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Live Presidential Debate Reactions
What are your thoughts on this last debate as it unfolds?
The wage gap has literally nothing to do with equal pay for equal work. I wish this lie would die already Whatever
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"I will not add a penny to the debt" Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious Hilarious
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Clinton foundation sounds like a terrorist fund.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Tax breaks for the rich. Works every time.
Hillary--prepared, collected, competent, focused.

Donald--angry, random, bitter, confused--"What a nasty woman"--can't commit to peaceful transmission of power if he loses. Unable to recall his own policy pronouncements, he denies them Clinton reminds him.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-20-2016, 01:00 AM)Dill Wrote: Hillary--prepared, collected, competent, focused.

Donald--angry, random, bitter, confused--"What a nasty woman"--can't commit to peaceful transmission of power if he loses. Unable to recall his own policy pronouncements, he denies them Clinton reminds him.

I was sitting there like "Dude, get back on the question asked of you !!".
Like jumping back into the deal with Japan/ect... protecting themselves or paying us back, when asked about college tuition/education.
If the dumb turd wanted to revisit that previous question, he could have used it to lead into saying that the money we saved from not protecting everyone could go to pay for college.
What a dolt !
Give me a name of a forum member and I will give you their reaction
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-20-2016, 01:16 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Give me a name of a forum member and I will give you their reaction

(10-20-2016, 01:16 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Give me a name of a forum member and I will give you their reaction


Now we can really play the game of "I never said that!" Mellow
Donald loses focus, mumbles and repeats himself. He doesn't sound like a president but he does call hillary out and I feel like he actually is truthful on many of what he says... But who knows. Politicians is slang for professional liar.

Hillary scares the crap out of me. I'm all for education but free college education for all families under 125,000? Does she realize the average family income in America is $50,000. Who in the world is going to pay for that...since she isn't adding anything to the deficit that will fall on the taxpayers. That is an incomprehendable amount of money. I'm all for better education especially at the very early age of childhood, but we need to focuse on trade, skill, etc especially if we are going to bring jobs back to America. Her open border policy is asinine!!!!! I agree America is great because of our diversity but there is a right and wrong way on how to become citizin.

In a perfect world, we would never have these two running against eachother. They would get steamrolled any any competent opponent. I'm probably voting trump... I think. I'd honestly rather not vote for either, but as a US citizizen that is the worst thing I can do.

But if you go by the devil you know vs the devil you don't... It's Hillary.

But Hillary is honestly the last person I want in office. Donald might be 2nd to last so I guess I am with him?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
This was Donald's best performance and he did a good job of keeping his poise for the first hour, other than the interruptions. He still outdid Hillary on those bigly.

Both of them engaged in a lot of deflection, Clinton answered more of the questions given to her and she actually attacked more than Trump last night, which was interesting. I didn't hear anything from Trump to sway undecideds, almost everything he said was more to rally his base. His comments about the election process could hurt him, but I doubt they will. His base is going to eat that up. His abortion stance has not been something that has been really at the forefront in the general election cycle, and it being brought up so bluntly could cause more problem with female voters. But overall I don't think either one will gain or lose any supporters based on last night's debate.

The winner, therefore, was clearly Chris Wallace. He did a fantastic job.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-20-2016, 08:51 AM)Bengalbug Wrote: Donald loses focus, mumbles and repeats himself.  He doesn't sound like a president but he does call hillary out and I feel like he actually is truthful on many of what he says... But who knows.  Politicians is slang for professional liar.  

Hillary scares the crap out of me. I'm all for education but free college education for all families under 125,000?  Does she realize the average family income in America is $50,000.  Who in the world is going to pay for that...since she isn't adding anything to the deficit that will fall on the taxpayers.  That is an incomprehendable amount of money.  I'm all for better education especially at the very  early age of childhood, but we need to focuse on trade, skill, etc especially if we are going to bring jobs back to America.  Her open border policy is asinine!!!!!  I agree America is great because of our diversity but there is a right and wrong way on how to become citizin.  

In a perfect world, we would never have these two running against eachother.  They would get steamrolled any any competent opponent.  I'm probably voting trump... I think.  I'd honestly rather not vote for either, but as a US citizizen that is the worst thing I can do.  

But if you go by the devil you know vs the devil you don't... It's Hillary.

But Hillary is honestly the last person I want in office.  Donald might be 2nd to last so I guess I am with him?

That 1st line is a problem.  He's not truthful.  He told Wallace he never said Japan should have nukes....and he said it Wallace in the first place.

He is the bigger liar.  Proven over and over again.

Heck his entire segment on the Clinton Foundation vs his foundation was an entire lie.  Virtually ever word he said.

Clinton has many flaws.  She lies too.  Trump is a loose cannon that has no idea what he is talking about...he just keeps talking.  
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-20-2016, 09:45 AM)GMDino Wrote: That 1st line is a problem.  He's not truthful.  He told Wallace he never said Japan should have nukes....and he said it Wallace in the first place.

He is the bigger liar.  Proven over and over again.

Heck his entire segment on the Clinton Foundation vs his foundation was an entire lie.  Virtually ever word he said.

Clinton has many flaws.  She lies too.  Trump is a loose cannon that has no idea what he is talking about...he just keeps talking.  

Here was my biggest takeaway from Clinton... And I pick on her more because she has the higher likeliness of being elected.

Free collage education to all families making under $125,000
Not going to add a penny to deficit 
Not going to raise taxes


Additionally, Since everyone is going to be educated who is going to work the manufacturing lines, trade, skill, etc when we bring those jobs back to America?  Surely it's not going to take a bachelors degree to weld?  

When I connect the dots on what her plan is, I only see more debt to myself (30 years old) and the future generation. Oddly enough it's our generation who will vote her into office.

I'm all for better education, and it is said that a majority of a child's education is learned by 3rd grade. Our focus needs to be on early education not college. College is great, don't get me wrong, and I am lucky to have a degree.  But if we can't educate kids young then college is irrelevant.  Our education issue isn't college it's elementary.  It's families not teaching kids importance of school.  

Anyway, I am not picking on Hillary and not trump. I am picking on Hillary because she is clearly the more likely to be elected.  I am not happy about that, and I wouldn't necessarily be happy with trump either.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-20-2016, 09:53 AM)Bengalbug Wrote: Here was my biggest takeaway from Clinton... And I pick on her more because she has the higher likeliness of being elected.

Free collage education to all families making under $125,000
Not going to add a penny to deficit 
Not going to raise taxes


I file this under "campaign promises" and don't think it can ever happen. But for the sake of discussion she has proposed raising taxes. Something many officials are afraid to do.

But, again, I think this is a pipe dream.

(10-20-2016, 09:53 AM)Bengalbug Wrote: Additionally, Since everyone is going to be educated who is going to work the manufacturing lines, trade, skill, etc when we bring those jobs back to America?  Surely it's not going to take a bachelors degree to weld?  

I agree. If a plan like hers or Sanders' applied to trade schools I'd be behind it a LOT more.

(10-20-2016, 09:53 AM)Bengalbug Wrote: When I connect the dots on what her plan is, I only see more debt to myself (30 years old) and the future generation.  Oddly enough it's our generation who will vote her into office.

I'm all for better education, and it is said that a majority of a child's education is learned by 3rd grade. Our focus needs to be on early education not college. College is great, don't get me wrong, and I am lucky to have a degree.  But if we can't educate kids young then college is irrelevant.  Our education issue isn't college it's elementary.  It's families not teaching kids importance of school.  

Anyway, I am not picking on Hillary and not trump. I am picking on Hillary because she is clearly the more likely to be elected.  I am not happy about that, and I wouldn't necessarily be happy with trump either.  

I graduated from college 25 years ago. Private college. $48,000 for all four years. I paid back one small and one large loan. The small one in three years. The big one in ten.

There are a MULTITUDE of reasons college debt is as bad as it is. One is government money in the first place. Any significant change will require more pain than I think anyone is willing to go through to make it happen.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
My takeaway from this whole train wreck of an election process is that in the next election or so, somebody who is intelligent enough that is an outsider is going to come in and win an election.

I watched this debate last night and thought if any of us said and acted like the way the debate played out, we would be out of a job!
“On the day when I was in the Situation Room monitoring the raid that brought Osama bin Laden to justice, he was hosting 'The Celebrity Apprentice'"
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
My takeaway from this last debate was that nothing new was said. I swear, it seemed as if both were repeating the same old crap that they did in the last debate only less on Trump's statements on more on the Wikileaks stuff.
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I love how Donald clearly cant let things go like some child who is stuck in 2nd grade. At first it was scary because this guy could've been president but now I'm really enjoying watching this guy and all of his supporters crash and burn as reality hits them like a ton of bricks.

Hillary - "Donald claims something is rigged every time he loses something. You can even go as far back to the days when he was whining about not winning a third emmy for Celebrity Apprentice."

Donald - "And I should've won that too!"


Way to prove her point moron.

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