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Grope a dope: Trump is on the ropes now
(10-08-2016, 06:56 PM)hollodero Wrote: Oh for heaven's sake. So Trump is all good, but the reporter is indeed a disgusting creep?

Don't you get a headache when you have to violate your own brain like that.

I didn't say Trump is all good; I'm just getting a hoot out of folk's reaction over in. But here and Nationally from both sides of the aisle. In the video shown I found the reporters actions to be much worse than those of Trump.  

You final comment is uncalled for. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(10-08-2016, 07:59 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I didn't say Trump is all good; I'm just getting a hoot out of folk's reaction over in. But here and Nationally from both sides of the aisle. In the video shown I found the reporters actions to be much worse than those of Trump.

I don't know... talks about systematically molesting women...
...the other one says stuff like "whoa" and laughs.

Really, second guy is the creepier one?

(10-08-2016, 07:59 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You final comment is uncalled for. 

Granted. My apologies.
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(10-08-2016, 07:59 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I didn't say Trump is all good; I'm just getting a hoot out of folk's reaction over in. But here and Nationally from both sides of the aisle. In the video shown I found the reporters actions to be much worse than those of Trump.  

You final comment is uncalled for. 

I am as surprised as Hollodero.

Most people, surely most women, would find the guy who brags of groping more offensive than the interviewer who laughs at the groper.

The reaction which gives you a "hoot," would that be the near universal condemnation of sexual assault?  
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(10-08-2016, 08:56 PM)Dill Wrote: I am as surprised as Hollodero.

Most people, surely most women, would find the guy who brags of groping more offensive than the interviewer who laughs at the groper.

The reaction which gives you a "hoot," would that be the near universal condemnation of sexual assault?  

I was referring to the actions, not words. Now if Trump would have groped somebody in the video, then you and Hollodero would have a point, but that's not what happened. Trump gave cordial greeting and then dude pretty much forced girl to hug Donald and Donald still did nothing. He did not rape, molest, grope, sexually assault, sexually harass, ect....

Once again: any link to him sexually assaulting anyone?  
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(10-08-2016, 09:46 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I was referring to the actions, not words. Now if Trump would have groped somebody in the video, then you and Hollodero would have a point, but that's not what happened. Trump gave cordial greeting and then dude pretty much forced girl to hug Donald and Donald still did nothing. He did not rape, molest, grope, sexually assault, sexually harass, ect....

Once again: any link to him sexually assaulting anyone?  

No we don't have physical evidence he groped a woman. If we had, police would have stepped in by now. But you're right, good for him that he didn't molest that woman right away on tape. I'm sure he's very proud of himself about that.

We have a man bragging about molesting women on a regular basis. It's not really up to God to judge at this point. Whoever complained about any Clinton affair has to cry out here. You're the Christian guys, you're supposed to give a damn about a candidate's morality and values.

The reporter is completely irrelevant. He is apparently a member of the Bush family, yet amazingly does not run for office. You don't even need to care about him. Care about the man who does run.

You really seem to be caught in an intellectual trap. There have to be moments where you have to see that. You just would need to step out of it like more and more republicans do and admit what this man - at the very least - is: A character completely unfit for a presidency.

Or you have to stay with "he only bragged about molesting women on a regular basis, he maybe didn't actually do it, so I still fully trust this man for no apparent reason."
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(10-08-2016, 09:46 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I was referring to the actions, not words. Now if Trump would have groped somebody in the video, then you and Hollodero would have a point, but that's not what happened. Trump gave cordial greeting and then dude pretty much forced girl to hug Donald and Donald still did nothing. He did not rape, molest, grope, sexually assault, sexually harass, ect....

Once again: any link to him sexually assaulting anyone?  

He SAID he groped women previous to the interview. We should ignore that unless we get another video? Are you calling Trump a liar?

The issue is partly what he says he routinely does as a "famous" person. He was not speaking of the woman he met stepping out of the bus, but Nancy O'Dell, whom he eventually tried to fire.
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You know what is disappointing? I could vote for a moderate conservative over Hillary in a heartbeat (even though I hold a decent number of progressive positions), but the genius republicans had to go and make Trump the GOP nominee. It's a ***** nightmare.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-08-2016, 07:37 PM)treee Wrote: What do you know, Trump is scum. If only we could have seen this before and we could have had a better representation of conservative individuals LOL Eat shit GOP and lie in the bed you made off of indirect racism and sexism. Trump is the culmination of years of toxicity boiling under the surface of such a disgusting platform.

Yessir.  They f'ed up on this one.  There's no other way to put it. 

By all logic, Republicans should have won this general election handily.  2-term democrat leaving office, huge groundswell of vitriol in the party base against his policies, massively unpopular and savagely investigated/harassed dem candidate running against them, and plenty of capable candidates to choose from should've made this relatively easy.  Kasich would have likely walked into the White House without much trouble.  But no.  They pick a guy because he runs his mouth a lot and says the mean shit that they wish they could without being labeled as a racist/sexist pariah.  Good plan, guys!   

Now the dems will get to put 2 or 3 more justices on SCOTUS, thus locking it up for the next 25 years, perhaps more.  That alone should be enough to make any Republican's stomach turn.  The McConnell holdout on Garland will effectively blow up in his and Senate Republican's faces when Hillary likely nominates an even more liberal replacement.  

I hope a chance to vent frustrations was worth it to them.  It's going to wind up being a very expensive temper tantrum when the final bill comes on the 8th.
(10-08-2016, 10:24 PM)hollodero Wrote: Or you have to stay with "he only bragged about molesting women on a regular basis, he maybe didn't actually do it, so I still fully trust this man for no apparent reason."

Here is the problem.  Guys like Bfine actually see nothing wrong with what Trump claims he did.  He claims he has endorsed the exact same behavior when among his friends.

The same applies to many of the other deplorable things he has said.  There is a reason Trump is endorsed by white supremacists like David Duke.  They agree with what Trump stands for, and so do most of his followers.
(10-07-2016, 10:14 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Seems like a lot of self-righteous in the house. Any male that hasn't objectified a woman with a pal in what you thought was a private conversation raise your hand.

WTS, this is not a good look and I can see the GOP going into spin mode Let's hope they bring in Allen West.

LMAO at Hills being appalled by such talk.

Pretty much this..... and any guy that says "well I haven't" is either lying or missing the point that every one in their life time has said something either degrading about women, or something that's racist or homophobic or some type of other "insulting/vile/unbelievable" slur or comment about SOMETHING etc.....  No one is innocent, no one is Jesus, no one is perfect or squeaky clean and it's really sad to see people taking this "greater than thou" approach as if they've never done anything wrong in their life.

Th only reason any of this is relevant is because Trump got caught. Truth is, only reason anyone's offended by this is because it was a man talking about a woman. If Hillary Clinton was caught making such remarks, people would have laughed and moved on. What I find hilarious is people are asking Donald Trump for a "real" apology. How ridiculous. How about we all just start throwing out the many sins we've committed on to the table and start apologizing to everyone because.... well..... we should apparently because.... ummm... it's offensive and stuff.
(10-09-2016, 01:10 PM)samhain Wrote: Yessir.  They f'ed up on this one.  There's no other way to put it. 

By all logic, Republicans should have won this general election handily.  2-term democrat leaving office, huge groundswell of vitriol in the party base against his policies, massively unpopular and savagely investigated/harassed dem candidate running against them, and plenty of capable candidates to choose from should've made this relatively easy.  Kasich would have likely walked into the White House without much trouble.  But no.  They pick a guy because he runs his mouth a lot and says the mean shit that they wish they could without being labeled as a racist/sexist pariah.  Good plan, guys!   

Now the dems will get to put 2 or 3 more justices on SCOTUS, thus locking it up for the next 25 years, perhaps more.  That alone should be enough to make any Republican's stomach turn.  The McConnell holdout on Garland will effectively blow up in his and Senate Republican's faces when Hillary likely nominates an even more liberal replacement.  

I hope a chance to vent frustrations was worth it to them.  It's going to wind up being a very expensive temper tantrum when the final bill comes on the 8th.

I dont know if Kasich would have because you cant underestimate the Clinton political machine and the lengths they will go to ensure a victory.  But the last two Republican nominees would probably win with ease against her, and rightfully so. But I agree, as I think the Republican voters in the primaries that voted for Trump have no one to blame but themselves for making that amateur political clown as their nominee. I am a moderate that tends to lean right on a few things, left on others. And it just makes me want to hurl pretty much knowing Hillary ****ing Clinton will be the President. This country doesnt her socialistic policies with the amount of debt we are in, a crumbling infrastructure, Obamacare hurting the middle class more and more (as Bill Clinton recently said), bringing in 100 of thousands of refugees yearly which is just nuts, trade policies and so-on. 

Maybe years from now the moderates will take over the country, and the liberal leftist socialists like her and Bernie will fade away with the ultra conservative right-wing nutjobs. I can only hope. 
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-09-2016, 01:10 PM)samhain Wrote: Yessir.  They f'ed up on this one.  There's no other way to put it. 

By all logic, Republicans should have won this general election handily.  2-term democrat leaving office, huge groundswell of vitriol in the party base against his policies, massively unpopular and savagely investigated/harassed dem candidate running against them, and plenty of capable candidates to choose from should've made this relatively easy.  Kasich would have likely walked into the White House without much trouble.  But no.  They pick a guy because he runs his mouth a lot and says the mean shit that they wish they could without being labeled as a racist/sexist pariah.  Good plan, guys!  

And they were warned. The media constantly talked about the difference between the primary and the general election voters.

Trump supporters dismissed all that bragging about how he had taken out the 16 other candidates.  But they don't really evaluate polls or think about demographics.  Inside the Limbaugh/Fox bubble.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-09-2016, 02:55 PM)Millhouse Wrote: I dont know if Kasich would have because you cant underestimate the Clinton political machine and the lengths they will go to ensure a victory.  But the last two Republican nominees would probably win with ease against her, and rightfully so. But I agree, as I think the Republican voters in the primaries that voted for Trump have no one to blame but themselves for making that amateur political clown as their nominee. I am a moderate that tends to lean right on a few things, left on others. And it just makes me want to hurl pretty much knowing Hillary ****ing Clinton will be the President. This country doesnt her socialistic policies with the amount of debt we are in, a crumbling infrastructure, Obamacare hurting the middle class more and more (as Bill Clinton recently said), bringing in 100 of thousands of refugees yearly which is just nuts, trade policies and so-on. 

Maybe years from now the moderates will take over the country, and the liberal leftist socialists like her and Bernie will fade away with the ultra conservative right-wing nutjobs. I can only hope. 

The most hilarious thing about it is that there's no pinning this one on the usual establishment scapegoat.  It's not Mitch McConnell or Ted Cruz or Sheldon Adelson or Dick Cheney's fault.  The big bad Bush dynasty didn't hatch this plan.  No PNAC or Hallliburton looking for payola.  It's all on the base and them alone.  It's mom and pop conservatives on main street.  They're going to wear this mistake around there necks and there's nobody for them to blame.   

They did indeed have their revolution.  Unfortunately it was against their own party and benefitted a woman they view as Satan incarnate the most, lol. 
(10-09-2016, 02:55 PM)Millhouse Wrote:  And it just makes me want to hurl pretty much knowing Hillary ****ing Clinton will be the President. This country doesnt her socialistic policies with the amount of debt we are in, a crumbling infrastructure, Obamacare hurting the middle class more and more (as Bill Clinton recently said), bringing in 100 of thousands of refugees yearly which is just nuts, trade policies and so-on. 

Maybe years from now the moderates will take over the country, and the liberal leftist socialists like her and Bernie will fade away with the ultra conservative right-wing nutjobs. I can only hope. 

This doesn't sound very "moderate." 

Clinton "bringing in 100 of thousands of refugees yearly"--that's what they say in the bubble, neither factual reality nor proposed.

Which socialistic policies would you do away with--social security, medicare, welfare, the GI bill, public schools?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Maybe, and I am just throwing this out there again, the reason this is such a big deal is he describes actions that he has taken that are sexually aggressive and could be sexual harassment or assault. He is saying he did those things, and as he himself said in a tweet about Wiener, guys like that don't change. They will do it again.

Any guy that is using the excuse of "this is common, all guys talk like this" concerns me because that is the talk of a sexual predator.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-09-2016, 02:55 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: Pretty much this..... and any guy that says "well I haven't" is either lying or missing the point that every one in their life time has said something either degrading about women, or something that's racist or homophobic or some type of other "insulting/vile/unbelievable" slur or comment about SOMETHING etc.....  No one is innocent, no one is Jesus, no one is perfect or squeaky clean and it's really sad to see people taking this "greater than thou" approach as if they've never done anything wrong in their life.

Th only reason any of this is relevant is because Trump got caught. Truth is, only reason anyone's offended by this is because it was a man talking about a woman. If Hillary Clinton was caught making such remarks, people would have laughed and moved on. What I find hilarious is people are asking Donald Trump for a "real" apology. How ridiculous. How about we all just start throwing out the many sins we've committed on to the table and start apologizing to everyone because.... well..... we should apparently because.... ummm... it's offensive and stuff.

While Trump wasn't running for President in 2005, keep in mind he was 59 years old at the time. This is well past the age when lessons are learned from such 'youthful indiscretions'. To suggest that everybody has done something at some point in their life hardly excuses this level of disrespect from a 59 year old husband, father, and business leader.
Some say you can place your ear next to his, and hear the ocean ....

[Image: 6QSgU8D.gif?1]
Just so we're all on the same page, making horribly sexist and deplorable comments is worse than committing a crime and getting away with it?

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(10-09-2016, 03:24 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Just so we're all on the same page, making horribly sexist and deplorable comments is worse than committing a crime and getting away with it?

Sent from my SPH-L710T using Tapatalk


Admitting you did deplorable things because you are a star and can get away with it.

Also who got away with a crime in your example?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-09-2016, 03:24 PM)PhilHos Wrote: Just so we're all on the same page, making horribly sexist and deplorable comments is worse than committing a crime and getting away with it?

Sent from my SPH-L710T using Tapatalk

How about making horribly sexist and deplorable comments a stand alone issue, instead of comparing them to something else? Does another's actions excuse Trump, letting him off the hook?
Some say you can place your ear next to his, and hear the ocean ....

[Image: 6QSgU8D.gif?1]
(10-09-2016, 03:11 PM)samhain Wrote: The most hilarious thing about it is that there's no pinning this one on the usual establishment scapegoat.  It's not Mitch McConnell or Ted Cruz or Sheldon Adelson or Dick Cheney's fault.  The big bad Bush dynasty didn't hatch this plan.  No PNAC or Hallliburton looking for payola.  It's all on the base and them alone.  It's mom and pop conservatives on main street.  They're going to wear this mistake around there necks and there's nobody for them to blame.   

They did indeed have their revolution.  Unfortunately it was against their own party and benefitted a woman they view as Satan incarnate the most, lol. 

It's on them, yes. But they don't see that. It's the media and the Clinton machine and the republican establishment and "women" making a big deal bout a guy just being a guy.

We all have said and done things in our past so a few sexual assaults shouldn't disqualify a guy from becoming the most important role model for
U.S. boys and girls--some of whom will never be 10s. We only have his word that he assaults women anyway. No video yet. Who knows for sure?

Come on Sam, what 59-year-old famous guy doesn't grab a ###### when he gets a shot? What guy doesn't talk about what a great lay his
daughter would be? Let the haters hate.

We need to put all this distraction aside and let Trump's temperament, business acumen, and balanced judgment make America great again. If he can do it for the casino business he can do if the U.S. economy.
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