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NYT: Trump assaulted two women
(10-15-2016, 05:05 AM)hollodero Wrote: So as long as he is not actually charged with a crime, you keep backing him up no matter what.

As if it were about sentencing him to prison and you were a juror. When in fact it's about making him your next president and you are a voter. A situation where a different mindset is to be applied.

Regarding "lynch mob": All the "lynching" that's on the table right now is not voting for him and recognizing that he amongst other things is a sexist, amoral douchebag (but not convicted of a crime! Good luck explaining this logic to your kids one day). You chose a peculiar word here.
Now if people would shout "lock him up!", I would at least get your point.

Nope, I just assume innocence and it is not hypocritical. The whole time folks were lynching Hills for Bengazi, I gave and still give her the benefit of the doubt.

I have no intention to vote for Donald Trump if Evan McMullin wasn't on the ballot in my state, I would stay at home. 

I guess it's just my sense of "fair play" when I see dude getting attacked from all sides based on nothing more than assumptions and allegations. And there is much more than not voting for him. 

Is sexual assault a crime and if so, why is he not charged?
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The back of Donald Trump's baseball card...

  • Makes demeaning comments toward women pretty regularly throughout his life. (Locker room or not. It still counts.)
  • Has acknowledged he can abuse his fame and money to sexually abuse women.
  • Shows low morale character generally in multiple forms
  • Has been accused of sexual assault

Hey now! Stop being hard on Mr.Trump! Why would you put any stock into these assumptions when Trump has such a glowing record? It's not like we can learn anything about who the man is based off of his words or actions. It's just the liberal media torching him for being the savior of old out of touch white man values.
(10-15-2016, 10:10 AM)xxlt Wrote: Have you seen the pictures of the hillbillies at his rallies wearing "Donald grab my snatch" and "Trump, grab my wormens *****"?! I go back and forth on the plant theory, with people like these and a handful of posters on here making me think he is a real candidate who will get real votes, maybe even some electoral votes. After all, everything is bigger in Texas, including ignorance...

This election, like many facets of society, is a direct reflection of reagan style defunding of our public school systems.  We have a lot of dumb ***** all over the country.  And a lot of people at the top of various institutions like it that way. 
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(10-15-2016, 09:14 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: He has now also said that the one from the plane isn't good looking enough for him to do that.

Not that groping is bad, but that she's not good looking enough to grope.

How does anyone defend this?

Did you see that the one is making plans to leave the country because of threats against her family by Trump supporters?
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-15-2016, 10:12 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Nope, I just assume innocence and it is not hypocritical. The whole time folks were lynching Hills for Bengazi, I gave and still give her the benefit of the doubt.

I have no intention to vote for Donald Trump if Evan McMullin wasn't on the ballot in my state, I would stay at home. 

I guess it's just my sense of "fair play" when I see dude getting attacked from all sides based on nothing more than assumptions and allegations. And there is much more than not voting for him. 

Is sexual assault a crime and if so, why is he not charged?

OK - for me it's first and foremost about not voting for him at this point. Which you obviously are not planning to do.

So while until now I thought you just defend your guy no mattter what out of blind loyalty - I now believe you really take this stance you take out of principle. Which I respect of course, I still do not share your take (for I think formal innocence is not the most important criteria here), but well. As long as you don't vote for him...

As for your last question, I do not know about prescription, how fast your justice system works and if US laws would cover a charge at this point. But as I see it, there might be some evidence for a serious case now, given that there are now also victims/witnesses. But as I said, I don't know your system too good - for all I know, there might as well something be brewing already.
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(10-15-2016, 12:36 PM)hollodero Wrote: OK - for me it's first and foremost about not voting for him at this point. Which you obviously are not planning to do.

So while until now I thought you just defend your guy no mattter what out of blind loyalty - I now believe you really take this stance you take out of principle. Which I respect of course, I still do not share your take (for I think formal innocence is not the most important criteria here), but well. As long as you don't vote for him...

As for your last question, I do not know about prescription, how fast your justice system works and if US laws would cover a charge at this point. But as I see it, there might be some evidence for a serious case now, given that there are now also victims/witnesses. But as I said, I don't know your system too good - for all I know, there might as well something be brewing already.

...and I have zero issue with whomever is the proper authority launching an official investigation. To be honest the easiest thing for Trump to do is say "screw you" I'm taking my hats and going home; however, it is my opinion that he feels he owes it to his support base to fight until the end, regardless how deplorable many think they are.

My hope is I never become open-minded enough to participate in such embellished disparagement. 
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(10-15-2016, 12:19 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Did you see that the one is making plans to leave the country because of threats against her family by Trump supporters?

Anyone that has made threats of violence of those that have come forward should be charged and tried. 
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(10-14-2016, 12:43 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Funny, I've been in a locker room or two myself and I have never heard anyone say: "I would hit that, after given full consent".

I am pretty sure I heard a person say...

"I am going to approach her in a public setting, ask if I could take her out on a date, wait until the third date to ask her permission to give her a chaste kiss, continue to date her for another year or so (obviously living separately the entire time), ask her father's permission to propose to her, take her out to a nice dinner, propose to her, wait another 6 months (still living separately, of course), get married, and then I am going to hit that for the first time on our wedding night before respecting and cherishing her for the rest of our lives."

If I am not mistaken, the person they were telling the story to said something like


Before giving them a fist bump... Isn't that how it is in the locker rooms you go to?


- - - - - - - - - - -

Joke aside, if it's proven Trump actually did this, by all means go after him. I always just take a grain of salt when people suddenly make claims 16 years later or whatnot when it could make them most famous/have the most likelihood of being financially incentivizing... and I don't even like Trump.

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(10-15-2016, 02:27 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Anyone that has made threats of violence of those that have come forward should be charged and tried. 

That makes sense, but they may have been convinced these woman are liars who are going to lead to election of a president they've been convinced will bring about the fall of western civilization. That's the problem with the hype machine, you get people all wound up and then want them to be held responsible for doing wrong things you don't want them to do.

It's hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube.
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(10-15-2016, 09:55 AM)xxlt Wrote: There is just one tiny problem: the victim never said the arm rest was moved. But keep defending sexual assault and denigrating women. You wear it well. Almost as well as DT himself.

"About 45 minutes after takeoff, she recalled, Mr. Trump lifted the armrest and began to touch her."

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(10-15-2016, 12:19 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Did you see that the one is making plans to leave the country because of threats against her family by Trump supporters?

No but people wonder why assault victims don't come forward.

Did you hear about the guy claiming he saw the plane incident? Claims she came on to him. Problem is, this guy has been caught twice lying to newspapers. Known Conservative party advocate in the U.K. Involved in supplying underage boys to politicians for sex parties when he was 17. Once caught making fake wedding engagements to newspapers.

Also sued some newspapers for libel when they reported he was resigning from a position amid a gay sex scandal. Problem? HE called the papers and made the claims. Lol, great character witness
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(10-15-2016, 04:36 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: No but people wonder why assault victims don't come forward.

Did you hear about the guy claiming he saw the plane incident? Claims she came on to him. Problem is, this guy has been caught twice lying to newspapers. Known Conservative party advocate in the U.K. Involved in supplying underage boys to politicians for sex parties when he was 17. Once caught making fake wedding engagements to newspapers.

Also sued some newspapers for libel when they reported he was resigning from a position amid a gay sex scandal. Problem? HE called the papers and made the claims. Lol, great character witness

Yeah, I saw that. Was good for a few laughs.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-15-2016, 10:07 AM)bfine32 Wrote: What you've made clear is that your opinions are based on assumptions. Not sure what is false about disputing things that you insert into the narrative. 

I'm not even arguing whether Trump was telling the truth or lying when he claimed these things.

I'm pointing out how hilarious it is hah you can't defend his comments, you're trying to compare them to completely different remarks and then are defending those remarks.

Whether or not I think he was telling the truth when he claimed to do this has nothing to do with your pathetic defense of man's boasting that he groped women.
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Some people are going to be really embarrassed by the lengths they went to defend this clown in a month when Hillary is the President Elect and he disowns the GOP. Party over integrity, lol
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(10-15-2016, 08:12 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I'm not even arguing whether Trump was telling the truth or lying when he claimed these things.

I'm pointing out how hilarious it is hah you can't defend his comments, you're trying to compare them to completely different remarks and then are defending those remarks.

Whether or not I think he was telling the truth when he claimed to do this has nothing to do with your pathetic defense of man's boasting that he groped women.

We'll just agree that pathetic is in the eye of the beholder; as I find it pathetic to just throw in without consent when you cannot even tell me what constitute consent in such talk.

From giddy up I said his comments did not sound good, but somehow with liberal logic I am condoning them because I refuse to make assumptions to what he said. The additional (what was the word you used) hilarious point is you are somehow suggesting that stating you touch someone is worse that saying you are going to screw them. 

You cannot refute Trump stating the women allowed his kissing and "groping" so you just ignore it. I long for the day I become an independent thinker. 
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(10-15-2016, 08:14 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Some people are going to be really embarrassed by the lengths they went to defend this clown in a month when Hillary is the President Elect and he disowns the GOP. Party over integrity, lol

Absolutely, because the first thing I think of when I think of the future President elect is integrity. Even though it was proven she cheated to get the nomination, those folks full of integrity stuck with her.
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(10-15-2016, 08:22 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Absolutely, because the first thing I think of when I think of the future President elect is integrity. Even though it was proven she cheated to get the nomination, those folks full of integrity stuck with her.

For real though. Who cares what Hillary said in 30,000 deleted emails. All I care about is what Trump said in one video tape.
(10-15-2016, 08:39 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: For real though. Who cares what Hillary said in 30,000 deleted emails. All I care about is what Trump said in one video tape.

This is because you have integrity, don't condone sexual assault, are a real man, and respect women.
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When you can't argue against something, you change the argument.

When you can't defend something, you change what you're defending.

I feel bad for them, but fortunately these people only have to defend this guy for less than 30 more days.
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She's just upset that Trump had someone else fingered for promotion.....wait, er, no that's not what I meant get your minds out of the gutter :)

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