 AM)CageTheBengal Wrote: ... I'd like to think a blowhard on the stage saying "Believe me!" over and over again like it's credible simply wouldn't hold water. No one should be seriously considering this guy.

Not saying it's as simple as Americans are stupid there are other things that play a role....

So called "smart" people swallow lies of more polished politicians just as easily.

It's really the fault of the media.  Most smart people, even, aren't educated or informed enough to make an intelligent evaluation of economic, tax and foreign policy - just because someone has a MD or PhD doesn't mean they ever picked up an economics book.  Social issues should not be at the forefront of a federal election, but it is because the vast majority of Americans are rather ignorant on the critical issues.

(09-17-2016, 09:53 AM)GMDino Wrote: In (several) other posts a particular poster has said that it is not the "Republican Party's fault that Trump got nominated...the people elected who they wanted.

In this thread that same poster says the Democrats "only ran" one person against Clinton

I'd suggest they have different standards for the different parties but I don't want to assume based solely on the posts they make and the words they use.

In this case the fault lies with years (decades) of angry white males thinking that giving rights to everyone and treating each color, race, sexuality and religion as equal is somehow "destroying the America they know" and that message spreading to many disenfranchised people who want to blame everyone else for their own problems.  The ones who say how horrible the government is while collecting their welfare checks.  The ones who collect their welfare checks and complain about the lazy n****** who don't want to work.  The ones who say the government is trying to take their guns so they have to stockpile them and then get angry and people who peacefully protest by not standing for 2-3 minutes at a game. 

The people who constantly promote an us vs them and then say President Obama "has divided this country like no president ever before".

The loud, uninformed, uneducated voters with no long range outlook only a rear view mirror that is cracked and distorted.

They will be to blame.

I just hope there are more people who think than that.

Please continue with your generalizations about white people and how they are to blame for the state that the country is in....

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