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VP Debate Thread
I'll be switching between this and the O's wild card game, but I figured it's good to start a thread about it.

Trump will be live tweeting the debate, so that should be fun.

Bold Prediction: Both look very presidential and cordial. Republicans have buyer's remorse after seeing a candidate not look and act like a clown. Democrats will wish their VP was someone with a little more fire. A true tie but Pence comes out ahead because Trump sets the bar low from the first debate.
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Just got home, but apparently Pence won....before it started.

Quote:RNC declares Pence 'clear winner' of debate before it's even started

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It was a hard-fought battle between two tough adversaries, but when all was said and done,Mike Pence emerged as the clear winner of Tuesday night's vice presidential debate, according to the Republican National Committee well before it started.

Wait, what?

A blog posted on the party's website, which was presumably set to publish once the debate was over, declared that "the consensus was clear after the dust settled, Mike Pence was the clear winner of the debate."

[Image: 636112062235496801-Screen-Shot-2016-10-0....21-PM.jpg]
A screengrab shows a GOP blog declaring Mike Pence the VP debate winner before it's started. (Photo: Screengrab of Republican National Committee website)

It went on to say that the Indiana governor "made the most of his opportunity to debate Hillary's VP pick Tim Kaine."

Pence, the blog declared confidently, "perfectly shared Trump’s vision to make America great again and that message is resonating with Americans all across the country."

It probably won't come as a surprise to learn that a national political party would be poised to declare its nominee the winner of a debate irrespective of what actually transpires, but usually there's at least the illusion that the verdict was rendered after the debate has concluded.

The page was taken down not long after it started getting noticed by folks on Twitter, but we're going to go out on a limb and predict that GOP officials will have a similar take on their vice presidential nominee's performance later tonight as well.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Pence and Trump seem to be a good match, as I find both equally repulsive. And I'm not wild about the Dems either. These people aren't low-hanging fruit. They're fruit that's already hit the ground. Good luck fellow citizens.
Some say you can place your ear next to his, and hear the ocean ....

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Just peeking in as the wife is watching. Kaine looks like a madman (has that Joker grin); we'll see if it moves the dial.
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My daughter wants to know what is wrong with Pence's hair.  (She's a cosmetologist.)

Also why don't they give the moderator a button to turn their mics off?  Problem solved.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-04-2016, 10:52 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Just peeking in as the wife is watching. Kaine looks like a madman (has that Joker grin); we'll see if it moves the dial.


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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Kaine: Talking points that quote Trump

Pence: You're running a campaign on insult

Kaine: It's not an insult if You/He said this

Pence: No I/he didn't

Kaine: It's on video

Pence is succeeding in his efforts to completely lie away everything Trump has said because he is remaining soft spoken and calm. Kaine has too much energy and looks too manic.
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(10-04-2016, 11:38 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Kaine: Talking points that quote Trump

Pence: You're running a campaign on insult

Kaine: It's not an insult if You/He said this

Pence: No I/he didn't

Kaine: It's on video

Pence is succeeding in his efforts to completely lie away everything Trump has said because he is remaining soft spoken and calm. Kaine has too much energy and looks too manic.

Ain't it a ***** when the guy telling the truth gets flack for having too much energy?  Or the candidate who can actually answer questions catches it for being too prepared?

I guess someone needs that kind of mentality to find a reason to vote for Trump.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-04-2016, 11:11 PM)GMDino Wrote: My daughter wants to know what is wrong with Pence's hair.  (She's a cosmetologist.)

Also why don't they give the moderator a button to turn their mics off?  Problem solved.

Well, the decision to make it a discussion instead of a debate resulted into a seriously unfunny Monty Python sketch. I could not get further than 30 minutes, and turned off the TV. Can't say I feel good about doing that, but after trying to imagine either one becoming President in the worst case scenario, I caught myself pining for the good ole days of freaking out over the possibilities of Palin being President if McCain went belly up.  Sick  At least with her, the comedic material seemed endless. There's nothing funny about these two.

Politifacts Truth-O-Meter rated Kaine at 77%; Pence 58% with neither getting a Pants-On-Fire. So there's that.

At least we have a Congress with a solid history of being proactive  Ninja
Some say you can place your ear next to his, and hear the ocean ....

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Quote:6 things Trump definitely said that Pence claimed he didn’t
10/05/16 01:40 AM EDT

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Tim Kaine came into the vice presidential debate with a clear goal: make Mike Pence own all of Trump’s most controversial moments.

But Kaine was unable, with Pence successfully parrying his attacks as the debate dissolved into a string of interruptions and contradictions with each of the candidates peppering the other with rhetoric but neither landing a knockout. After, Pence was lauded for his debating acumen, and on efficacy, the strategy scores high.

Scored on accuracy, however, Pence fares far worse. The main tenet of his strategy was to deny that Trump ever said these things to begin with — despite the fact that many of the statements were both real and a part of the public record.

Here are six Trump statements that Pence attempted to tweak, massage or erase all together.

1. Tax Returns. 
Tim Kaine said: “Donald Trump started this campaign in 2014 and he said, if I run for president, I will absolutely release my taxes. He's broken his first promise.”

Mike Pence said: “He hasn’t broken his promise.”

What Trump’s actually said: In 2014, while sitting down with an Irish television station, Donald Trump said, “If I decide to run for office, I will release my tax returns. Absolutely.” Adding, “I would love to do that.” While saying he will release his tax returns when a federal audit is complete, Trump’s surrogates, including his son, have implied that won’t actually happen. Trump also has said that only the media cares about his tax returns. "As far as my taxes are concerned, the only one that cares is the press, I will tell you,” Trump said in September.

And even the press, I tell you, it's not a big deal."

2. Social Security. Tim Kaine said: “Donald Trump wrote a book and he said Social Security is a Ponzi scheme and privatization would be good for all of us.”

Mike Pence said: “All Donald Trump and I have said about social security is we're going to meet our obligations to our seniors. That's it.”

What Trump actually said: While describing Social Security in his 2000 book “The America We Deserve” Trump said of Social Security,
“Does the name Ponzi all of a sudden come to mind?”

3. Insults. 
Tim Kaine said: “Donald Trump during his campaign has called Mexicans rapists and criminals. He's called women slobs, pigs, dogs, disgusting ... He attacked an Indiana-born federal judge and said he was unqualified to hear a federal lawsuit because his parents were Mexican. He went after John McCain, a P.O.W., and said he wasn’t a hero because he'd been captured.”

Mike Pence said: “To be honest with you, if Donald Trump had said all the things that you said he said in the way you said he said them, he still wouldn't have a fraction of the insults that Hillary Clinton leveled when she said that half of of our supporters were a basket of deplorables.”

What Trump actually said: Trump called “some” Mexican illegal immigrants “rapists” and “criminals,” and some, he assumed, “good people.” He has used a variety of insults for women. Trump came under fire earlier this year for claiming an Indiana-born federal judge’s Mexican ancestry made him unable to fairly hear a case about Trump. And regarding John McCain, Trump said: “He’s not a war hero … He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

4. Putin. 
Tim Kaine said: “You've got to be tough on Russia. So let’s start with not praising Vladimir Putin as a great leader. Donald Trump and Mike Pence have said he's a great leader.”

Mike Pence said: “No, we haven't.”

What Trump actually said: Trump has repeatedly praised Putin’s strength and has called him “a leader, far more than our president has been.” Pence also said he thought it was “inarguable that Vladimir Putin has been a stronger leader in his country than Barack Obama has been in this country."

5. Nuclear weapons. 
What Tim Kaine said: “Donald Trump's idea that more nations should get nuclear weapons, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea.” He also claimed Trump had said “more nations should get nuclear weapons.”

What Pence said: “Well, he never said that, Senator.”

What Trump actually said: In a March interview with The New York Times and subsequent Republican town hall on CNN, Trump suggested it would be good for Japan and South Korea to have nuclear weapons. “I think maybe it’s not so bad to have Japan — if Japan had that nuclear threat, I’m not sure that would be a bad thing for us,” Trump said. Trump stopped short of promoting nuclear weapons for Saudi Arabia, but he did say it was inevitable and that the country needed to be able to defend itself.

6. Abortion. 
What Tim Kaine said Donald has said “women should be punished ... for making the decision to have an abortion.”

What Pence said: “Donald Trump and I would never support legislation that punished women who made the heart-breaking choice to end a pregnancy.”

What Trump actually said: Trump in March said abortion “is a very serious problem, and it’s a problem we have to decide on …There has to be some form of punishment.” But he quickly walked that statement back saying, “This issue is unclear and should be put back into the states for determination.”

Trump/Pence:  Lie/Deny 2016

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-04-2016, 11:43 PM)GMDino Wrote: Ain't it a ***** when the guy telling the truth gets flack for having too much energy?  Or the candidate who can actually answer questions catches it for being too prepared?

I guess someone needs that kind of mentality to find a reason to vote for Trump.

This was a shtick for Kaine. He has been criticized for being low energy. And because Clinton can't really hammer Trump because Trump is a bully and if she did it full on she would be bashed because she is a woman, Kaine had to take on that role. Kaine won with those that wanted to see more fire. He won with those people that know the feeling of exasperation when people ignore facts shoved in their face. It won't sway any Trump supporters, but I would not be surprised to see some undecideds move towards Clinton.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-05-2016, 07:41 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: This was a shtick for Kaine. He has been criticized for being low energy. And because Clinton can't really hammer Trump because Trump is a bully and if she did it full on she would be bashed because she is a woman, Kaine had to take on that role. Kaine won with those that wanted to see more fire. He won with those people that know the feeling of exasperation when people ignore facts shoved in their face. It won't sway any Trump supporters, but I would not be surprised to see some undecideds move towards Clinton.

That's what I was getting at.  If Kaine is himself he gets bashed for no energy.  If he's animated he get bashed for acting like a Batman criminal.  But if he's honest and calls Trump and Pence out it gets ignored because...appearances.

My FB page is now filled with people saying Pence won because he was "calmer".  Which is easy to do when you just deny the truth and don't have to defend it.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Politico's 5 Takeaways
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
One of my favorite exchanges involved Social Security.

Tim Kaine: "Donald Trump wrote a book and he said Social Security is a Ponzi scheme and privatization would be good for all of us and when Congressman Pence was in Congress, he was the chief cheerleader for the privatization of Social Security."

Mike Pence: "There they go again. OK..."

TK: "Go read the book"

MP: "All Donald Trump and I have said about Social Security is we're going to meet our obligations to our seniors. That's it."

TK: "Go read the book"

MP: "We've said we're going to meet the obligations of Medicare. That's what this campaign is really about, Senator. And I get, this is -- this is the old scare tactic that they roll out..."

TK: "But -- but you have a voting record, Governor."

MP: " And I get all of that. I just, look...There's a question that you asked a little bit earlier that I want to go back "

TK: "I can't believe you won't defend your own voting record"
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CNN Poll: Pence Won
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-05-2016, 09:14 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: One of my favorite exchanges involved Social Security.

Tim Kaine: "Donald Trump wrote a book and he said Social Security is a Ponzi scheme and privatization would be good for all of us and when Congressman Pence was in Congress, he was the chief cheerleader for the privatization of Social Security."

Mike Pence: "There they go again. OK..."

TK: "Go read the book"

MP: "All Donald Trump and I have said about Social Security is we're going to meet our obligations to our seniors. That's it."

TK: "Go read the book"

MP: "We've said we're going to meet the obligations of Medicare. That's what this campaign is really about, Senator. And I get, this is -- this is the old scare tactic that they roll out..."

TK: "But -- but you have a voting record, Governor."

MP: " And I get all of that. I just, look...There's a question that you asked a little bit earlier that I want to go back "

TK: "I can't believe you won't defend your own voting record"

I caught that on NPR on my way home from work and was laughing my ass off. Definitely my favorite, but mostly because that was primarily what I got to hear. My wife was very happy with Kaine's abortion remarks.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
The BBC take on the debate.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-05-2016, 07:41 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: This was a shtick for Kaine. He has been criticized for being low energy. And because Clinton can't really hammer Trump because Trump is a bully and if she did it full on she would be bashed because she is a woman, Kaine had to take on that role. Kaine won with those that wanted to see more fire. He won with those people that know the feeling of exasperation when people ignore facts shoved in their face. It won't sway any Trump supporters, but I would not be surprised to see some undecideds move towards Clinton.
I didn't like Kaine's interruptions, frankly. I think they hurt more than helped. They are the main reason why so many think Pence won.

However, one goal of the VP debate, maybe a primary goal, is to create talking points for the next news cycle and provide sound bites for political adds and talk shows. The target is voters in the middle, the uncommitted, not die hard Trump voters or Democrats.

I think Kaine may have been successful in creating a lot of "denial" soundbites--Pence denying Trump and he said x, y, and z. These denials can then be played alongside video of Trump saying x, y, and z.   However "poised" Pence may seem, he is shown avoiding questions and lying about the Trump record, all the while loudly admiring his character and family.
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(10-05-2016, 10:20 AM)Dill Wrote: I didn't like Kaine's interruptions, frankly. I think they hurt more than helped. They are the main reason why so many think Pence won.

However, one goal of the VP debate, maybe a primary goal, is to create talking points for the next news cycle and provide sound bites for political adds and talk shows. The target is voters in the middle, the uncommitted, not die hard Trump voters or Democrats.

I think Kaine may have been successful in creating a lot of "denial" soundbites--Pence denying Trump and he said x, y, and z. These denials can then be played alongside video of Trump saying x, y, and z.   However "poised" Pence may seem, he is shown avoiding questions and lying about the Trump record, all the while loudly admiring his character and family.

I know a lot of people here that aren't really fans of either candidate but like Kaine because he was governor here were not happy with Kaine. One of my employees said "I hope people noticed from the sidebar information that he is not a native Virginian, because he was just a rude asshole."

Kaine won on substance, but that's not what wins these debates overall. It's very telling, though, that the DNC/Clinton campaign is very happy with Kaine's performance, and while the GOP/Trump campaign has warm fuzzies about Pence's performance, Trump himself is reportedly unimpressed.

Honestly, Pence was setting up a 2020 bid more than anything. As Roll Call put it in one tweet, "Pence just won the Iowa caucus."
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-05-2016, 10:30 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Honestly, Pence was setting up a 2020 bid more than anything. As Roll Call put it in one tweet, "Pence just won the Iowa caucus."

He's a more polite version of Ted Cruz. IF the GOP returns to normal by 2020, he has little chance. His horrible record is being overshadowed by Trump right now. I'm surprised Kaine didn't hit Pence on his atrocious actions against the LGBT community. 
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